Removing warts with liquid nitrogen: how the procedure is performed and its effectiveness

Warts appear on the face, fingers, feet, and body. The occurrence of the neoplasm is surrounded by numerous speculations. There are a lot of folk signs that explain the appearance of warts - there is wealth, good news, and much more. However, the real reason is skin infection by a virus.

Removing warts with liquid nitrogen

The development of the neoplasm occurs against the background of decreased immunity, which significantly “facilitates” the invasion of the virus, increases the risk of infection and the growth of papillomas and warts. And this means that the main reason may be hidden behind skin manifestations. The well-known expression that the skin is a mirror of the condition of the internal organs should make you wary and seek advice from a doctor.

One of the reasons for the development of neoplasms is weak immunity.

Benign formations can degenerate into malignant ones and threaten human life. A reasonable and necessary precaution is to contact a medical professional and follow their recommendations.

Therefore, if such formations appear on the skin, their color, surface character, quantity, or size change, you must be careful and contact a medical facility. Changes in the skin often indicate internal illness. In any case, the problem is best treated if detected early.

The appearance of such neoplasms is a reason to consult a doctor.

Important ! Every person, organizing his life, strives to maintain his protective forces. Natural immunity is an important factor in the health of the skin and its appendages. The stronger the body, the less chance viruses and other pathogens have. However, the appearance of warts indicates a certain “failure” of the natural mechanism.

It is important to pay attention to the immune system, which is the body’s natural defender.

Modern medicine offers reliable diagnosis and effective treatment of warts. To eliminate the tumor, you can resort to several methods. One of them is cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen. What is the method? How painful is it? Is it possible for warts to reappear after this treatment?

You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Types of warts

Medical specialists distinguish several types of warts depending on their location, the age of the patients, and the properties of the virus. So, warts are distinguished:

  • vulgar (translated from Latin into Russian - ordinary);
  • by localization – palmar-plantar;
  • juvenile – most often occur in children, adolescents, girls and boys and are characterized by a flat surface, round or irregular shape;
  • genital warts with a characteristic location in the area of ​​the external genitalia, intergluteal and inguinal folds;
  • Senile skin changes associated with aging.

There are several types of warts

Viral warts are one of the most widespread infectious skin pathologies. Statistics show that women and children most often seek medical help. This fact in no way indicates that this group is at risk for uncleanliness.

Important ! The most likely reason for this selectivity of the virus is the thin skin of the fairer sex and children.

Viral warts are common in women and children

Children are often exposed to microtraumas while playing and interacting with pets. The risk of skin growths in patients of a younger age group also increases the risk of imperfection of the immune system and its ongoing development. Children's skin is physiologically “thinner”, as it has three layers. In adults, the skin has five layers with different functions.

Warts occur after careless actions or as a result of infection

Age-related warts reveal themselves as darker in color. Externally, they look like a brown or gray-black, round or oval formation on the skin, which rises several millimeters above it.

Important ! The reason is a slowdown in the physiological regeneration of the skin, disturbances in the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Darker colored warts are considered age related.

Genital warts look like papillary growths of pink color and elastic consistency. They are characterized by ulceration of the surface and the presence of an unpleasant odor.

According to experts, the characteristic localization of warts indicates neglect of personal hygiene rules. This version is confirmed by the data that in 60% of cases the pathogen - HPV infection - is transmitted sexually through contact with an infected person.

The main reason for the problem is neglect of personal hygiene

To confirm the diagnosis, HPV tests are performed and, if the result is positive, complex treatment is prescribed. It includes agents for local use, as well as systemic action: antiviral drugs, immunomodulators.

It is believed that flat or juvenile warts have the most favorable course. They owe their name to their appearance: small, multiple nodules, similar in color to healthy skin. They are called juvenile because such formations are more often found in children and adolescents of both sexes. The most typical locations are arms, legs, face.

Important ! Such skin manifestations should not be ignored, especially when they spread over large areas of the body.

We need to deal with this problem as quickly as possible

The most common type is wart vulgaris. Despite the fact that when translated into Russian they are referred to as “simple” or “ordinary”, the causative agent is also HPV.

Infection occurs through injury to the skin. Once in favorable conditions, the pathogen actively reproduces. After a few months, a wart appears.

Vulgar warts of a round shape can most often be seen in people

Important ! Simple warts are round in shape. They rise above the skin level. The size can range from 2 to 5 mm or more (on average no more than 1 cm).

This variety has the appearance of growths, that is, the rashes are multiple in nature. The appearance of one wart entails the appearance of a daughter wart located next to the first. A characteristic phenomenon is “kissing” warts - the elements are located opposite each other and are constantly in contact. A common example is warts located on two adjacent fingers.

Warts can grow and increase in number and size

The spread of the process on the skin is a sign of virus multiplication. Timely diagnosis and elimination of the cause in one of the following ways is important for maintaining the health of the skin and the body as a whole.

Treatment methods help eliminate all known types of warts. The liquid nitrogen cryodestruction technique is simple and effective. It provides a deep effect on the local area of ​​the skin by freezing the damaged area.

Liquid nitrogen freezes the wart, making it easier to get rid of

Nitrogen storage and transportation

Nitrogen is released in accordance with GOST 9293 in gaseous and liquid forms. For welding and plasma cutting, gaseous grades 1 (99.6% N2) and grade 2 (99.0% N2) are used.

It is stored and transported in a compressed state in steel cylinders in accordance with GOST 949.

The cylinders are painted black with the inscription “NITROGEN” in yellow letters on the top cylindrical part.


So, in order to “see” a wart, you need to know its characteristic signs:

  • as a rule, such a formation does not hurt;
  • size can vary from several mm to 1 cm;
  • the formation may be single or part of a growth (the latter include vulgar warts or genital warts);
  • looks like a growth, rises above the skin;

    The wart usually rises somewhat above the skin

  • surface without skin pattern;
  • depending on the age of the person, it can be smooth or rough, flaky;
  • to the touch is defined as dense, hard;
  • the color in young patients does not differ from healthy skin, in older patients it may have a dark color;
  • most often localized on the hands, for example, due to frequent skin trauma.

Warts often appear in the area of ​​the hands

Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy

Liquid nitrogen has high therapeutic activity, the method of its use is simple, convenient and gives good cosmetic results.

The basis of the therapeutic effect of liquid nitrogen is its low temperature. Depending on the method of application, its effect on tissue may be different.

In some cases, freezing causes destruction and death of tissue, in others only a narrowing of blood vessels with the subsequent expansion of not only active but also reserve capillaries, which significantly increases blood flow to the site of application (M.A. Levin).

Destruction and death of tissues is observed when exposed to liquid nitrogen for the purpose of deep freezing of the removed tumor. In these cases, there should be a longer exposure (more than 30 seconds) with the applicator tightly fixed over the element to be removed under slight pressure. In cases where it is necessary to create a vascular reaction, to have a more superficial effect on the skin, liquid nitrogen is applied briefly (10-15 seconds) in the form of cryomassage .

Wart removal

Wart removal procedures:

  • the use of a surgical laser ensures safety, moderate pain, and effectiveness;
  • cryodestruction – deep cauterization with liquid nitrogen;
  • electrocoagulation - under the influence of high-frequency current, the wart is cut off and the vessels are coagulated to avoid bleeding;
  • classic method of excision of a tumor with a scalpel.

There are different ways to remove warts

Important ! Even in the recent past, the main method was the use of surgery with skin dissection and a long period of rehabilitation. Potential complications included infection and the formation of rough scars. At the current stage of development of medical cosmetology, advanced technologies are used that combine safety and reliability.

Preventing complications

Before cryotherapy is performed, the patient undergoes a series of tests and tests to determine the malignancy of the tumor. After the cryomassage procedure has been carried out and the wart has turned black, you should not use cosmetics or go out in the sun to prevent discoloration of the spot and the formation of a pigment spot. You need to follow the doctor's recommendations and treat the blister and scab after it. After the operation, in order to achieve a lasting result and to avoid relapses, they take a course to improve immunity and take vitamins.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a dermatologist?

You should think about removing warts in the following cases:

  • “unsuccessful” localization of the wart, in which there is a constant risk of injury – neck, armpit area, groin, eyelids, fingers, sole;
  • discomfort from an aesthetic point of view;
  • bleeding from a wart due to injury or without it;
  • complaints of itching, tingling, pain in the area of ​​formation;
  • an increase in the size, number, shape, surface, color of warts.

In certain cases it is better to go to a dermatologist

Indications for facial cryomassage

Cryomassage sessions with liquid nitrogen are recommended for both women and men of any age category.

This procedure is effective for the following indications:

  • Expression and age wrinkles.
  • Acne, acne and post-acne.
  • Demodicosis, rosacea.
  • Allergic rashes.
  • Acne, skin inflammation.
  • Pigmentation.
  • Enlarged pores on the face.
  • Presence of swelling.
  • Excessive fat content.
  • They also shaved my double chin.

Cryomassage of the face is often combined with rejuvenation procedures such as ultrasound and mechanical facial cleansing, Botox injections and consolidation of the results of plastic surgery, resurfacing, photoepilation, various types of peeling, etc.

Description of the method

Cryodestruction is carried out in two ways. With hardware, a special instrument is used - a cryoprobe or a technical medical cryoapplicator, through which liquid nitrogen is supplied.

In the manual method, cryodestruction is carried out using cotton wool on a wooden stick. This method is used most often in medical clinics and offices.

Manual cryodestruction is extremely popular today

Important ! The manipulation can be carried out under local anesthesia if the wart is large in size, found in an area of ​​sensitive skin, in pediatric patients.

Liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area by applying pressure with a cotton swab for 10-40 seconds. If necessary, re-cauterization is performed.

You need to cauterize the wart with liquid nitrogen for 10-40 seconds

After cryodestruction, the skin becomes pale and dense. Then redness, swelling appears, and a bubble with yellowish or reddish-yellow contents forms in the cauterized area.

The latter dissolves on its own within a week, leaving behind a crust. After two weeks, the crust peels off painlessly, forming a pale pink spot on the skin.

After the procedure, a crust remains on the skin

When treating flat warts, the skin shading technique is used. With quick, gentle movements, the doctor moves over the affected area, using low pressure. A slight discoloration appears in the treatment area.

Important ! The manipulation is repeated 3-4 times with breaks of several minutes. After 5-7 days, the skin darkens, begins to peel off, and the formation disappears.

Cauterization of warts located on the sole

Warts on the sole may not appear for a long time. But as the tumor grows into deeper layers, complaints of discomfort and pain when walking appear. A common location is the sole in the heel area, the pads of the toes. Children often suffer from warts on the soles.

When performing cryodestruction in the area of ​​the sole, exposure to ammonia lasts longer, the pressure on the wart is greater, and therefore the pain is more pronounced.

Using ammonia causes more pain during the procedure

It is also necessary to take into account that in this case repeated treatments are required according to the scheme of 2-3 sessions every 2-4 days. In unfavorable cases, treatment may take up to 4-6 months. The healing and rehabilitation period may take several weeks, as pain and swelling make it difficult to step on the painful area of ​​the foot.

What is liquid nitrogen

In recent years, liquid nitrogen has been increasingly used in the practice of dermatologists and cosmetologists.

At the Moscow Research Institute of Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, liquid nitrogen has been used since 1960 for the treatment of vulgar, plantar and flat warts, papillomas, senile keratosis, hypertrophic scars, vulgar acne, rosacea, as well as for the treatment of some forms of alopecia.

Liquid nitrogen is a transparent liquid, colorless and odorless, with a boiling point of -195.8 °C at normal atmospheric pressure, non-flammable, and does not explode. When 1 liter of liquid nitrogen evaporates, approximately 700 liters of gaseous nitrogen is formed.

To store liquid nitrogen, special tanks are used - Dewar flasks with a volume of 6 to 40 liters. For medical institutions, it is better to use vessels from the Korosten Chemical Engineering Plant SK-6 (capacity 6 l) and SK-16 (capacity 16 l). They are convenient for transportation; liquid nitrogen can be stored in them for up to 35 days (for SK-16).

To work in a medical beauty salon, you can use a regular (food grade) thermos with a capacity of 0.5-2 liters (a thermos with a stainless steel flask is recommended). Liquid nitrogen is poured from Dewar flasks into a thermos through a funnel or using a special overflow device (like a siphon).

Healing period

After the bubble appears, do not allow the wound to become wet or injure. For faster healing, you can apply medicinal solutions as recommended by your doctor. They help dry the wound surface. Once the tissue has been exfoliated, treatment can be stopped.

It is necessary to apply solutions during the healing of warts

It is important to maintain personal hygiene without damaging the wound. To do this, it is enough to protect it from external influences with a gauze cloth, and secure it on top with an adhesive plaster or bandage. Do not apply the adhesive plaster directly to the wound.

A small blister heals on its own - there is no need to puncture it or try to quickly shrink it. It must be taken into account that under the contents of the bladder there is an active process of wound healing.

Important ! If it is interrupted, the skin will lose its protection and begin to crack; it will take longer to recover.

You have to wait for the bubble to burst

After 5-6 days, the bubble opens on its own, possibly during sleep or active movements of the hands.

If there are no signs of inflammation, no healing agents need to be applied. It takes another 5-7 days for a crust to form, under which safe skin restoration will continue.

The crust is the first sign of the beginning of skin restoration

When treating small warts, the cauterization time is no more than two to three seconds. No blisters form on the skin. This does not mean that there was no therapeutic effect.

All other signs of exposure to liquid nitrogen remain - pain, redness, swelling.

Important ! A single cauterization of small formations with nitrogen leads to a cure. Larger warts must be treated repeatedly.

The number of procedures depends on the size of the wart

When treating foot warts, it is necessary to keep the body clean. Washing your feet prevents contamination of the wound. If you have questions about care after cauterization, it is better to consult a doctor. Individual characteristics should be taken into account in each individual case.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient

Preventing the spread of warts includes maintaining good personal hygiene. Infection with the virus occurs through contact and household contact: through towels, sponges, and other personal hygiene items.

Important ! After cryodestruction, socks, indoor and outdoor shoes should be changed or disinfected. This will help avoid re-infection.

After the procedure, you need to change shoes and socks or disinfect them

Features of nitrogen production

Nitrogen is always present around us. So in the earth’s atmosphere there is at least 75% of this gas; it is necessary for the human body to carry out many metabolic processes. A high percentage of this substance is found in proteins, amino acids, and hemoglobin.

During the era of active industrial development, nitrogen was obtained from Chilean nitrate. But with the decrease in the amount of this mineral, humanity is using inexhaustible atmospheric reserves.

There are two atoms in one gas molecule. At the same time, they are very firmly connected to each other. It is impossible to form a connection with other elements until the atomic bond is broken. Today you can buy liquid nitrogen, which is obtained from air and brought to a liquid or gaseous state.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Positive aspects of cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen:

  • relatively affordable prices;
  • short duration of the procedure;
  • there is no need to pre-prepare the patient;
  • the freezing effect acts as a prevention of the spread of infection;
  • minimal possibility of scar formation after manipulation.

The procedure has its advantages

The disadvantages of the method include the following:

  • during application, the patient may experience tingling and burning;
  • During healing, slight itching may occur;
  • the need for anesthesia during manipulation in particularly sensitive areas in children;
  • pain persists for up to two days, analgesics may be required;
  • when the process spreads deeply, repeated cauterization is required.

Cryodestruction has its disadvantages

Before cryodestruction, the tumor must be examined. It is necessary to exclude malignant degeneration of the wart. Diagnostic tests are performed if necessary.

Potential complications after cryodestruction:

  • overreaction;
  • complaints of severe pain during and after manipulation;
  • swelling in the wound area;
  • necrosis of tissue around the wart.

Possible serious complications

Benefits of freezing

Before you decide to remove warts, you need to understand the benefits of liquid nitrogen. As the doctors and patients who decided to undergo this procedure say, it is tolerated quite easily. Moreover, in some cases, when removing formations, anesthesia is not even used. You should decide whether to use local anesthesia together with your doctor at your appointment.

Experts say that thanks to the use of ultra-low temperatures, the risk of spreading, and even more so introducing, infection is minimized. The result of the procedure is visible immediately, and scars practically do not remain in the place of former warts, for the removal of which liquid nitrogen was used. The cost of the procedure, according to most patients, is low. Everyone can afford it.

The advantages also include high efficiency. Only in particularly difficult cases are several sessions performed. For example, this is necessary if you have plantar warts. All of them have a multilayer structure and are located deep in the skin layers, so to completely remove them the procedure is repeated several times.

Features of the procedure from the patients' point of view

Each person handles treatment differently. Despite the fact that people react individually, most note the following features.

Pain is described as ranging from mild to severe. This is often due to age - adults tolerate pain more calmly than children and adolescents. Despite the different pain thresholds, most patients note that the discomfort goes away within 2-3 days.

Each person can feel discomfort differently

Patients consider wound healing through the formation of a bubble to be an unpleasant experience. There is a need to be careful during water procedures and beware of additional injury to the treated area.

Positive reviews evaluate cryodestruction as a technically simple and effective method. Patients understand the sometimes necessary need for re-treatment. Some believe that timely prescribed immunomodulators and vitamin preparations contributed to better wound healing.

Important ! Patients note that after healing, there are no rough scars or scars left on the skin.

The skin becomes cleaner and no traces of procedures are visible on it

A large role is given to the doctor and his professional qualities, including the ability to explain the features of the procedure and answer questions. The attentiveness of the medical staff calms the patient, gives him confidence, and helps him recover faster.

Thus, if skin tumors appear in one area of ​​the body, and especially if they cause discomfort, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis based on it and suggest the necessary treatment.

If you experience any discomfort, you should see a doctor

Indications for tumor removal

If a strange growth appears, a person who cares about the health of their skin will consult a doctor for advice. He will determine whether it is worth getting rid of the growth, and whether liquid nitrogen can be used in this case. Having examined the papilloma and its location, the doctor will decide how to remove it. Indications for removal with liquid nitrogen are the following cases:

  • the color, shape and size of the wart have changed;
  • the tumor grows in a place where it is often injured and interferes, pressure is applied to it;
  • the wart became inflamed and pus and ichor began to be released, an unpleasant odor appeared;
  • papilloma looks bad and is located where it is visible to other people;
  • uncontrolled and rapid reproduction occurs;
  • The occurrence of plantar warts causes pain when walking.

How much does it cost to cauterize warts with nitrogen?

The price tag for a wart removal service is determined depending on the pricing policy of the medical organization, the qualifications of the doctor, the region, the number of tumors, their location, and the type of wart.

Clinics in central Russia offer cryodestruction of one element for 380 rubles. The intervention is carried out only after a preliminary consultation with an oncologist, which is provided for 700 rubles.

The inspection fee is not too high

Type of procedurePrice
Cryodestruction of formations on the legUp to 3 mm - 150 rubles, from 4 to 6 mm - 250 rubles, from 7 to 9 mm - 500 rubles
Cryodestruction of neoplasms on the oral mucosa, lips, tongue, eyelidUp to 3 mm – 900 rubles, from 4 to 6 mm – 1200 rubles, from 7 to 9 mm – 1500 rubles.

The price justifies the result

Interesting ! Clinics usually offer discounts when several items are removed.

As already mentioned, the qualifications of a medical specialist are crucial. The practical experience and skills of the doctor ensure rapid healing, the expected aesthetic effect and the absence of complications.

Once the diagnosis is established, contraindications are excluded. When removing warts using the cryodestruction method, these can be:

  • individual nitrogen intolerance;
  • trauma, skin irritation, elements of a rash around the wart;
  • acute viral or bacterial infections;
  • signs of an inflammatory process: high temperature, chills, changes in general condition;
  • history of convulsive syndrome;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases that occur with complications from breathing and circulation;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pregnancy period.

Contraindications should be taken into account by the doctor

Contraindications to the use of liquid nitrogen

Cauterization of neoplasms with nitrogen is a safe method of getting rid of skin growths that interfere with the full functioning of the human body. Like any other outpatient procedure, cryodestruction of warts has contraindications. By following them, you can safely remove warts even from children over 4 years of age. Contraindications:

  • allergy to cold, liquid nitrogen and predisposition to vasospasms;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • damage near the papilloma, rash and irritated skin.

Modern methods of wart removal

Many of us prefer to skip the clinic visit. Stops fear of pain. Information about possible complications adds to doubts. At the heart of the difficulty is the lack of objective information.

The pharmacy chain offers a selection of products for cauterizing warts at home. Among them are compositions containing celandine juice or extract, solutions based on alkalis and acids. Each of them has indications, contraindications, and features of use.

In pharmacies you can find everything you need for home cauterization of warts.

The “Super Clean” cosmetic product is based on alkali, which has a local exfoliating effect. It is important to follow the recommendations - pre-steam the object and lubricate the skin around the wart with a rich cream to prevent burns to healthy skin. A 3 ml product costs about 45 – 50 rubles.

Cosmetic product "Superclean"

"Verrukacid" is a phenol-based cauterizing agent that coagulates proteins in tissues. A 2 g dark glass bottle with an applicator costs 190 – 207 rubles.


The drug "CryoPharma" freezes the wart in one application. Available in the form of an aerosol can containing a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane. “CryoPharma spray” with a volume of 35 ml produced in Holland costs 876 rubles.


"Solcoderm" is a solution with local necrotizing action. The recommendations contain a special note about carrying out the first treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist. A package with one 2 ml ampoule costs about 900 – 1000 rubles.


These products are designed for use independently according to the attached instructions.

Important ! To make a decision, it is also necessary to exclude contraindications and take into account side effects. And you should start with a diagnosis, which can only be established by a medical specialist. Thus, carrying out manipulation at home is fraught with potential problems.

It is better to check with a doctor before the procedure

How much does it cost: price of the procedure

The average price of 1 procedure performed using an applicator ranges from 500 to 900 rubles .

Hardware cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen is more expensive: from 1.5 to 5.5 thousand rubles .

When choosing a place for cryotherapy, pay attention to the fact that the specialist performing nitrogen massage has a medical education and a certificate that confirms his right to provide such services.

Before cryomassage of the face, it is also recommended to consult with a doctor, who will determine the indications and contraindications, and make a conclusion about the advisability of such a procedure in your particular case.

Patient reviews

Semyon, Krasnodar

“My school friend works as a doctor. On his advice, I decided to remove the wart on my ring finger so that there would be no more of them. In addition, it was unpleasant for me purely from an aesthetic point of view. Despite the warning that it would hurt, I didn't expect it to hurt this much. It feels no less than a burn. The pain is acute and does not go away immediately, but seems to get stronger. The next day a bubble appeared, with redness and swelling all around. I tried not to injure myself. After 5 days, the bubble opened, the wound began to dry out, and after about 7-8 days the crust fell off. A pale pink spot remains at the site of the wart. It’s good that I deleted it, but I don’t want to repeat anything.”

People are happy with the chance to get rid of warts, although they note that some discomfort was felt during the procedure

Alexandra, Samara

“I went to a cosmetic clinic to remove a wart on my neck. Only 10 pieces. After the consultation, the doctor explained that all warts can be treated in one session. The procedure turned out to be quite tolerable. The doctor cauterized the warts with a cotton swab dipped in liquid nitrogen. It was unpleasant, but I didn’t feel any acute pain. After the session at home, I saw that the skin was red, but there were no blisters. After a few days, the redness disappeared, and the papillomas began to darken and fall off. After a week and a half, everything healed, there were no papillomas left.”

Cost of services in salons


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
Family Clinicst. Sergius of Radonezh, 5/2, p. 1 1 160+7
Salon "Lady-M"st. Petrozavodskaya, 11, building 1 800+7
Beauty and health club "Gioconda"Khvalynsky Boulevard, 2850+7

Saint Petersburg

Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
MedicalMoskovsky prospect, 73, building 41 000+7
Medical clinic "NJ med"Sredny prospect, 85, lit.U700+7
Beauty studio “Pro Visage”st. Composers, 10 450+7


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
Clinic "Be Healthy"st. Turgeneva, 96 935+7
Clinic "Cosmet"st. 40 years of Victory, 116 500+7
Multidisciplinary medicalst. Severnaya, 315 1 800+7


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
Medicalst. Dachnaya, 8 400+7
Clinic "Skinerica"st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 72 800+7
Cosmetology "Lalin"st. 1st Circular, 91 550+7

Nizhny Novgorod

Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
MedicalLenin Avenue, 72650+7
Cosmetology clinic “WHITE Beauty Clinic”Zarechny Boulevard, 4550+7
Beauty salon "Manific Plaza"st. Varvarskaya, 6A 700+7


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
Cosmetology clinic “VrnCOSMO”st. Kholzunova, 38 600+7
Multidisciplinary clinic "Sova"st. Nikitinskaya, 52 450+7
Cryostudio “Life Energy”st. Pushkinskaya, 10 400+7


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
st. Rokossovsky, 38 350+7
Health and beauty salon “Style”st. Karl Marx, 5 550+7
Clinic "Panacea"st. Profsoyuznaya, 15B 470+7


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
Beauty studio "Fit-and-Beauty"st. Mikheeva, 2 600+7
Beauty salon "Alliance"st. Karl Marx, 60 500+7
Cosmetology office "COSMETOLOGY FOR YOU"st. Aviatsionnaya, 59, of. 5 550+7


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
International medicalst. Flotskaya, 8a 550+7
Beauty salon "Tais"st. Chkalova, 32A 300+7
"Clinic of Doctor Krotov"st. Bolshaya Fedorovskaya, 29/1 300+7


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPriceTelephone
Center for Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine "Triomed"st. Krasnoflotskaya embankment, 17 400+7
Beauty salon "Beauty Academy"Pobedy Avenue, 27500+7
Narnia Spast. Simeonovskaya, 33a 700+7

Photos before and after

Photos before and after wart removal with liquid nitrogen No. 1

Photos before and after wart removal with liquid nitrogen No. 2

Photos before and after wart removal with liquid nitrogen No. 3

Complications and consequences of treatment

Burning with liquid nitrogen if the operation is performed incorrectly or with poor aftercare can have negative consequences. When a large wart is removed, it is important to choose the right experienced doctor and a good clinic.

Patients who entrusted their body to an incompetent doctor complain of large abscesses that developed after exposure to nitrogen not only on the growth, but also on a large area of ​​healthy skin.

Without calculating the depth, the neoplasm cannot be burned out, as this can affect living, healthy tissue and necrosis will develop. If improper care is taken after surgery, a scar or inflammatory process appears.

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