Radio wave removal of tumors: how and what is done

Warts are benign skin growths that definitely don’t look good on anyone. They most often appear on the palms, soles, fingers and toes, as well as the face and neck. Warts can grow, become injured, change, and even degenerate. Attempting to remove warts on your own can lead to infection and serious complications.

Causes of appearance Removal methods Types Destruction methods Nitrogen Radio waves Laser Electrocoagulation Specialists Prices

Effective methods for removing warts

You can and should get rid of warts for a number of reasons.

  • Contagiousness
    . Warts (more precisely, the papillomavirus that causes them) are contagious. A person with warts on the skin is a potential source of danger to others. It can infect both loved ones and complete strangers (especially when visiting swimming pools, saunas, fitness centers, public toilets and other places where there is a warm, humid environment).
  • Tendency to injury and infection
    . Warts on the face are often injured during shaving, cosmetic procedures, and simply from careless actions. Any physical activity can lead to injury to tumors, even if they are located under clothing. And this is an open gate for infection, which can result in both relatively harmless suppuration and something more serious.
  • Tendency to spread
    . Warts “multiply” over time. Over time, new warts may appear next to the primary tumor, and in large numbers. The more tumors, the more expensive and complex the treatment.

At the CELSIUM Clinic medical center, warts are removed with liquid nitrogen and also with radio waves. These methods have proven their effectiveness: after removal, warts disappear completely, wounds heal quickly, and the risk of keloid scar formation tends to zero. It is enough to follow the doctor’s recommendations, and soon there will be no trace left of unpleasant tumors!

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Features of the procedure

Radio wave removal of small warts can be done without anesthesia, but large ones are better numbed

In one session, the doctor usually manages to remove all warts. And it’s not worth leaving small ones to grow. They can spread viruses to those places where there are wounds after removal, and thus contribute to relapse.

The radio wave method promotes faster healing of wounds. However, the size, location, and age greatly influence how many days it takes for the wound to heal after removal of the wart with surgitron. Small wounds heal most quickly (from one week) on the face and hands. But, on the foot, after a plantar wart, wound healing can take more than a month. And this is very good for such wounds.

It is necessary to make an appointment in advance, and it is better to even specify the approximate number of warts to be removed. So that the doctor does not rush, the next patients do not wait.

Reasons for appearance

The root cause of the appearance of any warts is only one: the presence of the human papillomavirus in the human blood. HPV is the most common group of viruses on the planet: according to various sources, various strains of papillomavirus are present in the blood of most of the world's population.

Different strains of papillomavirus can cause tumors. These can be either benign warts, condylomas or papillomas, or malignant formations.

That is why the appearance of any skin tumor, as well as a change in its appearance or size, is a good reason to consult a dermatologist. What if what seems like a harmless wart is a symptom of a much more serious disease?

Types of warts

The most common are warts.

  • Vulgar (ordinary)
    . They are flat or hemispherical neoplasms of flesh color and are localized mainly on the hands. Painless, do not bleed.
  • Plantar
    . Very dense formations that visually resemble calluses and are located on the soles of the feet. When removed, a plantar wart leaves a crater that is filled with normal tissue over time. The larger and “older” the wart is, the more painful it causes when walking and pressing. Patients often refer to plantar warts as spiny warts.
  • Flat youthful
    . They are located mainly on open areas of the skin (including the face). More common in children and adolescents. Visually they appear as flat formations of a flesh-colored or yellowish-brown color.
  • Anogenital
    . A group of warts found primarily on the genitals. The most common form is genital warts. Unlike other forms, the main route of infection is sexual. Anogenital warts can be transmitted even through protected sexual intercourse.

Hardware destruction methods

Some warts may involute spontaneously (that is, disappear without outside intervention), but when or if this will happen is impossible to predict.

Dermatologists recommend removing warts, even if they do not cause discomfort. Moreover, now it is extremely rare to resort to a scalpel when removing small benign tumors. Hardware methods are less invasive, simple, safe and characterized by a short recovery period after manipulation.


Warts must be removed by a doctor using special equipment. The procedure involves several successive steps:

  • Anesthesia. An anesthetic cream or injection is usually used. When using the cream, it is important to wait for its action to begin - most often this takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Removal of formation. Exposure to radio waves allows you to completely separate the pathological area.
  • Apply a bandage to the treated skin area.

Before the procedure, the doctor will tell you about possible restrictions and give recommendations for skin care.

Removing warts with nitrogen

One of the oldest and cheapest methods of wart removal is cryodestruction. Removing warts with liquid nitrogen has been practiced for many decades with consistent success. Despite the emergence of innovative methods, the removal of warts with nitrogen is still included in the range of services of medical clinics. According to many doctors, for some tumors (for example, plantar warts), cryodestruction is the optimal treatment method.

The essence of the method is to “freeze” the neoplasm: it is exposed to an applicator with liquid nitrogen. As a result of cryogenic exposure, neoplasm cells are irreversibly destroyed.

The effect is virtually painless, and the need for anesthesia is extremely rare. Complete tissue restoration occurs within 2-6 weeks after the intervention, and there is no need to care for the problem area of ​​the skin: the affected area recovers on its own. The risks of scarring are even lower than when using hardware methods.

Unfortunately, liquid nitrogen wart removal may not be applicable to all areas. For example, nitrogen cannot be used for cryodestruction of tumors on the eyelids, near the eyes and on the mucous membranes.

One of the disadvantages of cryodestruction is that it is not always possible to remove a wart in one procedure, which means you may need several visits to the doctor.

What is a polyp?

The polyp is not a viral disease caused by HPV.

A polyp is a formation that appears as a result of the growth of the mucous membrane of an organ. Polyps only superficially resemble internal warts that appear on organs that have a mucous membrane.

Polyps can occur in the nose, stomach, intestines, uterus and cervix.

There are three main types of polyps:

  • Inflammatory (occurring in the area of ​​inflammation).
  • Neoplastic (appearing from atypical cells that “survived” degenerative changes)
  • Hyperplastic (appearing as a result of the proliferation of healthy organ tissue).

In addition, polyps are classified according to their form:

  • Polyps “pedunculated”. They are attached to the lining of the organ through a thin process called a stalk.
  • “Sessile” polyps that have a wide base.

Radio wave removal of warts

Removal of tumors using radio waves is an advanced method for treating clinical manifestations of HPV. The device generates radio waves, which are fed to an electrode in the form of a ball, diamond or loop. A doctor armed with a “radio knife” precisely excises the tumor, leaving healthy tissue intact. The intervention is performed under local anesthesia.

Tissue restoration occurs quickly (even faster than after laser); after removal, the wart disappears without a trace, without scars or age spots. Another significant advantage of this method is its versatility: radio waves can be used on any part of the body, including the most delicate ones (eyelids, near the eyes, mucous membranes, genitals, scalp).

High-tech equipment capable of generating radio waves of specified parameters is successfully used in various fields of medicine: dermatology, surgery, gynecology, urology, dentistry. The radio wave surgery method is widespread, but most patients after removal believe that the removal was performed with a laser, since these methods are almost identical in sensations, results and price.

Radio wave removal of warts allows, if necessary, to take material for histological examination and thereby accurately differentiate the formation.

The CELSIUM Clinic medical center practices the removal of tumors using radio waves using the Surgitron radio wave surgery apparatus (USA). Our specialists have undergone special training in radiosurgery and have extensive experience.

How is the removal procedure performed using a “Surgitron” radio wave scalpel?

Before the procedure, the patient may be given local anesthesia; the anesthetic is injected into the root bed of the papilloma. If the localization of lesions on the skin is large, an anesthetic cream can be used.

New growths are removed using a special electrode. It will take the doctor only a few seconds to eliminate one small papilloma, and the patient does not feel any pain. The duration of the procedure depends on the size and number of warts, moles, papillomas or other skin tumors.

Radio wave removal with Surgitron does not require postoperative rehabilitation, so the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and upon completion of treatment the patient can immediately go home.

To remove papillomas using the Surgitron radio wave scalpel, contact the President-Med medical centers

Laser removal of warts

Laser wart removal is widely used by dermatologists. The tumor is “evaporated” layer by layer by a directed laser beam of specified parameters. First, the doctor uses local injection anesthesia.

The risk of relapse is determined by the location, type of tumor and depth of the lesion. When the procedure is carried out professionally, vulgar and flat warts do not recur after removal; tissue restoration occurs within 2-4 weeks, most often without scarring.

Laser removal of plantar warts does not always bring good results. The intervention site is constantly injured when walking, which can cause severe discomfort and even pain, as well as slow healing. The formation of scar tissue is possible. In this regard, not all specialists use laser removal of plantar warts; some doctors prefer to remove plantar warts with nitrogen.


Electrocoagulation uses a device that generates an electric current. The electrode or loop that the doctor manipulates becomes very hot. Essentially, the wart is “burned out,” which leads to its destruction. Vessels coagulate under the influence of high temperatures.

This method is considered the most painful of those listed - anesthesia is almost always required. Unfortunately, after electrocoagulation, warts sometimes recur, and the appearance of scars and pigment spots is possible. That is why electrocoagulation is used to remove tumors on open areas of the skin only when other methods are not available.

Operating principle of the Surgitron device

This is a portable compact device that operates on the principle of non-contact radio wave cutting. Surgitron is equipped with a basic set of electrodes and additional devices for comfortable work. In this case, the specialist can independently select the required depth and temperature of exposure, taking into account the scale, number and prevalence of neoplasms. The operation of the device consists in the impact of highly targeted high-frequency radio waves on pathologically altered tissues: the electric current is converted into high-frequency waves, which are directed to the tissues using electrodes. Under the influence of energy, which is concentrated at the end of the electrode, destruction (evaporation) of cellular structures occurs by releasing its own energy. In this case, the electrode does not contact the tissues, the incision is made without mechanical deformation, pressure or other manual influence. The use of a radioknife does not lead to destruction of nearby tissues, does not cause coagulation necrosis, muscle spasms and irritation of nerve endings.

Removal in honey

If you have warts, you should not ignore them or self-medicate: the papillomavirus is very insidious. We invite you to the CELSIUM Clinic medical center, where an experienced dermatologist will provide comprehensive treatment for human papillomavirus infection (including its external manifestations).

We use cryodestruction and radio wave surgery to remove warts. It is possible to remove a skin tumor immediately on the day of treatment; a consultation with a dermatologist immediately before removal is free. Pre-registration is required, by phone or through the website.

The sooner you make an appointment, the sooner you will get rid of unaesthetic tumors, spending a minimum of time and money on treatment!

The essence of the procedure

Removal using radio waves is performed only in a specialized clinic. The doctor’s office must be equipped with a Fotek radio wave apparatus, as well as an exhaust hood, so that the doctor and the patient do not breathe harmful fumes. The procedure is divided into the following stages:

  1. The wart is treated with a special cream with an anesthetic effect or an injection of lidocaine is given. The injection provides instant pain relief, but it takes about 15 minutes for the cream to react.
  2. The doctor brings the waveguide to the tumor and removes it successively until the wart is completely separated. Along with the treatment, small vessels are sealed, no blood is released.
  3. At the end, a small wound appears, which may hurt a little.

Prices for removal of warts and other tumors

Dear patients! The specialist will inform you about the exact cost and scope of necessary procedures after consultation.


  • Primary appointment with a dermatologist (trichologist) (without dermatoscopy)

    1200 rub.

  • Repeated appointment with a dermatologist (trichologist) (without dermatoscopy) (no more than 2 months from the previous appointment)

    900 rub.

  • Dermatoscopy

    450 rub.

  • Examination of the scalp under magnification (trichology)

    800 rub

  • Wood's lamp examination

    250 rub.

  • Histological examination of the material

    2300 rub.

Removal of skin tumors

Anesthesia for extractions

  • Application anesthesia (cream, spray)

    200 rub

  • Injection anesthesia (1 ampoule)

    600 rub

Scar tissue treatment

  • Treatment of scar tissue (cryodestruction) – area up to 1.5 cm

    1500 rub.

  • Intramuscular injection of the drug (without the cost of the drug)

    500 rub

  • Intralesional injection of the drug in the scalp area (without the cost of the drug)

    1500 rub.

  • Intralesional injection of the drug (without the cost of the drug)

    800 rub

  • Diprospan

    850 rub.

Laboratory research

  • Collection of biological material

    300 rub

  • Cytological examination of scrapings and impressions from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes

    1100 rub.

  • Microscopy and culture for parasitic fungi (nails)

    1700 rub.

  • Microscopy and culture for parasitic fungi (skin)

    1700 rub.

  • Parasitic fungi, microscopic examination of skin samples

    1100 rub.

  • Parasitic fungi, microscopic examination of nail samples

    1100 rub.

  • Demodex test, microscopy (skin, abscess discharge)

    1100 rub.

  • Demodex test (eyelashes)

    1100 rub.

  • Sowing of wound discharge and tissues for flora and sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs

    1400 rub.

  • Culture of microflora, determination of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs and bacteriophages

    1500 rub.

  • Sowing of wound discharge and tissues for flora and sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs according to the extended spectrum

    2100 rub.

Radio wave removal of tumors: how and what is done

Neoplasms on the skin of a child are lesions of the skin resulting in the proliferation of tissue cells in the form of tumor pathological formations (warts, nevi, papillomas, angiomas, adenomas, lentigines, fibromas, neurofibromas, hemangiomas, lymphangiomas, etc.). The last two types often occur in children in infancy; warts and papillomas are typical for preschoolers and adolescents.

One of the most effective methods for removing skin tumors is high-frequency radio wave surgery using the Surgitron device. The use of this device allows you to minimize the risk of bleeding during surgery and provides a good cosmetic effect, preventing the possibility of the formation of rough postoperative scars. The postoperative period is shortened, children return to their normal lifestyle faster, and miss less classes in kindergarten and school.

In this article, specialists from the First Children's Medical Center will consider the reasons for the appearance of skin tumors in children, and will also talk about the most effective method of removing them.

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