Efficiency and method of preparing a black film mask for the face
A face mask made from PVA glue and pharmaceutical activated carbon has long gained wide popularity.
What is hyaluronic acid
Face creams with hyaluronic acid: pharmacy and home preparation
Hyaluronic acid is a valuable component of our skin, which acts as a hydrofix. She absorbs like a sponge
Products that slow down hair growth are a good addition for depilation
The problem of unwanted hair on the body constantly occupies our energy. And, it would seem, manufacturers and
Reviews from cosmetologists about which facial peeling is best
Features of various types of peelings for facial skin: before and after 40 years
Today we will look at reviews about which peeling is best for facial rejuvenation after 40
Treatment of maxillary abscess
Often common colds result in severe complications. An abscess is considered the most dangerous. It is located in
Valgus deformity of the toe: features of development and treatment of pathology
Hallus valgus (hallus valgus) is a condition in which damage to the joint occurs
How long does swelling on the eyelids last after blepharoplasty? And when should you sound the alarm?
In order not to worry about the condition of the skin, the patient needs to clearly understand the processes that occur
Allergy to cold in children
Allergy to cold in children: causes and methods of protection
There is no physical impact when there is cold, so for a long time such a reaction to cold was not considered
French anti-aging cosmetics Vichy (Vichy): the power of healing water for healthy skin
Vichy cosmetics are considered one of the most popular and belong to the category of “elite” products.
Washing with soap or how to ruin your skin in 28 days and then restore it in 3 months
To maintain a child's health, proper care is necessary, which is impossible without bathing. Tender and sensitive
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