Double Japanese facial cleansing: the essence of the technique, how to choose products and carry out the procedure
Facial cleansing is an important daily ritual that forms the basis of skin care. It is the epidermis, liberated
How to get rid of scars?
How to get rid of acne scars and get smooth skin
To remove acne scars, laser peels and resurfacing are used, but they are only slightly
Redness and peeling around the nose: what factors provoke the symptom, and how to get rid of it?
Quick Transition Treatment of cutaneous lupus erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus is treated by a rheumatologist. During therapy
What cosmetics for teenagers do girls 12-14 years old need?
If it weren't for the rain, I wouldn't have known that teenage girls aged 12-13
Acne on the inner thigh in women: causes and types of photos
Causes of acne on the inner thigh
Pimples on the inner thigh Causes of Acne, pimples and acne Large cystic acne on
Problems of the eyelid area
Eye cream with hyaluronic acid: secret of choice and reviews
Eye cream with hyaluronic acid is designed to combat aging skin in this area.
Cucumber face lotion
Face whitening at home, the best and fastest way
Fashion, as we know, is fickle. The popularity of chocolate tanning is gradually fading into oblivion. Less and less
Operation “mole”: main types of moles and risk factors for the transition of nevus to melanoma
Symptoms of melanoma are a set of indicators according to which ordinary moles on the body that are
What to do if herpes appears after lip tattooing, methods of fight.
Herpes after lip tattooing occurs quite often. What should be done in such cases? Permanent
The best facial oils rating
10 best facial oils and 7 rules for their use / My personal rating 2022 (TOP 10)
Facial oil is the king among all my skincare products. I use them in
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