Products that slow down hair growth are a good addition for depilation

The problem of unwanted hair on the body constantly occupies our energy. And it would seem that manufacturers and surgery are finding effective ways to fight it. However, it is worth recognizing that nature almost always takes over: hair continues to grow, and you still have to resort to depilation quite often. Is it possible to at least slow down hair growth by reducing the frequency of hair removal procedures? The answer to this question, fortunately, is yes. Specially developed creams and lotions come to the rescue, under the general term “hair growth inhibitors.”

What are inhibitor creams?

As the name suggests, products labeled “hair growth inhibitor creams” are designed to slow down the process of the appearance and development of vegetation on the skin.

Inhibitor (lat. inhibere - to delay) is a general name for substances that suppress or delay the course of physiological and physicochemical (mainly enzymatic) processes.

But you should know: hair growth inhibitor creams are only an addition to popular depilatory methods. These remedies only slow down the appearance of new vegetation, but do not get rid of it!

Skin care after depilation

Many girls prefer to remove body hair using various means. For example, razors or wax strips. Most methods for removing unwanted hairs lead to one unpleasant problem: after these procedures, redness or irritation usually occurs on the skin. This reaction of the body to this procedure is quite natural, because during depilation, small pieces of skin are detached along with the hairs, and the body experiences stress during such an intervention. This is why discomfort and irritation appear. These problems can be overcome if you properly care for your skin after depilation:

  • You should not comb the skin or rub it with a towel, you can only gently pat it dry.
  • It is better to rinse the skin after depilation with cool water, as this will tighten the pores and prevent infection.
  • Also be sure to wash your skin with antibacterial soap or use chlorhexidine.

To get rid of irritation or minimize it, you need to take care of your skin both before and after the procedure. The skin after depilation is more vulnerable than usual and needs special care. You can use a special cream for this. Such creams perform many useful functions, for example:

  • Makes the skin softer;
  • Relieves irritation;
  • Remove redness;
  • Makes skin smooth and velvety;
  • Slows down hair growth.

Soft and well-groomed skin – this is exactly what the result of this procedure should be. Our TOP 8 includes both cosmetics from famous brands and natural homemade creams. So, first things first.

How inhibitors slow down hair growth

Hair growth inhibitors change the structure of the hair follicle, causing the hair to become weaker and grow at a less active rate. Hair growing from a damaged hair follicle becomes thinner, lighter and softer. And as a result, less noticeable. And further hair removal is greatly simplified.

To get effective results, regular use of anti-hair growth creams and sprays is recommended. One-time use does not give anything.

Rating of the best pre-hair removal products for 2022

ARAVIA Professional with mint and birch extracts

Our review begins with a product that does not contain harmful chemical compounds, parabens and synthetic additives. The lotion professionally prepares the dermis for the hair removal procedure, softens and cleanses. Mint extract has an anesthetic effect.

ARAVIA Professional with mint and birch extracts


  • relieves pain;
  • for all skin types;
  • natural composition;
  • many positive reviews.


  • none.

The average cost is 300 Russian rubles.

ARAVIA Professional Exotic Talc-Powder with tropical verbena extract Ultra Enzyme

The product is suitable for ladies who prefer waxing. Gentle talc can effectively prepare and protect the epidermis before a painful, traumatic procedure. The powder envelops the skin, allowing the paste or wax to be evenly distributed throughout the hairs.

ARAVIA Professional Exotic Talc-Powder with tropical verbena extract Ultra Enzyme


  • moisturizes;
  • protects;
  • good composition.


  • inconvenient to apply.

The average cost is 200 Russian rubles.

DYON Talc cosmetic

A universal product suitable for skin care before, during and after hair removal. The composition of talc is natural, suitable even for those who have a pronounced tendency to allergies. The product protects, moisturizes and prevents ingrown hairs.

DYON Talc cosmetic


  • does not clog pores;
  • delicate texture;
  • takes care of the dermis.


  • not identified.

The average cost is 200 Russian rubles.

Irisk Professional

A professional product intended for use before the hair removal procedure. Its main effect is pain relief. The consistency is creamy.

Available in a tube of 10 g.

Pre-depilation cream Irisk Professional


  • Economical in use;
  • Ease of application.


  • The volume of the product is small.

Cost: 460 Russian rubles.

Depilflax Gel before depilation

The product contains natural ingredients such as chamomile extract, tea tree and rosemary oils, and menthol. It is the last ingredient that gives the composition a pleasant, refreshing aroma. The gel has a cooling effect, which provides an analgesic effect. Plus, thanks to the product, the hair becomes softer, more elastic, and breaks less. All this provides greater protection against ingrown hairs.

Depilflax Gel before depilation


  • Multifunctional, pain relief + fight against ingrown hairs;
  • Easily absorbed texture;
  • Convenient dispenser;
  • Disinfects.


  • It is not advisable to use on areas with cuts; it may cause discomfort and irritation.

Average cost: 900 rubles.

How to apply creams that slow down hair growth

Instructions for various hair growth inhibitors mostly boil down to general rules of use.

Step-by-step instructions: using inhibitor cream

  1. The skin to be treated with inhibitor cream must be clean and dry. Wash it with warm water and soap. Do not use scrubs or cleansers with a peeling effect!

    Wash your skin, clearing it of impurities and residues of care products.

  2. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Do not apply moisturizer or sunscreen.

    The inhibitor works more effectively on dry skin

  3. If you are using a hair growth inhibitor immediately after waxing, wait at least 5 minutes before applying the cream.
  4. Cover the skin area with a thin layer of the product, and then thoroughly rub it into the skin, massaging in a circular motion. Avoid getting inhibitor cream into your eyes or mouth!

    The product should be applied in an even and thin layer

  5. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed. And only after that you can use other care products (for moisturizing or makeup).

    Wait until the product is completely absorbed

  6. Do not wash your skin for at least 4 hours after applying the inhibitor.
  7. Most inhibitor creams are recommended for use 2 times a day. It is most convenient to do this in the morning and evening. There must be at least 8 hours between uses!

The inhibitor cream is applied until new hair appears. These products do not work on regrown and long hair!

The greatest effect is achieved if, as a depilation method, you use the method in which the hair is extracted from the root. This is sugaring, waxing, plucking. When the product is massaged into epilated areas of the skin, it penetrates the open follicles, preventing the growth of new hair. If you use an inhibitor cream between shaves, it will also have an effect, but not as noticeable.

Safety rules when handling hair growth inhibitor creams

To avoid unwanted side effects, follow safety rules when handling hair growth inhibitors.

  1. Before use, test the cream on a small area of ​​skin to ensure that you are not allergic to the active ingredients of the product. If your skin has a reaction, wash your skin with soap and water and discard the cream.
  2. You should not supplement your care with inhibitor creams if you use depilatory creams as your main means of hair removal. In this case, burns are possible because the skin will be exposed to too much acidic substances.
  3. Hair growth inhibitors should not be used by girls under 12 years of age.
  4. Most industrial products that slow down hair growth are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
  5. If you are planning a pregnancy, check with your gynecologist to see if you can continue using inhibitors.

Results to expect after using inhibitors

Don't expect the same results as laser or waxing: your hair won't completely disappear. Products that slow hair growth work differently; they weaken the hair follicles with each application until hair stops growing.

Individual characteristics of the body and health affect the final result. The speed of hair growth depends on a large number of factors, from hormones to genetics. Results vary depending on what hair the product is applied to. When the hair is thin and weak, such as women's facial hair, the cream is most effective. If your hair is thick and thick, it will take longer before you see the results you want.

On average, after each application, about 10% of the hair will be treated. This is exactly the amount that is in the anagen (growth) stage, and the active ingredients of the cream only affect hair follicles in the anagen stage.

For reference: each hair goes through several stages of development during its life. From the anagen (growth stage) of the hair, it enters the catagen stage, where it separates from the follicle. Then the hair is completely pushed out of the skin (this stage is called telogen), and the follicle “rests” (exogen).

You will see the first results in the form of weakening hairs after 2 or 3 uses of the product. After 1-2 months of continuous use of the inhibitor cream, you will be able to notice a slowdown in hair growth. You will also see that the hairs that appear will become more baby-like, thinner and less frequent. And it will be much easier to remove them. But a real and lasting effect can be seen after 1 year of regular use - this is what the manufacturers of popular inhibitor creams promise.

Results of long-term use of Vaniqa cream (eflornithine 11%)

Hair growth inhibitors, which are made from plant extracts, do not damage the skin. They are considered generally safe. Only allergic reactions are possible.

Inhibitor creams can work in different ways. For some, three months is enough to see results. Some may not see results at all, even after six months of use.

Instructions for using creams

The instructions for using such products are simple and do not require special skills. Let's look at how to use such creams on the legs, face and other parts of the body for women and men.


Aftershave creams are produced for men that can prolong the effect of smooth skin. To make the effect last longer, you need to apply a special product to the prepared (shaved) area of ​​skin as soon as possible.

As a rule, such
creams can cope with skin irritation and inflammation after hair removal , so there is no need to use other aftershave lotions.
The cream should be applied not only after shaving, but also continued to be used every day. After two weeks of use, the result will become even better , the hair will soften and grow much slower.


Women's creams do not differ much in application methods. The products are also applied to areas where hair removal has occurred. A small amount of cream is rubbed in carefully, using a massage motion, so as not to injure irritated skin.

You need to use the cream every day for better results. Over time, such a cream will thin and lighten your hair, you will not have to remove it as often as usual, and the procedure will go faster.

Features of using the cream for different parts of the body

There are some features of using the products in question for different parts of the body.
The skin on different parts of the human body is different, so any product must be used with caution. First of all, you need to check the cream that will be used for allergic reactions. To do this, apply a little product to your wrist and wait 10 minutes .

If nothing happens: there is no redness, rash or other possible manifestations of allergies, then the product can be used for delicate areas of the skin. Even if you have previously used the product for the skin on your legs, it is not a fact that it will be suitable for the armpit area, because the skin on your legs is rougher and more protected than in delicate areas.

Important! Some creams are intended only for a certain area of ​​use, as indicated on the packaging, so using them for other areas is strictly not recommended.

Men's creams should not be used by women and vice versa, because men's skin is very different from women's.

Active ingredients in hair growth inhibitors

Slowing down hair growth with the help of special inhibitor creams is carried out due to the presence of active ingredients in their composition that act on the hair follicle. Among these ingredients there are substances of organic origin and chemical compounds.

Plant extracts

There are many plant extracts that have been shown to slow down hair growth. For example, among these are Sanguisorba Officinalis Root Extract (burnet root extract) or Larrea divaricata (chaparral concentrate).

Larrea divaricata - a shrub from which an extract is obtained that slows down hair growth

Larrea divaricata (Creosote bush) or chaparral is an evergreen shrub with a characteristic phenolic odor, common in the deserts of South and North America, in northern Mexico. Its extract is widely used in cosmetic production, including anti-aging cosmetics, due to its strong antioxidant effect. Larrea divaricata extract affects the germinal zone of the hair follicle, inhibiting the rate of cell division responsible for hair growth.

Olga Denisova, Green Mama brand specialist

Fruit Enzymes (Papain)

Papain is an enzyme that breaks down protein. It is found in papaya and some other tropical fruits. Protein is an important element for hair growth and development. If you manage to reduce its amount, then hair development slows down, and new hairs will appear thin and not so noticeable.

Important: papain is one of the allergenic substances; medications based on this enzyme often exhibit unwanted side effects. For example, in the USA, all products containing papain must be approved by the FDA (an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services).

Today, papain can be bought at the pharmacy. It is sold in powder form. By dissolving it in water, you can get a fairly effective inhibitory composition, an enzyme paste that can be used on the face.

Papain is sold in pharmacies in powder form.

I tried the papain composition on myself.
After shaving, the hair inside the enzyme-treated area grew more slowly. This means that the composition works as a hair growth inhibitor, but nothing more. The enzymes did not affect the thickness and thickness of the hair. Hairy question


Eflornithine hydrochloride is important on this list because it is one of the few approved for use on the face. This drug affects an enzyme that is involved in hair growth. Almost half of the volunteers who tested eflornithine on themselves observed an improvement in the appearance of epilated skin, with re-growing hair becoming almost transparent. But there are also side effects from using eflornithine: for example, acne, rash. And 8 weeks after the use of the drug is stopped, the hair condition will return to its original state.

Less common active ingredients in inhibitor products

To make the list complete, a few more active substances should be mentioned:

  • Dihydromyricetin. Dihydromyricetin is a type of flavonoid compound obtained from certain plant species, such as the Katsura tree, which is native to China and Japan. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine, and has recently been touted as a possible hangover cure. Dihydromyricetin inhibits receptors in hair follicles, which may inhibit hair growth. There is a study that has proven that dihydromyricentin reduces hair growth by 60%. However, only 15 people took part in it.
  • Lauryl isoquinolinium bromide. Lauryl isoquinolinium bromide is a chemical compound that has a depressant effect on hair roots. You may have seen this component more than once in the list of ingredients of ordinary shaving creams and foams and aftershave lotions. Research on this ingredient is encouraging: after 60 days of use, hair showed a 15% reduction in density and a 30% reduction in length. True, this substance was tested only by men, and only 20 people took part in the tests.
  • Regular depilatory creams are often mistakenly called hair growth inhibitors. They do not slow down hair growth, but simply “burn” the vegetation that exists above the surface of the skin. Paying attention to the composition will help you identify such products. If the list of ingredients contains calcium hydroxide and calcium thioglycolate, this is not an inhibitor, but a depilatory cream. These creams do not affect the rate of hair growth, and such a substitution is not so harmless. After all, inhibitors are used on newly epilated skin, which is very sensitive and vulnerable. And if you act on it with strong concentrated chemicals, you can subject the cover to destruction and even burns.

Useful tips that make hair removal results last longer

In addition to inhibitor creams, you can prolong the results of hair removal by following general tips for hair removal procedures.

  • Don't ignore exfoliation. A gentle exfoliation should be done before shaving or waxing. In the case of waxing, exfoliation is done at least a day before the procedure; when shaving and sugaring, peeling and hair removal can be done on the same day. If you don't exfoliate your skin before waxing, tiny hairs become trapped under dead skin. This means your razor won't be able to cut as much hair as possible, and the wax strips won't catch all the hairs. Exfoliation slightly lengthens the hair, making it easier to remove unwanted hair.
  • Don't skip your scheduled hair removal treatments. A scheduled laser or waxing course is not a random set of dates. The schedule of depilation procedures is designed in such a way as to affect hairs at all stages of growth. If you do not adhere to the required rhythm, the hair will appear unpredictably, and you will have to epilate more often than expected.
  • Monitor your hormones. Increased hair growth often depends on hormonal levels. If unwanted hair is growing very actively, consult your doctor, he will help you keep your hormone levels under control.

How it works?

A cream with a slowing effect on hair growth after hair removal necessarily contains inhibitors that interfere with normal physiological processes in the body.

Often such inhibitors are natural substances, they can be:

  • St. John's wort extract;
  • arnica;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • witch hazel.

Papaya and pineapple, from which proteases are obtained, are used as depressants.
Some samples help neutralize sulfur, which is necessary for the body for the regenerative function of hair. There is also a cream to slow down hair growth after hair removal, which, with the help of special enzymes - proteases, promotes the breakdown of proteins in the body, due to which it has anti-androgenic and anti-keratin effects, thereby destroying the hair roots .
Did you know? Human skin has up to 5 million follicles.
Their number can change throughout life. Also, such creams, in addition to the main active elements, contain additional substances that help soften and soothe irritated skin. Often these are natural ingredients:

  • beeswax;
  • soy milk;
  • grape seed oil;
  • jojoba oil.

Manufacturers achieve an antibacterial and healing effect with the help of allantoin and aloe extract.

Hair growth inhibitors you can buy

The market for hair growth inhibitors is much smaller than for other hair removal products. American expert Perry Romanowski (author of the very popular international beauty forum The Beauty Brains) explains this fact this way: “Inhibitor creams have not yet been widely tested in clinical settings; many doctors and cosmetologists doubt their effectiveness.” He also considers the paucity of inhibitors on the market to be part of the evidence for their limited effectiveness. “Please note that well-known cosmetic brands do not have inhibitor creams in their range. Even popular brands that specialize exclusively in hair removal products, such as Veet or Gilette, also do not have inhibitors,” says the expert.

However, consumers are not so categorical. They find many good products and see in them the effect of slowing down hair growth.

Cream, spray, mousse: what to choose

One of the frequently asked questions: What is better to buy - cream or spray? Both products are effective. The spray is recommended for use on large areas of skin: for example, on the back, legs. Lotion, cream, mousse, emulsion, balm are suitable for the face, ears, and bikini area. Cream products are much easier to apply. In addition to this, they always contain soothing and moisturizing ingredients.

Not all inhibitors are suitable for facial skin. Please read the product instructions carefully before applying to your chin, cheeks and upper lip.

Some women mistakenly believe that inhibitors are predominantly a male product. Most often, a cream that slows down hair growth is a universal remedy. Most inhibitors work equally well on men's and women's skin.

Kalo inhibitors

One of the popular hair growth inhibitor creams is Kalo®. A cream under this brand was first released back in 1997, and today this name unites a whole family of various products that slow down the development of vegetation. They are sold in online stores that sell products from the USA; they can also be found on sale in large cosmetic chains and pharmacies. The active ingredients of the cream are of organic origin; they destroy sulfur, which is one of the key building materials for healthy hair growth. In addition, Kalo products contain moisturizing ingredients that soothe and hydrate the skin.

A pioneer in the production of hair growth inhibitors is the American company Kalo

KELO inhibitors are a very good remedy for slowing down hair growth; the growth of unwanted hair has decreased by 80%, it has become barely visible and thin.
Gritsenko Galina Vasilievna Rostov-on-Don

VOX inhibitors

Under the name VOX, a whole line of hair removal products is produced, including growth inhibitors. Interestingly, these products use fruit enzymes as the active ingredient. This is probably why women trust lotions, milks and creams from VOX. Another plus is the affordable price.

This milk moisturizes and slows down hair growth, contains papaya extract

I usually remove hair on my legs with an epilator, and very rarely use a razor, but it seems to me that using a razor and such a cream will not lead to any noticeable effect.
But this cream really works with an epilator - you will remember about your device later than usual. But unlike Johnson and Johnson, the hair does not become thinner, although it does grow slower. ZioN

Inhibitor Yves Rocher

This is one of the rare cases when a massive and popular cosmetics brand with a good reputation all over the world took part in the creation of an inhibitor. It also attracts attention that Yves Rocher presented the inhibitor in an unusual format - in the form of an airy mousse. You really want to apply this weightless product to skin that has suffered stress after depilation.

Customers confirm that hair growth slows down and the skin is effectively soothed.

This inhibitor comes in the form of a mousse that cools and soothes the body's skin.

Hair growth slows down somewhat, so the hair becomes thinner, softer, less noticeable, I’m not sure that it has started to grow slower, but rather it has simply become less noticeable!!!

Medicines that slow down hair growth

For women who struggle with hirsutism (excessive hair growth), doctors often prescribe certain medications. These products do not remove hair, but can affect the rate of hair growth. Among these prescription products, two groups can be distinguished:

  1. Oral contraceptives. The pills contain two key ingredients that prevent hair growth: estrogen and progestin.
  2. Antiandrogens. These drugs prevent hair growth by blocking androgens. When taking antiandrogens, it may take a month or more to achieve favorable results.

Doctors use antiandrogens to treat women with androgen-dependent conditions, such as hirsutism, alopecia, acne, and seborrheic dermatitis.
You need to understand that taking medications only reduces hairiness and slows down the further transformation of vellus hair into terminal hair. Synthetic antiandrogens have different mechanisms of action and associated side effects. Remember well: these drugs DO NOT TREAT, they interfere with the biochemical transformations of one substance into another, disrupt these processes, due to which, among other things, the production/activity of androgens is reduced.


Karina. This is, of course, an acquired taste, but I didn’t use any creams after hair removal for a very long time and everything was fine. After giving birth, there was some hormonal imbalance and the hair began to grow simply terrible, not even every razor worked the first time. Now I had to look for something else and after experiments with depilatory creams, wax and even an electric epilator (a terrible torture thing), I settled on the previous method - shaving. The only improvement is the post-epilation cream, which really helps stop growth for at least a few days. I’ve tried many methods, I really like baking soda and lemon, but store-bought cream from Faberlica is still better. The only drawback is the need for daily use.

Oksana. For several years now I have been using exclusively Skin Doctor post-depilation cream. I really like the consistency and the absence of a noticeable film after application. The smell is specific, but you can tolerate it.

Lilya. I don’t know for what reason, but most of the creams for and after hair removal that I tried did not suit me at all. After several experiments, I returned to traditional methods, which have never failed me. Aloe juice helps a lot, which I don’t dilute with water.

It is possible to get rid of unwanted body hair for a longer period of time if you use special products - inhibitors that slow down hair growth. There is a wide range of similar products on sale, but you can also use home remedies. Our article will tell you how to do this as successfully as possible and a review of the best cosmetic products - inhibitors. The intimate area requires a more careful attitude towards it, and not every remedy will do. Therefore, find out in more detail which cream to choose for bikini area depilation.

Disadvantages of inhibitor creams

Despite the positive reviews and good quality of hair growth inhibitors, it should be borne in mind that they have a number of disadvantages.

  • After the first use, the skin may peel and itch. Don't worry, next time applying a hair inhibitor cream shouldn't cause such problems. If peeling and itching recur, then use of the product should be discontinued.
  • Inhibitor creams do not get rid of hair; they are not able to completely destroy the hair follicle.
  • Creams that slow down hair growth do not get rid of ingrown hairs. On the contrary, sometimes they provoke their appearance.
  • Allergic reactions to creams and lotions with inhibitory properties are possible.
  • Very sensitive skin sometimes shows a reaction to inhibitor creams.
  • Not all products are suitable for use on the face.
  • Prolonged redness, rash, increased skin sensitivity, pain - these adverse effects are possible, although rare. If they appear, use of the cream or spray should be discontinued.

It is believed that if therapy with the chosen drug does not have a noticeable effect within a year, treatment tactics need to be changed.

Causes of irritation

Any depilatory preparation consists of alkaline components that corrode hairs and hair follicles in the shallow layers of the skin. When using a razor, for example, the nerve endings near the fatty ducts to which the hair is attached are irritated.

When exposed to them, excess fat is released, causing irritation. But besides this, there are a number of other reasons why your skin may suffer and become irritated from cream and other depilatory products:

  • delicate and sensitive skin can react negatively to even the most gentle depilation method;
  • wrong choice - for example, leg product was used for the bikini area or face;
  • purchased an expired drug of poor quality from unknown, untested manufacturers;
  • failure to comply with the instructions for using the drug;
  • long-term use of one razor, which becomes dull over time. And disposable machines are really meant to be used once;
  • unauthorized increase in the duration of action of depilatory cream. The drug, which needs to be kept for 3 minutes according to the instructions, is kept for 10 minutes for “confidence”, and here you can’t do without irritation or even a burn;
  • Aggressive rinsing with washcloths, hard brushes or using scrubs after depilation will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Important! If the irritation does not go away for more than a week, then you should definitely visit a dermatologist to prescribe the necessary medications.

Home remedies to slow down hair growth

Some recipes for products that improve hair removal results have come down to us since ancient times. Women from all over the world have found herbs, fruit juices, and medicines that have the ability to delay hair growth for a while. In addition, there are several useful tips, following which you will be able to resort to hair removal less often.

  • One of the most ancient recipes uses walnuts. You can repeat it if you live in an area where these fruits grow. Because for the recipe you will need the green peel of the walnut while it is not yet ripe. This peel needs to be crushed, pour boiling water over it and leave to infuse in a dark place for 2-3 hours. You will receive a natural inhibitor. This infusion should be rubbed into the skin (including the face) several times a day.

    Unripe walnut peel contains substances that slow down hair growth

  • A homemade inhibitor made from iodine - it is affordable, its ingredients are always available for sale in pharmacies and stores. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of iodine in 40 milliliters of alcohol and add a teaspoon of castor oil. Soak a cotton swab in this mixture and moisten the epilated area of ​​skin. Repeat 2 times a day. But don't use on your face.
  • Turmeric – another natural inhibitor. This spice is used to prepare a natural cream that slows down hair growth. Make a paste of turmeric and warm water. The consistency of the composition should be like a thick paste. Apply the paste to the skin, cover with cling film and leave on the skin for 10–15 minutes. Then wash off the paste. Turmeric can be used on the face. Don't forget to apply moisturizer to your skin when finished.

    Turmeric powder is a popular ingredient in paste that slows hair growth.

Turmeric paste is safe for the skin. A well-known fact: Indian mothers use this composition for their children; turmeric gruel can get rid of fine baby hair. In India, this remedy is prepared as follows: mix the spice powder with milk (or soy milk) to form a thick paste. Massage the skin with this paste using circular movements. Do the procedure regularly, initially 2 times a week, until the hair stops growing rapidly. Then it is enough to use turmeric paste once a month. Advice from Indian women: if turmeric paste stains the skin, treat the yellowness with milk or yogurt, this will whiten the skin. Those with dark skin may not be afraid of changes in skin color.

  • Lemon juice or grape juice is applied to the skin after depilation, as if “fixing” the results obtained. Hair growth most likely will not slow down, but you will have a small effect of weakening and lightening the new hair.

It is worth saying that homemade and natural inhibitors are less effective than products from an industrial manufacturer. If most ready-made creams slow down hair growth for a period of 1 week to 1 month, then you should not expect similar results from homemade formulations.

This cream-gel contains a popular folk inhibitor - green walnut shell

There are also reasonable doubts about the effectiveness of folk remedies: they can help a very small number of women. The lucky ones include those with weak and very fine hairs, as well as those whose hair follicles are located shallowly, in the upper layers of the epidermis. So, you shouldn’t hope for the universality of folk remedies. And there are a lot of skeptical reviews from ordinary women on the Internet.

Useful tips that make hair removal results last longer

In addition to inhibitor creams, you can prolong the results of hair removal by following general tips for hair removal procedures.

  • Don't ignore exfoliation. A gentle exfoliation should be done before shaving or waxing. In the case of waxing, exfoliation is done at least a day before the procedure; when shaving and sugaring, peeling and hair removal can be done on the same day. If you don't exfoliate your skin before waxing, tiny hairs become trapped under dead skin. This means your razor won't be able to cut as much hair as possible, and the wax strips won't catch all the hairs. Exfoliation slightly lengthens the hair, making it easier to remove unwanted hair.
  • Don't skip your scheduled hair removal treatments. A scheduled laser or waxing course is not a random set of dates. The schedule of depilation procedures is designed in such a way as to affect hairs at all stages of growth. If you do not adhere to the required rhythm, the hair will appear unpredictably, and you will have to epilate more often than expected.
  • Monitor your hormones. Increased hair growth often depends on hormonal levels. If unwanted hair is growing very actively, consult your doctor, he will help you keep your hormone levels under control.

The use of inhibitors has become common in modern times. These products help inhibit the growth of new hair, causing your need for hair removal to be greatly reduced. Try supplementing your usual hair removal methods with inhibitory creams and help your skin stay smoother longer. But keep in mind that inhibitory agents require regular use - only then will they be of any use.

Folk remedies

There are also folk remedies that can cause the expected effect.

Let's look at some recipes:

  • You can significantly slow down hair growth with a decoction of Datura vulgare. Use 150 g of dope per liter of water and cook for 15 minutes. Apply the strained decoction to problem areas of the skin daily.
  • You can also use walnuts. It is recommended to cut young green nuts into several pieces and lubricate problem areas of the skin with them. This product copes with the task very effectively, and the result can be seen within three days after use.

Important! This procedure can turn the skin a brownish tint, so it is important to take this factor into account when using green nuts.

  • Freshly squeezed white grape juice or simply cut berries will help solve this problem. It is necessary to apply the product daily to problem areas, and the result will be very good.

Review of effective depilatory creams for the face

Men's depilatory creams are a product that can be purchased both at pharmacies and in numerous cosmetics departments of stores and supermarkets. Today, there are several leading brands in the world that have received good reviews from consumers.

Veet cream

“Veet for men” is a specially developed product for removing stubble in men. The product includes:

  • water;
  • urea;
  • potassium thioglycolate;
  • paraffin liquidum;
  • calcium hydroxide;
  • talc;
  • glycerol;
  • sorbitol;
  • perfume;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium lithium magnesium silicate;
  • butyrospermum acrylate;
  • copolymer;
  • hydrated silicon dioxide.

The cream is applied for no more than 6 minutes. Then, by using the spatula included with the cosmetic product, you need to remove the hair. After which the skin is thoroughly washed with water. Price – about 300-400 rubles.

Collistar Linea Uomo Depilatory Cream For Men

An elite depilatory product, perfect for any skin type. The cream is applied for only 4-6 minutes and then painlessly removed with a scraper. It is allowed to keep the cosmetic product on the skin for up to 8 minutes.

Manufacturers have provided the following as part of the product:

  • water;
  • cetearyl alcohol;
  • lanolin;
  • urea;
  • mallow leaf extract;
  • Symmondia sinensis seed oil.

The price of the cream is quite high and can reach 1100 rubles.

Bielenda Vanity

High-quality Polish products provide an excellent opportunity for men to perform facial depilation quickly and painlessly. There is no need to rub the cream into the skin, and you need to keep it on the treated area for no more than 7 minutes. The product and hair are removed using a spatula. The procedure must be completed by washing with cold water. The cost of the product is 200-300 rubles.

Bielenda Only For Men Active Formula

The cream is able to remove even the shortest and coarsest hairs. To do this, he will need only 10 minutes. Hair removal is carried out using a special spatula.

The presence of Trawy Tygrysiej Tiger Grass extract in the product ensures rapid regeneration of the skin and improves its elasticity by optimizing metabolic processes and hydration. The price of a product from a cosmetology company is about 250 rubles.

Women's assortment

The women's line of facial depilatory creams is widely represented, but among their great variety, a few are especially worth highlighting.

Sally Hansen Brush-On Hair Remover

The cream has the ability to quickly and effectively remove hair. In this case, the rod does not come out, which allows the skin to remain smooth for a long period of time (up to 14 days).

The product includes:

  • water;
  • mineral oils;
  • calcium hydroxide;
  • tocopheryl acetate;
  • aloe barbadice leaf juice;
  • hexiline bisabolol;
  • butylphenylmethylpropional;
  • amylcinnamal;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • dipotassium glycyrrhizate;
  • potassium hydroxide;
  • farnesol;
  • Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) extract;
  • Serenoa Seurulata pumpkin extract;
  • epilobia angustifolia extract;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • tocopherol;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • lemon acid.

The drug must be applied to the skin delicately, without rubbing it. After which you should wait about 5-6 minutes, and then remove the cream with a cotton pad or paper napkin. If not all hair is removed, wait another 2 minutes. It is not recommended to leave the cream on the skin for more than 9 minutes.

Completion of the procedure - washing the treated area of ​​skin with warm water without soap or other hygiene products. Re-use of the cream is allowed after at least 24 hours. The cost of a cosmetic product is approximately 800 rubles.


A highly effective depilatory cream that can remove hair painlessly and quickly. A distinctive feature of the drug is that with its regular use, the rate of hair growth decreases.

The composition of the product is as follows:

  • calcium thioglycolate;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • kaolin starch;
  • bentonite;
  • titanium dioxide.

The order of use is as follows. The packaged powder must be diluted with water until a creamy mass is formed, after which it is important to leave for about 2 minutes. Next, apply the product to the area of ​​your face covered with hair.

Moreover, be sure to cover the hairs completely and wait 5-7 minutes. After removing the dried mass, rinse the treated area of ​​skin with plenty of warm water. The cost of packaging one unit of this cream is 250 rubles.


A depilatory cream enriched with gold particles that can remove unwanted hair.

The composition of the cosmetic product includes:

  • water;
  • cetearyl alcohol;
  • acetyl heptapeptide-9;
  • colloidal gold;
  • silicon oxide (silica);
  • aroma (parfum);
  • benzyl benzoate;
  • linalol.

Before using the cream, rinse the area where hair will be removed with water and dry without rubbing the skin.

Using a special spatula, spread a not too thick, even layer of the depilatory agent and leave for 8 minutes.

Then the hair is removed directly and the remaining cream is washed off with water.

It is strictly forbidden to keep a cosmetic product on the skin for more than 15 minutes . If the cream gets into your eyes, you must rinse them under running water. The price of one Byly package is approximately 300 rubles.

Lady Caramel

This ultra-gentle facial hair removal cream is formulated with vanilla extract and almond oil to help keep any skin smooth and soft after hair removal. The unique properties of the cosmetology product allow it to be used even on the most sensitive skin without causing problems or discomfort.

To perform its functions, the cream is applied to the skin in a thick layer for 5-10 minutes, and then removed with a scraper along with the hairs. Do not allow the cream to dry completely on your face. The end of the procedure is washing with cold water without using soap or other hygiene products. The price of the cream is in the range of 100 rubles.


The cosmetic product is produced by a famous Russian company. The cream contains a fairly aggressive alkaline-based substance that breaks down the hair structure well. The presence of herbal extracts and natural natural oils significantly softens skin that experiences stress during the depilation procedure.

Batiste is a fast-acting cream that begins to act within 5 minutes after application to the skin. Irritations on the face, according to user reviews, appear extremely rarely. The price of the product is also pleasantly pleasing and ranges from 50-80 rubles.


The newest depilatory product for use at home, which includes:

  • silica;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • alcohol;
  • sodium and calcium thioglycolate;
  • calcium hydrochloride;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • water;
  • flavoring

For facial depilation, it is enough to apply the cream to the skin for only 6-8 minutes. Wet wipes are used to directly remove hair and cosmetics. Then the skin is washed with water without soap. The cost of the product is 850 rubles.


This depilator is applied to the skin in a layer of 2-3 mm using an applicator. Next, wait for no more than 10 minutes and remove the resulting mass of hair and cream. Be sure to rinse the skin after the procedure with plenty of warm water.

The basis of the cosmetic product is:

  • water;
  • lanolin;
  • flavoring;
  • peach oil;
  • propylene glycol.

The cost of the goods is 160-180 rubles.

Stop Grow

A facial depilatory cream that deserves special attention.

Its composition and properties are given in the table:

Item nameFunction
Aloe extractNourishes and softens the skin
Soy milkNormalizes water balance in skin cells
Grape extractEliminates redness and inflammation
Walnut extractRelieves irritation and calms
Hyacinth root extractSoftens hair follicles

Before applying the cream, the skin area is washed and wiped dry. Then the drug is applied in a fairly thick layer and left for no more than 10 minutes. Remains of the product and hair are removed with a regular napkin or a special spatula, after which the treated part is washed with warm water without any additional hygiene items. Price – from 900 to 1000 rubles.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

What can be done at the hair removal stage

Natural indicators can be influenced using special means, which will be discussed below, but by and large they are genetically determined. Sometimes increased “hairiness” is a consequence of hormonal disorders, in this case it is worth consulting a doctor. But the method and technology of removal are factors that are much easier to influence.

Selecting a method

During depilation, when the hair is removed along with the follicle (sugar paste, wax, epilator), the result is longer lasting than with epilation (machine, creams and gels), when the follicle remains intact and unharmed. The table below will tell you how long the effect lasts after one or another method of getting rid of excess “vegetation”.

Table: duration of effect after different hair removal methods

MethodDuration of result
Shaving1–2 days
Hair removal using cream (gel, lotion)2–4 days
Sugaring2–4 weeks
Laser hair removal3–4 weeks

The most effective way to prolong the effect of smooth skin is to remove the hairs along with the follicle. Numerous reviews report that a course of laser or photo hair removal allows you to maintain the results for several years.

Video: hair removal methods

Compliance with technology

An incorrectly carried out hair removal or depilation procedure is fraught with a short-term result, as well as the problem of ingrown hairs and the fact that the newly growing “stubble” becomes harder and darker. How to avoid these troubles? Recommendations in the table below.

Table: how to remove hair so that the result lasts longer

  • Change the machine more often: the blade should be sharp;
  • Before the procedure, treat the skin with a scrub;
  • use special shaving foams and gels: they weaken the structure of the hairs;
  • Move the razor only in the direction of hair growth.
Depilation using cream (gel, lotion)
  • Select the product carefully (for example, stronger formulations are required for coarse hair);
  • Before the procedure, steam the skin in a bath or shower, treat “hairy” areas with a scrub;
  • carefully follow the instructions for the drug.
Hair removal with an epilator
  • Use a quality device;
  • before the session - a hot shower or bath, scrub;
  • the movement of the epilator is according to hair growth.
  • Before the procedure, take a hot shower or bath, scrub your skin;
  • It is best to contact a professional;
  • when doing it at home, use high-quality sugar paste (the degree of hardness of the composition is determined by the characteristics of the hairs, the temperature in the room, and the area being treated);
  • Apply the paste against hair growth and remove in the direction of growth.
  • Before the session, relax in a hot shower or bath, scrub your skin;
  • if possible, consult a cosmetologist;
  • when working at home, purchase high-quality wax;
  • remove the composition against hair growth.
Laser hair removalContact a professional cosmetologist with good recommendations, who works with modern, high-quality equipment.

An effective way to keep your skin smooth for a long time is to remove hairs along with the follicle.

Video: how to shave your legs correctly

Why does hair grow on the face, body and head?

1. This is how humans are made.

Hair on a person's body begins to grow even before he is born. Already at the age of 100 days, the embryo is covered with hair. And after the same time, the fluff falls out on its own.

Hair continues to grow throughout life. They arise from hair follicles, or bulbs, in which still living cells produce the protein keratin. Since a lot of it is produced, it completely fills the cell and isolates its parts from each other. Then the cell dies. New ones are formed and push the already dead cell out. Hair is formed from them.

2. Genetics - from mothers and grandmothers.

The cells that make up hair are divided in the follicles. The speed of this process is regulated by a special gene EDAR. It is passed on from parents. If their gene has a low division rate, then the child’s hair will grow slowly. If, on the contrary, it is high, then the curls will grow faster.

The structure of the hair depends on the type of skin, and you can determine how thick the hair will be even in infancy. Children with thin skin will have thin hair. In a child with dense tissue, they are thick and dense.

3. Hormones.

Adult hair begins to form during adolescence. From 11 to 16 years, the level of hormones in the blood changes - there are more sex hormones than in childhood. Hair appears on the armpits and bikini area.

Changes in hair growth also occur in older age. With increased testosterone levels, they begin to grow faster and become darker and harder. This usually indicates problems with the thyroid gland or adrenal glands.

How to choose the right product for your skin type?

A facial depilatory cream is effective and safe only when its buyer pays attention to the following factors.


  • The principle of action of the drug. Creams may contain components with different concentrations. The period of interaction of the substance with the skin and the rate of hair destruction directly depend on this. It is recommended to purchase those depilatory products that need to be kept on the skin longer - this way they will cause much less harm.

  • Price . It is best to prefer well-known brands and brands that have positive user recommendations, which will make it possible to maintain the health of the skin for a long time.
  • Compound . It is recommended to use a cream containing various extracts, oils and vitamins that have a calming effect. It is also good if the drug contains synthetic components that reduce hair growth, which will reduce the frequency of depilation.

Differences between women's and men's depilatory creams

Depilatory cream for female representatives will differ in its composition from its male counterparts.

This is explained by various physiological characteristics of men, including:

  • Hair stiffness.
  • Deep location of hair follicles.
  • High rate of facial hair growth.

Therefore, women's facial cosmetology products are either completely unsuitable for the male half of society or will be extremely ineffective. A characteristic feature of depilatory creams for men is the high content of the active substance, which has a destructive effect on the hair shafts.

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