Removal of papillomas and moles with laser
From this article you will learn: What moles on the face “say” Why they appear
Current issues of severe herpetic infection in adults
Herpesvirus infections are a group of infectious diseases that are caused by viruses from the Herpesviridae family and can occur
surgeon sutures
How is the suture reapplied after a mastectomy?
A mastectomy is an effective way to eliminate cancer by removing the mammary glands of the breast. Operation
Types of body scrubs and DIY recipes for making them
To keep your skin healthy and attractive, you need to take regular care of your body. Refresh
Chronic psoriasis - treatment, photo
The first signs of psoriasis - how to recognize the disease at an early stage?
Psoriasis (or as it is often called “scaly lichen”) is a chronic disease. The disease strikes
Face masks with gelatin and glycerin for wrinkles
The best recipes for face masks with gelatin and glycerin for wrinkles
Hello, dear readers! I really love homemade cosmetics for their reliability, naturalness, predictability and
Types of inguinal hernia
Redness in the groin in men - photos, causes, treatment
Inguinal hernias: causes of occurrence Normally, the abdominal wall is capable of holding everything placed in the abdominal
Acne on the thighs and buttocks in men: causes and treatment photo
Pimples on the butt in men: causes and treatment methods
Acne on thighs in men: causes Difference between folliculitis and acne Acne on thighs
Cameron Diaz acne
Revergen: your ideal skin without scars and stretch marks
“A couple of years ago, hormonal acne appeared, which left scars. Now I can't
French facial massage - three techniques from Christelle Guinet, Joel Siocco, Pascal Coche
This body massage consists of a set of techniques invented by the French physiotherapist Pascal Cochet. The complex enjoys
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