What kind of mesotherapy procedure is it, customer reviews, contraindications

The famous poetess Anna Akhmatova wrote lines that perfectly express the eternal female fear of aging: “But what should we do with the horror that was once called the passage of time?” Meanwhile, today it is no longer necessary to listen with trepidation to the sound of the steps of maturity that has stepped on the threshold of our lives. The development of modern aesthetic medicine has broken the connection between beauty and biological age. Innovative methods of rejuvenation, one of which is mesopeeling, allow you to look attractive regardless of the number in your passport.

Indications for mesotherapy and expected effect

Mesotherapy is considered a universal procedure that is used for various cosmetic problems:

  • dry, dehydrated skin;
  • sagging, decreased elasticity;
  • dull, unhealthy complexion;
  • small expression wrinkles;
  • acne and acne marks;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • stretch marks (stretch marks), as well as scars;
  • pigmentation;
  • rosacea

The procedure also works well on subcutaneous fat deposits in the double chin area, on the back, thighs and buttocks. For this purpose, special meso-cocktails are used, which contain lipolytics - substances that enhance the process of lipolysis and promote the rapid breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

Mesotherapy is also used to eliminate scalp problems, such as:

  • hair loss and slow growth;
  • loss of natural shine;
  • split ends;
  • dandruff;
  • itching and increased oiliness of the scalp.

At a young age, mesotherapy is used for general skin health and prevention of signs of photoaging. After 27 years, this procedure will help smooth out the first wrinkles, lighten age spots, improve complexion and remove other cosmetic imperfections.


Despite all the positive effects of superficial mesopeeling, the procedure has some contraindications. There are not as many of them as with conventional types of peeling, but they cannot be neglected:

  1. individual intolerance to any component included in the drug;
  2. period of viral and infectious diseases;
  3. any inflammatory reactions in the body;
  4. low blood clotting;
  5. mechanical damage to the skin, wounds, skin diseases.

The procedure is allowed for women preparing to become mothers and breastfeeding. Although it is not recommended for young people under 18 years of age. But in some cases, it is recommended to carry out a course of mesopeeling to improve the condition of young skin. The number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist.

How the procedure works in our clinic:

Before starting a course of mesotherapy, a skin diagnosis is required. After this, the cosmetologist selects a suitable meso-cocktail, taking into account the age and the problem that needs to be eliminated.

The procedure begins with cleansing the skin and applying an anesthetic cream. Then the doctor begins to inject the mesococktail. For this, a syringe with an ultra-thin needle is used, which allows manipulation even on the most delicate areas of the face and body.

The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the skin being treated. On average it will take about 20-40 minutes.

Mesotherapy is suitable for restoring the quality of skin in the following problem areas:

  • faces;
  • neck;
  • décolleté areas;
  • hands;
  • outer and inner thighs;
  • belly;
  • scalp.

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Her Majesty mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is one of the effective and painless procedures for skin rejuvenation. It is often called beauty injections, because, in fact, that’s what it is. During the procedure, microscopic doses of special beneficial substances are injected under the skin in problem areas of the face to promote skin rejuvenation and improve its condition.

Cosmetologists note that mesotherapy is the most effective non-surgical method of skin rejuvenation.

Another advantage of this procedure is that it is painless. Many clients, sharing their reviews of this rejuvenation, say that mesotherapy feels similar to other surface treatment techniques, but is much more effective. After all, all useful substances, biologically active preparations, and vitamins necessary for the skin reach exactly the right place—the epidermis. Due to this introduction of active substances directly “to the destination”, the result is achieved as quickly as possible. The skin is restored from the inside, becomes healthy, more toned. The resulting effect lasts for several months.

Beauty injections are similar to reflexology, in which active zones and points responsible for skin rejuvenation are irritated.

After classical facial mesotherapy, traces of injections may remain for several days. Therefore, if you have important events planned, avoid the injection method of administering the drug.

The mesotherapy procedure is popular not only among women, but also among men who want to look much younger.

Types of drugs for mesotherapy

For mesotherapy, many different drugs are used, each of which is designed to eliminate a specific problem. They contain a whole complex of active and auxiliary substances that enhance each other’s effects. The most common components include:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins C, E, A;
  • amino acids;
  • peptides;
  • antioxidants;
  • plant extracts;
  • lipolytics.

All meso-cocktails can be divided according to the type of effect:

  • restorative preparations (intended to moisturize the skin, improve its color, eliminate acne);
  • anti-aging (for smoothing wrinkles, smoothing the relief, tightening facial contours);
  • whitening (for pigmentation and dark circles under the eyes);
  • lipolytic (for correction of fat deposits);
  • allopathic (for hair loss).

What is mesopeeling

Already from the very name of the procedure you can understand that it combines two effective technologies, each of which is aimed at giving the skin youth and a healthy glow.

Mesopeeling (mesopil)

This is a cosmetic procedure based on a combination of chemical peeling and mesotherapy. The combination of these techniques allows you to enhance the effect of each of them and achieve truly impressive results.

Mesotherapy is a method of rejuvenation that has been proven over the years, involving the subcutaneous administration of microdoses of medicines, vitamins, homeopathic drugs and their mixtures. The technology has gained popularity due to the fact that it allows you to get instant results, expressed in the form of well-moisturized skin that has a healthy, fresh appearance - exactly like after a long, quality rest. Thanks to injections of beneficial substances, the skin quickly recovers after mesopeeling.

During mesotherapy, special preparations or cocktails are used, which are selected according to the individual characteristics and indications of a particular patient. The ingredients of such a cocktail can be vitamin complexes, microelements, moisturizing components, plant extracts, amino acids.

The name of the second component of mesopeeling is derived from the English verb to peel, which is translated into Russian as “to cleanse.” Accordingly, chemical peeling is a cosmetic technique aimed at exfoliating cells in the upper layer of the epidermis, as well as activating the papillary layer of the dermis. The procedure allows you to achieve stimulation of the papillary layer of the dermis, which entails the launch of the process of regeneration of the skin and improvement of its quality.

Doctors have combined the advantages of mesotherapy and peeling, revealing to the world a new direction in cosmetology - mesopeeling, which allows you to carefully and quickly restore youth to the skin and eliminate many defects.

Differences between mesotherapy and biorevitalization and plasma lifting

The characteristic difference between mesotherapy and other techniques lies in the drugs used:

  • for plasma lifting, platelet-rich plasma obtained from the patient’s blood is used;
  • biorevitalization is carried out using preparations based on a high content of hyaluronic acid. The procedure is not intended to treat hair loss.

Injection cosmetic procedures allow you to deliver beneficial substances into the deep layers of the skin. Due to this, the process of restoration and rejuvenation occurs at the cellular level.

Mesopeeling technology

Women are accustomed to adapting many procedures to carry them out at home. But in this case, it is impossible to carry out mesopeeling at home. The drug must be administered under the skin by a professional under sterile conditions, and even in the right places.

Before the procedure, preparations are made for the session. An allergy test is carried out (it is advisable that this happens a day before the procedure on delicate skin: at the wrist, behind the ear). If everything is in order, the specialist prepares the skin, and then mesopiling acids are introduced:

  1. Cleansing. It can be carried out using any means at the discretion of the cosmetologist, taking into account the condition of the skin. Additionally, you can do scrubbing, masks, facial massage.

  2. Administration of the drug. The drug is injected to a depth of 1 or 2 mm using the thinnest needle of a syringe at the desired angle. Before doing this, a mixture of acids is selected that is suitable for the particular case. The areas of the face where injections need to be made are also determined.

Mesopeeling techniques may vary. It all depends on the technology chosen for the procedure by a specific cosmetologist. Alternatively, after the cleansing stage, the face can be moisturized with cream or serum. And after the procedure, a toning or soothing mask can be made.

After mesopeeling, other mesotherapy procedures can be performed, but with an interval of one week. Combinations of superficial peeling and mesopeeling in one session are also possible. And also, the session can be a preparatory stage for other cosmetic procedures :

  • mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid;
  • Botox injections;
  • filler injections;
  • laser skin resurfacing.

Each of them can be performed in combination with the main mesopeeling procedure in one visit. However, it is not recommended to carry out all of the above types of procedures in one visit to a cosmetologist. It is not recommended to use glycolic acid and salicylic peeling in one session. After such a tandem, visible bruises and minor redness may remain.

Competent complexes, using mesopeeling and other procedures, can show good results and maintain them for a long time. But in addition to visiting a cosmetologist, this also requires home measures to maintain the beauty of the skin.

Video of how mosopilling is done in the clinic.

How to get the best results from mesotherapy

After completing the course of mesotherapy, the skin is completely restored from the inside. The procedure allows you to remove age-related changes in just a few sessions and improve the overall quality of the skin. The result lasts for 6-8 months.

To enhance the effectiveness of mesotherapy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Immediately after the procedure, you cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna, or beach.
  2. If mesotherapy of the scalp was carried out, then you need to temporarily refrain from washing your hair.
  3. After mesotherapy with drugs containing lipolytics, it is necessary to additionally follow a diet and exercise.

Cost of mesotherapy procedure

The cost of one mesotherapy procedure depends on the drug used and the area of ​​influence:

Meso Skin B (face)9,000 rub.
Meso Skin OX (face)9,000 rub.
Skinko6,000 rub.
Skinko E8,000 rub.
Mesopeeling (Skinko + almond peeling Enerpeel)10,000 rub.
Mesopeeling (Skinko E + almond peeling Enerpeel)12,000 rub.
Meso Sculpt 1ml.15,000 rub.
Meso Sculpt 2ml.28,000 rub.
Up Grade Promoitalia (face)RUB 7,500
Up Grade Promoitalia (face+neck)12,000 rub.
Nucleonix Promoitalia (face)6,500 rub.
Nucleonix Promoitalia (face+neck)10,000 rub.
Idebae Promoitalia (face)6,500 rub.
Idebae Promoitalia (face+neck)10,000 rub.
Hydro Line (face) 2 ml.RUB 4,500
Hydro Line (face+neck) 3.5 ml.7,000 rub.
Hydro Line (hands) 1.5 ml.3,000 rub.
Hydro Line (face+neck+décolleté or hands) 5 ml.9,000 rub.
ADN Restart Armor 5 ml.RUB 7,500
ADN Restart 2 ml.RUB 7,500
Cost of anesthesia procedure
Single zone anesthesia800 rub
Anesthesia of two zones1500 rub.

Types of mesotherapy

Depending on the method of introducing the anti-aging drug under the skin, there are two main methods of mesotherapy: injection (invasive) and non-injection (non-invasive).

Injection mesotherapy

The very name “injection” therapy suggests that “beauty injections” are performed with thin needles (manual or hardware). When administering the drug manually, it becomes possible to carry out the procedure in delicate and hard-to-reach areas, and the product is used economically. The disadvantage of this procedure is the duration of the session and pain.

In hardware mesotherapy, drugs are administered subcutaneously using a special injector (gun) with many mesotherapy needles. The procedure is performed both manually and automatically. When using this method, the rejuvenation session is significantly reduced in time and pain is reduced.

Non-invasive (needle-free) mesotherapy

An alternative to classic “beauty injections” is non-injection mesotherapy, in which anti-aging drugs get under the skin without the help of a needle.

Non-invasive procedures include:

  • laser mesotherapy,
  • oxygen mesotherapy,
  • electroporation,
  • cryomesotherapy,
  • ionomesotherapy.

In laser therapy, the drug is injected under the skin under the influence of laser radiation. When using oxygen mesotherapy, a rejuvenating cocktail is introduced by oxygen pressure, which, moreover, accelerates metabolism and stimulates blood circulation.

During electroporation, active substances enter the skin under the influence of electrical impulses.

Galvanic current for subcutaneous administration of anti-aging drugs is used in ionomesotherapy.

Cryomesotherapy is one of the newest types of mesotherapy, in which the rejuvenating effect is achieved through the three components of current, cold and a beauty cocktail.

Non-invasive mesotherapy has a number of advantages:

  • painlessness of the procedure,
  • the session lasts up to 30 minutes,
  • no rehabilitation period required,
  • the injected drug is evenly distributed under the skin.

All existing types of mesotherapy have their pros and cons. It is quite difficult to decide which method to choose without consulting a specialist. After all, before choosing the most suitable procedure, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors (including the pain threshold, the skin’s susceptibility to external irritants) and determine exactly what problem mesotherapy should solve.

The effect of the procedure depends on the method of administration of the drug and the composition of the anti-aging cocktail. Most often in mesotherapy, subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid is used. It binds water molecules, thereby maintaining the flawless shape of the face.

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