Types of body scrubs and DIY recipes for making them

To keep your skin healthy and attractive, you need to take regular care of your body. Removing dead tissue and cleaning pores with special body scrubs will help refresh and smooth the epidermis.

You can purchase ready-made preparations in cosmetic stores or make your own at home. Most scrub ingredients are available in any kitchen.

Familiarity with the basic recipes will help you select and prepare a composition suitable for a specific skin type.

Types of body scrubs

Body scrub products vary in purpose of use. Depending on what the body scrub is intended for, the following compositions are distinguished:

  • anti-cellulite – contain large abrasive particles, used to quickly get rid of dead cells;
  • moisturizing – intended for dry skin, consisting of small particles;
  • tightening – include components that promote skin rejuvenation;
  • whitening - used to even out the tone of the skin surface;
  • cleansing – used to soften and cleanse the skin, making it smooth.

Each of these types has its own properties and has a specific effect.

Useful properties of scrubs and contraindications

What are the benefits of body scrub?

After using the scrub, the skin becomes surprisingly smooth and velvety. The scrub not only exfoliates dead cells, but also saturates the skin with beneficial elements. In addition, the pleasant aroma of the scrub lifts your mood.

Coffee, salt, sugar, crushed fruit seeds, and cereals are used as abrasives in home scrubbing. In addition to exfoliation, these particles massage our skin and accelerate blood microcirculation. They are natural, do not harm us and are safe to use on the skin of the body. After such a massage you will feel rested.

In addition to scrubbing particles, the scrub contains natural oils, moisturizing agents, and sometimes even consists of a cream. As a result, along with exfoliation, we also receive hydration and nourishment for the skin.


Some abrasives can be very harsh and coarse, which can cause damage to the skin. Therefore, you need to be careful and choose the right scrubs for certain parts of the body.

Contraindications for the use of mechanical cleansing are open wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin. This can aggravate the situation and lead to prolonged healing.

Benefits and harms

With age, the process of skin renewal slows down significantly. Due to an excess of keratinization, the pores become clogged, and the condition of the epidermis worsens. Scrubbing, complementing regular body care, speeds up the process of cell regeneration. The appearance of the skin noticeably improves, it looks much smoother and healthier.

Regular use of body scrub has the following effects:

  1. Eliminates the stratum corneum.
  2. Heals the skin by saturating it with oxygen.
  3. Provides nutrition to the epidermis with vitamins.
  4. Increases skin elasticity, making it tightened.
  5. Eliminates cellulite, stretch marks, scars.

During the scrubbing procedure, muscles relax and the nervous system calms down.

The use of scrubs before various cosmetic procedures (wraps, massages, masks) enhances the effect of the procedure.

But when carrying out the cleansing procedure, you must select the components correctly and observe the proportions, otherwise you can harm the skin. Do not overuse cosmetics. Extensive use of a scrub leads to the removal of the upper stratum corneum, leaving the skin unprotected and unable to withstand ultraviolet rays.

Using low-quality products can injure the epidermis and cause infection.

Correct use of the product will help you avoid negative consequences and get the desired effect.

Scrubs that give your skin radiance

Coffee scrub

Coffee invigorates and brings you back to life not only in the form of a drink. This is an excellent ingredient for homemade cosmetics. Here are a few benefits of this fragrant product:

Photo by Anna Tarazevich: Pexels

  • protects the skin from aging (promotes an increase in collagen levels, and free radicals, the culprits of aging, lose their destructive power);
  • reduces acne;
  • reduces sun damage;
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • refreshes the skin under the eyes;
  • makes the skin elastic by stimulating blood flow;
  • helps strengthen hair.


  • 3 teaspoons coffee
  • half a cup of yogurt
  • honey

Mix all the ingredients - first freshly ground coffee and yogurt. Leave until thickened (5 minutes), then add honey. For those with dry skin, it is recommended to replace yogurt with high-fat milk. Rub the mixture in a circular motion into the skin for 8-10 minutes, then rinse. For a more pronounced effect, wash with cold water. This scrub can be used twice a week.

By the way, coffee will help you cope with puffy eyelids. To do this, brew fresh coffee and apply the coffee pulp around your eyes. After a few minutes, gently wash it off. The secret is that coffee dilates blood vessels, and excess fluid (the cause of swelling) disappears. Ice cubes with coffee are a must-have for those who want to look perfect first thing in the morning.

Scrub with almonds and honey with anti-aging effect

This lightweight, oil-based scrub hydrates skin, tightens pores and reduces inflammation for visibly brighter skin. Ground almonds exfoliate and smooth out wrinkles, helping to turn back time.


  • 2 tablespoons grape seed oil
  • 5 teaspoons ground almonds
  • 1 teaspoon warmed honey
  • 2 drops rose oil

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl, then apply to face and décolleté. Rinse off with warm water.

Almond Coconut Scrub


  • 2 tablespoons dried rose petals
  • 4 tablespoons ground almonds
  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • coconut milk
  • 2 cups white clay

Grind the oatmeal, then mix the dry ingredients. Then add enough coconut milk to make a paste.

Scrub “Coffee and chocolate”

Chocolate is good both in taste and as a cosmetic product. The secret of its magical charms is a large number of antioxidants, the very ones that cause us to become old. It has moisturizing properties, perfectly softens the skin, gives freshness and preserves youth.


  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • dark chocolate (melted) – 2-3 tablespoons
  • 2 tablespoons ground coffee
  • 16 tablespoons granulated sugar

The preparation process is incredibly simple - mix and put in a jar. To use the scrub, place a small amount in a bowl and melt in the microwave for a few seconds. Well, what's next, you know.

Scrub “Fruit Freshness”

Fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and a treasure trove of other useful substances that are actively used in cosmetology. Nutrients, enzymes and acids cleanse the skin, give freshness and nourish with moisture.


Choose a fruit of your choice or use them together - it could be orange, papaya or banana. These fresh fruits need to be crushed into a puree, and then used as a regular scrub.

Features of the scrubbing procedure

When choosing a body scrub, you should consider your skin type. Not only the composition of the cosmetic product used, but also the intensity of the cleansing procedure depends on the skin type.

For oily skin

Oily skin is not as sensitive as dry skin. Therefore, mixtures for its processing may include large and medium-sized abrasive substances: salt, sugar, crushed fruit seeds, nuts.

Coffee scrub at home

Rub the body for about 5-6 minutes. After the procedure, the body is treated with a cream with moisturizing or nourishing properties.

The frequency of peeling is from 1 to 3 times every 7-8 days.

For dry and sensitive skin

Special care is necessary for sensitive, dry skin. You will need a composition with a delicate texture, including components for moisturizing and nutrition.

The best ingredients for soft formulations will be cottage cheese, sour cream, and fruits chopped in a blender.

Scrubbing is carried out with a small amount of the mixture for no more than 2 minutes. Afterwards, lubricate the body with cream. The procedure is carried out once every 14 days.

How to make a natural one from clay

To make an effective and healthy scrub from cosmetic clay, you will need 4 teaspoons of sugar, 3 small spoons of ground coffee, black clay and essential oil - just a few drops. You will also need a small amount of base oil - you can take olive oil or grape seeds.

First you need to mix the coffee and sugar, then add the oils and mix well again. After this you can add clay. The resulting product must be rubbed into the skin and left for a few minutes. As a result, it will become surprisingly soft and velvety.


Despite the benefits that the cleansing procedure brings, negative consequences may occur. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you must ensure that there are no contraindications.

Women with thin, sensitive skin should avoid peeling to avoid damaging it with abrasive elements.

Scrubbing is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from various skin diseases;
  • in the presence of venous disease.

When choosing the composition of a scrub, you should take into account a possible allergic reaction to individual components. Sensitivity testing performed on the bend of the elbow joint will help you verify that the product is hypoallergenic.

The procedure should not be carried out immediately after tanning, or if there are scratches, cuts, or damage to the skin. In these cases, they resort to other cleansing methods or choose scrubs with a more delicate effect.

Skin care after scrubbing and possible side effects

After the scrub, the skin does not require a rehabilitation period, so it does not need special care. If you have sensitive epidermis, it is advisable not to sunbathe for 24 hours after the procedure.

When used correctly, the product rarely causes side effects, but in rare cases the following are possible:

  • allergies - if you are intolerant to the components of the composition, if a rash, irritation, redness and other undesirable reactions appear - consult a doctor;
  • skin injuries - when using products with too coarse hard particles, it is necessary to treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide or another antibacterial drug;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin to external factors (ultraviolet radiation, frost, etc.) - if scrubbing is abused, the skin loses its natural protective layer, in this case you need to stop using scrubs for at least a month.

Distinctive characteristics of body scrubs

The components used in the preparation of the scrub are selected depending on the place where the product is used: face, body, arms, legs.

The most delicate part of the body is the face. Therefore, the product with the most delicate consistency is chosen for it. The diameter of the scrubbing substances contained in it should be minimal.

For rough skin on the feet and heels, thick scrubs consisting only of abrasive are used. A softer composition is selected for hands.

The body is cleaned with cosmetic preparations that include large abrasive substances. This will help to better exfoliate dead tissue.

When preparing a scrub at home, you can adjust the recipe by selecting the composition of the desired hardness.

How to apply it correctly?

It is strictly forbidden to scrub dry skin, as this will lead to the formation of microtraumas and damage to the epithelium.

To effectively exfoliate, you must first steam your body - spending about 10 minutes in the bath or shower is enough. In addition, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • the skin on the body differs markedly depending on its location, so each area needs special care;
  • Before applying the scrub, you need to not only stand under water, but also cleanse the body of ordinary surface contaminants, otherwise the product will not be able to affect the skin itself;
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening or before bedtime so that the skin has time to recover overnight;
  • You should not apply the scrub directly with your hands, otherwise the skin on your palms will be subjected to intense exposure to the entire mass of the product that you use on the body;
  • for comfortable and convenient scrubbing, it is better to use a massage glove or sponge, which will not only protect your hands, but also increase the massage effect;
  • the remaining scrub should be thoroughly rinsed off and then gently pat the body dry with a towel.

After scrubbing, be sure to apply a cream or lotion that will moisturize the epithelium and fill it with nutrients. This will soothe irritated skin and reduce redness.

For legs and arms

In this area, the scrub performs a rather important function:

  • Regular scrubbing of the legs and armpits is a good measure against ingrown hairs that can form as a result of shaving;
  • The skin of the hands is constantly exposed to the aggressive influence of various external factors, so the scrub enhances its regeneration and serves as a good springboard for the application of nourishing and moisturizing products.

It is recommended to apply the product with gentle movements, starting from the hands and ankles, ending with the torso.

We recommend: Face and body skin care. How to make a sugar scrub and what are its benefits?


  1. Before scrubbing, you need to steam your skin well (for example, take a bath with oils and salt), and then gently rub your thighs with a soft washcloth.
  2. Next, apply a scrub and begin to massage the skin in a circular motion from bottom to top - this procedure helps improve the metabolic processes occurring inside the epithelium.
  3. The remains of the scrub are thoroughly washed off with warm water, and then the thighs are rinsed with a cool shower to create a contrasting effect.


This area with the roughest skin does not need to be spared, unlike the rest of the body. It is recommended to thoroughly steam your feet, and then apply more product and thoroughly massage the skin with pressing circular movements. In this case, you can use a harsher scrub, for example, with large particles of coffee or salt.

Tender areas and inner surface of the hands

These areas, on the contrary, require careful treatment: all movements should be soft and gliding. Pressing or kneading gestures are not allowed, since the skin in such areas is very susceptible to irritation.

Composition of the product

One of the advantages of making homemade scarab is the ability to use any available ingredients available in the house. Natural ingredients are often used by many companies in the manufacture of cosmetic products.

The following are used as exfoliating agents:

  • coffee beans;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • cereals;
  • semolina;
  • sugar;
  • rice;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • ground apricot, grape seeds;
  • coconut flakes.

Acids are often added to the product. To do this, use the zest of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. All ingredients are ground in a coffee grinder or blender and mixed with the base.

The base for nourishing and moisturizing the skin may consist of:

  • olive, almond, coconut oils;
  • kefir, cream; yogurt, milk,
  • honey;
  • shower gel.

The ingredients used to make a homemade cleanser are quite affordable. The proportions of the components are selected depending on the quantity and consistency of the scrub.

How to make an organic product at home?

Before preparing a homemade scrub , you need to decide what will be used as solid particles and base.

The most suitable abrasives are:

  • sugar: regular white, as well as cane and coconut sugar will do;
  • salt: black sea, regular rock, iodized;
  • sand;
  • semolina;
  • ground coffee beans;
  • oatmeal, etc.

As a moisturizing or nourishing base you can use:

  • various oils: olive, almond, coconut, avocado, etc.;
  • yogurt, kefir, milk, cream;
  • honey;
  • chopped soft vegetables and fruits;
  • regular shower gel.

All products are thoroughly ground in a coffee grinder/mill and mixed with the base. The proportions can be changed by adding more scrubbing particles or oil, focusing on what is more suitable for a particular skin type. The finished mass is stored in an airtight container or jar in the refrigerator.

ADVICE. It is advisable to prepare the scrub 1-2 times, because due to the presence of natural ingredients in the composition, it will not be stored for a long time. 10-14 days is the maximum.

Features of choice

When buying a ready-made body scrub or selecting a composition for preparing a homemade product, you need to take into account a number of criteria.

The composition of the product must be suitable for your skin type and include safe ingredients. The purpose of peeling is also important: moisturizing, nourishing, getting rid of cellulite, rejuvenating, evening out tone.

Store-bought products are easy to use and do not require preparation time. When purchasing finished products, you should carefully study the composition of the cosmetic product. Ready-made scrubs often contain chemical components: preservatives, stabilizers, fragrances. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the body’s reaction to the components used. It is recommended to use products that do not contain microplastics or have a minimal amount.

Natural scrubs for face and body care

Natural ingredients are used to prepare homemade scrubs, which minimizes the risk of allergies. In addition, you can select the composition yourself and control the concentration of scrubbing particles.

DIY relaxing peeling recipes

These homemade scrub recipes will help open your pores and remove toxins from your body. At the same time, they perfectly relax muscles, relieve tension and improve sleep. Suitable for any skin type.

Green tea scrub

In a bowl, mix half a cup of sea salt, a tablespoon of baking soda, a spoonful of apricot kernel oil, and a few drops of lime and orange essential oils. Then add the contents of 1 green tea bag and mix well. The mixture should be very thick, with a greenish tint.

Lavender Vanilla Body Scrub

Mix 1.5 cups of sugar, 1 full cup of grapeseed oil, a little vanilla extract, 3 tablespoons of lavender and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Lavender and vanilla will provide wonderful relaxation and soothe the skin.

Scrub with rose petals

In a sterilized glass bowl, mix 1 cup of sugar, a spoonful of honey and jojoba oil, half a cup of dried rose petals, and some lavender flowers. Finally add 5 – 10 drops of lavender or rose (optional). Apply to skin with light massaging movements.

Homemade body scrub recipes

The recipe for peeling products is quite varied. The ingredients that make up the cleansing preparation are always in the kitchen of any housewife. Familiarity with some popular recipes will help you prepare the cleansing composition correctly.

Scrubs for skin tightening

With age, due to a decrease in collagen production, the skin withers and becomes dull. Therefore, cosmetic products should include ingredients that not only cleanse the skin, but also promote the resumption of collagen production. This will increase skin elasticity, help smooth out fine wrinkles, and slow down the aging process.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin peeling effectively removes impurities and dead tissue from the skin.

To prepare the product you will need:

  • raw pumpkin – 100 g;
  • fine sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • ground cinnamon – 1 tsp.

The pumpkin is peeled, boiled, and mashed to a puree. Combine the pulp with sugar and cinnamon. You can add vitamin E (5 drops) to the resulting mass.


Milk scrubs can be used for all skin types.

Oatmeal, honey, and egg yolk are used as additional components for the manufacture of cosmetic products. Milk peeling gently cleanses and nourishes the skin with beneficial substances.

With almond oil

In the manufacture of cosmetics, both almond oil and crushed nuts are used.

The kernels are pre-dried in the oven, peeled, and ground in a coffee grinder. Chopped nuts are combined with almond oil.

This scrub can be kept in a cold place for about 14-15 days. The oil in this product acts as a powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates the skin.

Scrubs for dry body skin

Too harsh peeling is not suitable for dry skin. Therefore, scrubs should include fine abrasives that do not injure the skin, as well as vitamins and antioxidants. They will help strengthen and nourish the skin.


For banana peeling you will need the following ingredients:

  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt or sour cream - 1 glass;
  • dried, crushed orange zest.

Cooking method:

The mashed banana is mixed with sour cream or yogurt, and orange zest is added.

From coconut flakes

Before preparing a cleansing product based on coconut shavings, it must be additionally crushed in a coffee grinder.

You can prepare the scrub in several ways:

  1. Add cinnamon (2 tsp) to the shavings (3 tbsp), combine everything with sour cream (150 ml) and honey (2 tbsp)
  2. Mix the chips and almond butter, adding a spoonful of white sugar.
  3. Thoroughly mix the shavings (100 g), yogurt (100 ml), brown sugar (1 tbsp).

Any of the resulting mixtures is treated with skin.


Oatmeal is the most delicate and gentle abrasive. You can get it by grinding oatmeal.

Flour (8 tbsp) is mixed with honey (2 tbsp) and cream (2 tbsp). Without waiting for the oatmeal to swell, treat the body with a scrub.

Homemade salt body scrub

Oatmeal peeling has a healing effect, making the skin soft and silky.

With mango

For mango peeling you will need the following components:

  • brown sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • coconut oil – 2 tbsp;
  • mango pulp - 0.25 cups;
  • orange essential oil – 3-4 drops.

Having combined all the ingredients, the mixture is thoroughly stirred until pureed.

Latin American

To prepare an exotic scrub, combine 50 g of cane sugar with 3 tsp. coconut oil, one ripe avocado, chopped almonds, 20 g heavy cream.

You can add a tropical aroma to your scrub using essential oils:

  • lemon (5 drops);
  • vanilla (3 drops);
  • roses (1 drop).

Wash off the product 5 minutes after treating the skin.

With chickpeas

The composition of the drug, in addition to chickpeas, includes:

  • oatmeal;
  • dried orange zest;
  • jasmine and almond oil.

Before preparing the product, the orange zest is crushed using a coffee grinder, and the chickpeas are ground to obtain a powder. Oatmeal (0.25 cups), zest (2 tsp) are mixed with chickpea powder (0.25 cups). Add jasmine oil (8-9 drops) and almond oil (2 tsp).

The mixture is stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The structure of the mixture should be dry and not watery.


In semolina peeling, in addition to semolina, honey and milk are involved in a 2:1:1 ratio. You can replace milk with sour cream or cream.

Add a few drops of orange or grapefruit essential oil to the mixture.

Relaxing homemade scrubs

Relaxing peeling is necessary to relieve tension and improve sleep. When using relaxing compounds, the pores open better and all toxins are removed from the body. Suitable for all skin types.


Tea peeling is prepared on the basis of green tea.

Additional Ingredients:

  • sea ​​salt – 125 ml;
  • baking soda – 1 tbsp;
  • apricot kernel oil – 1 tbsp;
  • orange essential oil – 4-5 drops.

After mixing all the ingredients, add 1 tea bag and stir again until a thick consistency is formed. The mixture should take on a greenish tint.


A scrub made from dried lavender will have a soothing and antiseptic effect. To do this, grind the lavender in a mortar or bowl.

Then mix lavender (2 tsp) with sugar (0.25 cup), adding olive oil or jojoba oil (3-4 tsp).

All substances are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.

From rose petals

Fragrant rose petals not only soothe and help you relax, but also relieve inflammation of the skin. Roses of any variety and color are suitable for preparing a cleansing mixture.


  • rose petals – 12-15 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • cosmetic oil (mango, olive, peach) – 1 tsp;
  • rose essential oil – 3-4 drops.

Cooking method:

Rose petals are ground in a blender, then sugar and butter are added. Unlike most beauty products, pink scrub can be stored for 10-14 days in the refrigerator.

Energy scrubs

Invigorating cosmetic preparations not only remove impurities from the skin, but also refresh, giving the body a feeling of lightness.

The vitamins and valuable microelements included in the energy product will provide the skin with additional nutrition.

This peeling improves blood circulation, charging you with energy for a long time, so it is advisable not to use it before bed.

With grapefruit

Grapefruit peeling refreshes and renews the skin well. Due to the rich content of vitamin C in the fruit, the skin becomes radiant and healthy.

Feet care. All about scrubs.

To prepare the cleanser, mix coconut oil and white sugar in a saucepan, using 0.5 cups of each ingredient. Add zest, pulp and grapefruit juice.

Beat all components in a mixer for 25-30 seconds, turning on maximum speed. The finished mixture should have a homogeneous mass in the form of thick foam.

A grapefruit scrub will strengthen and improve skin tone, and also give a considerable boost of vivacity and energy.


Aromatic cinnamon is used not only for baking. It helps rejuvenate and improve skin tone. You can prepare the scrub in two ways:

  1. Mix cinnamon and honey in a 2:1 ratio.
  2. Combine cinnamon and soda (2 tablespoons each), adding a few drops of lemon juice.

To make a cosmetic product, you use ready-made ground cinnamon or grind it yourself.

With ginger

To prepare ginger scrub, both fresh and dried roots are used. The root is pre-crushed. Then mix a spoonful of ginger with coconut oil, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, taking 0.5 cups of each substance.

The mixture can be supplemented with any essential oil. After using this product, the skin becomes much softer and smoother.

Anti-cellulite body scrubs

Metabolic disorders, poor nutrition, and excess weight worsen the appearance of the skin. An “orange peel” appears on certain parts of the body.

Anti-cellulite scrub helps break down fat deposits, tighten and smooth the skin, remove toxins and waste that contribute to the appearance of cellulite. This scrub is recommended for massaging problem areas.

With pepper

The basis of this remedy is black pepper. Sea buckthorn oil and coffee grounds are used as additional ingredients.

An equal amount of components is thoroughly mixed and applied to a moisturized body.


There are quite a lot of coffee bean based cleansers. Both coffee grounds and freshly ground coffee are used.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub consists of the following components:

  • coffee grounds – 5-6 tbsp;
  • hot water;
  • vegetable oil (almond, olive, grape seeds) – 1 tbsp;
  • essential oil (grapefruit, orange, rosemary) – 5-10 drops.

At the initial stage, the coffee is diluted with hot water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Then the remaining components are added.

Coffee scrub cleanses, tones, and improves the elasticity of the skin. The product effectively fights “orange peel”, promoting weight loss.

With sea salt

The base of a salt scrub is oil. Sea salt acts as an abrasive.

You should not use a salt scrub if you have wounds or irritation on your body.

To prepare the drug, olive or almond oil (3 tbsp) is mixed with salt (2 tbsp). Add 2-3 drops of various essential oils (rosemary, bergamot, clove) to the resulting mixture. All components are thoroughly mixed.

From corn flour

To make corn scrub, use cereal or flour. The cereal produces a harsher product suitable for feet and elbows. The flour-based composition is more delicate.

Corn peeling is done after treating moisturized skin with gel. Rub the cereal with light movements. Then rinse with water, blot the body with a towel and lubricate with nourishing cream.


For chocolate scrubbing, you can use chocolate or cocoa. Chocolate should contain a minimum amount of flavoring additives. Before preparing the product, melt the chocolate bar in a water bath.

The magical effect of masks and scrubs with aspirin

Ground coffee (3 tbsp) is added as an abrasive. If the mass is too thick, dilute with milk. The mixture is applied to the body after cooling.

Evening skin tone

To eliminate existing imperfections on the surface of the skin (pigment spots, acne), scrubs containing melanin are used. Such products help even out the color and texture of the skin.

At the same time, the water balance increases. Thanks to this, the skin acquires a healthy and bright appearance.


Lemon whitens the skin well and nourishes it with vitamins. To prepare lemon peeling you need to prepare:

  • grated zest of one lemon;
  • 5 tbsp. sea ​​salt;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. honey;
  • 3-5 drops of lemon oil.

Cooking method:

Olive oil is combined with sea salt. Add honey and mix. The mixture can be prepared in advance and kept in the refrigerator.

Before the scrubbing procedure, add lemon zest and oil. Lemon peeling perfectly tightens and refreshes the skin.

With rice and coffee

Any rice ground in a coffee grinder is suitable for rice peeling.

Rice (0.25 cups) is mixed with the same amount of natural coffee and diluted with kefir (0.5 cups).

For dry skin, replace kefir with heavy cream. The thoroughly mixed mixture is left to infuse for half an hour.

5-6 minutes after applying the scrub to the body, rinse with warm water.

With clay and seaweed

Laminaria (seaweed) is used both for anti-cellulite wraps and for peeling.

To prepare the cleansing preparation, 1 tbsp. cabbage pour 2 tbsp. warm water and leave for 60 minutes to swell. Then add 1 tsp. blue clay and mix the mixture thoroughly. The body is treated with the finished mass.

The best natural body remedies at home: TOP 10

To make it easier to choose the right homemade scrub recipe, we have made the TOP 10 most popular products:

1 – Coffee. Coffee is used most often, as its effect is immediately visible: it tones, refreshes and smells very pleasant.

2 – Honey . Honey scrub is very popular as it is great for preventing cellulite.

3 – Coffee + honey . Naturally, the TOP includes a mixture of the most popular ingredients: honey and coffee. This is a powerful remedy in the fight against cellulite.

4 – Saline . There is salt in any kitchen, but for the recipe it is better to use sea salt, as it contains more valuable minerals.

5 – Oatmeal. Ground oatmeal allows you to get a very gentle scrub, but at the same time effective: it cleanses the skin well without injuring it.

6 – With ginger and cinnamon . This is a burning scrub that instantly improves skin tone. But because of its pungency, not everyone likes it.

7 – Sugar . Every housewife has sugar, just like salt. This affordable ingredient is an excellent skin scrubbing agent.

8 – Coconut . A very fragrant, soft and effective scrub. You can use both coconut oil and shavings at the same time.

9 – Rice and coffee . This scrub is quite gentle and suitable for sensitive areas (décolleté and neck).

10 – Carrot-apple . A juicy and effective scrub; you can use starch or semolina as scrubbing particles.

Homemade beauty products for cleansing your skin can be made from almost any ingredient in your refrigerator. The most important thing is that their composition includes ground particles and a high-quality base is selected. You can follow the proportions, or you can come up with your own: it all depends on what consistency you need to achieve and how much scrub you want to get.

Preparing a body scrub for use in the bath

Bath procedures help to better open the skin pores and cleanse it.

The scrub is prepared immediately before visiting the bathhouse.

For peeling in a bath, honey mixtures in combination with cinnamon (2:1) or salt (1:1) are best suited.

The mixture is applied to cleanly washed skin and sent to the steam room for 4-5 minutes. Afterwards, wash off with warm water.

A scrub applied to a steamed body has a better effect, and the skin receives the necessary nutrition.

Cinnamon recipe

You need to add a little cinnamon essential oil to a large spoon of olive oil and mix well. Before use, the mixture should be heated and rubbed into problem areas, making massage movements.

This scrub should not be used more than 2 times a week. It is recommended to rinse off the product first with warm and then with cold water.

Recipes for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin types are characterized by irritability. An allergic reaction can occur even to the mildest care products.

There are recipes for scrubs for sensitive skin.


Preparation of the scrub and indications for use:

  1. Grape seeds are crushed using a coffee grinder.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. The mass is mixed with the same amount of warm coke oil.
  3. The resulting product is evenly distributed over the face.
  4. The scrub is left on the skin for 10 minutes, then its remnants are removed with a paper napkin.

The use of a folk remedy helps to carefully remove dead skin particles, nourish cells and moisturize the skin.

Soft with honey

Honey scrub recipe and instructions for use:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. honey mixed with 1 tsp. St. John's wort oil.
  2. The composition is applied to cleansed skin for 4 minutes.
  3. After a light massage, the product is removed with a damp cloth, then the face is washed with warm water.

The procedure should be carried out 30 minutes before bedtime. Using a soft scrub with honey helps cleanse and renew your facial skin.

Recipes for oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by a greasy shine and overly enlarged pores. With this type of skin, a person is often bothered by pimples and acne.

Scrub recipes for oily skin are as follows.

With aspirin

Preparation of the scrub and indications for use:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dry plantain leaves are brewed with half a glass of boiling water. The product is infused under the lid for half an hour, then filtered.
  2. 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are crushed to a powder.
  3. Crushed aspirin is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. herbal infusion and 1 tsp. grape essential oil.
  4. The resulting composition is distributed over the skin of the face and left for 3-4 minutes.
  5. The product is washed off with warm water.

A scrub with aspirin helps not only cleanse the skin, but also whiten it, eliminate excessive oiliness and prevent many different skin problems.


Recipe for the product and instructions for use:

  1. Squeeze 1 tbsp from lemon. l. juice
  2. Lemon liquid is combined with 1.5 tsp. salt.
  3. The resulting mixture is gently rubbed into cleansed facial skin.
  4. The composition is left for 3 minutes, then washed off with water.

The use of a lemon-salt scrub helps improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which excessive oiliness of the skin disappears and acne goes away.

Recipes for aging skin

Aging skin needs products with a rejuvenating effect, rich in vitamins and nutrients.

The recipes for anti-wrinkle scrubs are as follows.


Preparation and method of use:

  1. The kernels are removed from 3 walnuts and thoroughly chopped.
  2. Add 1 vitamin C tablet to the mixture, crushed into powder.
  3. The resulting composition is combined with 2 raw quail eggs.
  4. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  5. The scrub is applied to the face for 6-7 minutes.
  6. The mixture is removed with a damp cloth.

Using such a scrub helps not only cleanse the skin, but also get rid of wrinkles, significantly prolonging the youth of the face.


Recipe for the product and instructions for use:

  1. 1 tsp. Rice is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder.
  2. The resulting rice flour is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee.
  3. Add 1 tsp to the mass. chopped parsley seeds.
  4. The mixture is applied to damp skin with massaging movements.
  5. After 3-4 minutes, the product is removed with a damp cloth, then the face is washed with warm water.

The scrub deeply cleanses the dermis of dirt and dead cells. It should be used no more than once every 2 weeks.

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