What causes wen to appear?
Wen is the most common tumor on the human body, which is considered benign and is more
Melikov Azer Fuadovich endodontist of the German Implant Center
Fistula on the gum: causes, symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation
From this article you will learn: why an abscess appears on the gum, what to do when it festeres
When are sutures removed after surgery to remove atheroma?
Suppurating atheromas are a disease represented by the presence of a cystic formation on the surface of the skin. With absence
How to smooth your lips and make them more attractive at any age
The dream of many women about soft, beautiful and attractive lips actually turned out to be completely
Can papillomas disappear on their own and how does this happen?
Condylomas are specific growths on the surface of the skin. Their appearance is caused by the presence in
Red face after a mask - what to do if you have allergies
Modern cosmetics are very diverse in composition, and it so happens that a new mask suddenly
How to get rid of allergies
The Department of Health spoke about the main ways to combat allergies
A runny nose, itchy skin, urticaria, swelling, headache and conjunctivitis are not considered all the symptoms,
Foot baths with hydrogen peroxide
Benefits of hydrogen peroxide for feet. Effective bath recipes
Calluses, corns, cracked heels, dry skin and excessive sweating of the feet are common
Spots under the arms and groin: why they appear and how to cure
July 30, 2020 To talk about local inflammation, you should first understand that in general
Masks for rejuvenating aging facial skin: the best homemade effective recipes
Have you ever heard about the benefits of starch for the face? Many argue that using this
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