wrinkles around the lips
Wrinkles around the mouth: 5 ways to combat purse-string wrinkles at home
Wrinkles around the lips, whenever they appear, are an insidious thing. First of all, they always add
Morning exercises after 60 years for every day: 20 standing exercises
Over time, a person’s face undergoes significant changes - the top layer of skin dries out, the contours change,
All about septoplasty: indications, effectiveness, results
After plastic surgery on the nose, patients complain of stuffiness. It appears after aesthetic
Facial biorevitalization – what is this procedure?
Aesthetic medicine is still shrouded in mystery for many. Around popular injections today
Figure 2
Retention cyst of the lower lip
It is a malignant neoplasm formed from stratified squamous epithelium located in the red border area
Peeling and biorevitalization
A program for the combined use of biorevitalization and peeling based on retinol for the correction of involutional changes in the skin
The modern cosmetology field has a whole range of methods for eliminating various aesthetic imperfections. Among the most popular
Homemade cosmetics
12 best Chinese face masks, reviews of fabric ones
Today, Chinese face masks have migrated into the cosmetic bags of Russian women, because in the vast stores
Fibroma on the head: soft tissue under the skin, treatment, removal
Types and varieties A formation that appears on any part of the head is called fibroma. Considered to be a benign tumor
Atopic dermatitis - symptoms, causes, treatment
Scratching the skin when itching It is important to know about the vicious circle “itching - scratching - itching”.
What to do if your baby's skin is peeling
The main thing in caring for a newborn boy is taking care of his skin. In babies it is
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