Laser removal of pigment spots: procedure in detail
Pigment spots on the face are the most unpleasant. They cannot be covered with clothing or hair. Our
Sequence - how to brew and use for facial skin?
The series is known as a highly effective anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, sedative, and antiallergic agent. It is widely used for treatment
Features of anti-aging biorevitalization with otesaly
Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the human body, which is responsible for health and beauty. Thanks to
Pimples on the legs: types, causes, tips on how to get rid of pimples and blackheads quickly and effectively (120 photos and videos)
Almost every person has seen acne on their body. Their appearance is unpredictable and may
Is it possible to remove warts once and for all?
Removing warts surgically: how does it work?
Warts do not cause painful or itchy sensations, but they can be observed on any part of the body
Homemade masks for acne and blackheads: tips and recipes
A clean face and correct features are not given to everyone. But he can also take care of himself
Peptide cosmetics: 15 best products from popular manufacturers
Cosmetics of the future: what are peptides “Protein” cosmetics have been under scrutiny since the beginning of the last century
HPV during pregnancy
Preparing for pregnancy with infectious pathology of the female reproductive system
Human papillomavirus infection today is the most common disease with predominant sexual transmission. Infectious agent
Immunomodulators and antiviral drugs for HPV
In recent years, the incidence of human papillomavirus infection has been increasing. According to WHO, every year in the world about
What to do if you are bitten by an insect: how to relieve swelling and redness
Reactions to insect bites are painful conditions that develop due to the body's sensitivity to components
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