Coffee peeling - 10 best recipes for face and body

Coffee peeling continues to be one of the most popular scrubs. And this is very correct, the soft particles of ground coffee do not injure the skin and clean it well. Body peeling is not just necessary, but necessary for all women after 35, it is an effective way against keratomas, lumps on gray, brown and light brown skin.

The first reason why keratomas occur is poor exfoliation of old cells, which on young skin are quickly washed away, and on older skin they form compactions, which lead to the appearance of keratomas. Our author Katerina has prepared 10 proven coffee peelings for the face and body that are easy to do at home.

The essence of peeling

To prepare peeling, coffee grounds are supplemented with various components depending on the type of skin and area of ​​use (body/face).

Important! Only natural coffee contains nutrients.

The resulting mixture is applied with rubbing, massaging movements. It effectively exfoliates dead cells, tones the skin and saturates it with beneficial acids.


Frequency depending on skin type:

  • For dry skin - once a week.
  • For oily people - 2 times a week.

You should completely avoid the procedure if your skin is too sensitive, otherwise you may injure it.

Indications for use

The main purposes of peeling are:

  • renewal and improvement of skin tone;
  • removing a layer of dead cells;
  • slowing down aging.

The procedure is recommended for women over 25 years of age.

Is it carried out in the salon?

When carrying out the procedure in the salon, special equipment and professional cosmetics are used.

This allows you to achieve better results and keep them longer compared to home cleansing.

Many cosmetologists prefer Mediderma products. Coffee peeling from the specified manufacturer gently and delicately cleanses the skin and helps achieve maximum effect.

The average cost of the service is 1500-2000 rubles. It is recommended to undergo several sessions (6-8) at intervals of 4-6 months.

Benefits of exfoliation

The main purpose of exfoliation is to weaken the connection between dead cells and then remove them.

At the same time, during the session it is recommended to moisturize, tone or nourish the skin, since the epidermis at this time is ready to absorb biologically active substances.

Coffee beans contain:

When fried, trigonelline decomposes to form nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which restores the oval of the face (lifting effect) and relieves puffiness by activating blood flow.

Coffee peeling can be done in three ways:

  • powder obtained from green grains for intensive facial rejuvenation due to the high content of trigonelline;
  • ground roasted coffee - to tone the skin, remove acne, blackheads, normalize sebum secretion;
  • coffee grounds for delicate exfoliation and toning. This method is especially suitable for those with dry, sensitive skin and is useful for rosacea.

Each of the three exfoliation methods is superficial, i.e. during the session only the upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated.


The simplest and most universal recipe for normal and combination skin:

  • The coffee is poured with water and the slurry is separated;
  • Mix in equal proportions with fermented milk product (ryazhenka or yogurt);
  • The resulting composition is applied to the face with massaging movements;
  • Then wash off with warm water.

You can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the prepared mixture (if you are not allergic) - it will better nourish the epidermis and give it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

To cleanse your face, it is better to use fresh, finely ground coffee; it has a more delicate effect. Coarse grinding is used to exfoliate the body.

For problem skin

  • Finely ground coffee is poured with hot water and the grounds are separated.
  • Add 5 mg of table salt (fine) and 5 ml of any washing gel to the mixture.
  • Apply the product with massaging movements and wash off after 15 minutes.

This peeling dries out pimples and makes them less noticeable.

Against dryness

First option:

  • Freshly ground coffee is poured with boiled hot water and the grounds are separated. The mass should have normal thickness and not run off the face.
  • 1 tbsp of the mixture is mixed with 2 tbsp of thick sour cream and distributed over the face with massaging movements.
  • Leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A moisturizing and nourishing effect occurs if you add a spoonful of olive, almond, flaxseed or corn oil to the composition.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Unrefined sunflower oil has a similar effect as a source of antioxidants.

Second option:

  • Good finely ground coffee is brewed with boiling water in a ratio of 40 g/100 ml and the grounds are separated.
  • Then it is mixed with 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream and a few drops of rosewood extract.
  • The scrub is rubbed into clean and steamed skin with light massaging movements, left for a short time and rinsed off.
  • After the procedure, apply a moisturizer.


Oily skin is more likely to develop acne and inflammation, so it needs constant care. Coffee peeling gently cleanses and removes shine.

First option:

  • 1 tbsp of grounds from brewed freshly ground coffee is mixed with 2 tbsp of low-fat sour cream or yogurt.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey and blue clay (it draws out toxins and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands).
  • Leave the mask on for a few minutes, then rinse off with warm water and apply regular skin care cream to your face.

Second option:

  • 30 g of finely ground coffee is poured with hot boiling water.
  • While it is brewing, beat one egg white and mix it with the grounds.
  • Add 1 tsp of honey and low-fat kefir.
  • The mixture is rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. Then wash off with warm water.
  • Next, it is better to wipe your face with an ice cube. The final step is to apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

With a lifting effect

For aging skin, a simple recipe is suitable that guarantees a lifting effect.

  • Coffee grounds (25 g) are mixed with 1 teaspoon of linseed oil.
  • Add 1 tbsp of powdered kelp and a couple of crushed aloe leaves to the resulting mixture.
  • Traditionally, peeling is done on steamed skin. The mixture is rubbed in for 7-8 minutes with massaging movements.
  • Afterwards, wash your face with warm water and dry it with a napkin.
  • Then an anti-aging cream is applied.

For body

Peeling can be done not only to cleanse the face, but also to transform the body. Let's consider several interesting options.

  1. For the lazy . Apply coffee grounds to the steamed skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and take a contrast shower (this will help consolidate the effect). After the procedure, use cream/lotion.
  2. Anti-cellulite . Melt the honey in a water bath and mix it with coarsely ground coffee. Then add a couple of drops of essential or orange oil and a teaspoon of olive oil. The mixture is rubbed into problem areas until they turn red. For greater effect, you can wrap your legs with cling film. This wrap is kept for 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse everything off with warm water and moisturize with cream or body lotion.
  3. For the perfect tan . You can prepare your skin for an even tan with coffee peeling. To do this you will need 50 g of freshly ground coffee, 2 tbsp each of sugar and salt, 7 drops of patchouli oil and 3 tbsp of liquid honey. The ingredients are mixed, the mixture is applied to the body with massaging movements for 4-5 minutes. The composition is left for 5 minutes and washed off with shower gel. The effect is secured by applying lotion.

Coffee selection

Exfoliating your face with coffee grounds will be much more effective if you choose the right coffee. Please use the tips below when purchasing this component.

Buy black roasted coffee. Finely ground or grain (if you have a coffee grinder)

It is also important that it is natural, without flavorings

Using instant coffee is not recommended. It will not bring any benefit, but will only harm the skin.

It is better to brew coffee before use. Drink the drink to improve your mood, and the remaining grounds can later be used to create a mask, scrub or peeling. Make sure to dry your coffee if you are not going to use it right away, otherwise it may become moldy.

Also try making a green coffee scrub. It is much more than black, tones the skin, and, in addition, removes toxins.

Safety regulations

In order not to harm and maintain the integrity of the skin during the home procedure, you should follow some rules:

  • use only good bean coffee;
  • First, it is better to make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the composition (to do this, apply a little mixture to your hand and wait a few minutes. If no changes are observed on the skin, you can apply;
  • Before peeling, remove cosmetics, steam and moisturize the skin;
  • The mixture is applied with massaging movements: in the face area they should be delicate, in areas of cellulite on the body - intense;
  • wash off with warm boiled water, preferably with a decoction of herbs with a healing effect;
  • the result is secured with a standard care cream, which is selected for your skin type.

How to enhance the effect of a coffee scrub

Scrubbing is a good preparatory step before deeply moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Complement your home spa with a scrub, natural face masks or anti-cellulite massage cream, and the effect will surprise even skeptics who prefer synthetic cosmetics due to their mythical accelerated results. Using cosmetics made from natural ingredients is not only affordable, but also forward-thinking. The effect of it lasts for a long time, and with regular use it has a cumulative property.

Get the maximum taste and benefit from your favorite drink without spending extra money.

Photos before and after


  • Skin diseases, especially in the acute stage;
  • Various damage to the epidermis: cuts, abrasions, burns, etc.;
  • Allergic reaction to the components of the composition;
  • Infectious and viral diseases.

The listed phenomena can cause serious negative consequences: spread of infection, severe redness and irritation in the affected area.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The use of coffee peeling is not recommended for sensitive skin, since any irritant leads to damage to the entire depth of the epidermis. As a result, additional cosmetic defects may appear.

Basic body care procedures in a beauty salon for weight loss

So, what body care procedures do modern beauty salons offer? Here are the main ones:

  1. Manual (from Latin manualis - manual) anti-cellulite massage . Carrying out this body care procedure, the specialist pays the greatest attention to problem areas. At the same time, he manually selects the degree of intensity of the load. Manual massage is not recommended for pregnant women.
  1. Massage using an LPG machine . This body care procedure combines mechanized roller and vacuum massage. As a result, the structure of the skin is noticeably improved, fat deposits and cellulite are reduced. This massage can be done by pregnant women, while avoiding the abdominal area.

  1. Vacuum massage . A vacuum is applied to problem areas on the body using specialized plastic jars. As a result of this procedure, fibrous tissue is softened, the “lemon” peel is smoothed and excess fluid is removed from the body.

The procedure does not cause pain, but bruising may appear after it. This massage can be done for pregnant women, excluding the impact on the stomach.

  1. Stone therapy . This is a body massage using heated jadeite stones, which contain more than sixty known chemical elements. It is believed that this body care procedure has a beneficial effect on all organs and tissues of the human body.

The stones come in different sizes, so they can be used on all parts of the body, including the face. A contraindication for this procedure is pregnancy.

Read material on the topic:

Stone massage: description, benefits, methods

  1. Electrolipolysis . To carry out this body care procedure, plates and thin needles are applied to the skin, through which an electric current discharge that is safe for life and health is carried out.

Under pulsed influence, metabolic processes are activated, enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of lipids are synthesized in cells, lymphatic drainage and the permeability of cell membranes are improved, due to which the cells are more actively freed from fat droplets. The rhythmic effect of current on connective tissue cells increases the elasticity of the skin. The procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and menstruation due to electrical exposure.

  1. Computer pressotherapy . To carry out this body care procedure, individual data of each patient is entered into a special program (his height, body weight, gender, age, pulse rate, blood pressure level, presence or absence of varicose veins).

The program analyzes the entered data, as a result of which the course of procedures for a specific client is determined. During pressotherapy, wave-like mechanical pressure is applied to the body tissue, provided by a specialized suit filled with air. This body care procedure stimulates lymph flow, destroys fat deposits, and smoothes out the “lemon” peel. During pregnancy, pressotherapy is contraindicated.

  1. Restorative body therapy (mesotherapy) . This procedure is carried out using a specialized device. The medicinal mixture is injected into the areas of the body affected by lemon peel using microinjection.

During the procedure, large fat molecules are broken down into smaller ones, and then completely broken down and removed from the cell. Mesotherapy is an effective method for reducing body volume, reducing swelling and removing toxins from the body. This procedure also optimizes the functioning of the excretory system.

  1. Ozone therapy . This skin care procedure involves the introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture into problem parts of the body through injections.

This mixture catalyzes metabolic processes, stimulates the breakdown of fatty deposits and fibrous tissue. As a result, the collagen fibers located around the fat cell lose their mesh structure and become cellular, which changes the skin texture. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure during pregnancy.

  1. Myostimulation . Passive exercise for muscles. Special plates are placed on them, through which an alternating electric current is passed, acting through the nerve endings on the muscle tissue.

As a result, muscle contractions that occur during various physical activities are simulated. This body care procedure improves blood circulation and lymph flow, tones the muscles. And all this without exhausting training! During myostimulation, you may experience discomfort that goes away after the procedure is completed.

  1. Thalassotherapy . Combines wrapping using professional cosmetics and peeling using sea minerals.

It is based on the contrasting effects of high and low temperatures. Thalassotherapy may also include seaweed and paraffin wraps.

The first stage of this body care procedure is called hot. A special product is evenly applied to problem areas of the skin, then wrapped in film and left in place for an hour. After this, the client is covered with a thermal blanket, which gives the effect of a sauna and helps to activate metabolic processes in the treated parts of the body.

At the second, cold, stage of thalassotherapy, menthol is added to the wrapping agent, which causes a feeling of the influence of low temperature. Cold inhibits metabolic processes and provokes spasm of blood and lymphatic vessels.

Alternate warming and cooling tone the skin, make it more elastic, improve blood and lymph circulation through the vessels, and smooth out the “lemon peel”.

  1. Paraffin therapy . This body care procedure is another type of wrap using hot paraffin.

Paraffin therapy works like this: as it cools, the paraffin hardens and wraps the problem parts of the body into a tight capsule. Because of this, the access of air to the skin is stopped, and its temperature becomes higher. The body, trying to return normal body temperature, stimulates the sweat and sebaceous glands, as a result of which a huge amount of waste and toxic substances are released from the skin, and the beneficial components of cosmetic products are more easily absorbed. During pregnancy, this body care procedure is contraindicated.

You can undergo these and other procedures at the Veronica Herba beauty and health center. Our specialists will help you give your face and body attractiveness, and give you self-confidence in the shortest possible time.

At the Center, highly qualified professionals are at your service, ready to talk about any body care procedure. They will also help you create an algorithm for an individual course of combating fat deposits.

There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to a number of positive qualities, the procedure is very popular among women.

The main pros and cons are presented in the table:

  • Simplicity of behavior
  • Low cost (at home)
  • Caffeine gives you tone
  • Antioxidants fight age-related changes
  • Stearins maintain water balance
  • Skin becomes elastic and smooth
  • Saturation with nutrients and vitamins
  • Injury to thin skin
  • Possible allergy to the components of the drug
  • Vulnerability of the skin after the procedure

SPA body care treatments – a necessity or a luxury?

Carrying out body care procedures is simply necessary to maintain excellent health, good health and youth. And these are not empty words! Most surgeries help relieve fatigue and tension, energize and invigorate you for the whole day.

Beauty salons offer a wide range of body care services, each of which has its own purpose:

  • Preparatory preparations help improve blood flow in the microvasculature, reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat and reduce cellulite.
  • Lymphatic drainage helps remove excess fluid, which accumulates toxic substances.
  • Lipolytics accelerate the breakdown of fat deposits.
  • Corrective ones tone muscles and improve the structure of the skin.

The course of necessary body care procedures is prescribed only after a complete diagnosis of the skin condition, during which specialists select the most effective methods of treating existing defects.

After professional care, the skin becomes more elastic and toned. Many spa treatments can work real miracles, which is why they are gaining immense popularity among the population. This should not be surprising, because in beauty salons clients are immersed in a calm and comfortable atmosphere.

Read material on the topic:

Manual therapy of the spine

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts speak positively about the procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin with coffee.

They also advise carrying out coffee peeling in a salon, because an experienced cosmetologist will always be able to select additional components that suit the individual characteristics of the patient.

In addition, professionals recommend using only good bean coffee instead of instant coffee.

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