Fungal infections in children
Antifungal nail polishes: 10 best drugs
Fungal nail infections are quite easy to get. If you have a fungal infection on your leg, it
Removing a red mole
How to get rid of red moles on the body at home
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
Acid facial peeling: lactic, hyaluronic or mandelic acid? What is the difference?
What does acid treatment involve? Acid treatments involve exfoliation of the top layer of skin.
The drug "Levomekol" for wrinkles: the principle of action of the drug and reviews from women
The appearance of wrinkles causes a woman a lot of trouble, because not everyone can afford expensive
Types of acne on the chin
How to get rid of acne on the chin, remove, treat and cure subcutaneous and minor inflammations on the face
The main causes of acne on the chin To choose the right methods for correcting acne on the chin,
Grapeseed oil for face - 12 best recipes
Grapes were mentioned in biblical manuscripts. The fruit was considered a symbol of peace, an image of the people of Israel, and
Facial cleansing: mechanical, chemical, ultrasonic
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
Neurodermatitis - causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Author: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich Editor: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich Date of publication: 05/13/2014 Date
Mechanism of action of antimycotic agents
What is hair fungus and how best to get rid of it
Mushrooms are constant companions of humans. Thus, a fungus of the genus Candida lives in virtually every person.
Cream F99. Instructions for use for adults and children. Composition, regimen of use, contraindications, analogues
Application of Cream F 99 and reviews of cosmetologists about its use
In your search for the ideal skin care product, you can come across numerous reviews of “Cream
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