Pityriasis rosea - pink dandruff of Gibert (Giber) - how to treat the most mysterious disease
Diseases that begin with the letter “L”: Lactostasis, Laryngitis, Laryngotracheitis, Pulmonary heart, Pulmonary fibrosis, Leukemia,
Ichthyol ointment: side effects, contraindications
Lichen (mycosis) is an infectious disease of the human skin. Appears as a result of microspores coming into contact with the skin.
Cream Boro Plus. Instructions for indications, price, reviews, analogues
Boro plus cream: detailed instructions for use, what it is used for, composition, review of analogues and reviews
Nuances of action When used, the drug creates a protective film that protects the dermis from adverse effects
Signs of lichen - 130 photos and videos of symptoms, diagnosis of causes and treatment rules for children and adults
What is pityriasis rosea? Pityriasis rosea is a disease that is diagnosed in children and
Facial mesotherapy: what is this procedure and do you need it?
From this article you will learn: facial mesotherapy - what kind of procedure it is, reviews, what
Doctors recommend: the best ointments for drawing pus from a wound
Closed wounds are the most dangerous type of skin injury. With such injuries, an abscess often occurs:
red spots on the skin
Pink spots on the body, similar to lichen, that do not itch
Redness on the skin is a very unpleasant phenomenon for both adults and children. How
Homemade face masks - 12 best recipes
From this article you will learn: What is a good mask for facial rejuvenation at home?
How to remove acne spots using salicylic acid?
What is salicylic acid? It is a substance from a group of compounds called salicylates. Salicylic acid -
Pimples and blackheads
How to get rid of acne on your face quickly: pharmacy and folk remedies
Pimples and blackheads are a common aesthetic defect. Most often, teenagers suffer from their presence,
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