lichen in humans
How lichen glows under ultraviolet light in humans and animals
The most common dermatological diseases include lichen - an infectious lesion of skin areas caused by
papillomas on the body
HPV, human papillomavirus (human papillomavirus infection, anogenital (venereal) warts, human papillomavirus)
Papillomas are areas of pathological proliferation of cells in the upper layer of the skin and mucous membrane. Over time these
Microcurrent facial therapy - a beneficial procedure for your skin
From this article you will learn: What is microcurrent therapy and how it works Microcurrent
17 moisturizing face creams: rating of the best natural ones from cosmetologists
Face cream is a must-have that every woman has (and should have!).
Pityriasis rosea
How does pityriasis rosea become infected?
The appearance of dubious spots on the skin, which sometimes itch and flake, is a serious reason to contact
Removal of lipoma, removal of atheroma, what is the difference between lipoma and atheroma and do they need to be removed?
Lipoma - what is it? Lipoma is a benign fatty tumor. Lipoma can be limited
photo Klindovit®
How to quickly cure acne on the face using a mesoscooter, and is it possible to do this?
From this article you will learn: how to use a mesoscooter, how to choose a gel or serum, which
What products contain hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid: what are the benefits and where is it found?
Hyaluronic acid is a valuable component of our skin, which acts as a hydrofix. She absorbs like a sponge
chinese gua sha
Guasha massage for the face: a unique technique for preserving youth
The technique comes from Ancient China and dates back several thousand years. Thanks to its effectiveness, it
lapis pencil
Lapis pencil: instructions for use and reviews
The appearance of various formations on the skin very often brings a large amount of discomfort to a person. For removing
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