Urticaria - first symptoms, causes
Types of urticaria Urticaria can be acute or chronic. The first is more common in preschool and
Boro Plus Skin care cream herbal scent 25 ml
What is Boro Plus Cream - a product with a pronounced antiseptic effect that produces
Shingles: “adult” version of chickenpox
Herpes zoster: the “adult” version of chickenpox The first signs of herpes zoster, or “herpes zoster” in everyday life, begin
Atopic dermatitis in pregnant women
Itchy skin Itchy skin: Occurs in 2% of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Pathogenesis: Presumably itching
Bartholin gland cyst - symptoms and treatment
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Dühring's dermatitis is a rare disease: signs, therapy, photos
Introduction Dermatitis herpetiformis is an inflammatory skin disease with a chronic relapsing course, itchy polymorphic lesions
Herpes - transmission routes, symptoms, treatment. Lecture for doctors
Wen on the face of a newborn: why is it dangerous and how to get rid of it?
What is a wen? Wen (lipoma or milium) is a benign formation that does not represent any
Acne on the chest in men: causes and treatment
The root of the problem of acne on the chest in men Poll: When did you get acne?
Lichen sclerosus: causes, diagnosis and treatment
1. General information Sclerosing (scleroatrophic) lichen/lichen of the vulva, also kraurosis of the vulva, guttate scleroderma, etc. –
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