Cold laser lipolysis. Indications, contraindications, methods.

In this article, we will look at the laser lipolysis procedure, talk about why it is needed, how effective it is, and what contraindications there are. It should be immediately clear that we do not recommend this procedure to everyone who reads the article. We only provide information about it, and a specialist must decide whether to use lipolysis or not in each specific case. The Doctor Bormenthal clinic uses its own patented method of losing weight and maintaining results, with the help of which more than half a million people have already lost weight. You can learn more about the methodology here -.

Laser lipolysis - what is this procedure?

The procedure involves the impact of low-intensity laser beams on adipose tissue. This effect leads to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, after which it is simply excreted from the body. By destroying the fat cell membrane, the laser releases its constituent substances. These are fatty acids, water, glycerin. All constituent substances first enter the intercellular space and are then excreted through the organs of the excretory system, but some remain and are used in the synthesis of new tissues. The cell itself remains, but without its contents it becomes smaller in size, as a result the entire fat layer becomes smaller.

Experts who practice lipolysis note that the main advantage of this procedure is the effect of the laser on fat cells with no effect on the skin, blood vessels, or peripheral nerve endings. That is, the fat is broken down, but the surrounding tissues and organs remain intact. In addition, cosmetologists point to the high effectiveness of lipolysis, claiming that clear results are visible after the first session.

Using lipolysis, you can correct almost all areas of the body and face:

  • buttocks;
  • shins;
  • chest area;
  • hips;
  • back;
  • waist;
  • stomach;
  • forearms;
  • chin;
  • neck;
  • cheeks.

Fat removed from problem areas can grow again. To prevent this from happening, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, calculate your daily calorie intake, and exercise.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Having chosen cold laser lipolysis for yourself, it is important to understand the essence of the procedure. The laser affects an area of ​​the body locally. Due to concentrated impulses, fat deposits are dissolved, due to which your volumes are reduced several times. The lipolaser emits waves of a certain length (650 nm). Under their influence, the fat cell breaks down into glycerol and fatty acids. With lymph they enter the liver, after which they are excreted in urine and bile.

The indication for the procedure is the presence of fat deposits or cellulite on the abdomen, thighs, arms, buttocks, chest, etc. Laser lipolysis is not recommended if the client has:

  • diabetes;
  • cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic pathologies during exacerbation;
  • presence of a pacemaker, etc.

The cost of the service depends on the area being treated and the duration of the course. The program lasts on average 10 sessions. You will need to visit a cosmetologist every 2-3 days. The fastest possible effect is possible if you combine lipolaser procedures and moderate physical activity.

Laser lipolysis - description of the method

Before starting the procedure, a person must undergo an initial examination and obtain a doctor’s permission. During the examination, the individual characteristics of the client are determined, based on which the number of sessions and the frequency of laser radiation are assigned. The most responsible salons send their clients for tests, and based on the results, they prescribe lipolysis.

If no contraindications are found, the client is referred for the first procedure. The master first applies markings to the area he will work with. After this, the marked areas are disinfected. Next, a numbing agent is applied, usually in the form of lidocaine gel or solution. After about 20 minutes, the anesthetic has the desired effect, and you can begin the procedure.

The procedure is carried out using thin threads with a laser head pulled under the skin. To place the threads under the skin, punctures are made with thin needles. Another option is to apply plates with diodes to the treated area. They emit cold laser beams at the desired frequency.

The next step is to configure and launch the equipment. At the end of the allotted time, the equipment is turned off, the pads or threads are removed, and an antiseptic and sedative are applied to the treated area.

Laser lipolysis of the chin

When a person begins to gain excess weight, he develops a so-called double chin. This fat deposit grows as you gain weight and greatly changes your facial features. To remove a double chin, many people turn to cosmetic procedures. Lipolysis is considered one of the most effective methods for eliminating fat deposits in the lower part of the face.

The popularity of chin lipolysis is explained by the fact that it is quite difficult to remove it with massages or facial gymnastics. The only rational way is to lose weight not in a separate part of the body, but in general. If you don’t change your eating habits and add physical activity, the fat under your chin will very quickly reappear.

Laser lipolysis of cheeks

This procedure is used not only for fat removal, but also for face lifting. Experts in modern cosmetology say that lipolysis of the cheeks and the entire face is an excellent non-invasive alternative to liposuction. However, one must remember that the principle of performing these procedures is fundamentally different, and also that fat deposits after lipolysis easily return.

Laser lipolysis of the abdomen

This lipolysis option is also considered an alternative to liposuction. The advertisement for the procedure states that in addition to removing fatty tissue, the client who undergoes the procedure also receives a tightening and rejuvenating effect.

Laser lipolysis of the neck

Fat deposits form in the neck area due to severe obesity. But even with slight excess weight, a thick fold of fat may appear above the seventh cervical vertebra. People call it “widow’s hump” and it occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle. A fold in the neck distorts a woman's silhouette and makes her stoop. In addition, it causes severe discomfort and impedes blood circulation. To get rid of it, massages and exercises are traditionally used. Nowadays, cosmetic procedures are increasingly used to solve this problem.


Delicate skin requires increased attention and caution. Laser liposuction of the face is most often used, the additional advantage of which is natural lifting. After exposure to a light beam, collagen is produced in the skin, and the process of natural regeneration begins. It is recommended to combine the technique with a face and neck lift.

Ultrasonic cavitation is a delicate technique that can be used in this area in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures and helps correct the shape of the face.

The effectiveness of laser lipolysis

If lipolysis is used as part of a whole range of measures to restore the body, then of course there will be an effect. It will become especially noticeable if, during the procedure, a person plays sports and refuses junk food. The procedures are an addition to the main weight loss program. By themselves, they will not give a stunning effect. The condition of the skin will simply improve, swelling will go away, and blood circulation will improve.

As part of a weight loss program, lipolysis is useful in that it improves the results achieved, helps correct those parts of the body from which fat does not leave, and can start the process of weight loss if for some reason it has stopped.

Lipolysis is indispensable for people who are not overweight, but suffer from problem areas. For example, a person may have a genetic predisposition to deposits in the thighs or cheeks, despite the fact that the overall body weight is normal.

Cosmetologists claim that the effect of the procedure, provided about 10 sessions lasting from 30 minutes to 4 hours, will be noticeable in 2-3 weeks. When deciding on lipolysis, you need to remember that its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. In this you can only rely on reviews from salon clients. On the other hand, the safety of such procedures is scientifically proven. They definitely can't do any harm.

Cost of procedures

A low-cost procedure is ultrasonic cavitation. The price for one session is within 2500-3000 rubles. But it’s rare to completely eliminate a problem in one go.

Water-jet liposuction is a surgical operation, so the cost is significant - about 30 thousand rubles. The result can be achieved in one procedure. The method, although dangerous, is effective.

Treatment of one problem area with a laser can cost 10 thousand rubles. Often such exposure is not enough to solve the problem; three or more sessions are needed.

Each clinic has its own specific price list, so it’s worth calling several trustworthy ones and checking them.

What are the contraindications?

The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. It is not prescribed to patients with oncology, people prone to the formation of keloid scars and allergic reactions. In all these cases, lipolysis can negatively affect the client’s general condition, cause an exacerbation of a chronic disease, and provoke undesirable consequences.

Such procedures are contraindicated in case of inflammatory and acute respiratory diseases, as well as in the presence of herpes rashes and papillomas in the injection area. A person with a pacemaker will be denied the procedure. A responsible salon will not perform lipolysis on a person with cardiovascular problems. A contraindication is any chronic disease in the acute stage. Since anti-cellulite products contain choleretic components, the procedure is not prescribed to clients with gallstone disease.

Especially for men

The operation is ideal for men: for modeling the neck, chin, jowls and nasolabial folds, because... leaves no traces. After all, you cannot offer a classic facelift to all men - the line of sideburns (hairline) may move, with a short haircut, the hair will not completely cover the marks, and men often do not use concealing cosmetics.

Rehabilitation period

After lipolysis using an external technique, using overhead ray-emitting elements, complete recovery is achieved in 6 hours. With internal lipolysis performed with punctures, recovery takes 2 or 3 days.

To reduce the risk of negative consequences, it is recommended not to sunbathe during the procedures and during recovery, not to go to the bathhouse or sauna, and to generally exclude any options for overheating the body. Keep salty and sweet foods to a minimum. Do not drink alcohol or carbonated drinks. Try to quit smoking. Switch to proper nutrition, do not wet the treated areas of the body unnecessarily, drink more water (up to 3 liters).

Preoperative consultation

The patient is dissatisfied with her loose abdomen and fat traps on her back and waist. I didn’t want to remove a lot of fat on my back, but I wanted to emphasize the definition of my waist muscles and the contour of my buttocks. The patient had previously undergone classical liposuction of the area of ​​the “fat traps” of the abdomen and waist with good results, but classical liposuction cannot emphasize the muscle relief.

1. Photographing the patient without markings “before” for an objective comparison with the result “after” the operation. There are no “fat traps” as such, but the stomach and waist are not sculpted.

2. Marking the abdomen is a very important point in preoperative marking - highlighting the boundaries of each muscle and determining the places of natural “shadows” on the body.

3. Marking the waist area and the upper border of the buttocks.

Side effects of using lipolaser

The procedures may cause various side effects. These include allergic reactions, the appearance of irregularities on the treated surface, and the occurrence of swelling in the affected areas. In addition, sometimes clients report a general malaise, in some cases with nausea and vomiting. There may be a decrease in skin sensitivity at the treatment site. Infection may occur with punctures. Redness, irritation, and inflammation may occur on the skin at the sites of exposure.

Some side effects are eliminated due to the professional approach of the specialist and strict adherence to all instructions. But it is difficult to predict the body’s reaction to the procedure. If side effects occur during the procedures, they are canceled immediately.

Injection lipolysis

There are several alternatives to laser lipolysis. One of them is injection lipolysis. It is carried out by administering a special drug containing phosphatidylcholine using syringes. Phosphatidylcholine is essentially soy lecithin. Its advantage is that a similar substance is produced naturally by the human body. It is involved in the process of fat metabolism. When administered through injections of phosphatidylcholine, metabolic processes are accelerated, cholesterol levels are reduced, and the burning of adipose tissue is started.

Comparison of results after 2 months


the stomach has no relief, the muscles are not visible even with tension, there is an overhanging fold of skin above the navel, the waist in front does not look elegant enough. At the same time, the patient periodically visits the gym and has a stable weight.


well-emphasized relief of the abdominal muscles and midline, the subcutaneous fat layer is reduced over the entire area, the skin is effectively reduced, the waist is well defined in the front, resulting in an athletic body. The relief of the abdomen is stable and does not depend on muscle training. But, nevertheless, it is recommended to start playing sports two months after the operation to enhance the relief effect. Ultrasound lipoplasty (bodybuilding liposuction) helps to achieve a athletic physique and athletic appearance.


Before spin:

The relief of the waist muscles is not expressed and the contour of the buttocks is not emphasized. The waist-buttock transition is not distinct. Periodic exercise does not bring the expected effect.

After spin:

There is still a slight swelling, but the future relief is already being determined and shadows along the back are becoming noticeable.



Ultrasonic lipolysis

In this case, the effect is achieved due to the fact that ultrasound accelerates the movement of fat molecules. Low frequency ultrasound is used. Proponents of ultrasonic lipolysis believe that ultrasound can affect the deep layers of subcutaneous fat. To carry out the procedure, pads are installed on problem areas, through which an impulse is applied with a variable frequency. As a result, something like a micromassage of cells occurs. It promotes rapid fat loss. The procedure is not accompanied by pain or discomfort. Before its appointment, the client must be examined by a doctor.

Preparing for surgery

1. The marking is now almost complete.

2. In the operating room, photographs of the patient with markings help to “not lose” the boundaries of the muscles during surgery and to form a relief exactly in accordance with the anatomical features of the body structure.

3. We check the equipment again before starting the operation.

Show the entire photo report!

Expert opinion

To lose weight, a person needs to eat right, not overeat, give up bad habits and play sports. In the process of losing weight, problems may arise in certain areas of the body where subcutaneous fat is especially difficult to lose. In such cases, the situation can be corrected with the help of cosmetic procedures. Which ones you need to decide individually together with a specialist. But lipolysis does not work as an independent method of losing weight. Therefore, before undergoing it, clients are advised to switch to a healthy diet and adhere to strict rules. All the impressive “before and after” photos of lipolysis are either pure advertising fakes or the result of a person’s comprehensive work on his body.


The armpit area is usually targeted when breast liposuction is performed, and the arms are treated from the shoulder to the elbow. Both invasive and non-invasive methods are used:

  • syringe - when a needle is inserted and fat is pumped out;
  • tumescent - a drug that dissolves fiber is injected, and then the liquid is removed with a cannula;
  • laser - the problem is eliminated with a directed stream of light;
  • ultrasonic - the lipid layer is broken by a sound wave of a certain frequency.

When the problem is significant, surgery to remove and tighten excess skin is recommended.

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