Pemphigus - symptoms, causes and treatment, risks
Symptoms of pemphigus Characteristic symptoms of pemphigus are a rash of small blisters with serous contents. Their localization
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Experience with the use of the drug Panavir in the treatment of anogenital warts Bulay A.A., Erashova T.Yu., Suslov V.S.
Urticaria: causes, types, symptoms, treatment
General information The name of the disease is due to the fact that outwardly it looks like a nettle burn -
Linear epidermal nevus - symptoms and treatment of linear type moles
06/07/2018 I’ll start today’s article with what has already become a classic situation. A man comes to see
How to treat baldness in men: stages, causes and treatment
Alopecia is hair loss that goes beyond the physiological norm, i.e. under alopecia
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Topical therapy of skin diseases It is impossible to imagine the treatment of dermatoses without the use of external agents. IN
Men's health: causes, treatment and prevention of genital itching
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Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of scabies
Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of scabies Scabies is a contagious parasitic skin disease caused by
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How the drug works When applied to hair and skin, the active substance comes into contact with the membranes
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