New growth on the tongue
Tongue cancer: how to recognize the disease at an early stage, types, causes, symptoms, treatment
The epidemiology (prevalence) of tongue cancer is on average 5 cases per 100 thousand population. Among
How does liquid nitrogen work?
Other indications and contraindications for the treatment of dermatological diseases with liquid nitrogen. Part 3
Treatment of alopecia areata with cryotherapy Contents of the article For alopecia areata, superficial deep freezing is used
7 express face masks before the holiday at home
Refreshing facial masks are prepared at home only from natural ingredients. They
Breast cancer - frequency, causes, types, symptoms, diagnosis, stage of disease, treatment and prognosis
Home » Departments » Phlebology - appointment with a phlebologist » Causes and treatment of spider veins
The girl hides her face behind a leaf
How and with what to cleanse your facial skin: simple instructions for radiance and healthy glow
Features of care for problematic facial skin Cleansing. Wash your face with warm water twice a day with
What is a lipoma: causes, symptoms, treatment, removal
Symptoms, signs, diagnosis of lipoma Before removing a wen, you need to make sure that it is
Symptoms, causes and treatment of urticaria in children at home
Urticaria is an allergic disease. Most often it is diagnosed in children under 3 years of age.
Instructions for use ROACCUTAN
From this article you will learn: what isotretinoin, Acnecutane and Roaccutane are - instructions, reviews,
Composition and beneficial properties of avocado oil, features of use, professional advice on choosing
Avocado oil is made exclusively from ripe fruits. The most common production method is cold
How effective is the wart remedy Wartner?
Admin Preparations Not so long ago, unaesthetic skin tumors - warts, papillomas, etc.
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