Everything about removing spider veins on the face and nose

Why are capillaries damaged?

There are a number of reasons for this, which can be divided into external and internal.

Doctors consider external threats to include:

  • Alcohol and cigarette abuse
  • The predominance of hot, hot, spicy foods in the diet
  • Hot coffee and tea more than 2 cups per day
  • Poor quality care and use of “bad” decorative cosmetics
  • Frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, especially without the use of high SPF protection products
  • Visiting baths, saunas

Among the internal risk factors are:

  • Autoimmune spectrum diseases
  • Pathologies of the digestive system
  • Atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases
  • Rosacea
  • Hormonal imbalance

It is important to understand that people with fair, sensitive, irritation-prone skin are more likely to suffer from rosacea.

The main causes of this cosmetic problem

  • Weak vessels. The loss of their elasticity is caused by: smoking, addiction to alcoholic beverages, poor diet, lack of sleep and stress.
  • Heredity, genetic predisposition.
  • Interruptions in the functioning of the hormonal system.
  • Prolonged exposure to strong wind and frost on the skin. A similar problem is often encountered by those who constantly work outside in the winter.
  • Excessive tanning in a solarium or in the sun. Both ultraviolet lamps and rays dry out the thin and delicate skin of the face. Therefore, it loses moisture, and its vessels become less elastic.
  • Lack of a useful substance in the body - silicon. It is necessary for the brain to dilate capillaries in a timely manner. If a person lacks this mineral, then calcium performs its functions, but it cannot send appropriate signals to the brain.

Additional causes of rosacea include the following:

  • Eating large amounts of food, overeating.
  • High or unstable blood pressure.
  • Abuse of hormonal drugs, especially in cases of self-medication, when the patient uses drugs without the knowledge of the doctor.
  • Abuse of coffee and chocolate.
  • An abundance of spicy and hot food in the diet.
  • Excessive passion for physical activity.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and female genitourinary system.

I would especially like to mention stress. We often live at a frantic pace and do not always control our emotions and sensations, without giving it due attention. But in vain. It is at such moments that our pressure rises, the heart begins to beat faster, and hundreds of tiny capillaries simply burst, eventually forming a hated mesh.

Advanced rosacea causes our skin to age ahead of time, depriving it of nutrients, driving us into depression and an endless circle of complexes. Eliminating spider veins on the face and getting rid of their consequences is a serious, complex and mandatory process for everyone who dreams of maintaining their youth and freshness. Therefore, I will be happy to tell you about methods to solve this problem.

How does rosacea manifest itself?

As a rule, this is a completely painless problem that causes only aesthetic discomfort. However, some patients may complain of intermittent itching or burning sensation in the area of ​​the affected vessels.

Sometimes spider veins on the face appear against the background of liver disease . In this case, this may be accompanied by yellowing of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes, as well as lightening of stool and darkening of urine.

If rosacea develops against the background of autoimmune pathologies and connective tissue diseases, then this is accompanied by inflammatory processes and damage to large vessels.

Treatment of rosacea

It has three main directions:

  1. Elimination of the cause that led to the occurrence of a cosmetic defect (smoking, liver disease, aggressive cosmetics, etc.)
  2. Working on damaged vessels using injection or hardware techniques .
  3. Proper care is the use of cosmetics and care products selected by an experienced cosmetologist individually for the needs of the skin and taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.


“Soldering” damaged vessels using electric current . As a rule, this procedure is used to correct damaged large vessels.

Laser Application

Targeted effect on damaged vessels without involving healthy skin. It is especially effective when affecting single, significantly dilated capillaries.

Ozone therapy

Introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture into the lumen of dilated and burst vessels. This procedure, among other things, improves metabolism and blood circulation in tissues.


An effective procedure to improve the quality, health and appearance of the skin, during which the patient is injected with platelet-rich blood plasma. The drug is prepared immediately before administration using a centrifuge.

Plasmolifting does not guarantee a cure for rosacea, however, it shows good results in complex therapy.

The fact is that “cooked plasma” helps improve the skin’s immune response , normalizes the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation at the injection site, and starts the processes of collagen production and skin restoration. Within a few days after the first procedure, the appearance of the koi begins to improve. Moreover, it is important to understand that changes occur not only outside, but also inside, which allows you to maintain the acquired effect for a long time.

Phototherapy using the M22 device

Unfortunately, until recently it was almost impossible to cope with the problem.

However, phototherapy is now available using the M22 device from Lumenis.

Phototherapy coagulates, that is, “cauterizes” dilated blood vessels, has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates skin renewal.

The M22 device can remove even very deep and hard-to-reach vessels , for example, rosacea on the wings of the nose. At the same time, it acts safely - the light rays affect only the hemoglobin in the vessel and do not affect the surrounding tissues. No risk of burns, hyperpigmentation or scarring.

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Cuperosis and vascular network on the face

As we mentioned earlier, this is a superficial manifestation of blood vessels on our skin. Many things can provoke this effect. An elementary increase in temperature, a contrasting transition after a winter street and frost into a warm room, excitement, stress or another reaction of the body when blood circulation increases and blood vessels lose their elasticity and expand. All this can appear on the surface of the skin in the form of unpleasant reddish “patterns”. They are often accompanied by side effects that further negatively affect the condition of the skin: the skin “burns” and dries, peeling and itching appear. Sometimes such irritation even leads to skin injury. All this is very sad and does not contribute to a good mood and confidence in one’s beauty.

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How is the procedure done?

Treatment includes several successive stages:

  • Protect your eyes with special glasses and apply gel to create contact with the skin and protect it from overheating
  • Operation of the M22 apparatus using light beams with areas of dilated vessels
  • Applying a protective agent to the skin after completion of the procedure and recommendations for care after phototherapy

It is impossible to assess the result of spider vein removal immediately after the procedure due to redness of the skin, but the effect will be noticeable after 3-4 days.

To completely remove rosacea on the face with the M22 device, a course of procedures will be required, depending on the severity of the problem.

Recommendations after the procedure

After the procedure, swelling and redness of the skin may persist for 1-3 days.

To consolidate the result and speed up recovery, it is recommended:

  • Refrain from sunbathing, visiting bathhouses, saunas and solariums for a month
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes
  • Use sunscreen and nourishing cream selected by a dermatologist according to your skin type
  • If possible , refrain from wearing decorative cosmetics for 1-3 days after the procedure.
  • Phototherapy eliminates the aesthetic consequences of vascular problems; to strengthen capillaries and prevent recurrent problems, it is recommended to use vascular strengthening products

Treatment of rosacea with M22 is an effective way to achieve beautiful and healthy skin!

It is recommended to delay phototherapy if:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Having a pronounced and intense tan
  • Some skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis
  • Acute infections, including skin infections
  • A course of use of drugs that increase sensitivity to sunlight
  • Eye diseases
  • Presence of pacemakers or other metal-containing structures

Phototherapy with the M22 device helps to get rid of even deeply located vessels, while the procedure is completely safe, approved by the FDA and used by leading cosmetologists in many countries around the world.

The M22 device does not disrupt the pH balance of the skin and the protective lipid layer of the dermis, and rehabilitation after the procedure takes no more than a couple of days.

The M22 device allows for an individual approach - the doctor can select the type of platform module and light filter for each patient in accordance with his needs.


Given such a widespread problem, the question of the most effective and safe way to remove telangiectasia and treat rosacea is very relevant.

Modern man has a unique opportunity to remove stars with a laser and get rid of this cosmetic defect for a long time. After carrying out a couple of laser beam procedures, the problem of telangiectasia can be forgotten for several years, but of course, only if the provoking factors of their appearance are excluded and the “background” diseases are treated.

Our medical clinic specialists perform laser spider vein removal sessions in the following cases:

  • Removal of telangiectasia on the face;
  • Removal of hemangiomas, “wine stains”;
  • Treatment of rosacea associated with rosacea;
  • Removal of superficial veins of the lower extremities.

In our center, several professional modern lasers are used to remove blood vessels - it all depends on the location (face or body) and the nature of the defect. Therefore, several laser techniques are used to remove blood vessels.

Prevention of spider veins

In order to prevent recurrent cases of rosacea, it is recommended:

  • Refrain from using low-quality decorative cosmetics , as well as aggressive care products and procedures (rough scrubs, mechanical manual cleaning, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, liquid nitrogen massage, etc.)
  • Refuse thermal facial procedures - warming masks, compresses, paraffin applications
  • Limit visits to saunas and baths
  • Do not wash your face with hot water or take an excessively hot bath or shower.
  • Reduce physical activity if it is too intense
  • Use high SPF sunscreens
  • Be careful when drinking hot and alcoholic drinks
  • Stop smoking
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