Composition and beneficial properties of avocado oil, features of use, professional advice on choosing

Avocado oil is made exclusively from ripe fruits. The most common production method is cold pressing, thanks to which it is possible to preserve the maximum of nutrients. The finished product has a pronounced aroma with nutty notes and a pleasant taste. It can be eaten and used in cosmetology. The properties and uses of avocado oil will be discussed in detail in the article.

Avocado oil from the world's leading manufacturers can be purchased in our online store Orders through the website are accepted around the clock. Goods are delivered to all regions of Russia. The online store works only with reliable suppliers, the quality of all products is confirmed by international certificates of conformity. You can choose oil and make a purchase here.

Features of avocado oil

Avocado oil is one of the most environmentally friendly. It is obtained from the pulp of the fruit of the plant; it does not require additional chemical filtration. Unrefined oil has a light green color, while refined oil has a yellow tint and a less pronounced aroma.

The product consists mainly of oleic acid glycerides, as well as palmitic and linoleic acids. The vitamin D content in it is higher than in butter and chicken eggs. Contains no trans fats. Oral intake should begin with 1 tsp. per day. With increasing dosage there is a risk of diarrhea.

It is important to know. The natives of Latin America considered avocado oil an excellent skin care product that could protect it from the harmful effects of wind and sun rays. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac that excites passion.

Despite the fact that this product has gained wide popularity relatively recently, the beneficial properties of avocado oil have been known thousands of years ago. The historical homeland of avocados is Mexico and Central America. It began to be exported in small quantities to England and Spain in the 16th century. Large-scale exports to the USA and European countries began in the 20s of the last century.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Professionals choose cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Many experts have already assessed the effectiveness of avocado oil in skin care cosmetics.

The cosmetologist describes the properties of the anti-photoaging cream, which contains avocado oil, hyaluronic acid, and grape seed oil.

The specialist writes that avocado cream can be used under makeup.

The cosmetologist indicates what can be used to whiten the skin. Describes the sunscreen properties of avocado cream that nourishes and softens.

Beneficial features

  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, lowering blood pressure and preventing blood clots. This beneficial property of avocado oil is due to its high content of potassium, vitamin E and C.
  • Helps fight cancer cells. The fruit contains healthy fats, including oleic acid. Including foods containing it in the diet will help reduce the risk of cancer (including in patients with a hereditary factor).
  • Normalization of weight. It has been observed that people who regularly eat avocados are less prone to metabolic syndrome. And their mass index and body fat levels were significantly lower. In addition, as a result of the research, the following facts were discovered: 23% of respondents noted a feeling of fullness after eating an avocado, and 28% stated that they were not hungry in the next 5 hours.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels by up to 20%. The presence of “bad” cholesterol in the blood leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular coronary heart disease. To normalize blood counts at any age, it is worth adding avocado oil to your diet.
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system. The oil has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, stimulates bile secretion and improves the composition of bile. It also reliably protects the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of toxins, free radicals, and heavy metals.
  • Adding value to other products. Vitamins A, D, E, K, antioxidants and other nutrients are fat soluble. When adding avocado oil to vegetable salads, the benefits will be enormous, because thanks to this, the body’s absorption of nutrients will increase from 2 to 15 times.
  • Reduces the risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. Avocado fruits contain carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. These substances prevent the occurrence of vision diseases in the long term.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels. The product is characterized by a low sugar content (1.5%) and high calorie content. Fatty acids help lower sugar levels and are excellent energy providers for the body.

In addition, avocado oil has bactericidal, antifungal, antiviral and wound healing properties. It is recommended to add it to the diet for atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary artery disease, anemia, heart attack, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, cholecystitis.

It is important to know. Avocado oil can be used to prevent osteoporosis and other joint diseases. It is also recommended for use by men to prevent the development of prostatitis and adenoma.

How to use avocado oil? This product is widely used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology. For the fair sex, avocado oil helps maintain facial skin in excellent condition and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Application for lips, eyelashes

Avocado oil can be used not only for facial skin. It is known to be used for eyelashes and eyebrows; the vitamin-rich composition promotes strengthening, growth, and elasticity. With regular application, it is possible to stop hair loss and prevent discoloration.

It is recommended to apply valuable liquid to restore eyelashes after extension and lamination procedures.

The composition saturates the follicles with nutrients, promotes the formation and growth of healthy hairs. To prevent hair loss and stimulate growth, apply the oil to eyelashes after applying makeup before going to bed.

The product is great for moisturizing and nourishing the delicate skin of the lips. Antimicrobial properties prevent the appearance of herpes; the product can also be used in the treatment of a viral disease. It is recommended to use a natural product to soften and protect lips during the winter.

By the way! Makeup artists use it as a base before applying make-up; the oil is quickly absorbed, prevents the occurrence of cracks, and promotes long-term preservation of lipstick on the lips.

Composition and calorie content of avocado oil

The composition of avocado oil per 100 g of product is discussed in detail in the table.

Squirrels 0.0 g
Fats 100.0 g
Carbohydrates 0.0 g
Calorie content 884 kcal

The fatty acid composition is discussed below.

Oleic acid Up to 80%
Palmitic acid Up to 32%
Palmitoleic acid Up to 13%
Linolenic acid Up to 5%
Stearic acid Up to 1.5%

Glycemic index – 0.

Insulin index – 0.

30% of the fats that make up the oil are unsaturated fatty acids, that is, vitamin F. In terms of its content, this product is 3 times higher than fish oil.

It is important to know. The fats contained in avocados are resistant to oxidation under the influence of heat, so the fruit and its oil can be heat treated.


Avocado essential oil is an inexpensive product. Available in 10 ml bottles, sold in most pharmacies at prices ranging from 23 to 90 rubles. Specific prices in Moscow are shown in the table:

Volume, ml Manufacturer (Russia) Price, rubles
10Natural oils 40

What vitamins does the oil contain?

Avocado oil contains vitamins and microelements in large quantities. This makes it a valuable health product and an excellent flavor additive.

Vitamins Content, mcg
Vitamin A 937,5
Alpha carotene 5208,3
Beta carotene 5208,3
Vitamin D (calciferol) 10,4
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) 15,6
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 125
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 93,8
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 1,6
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 1,9
Vitamin B3 (niacin) 20,8
Vitamin B4 (choline) 520,8
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 5,2
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 2,1
Vitamin B7 (biotin) 52,1
Vitamin B8 (inositol) 520,8
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 416,7
Vitamin B11 (L-carnitine) 680
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) 3,1
Vitamin B13 (orotic acid) 312,5
Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) 31,3
Vitamin N (lipoic acid) 31,3
Vitamin U (methylmegionine sulfonium) 208,3

Vitamin A helps get rid of inflammation on the skin and has an anti-aging effect, helping to maintain good vision. B vitamins normalize intracellular processes, increase skin tone and prevent photoaging. They also ensure the normal functioning of internal organs, participate in metabolism, strengthen blood vessels, and regulate blood sugar. Vitamin E slows down the aging process and stimulates collagen production. Vitamin C helps the body fight infections and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, promotes blood clotting and normalizes heart function.

Microelements Content, mcg
Calcium 1041,7
Iron 10,4
Iodine 156,3
Magnesium 416,7
Phosphorus 833,3
Potassium 2604,2
Sodium 1354,2
Zinc 12,5
Copper 1
Manganese 2,1
Selenium 72,9
Fluorine 4166,7
Chromium 52,1
Silicon 31,3
Chlorine 3125
Molybdenum 72,9

It is important to know. Avocado oil is the record holder for the content of healthy monounsaturated fats (about 70%), second only to olive oil.

If you care about your health and try to consume only high-quality and healthy products, you should pay attention to other vegetable oils. In the catalog of the online store you can order peanut, argan, coconut, almond, pistachio and walnut oils.

What dishes are avocado oil used in?

The oil will perfectly complement any vegetable salads, sauces, and soups. It will highlight the natural taste of products and make it richer. It can also be added to fruit salads, thanks to which the finished dish will acquire a pleasant taste and aroma. Another use is to add it to baked goods instead of butter. It has the necessary consistency and does not have a pronounced taste that can distort the taste characteristics of the finished dish.

Avocado oil is resistant to heat and does not acquire an unpleasant “burnt” smell, so it can be used for frying and grilling. It is also suitable for marinating meat and poultry. Vegetarians can replace eggs and flour with this oil when frying foods in a pan or baking in the oven.


Avocado oil is unique in that it has virtually no contraindications or side effects . The product is not recommended for use only if you have an individual intolerance to individual components in its composition, since in this case an allergic reaction is possible. But such a side effect is extremely rare.

It is recommended to pre-test for an allergic reaction. A day before use, you need to drop the oil on the bend of your elbow or the skin behind the ear and wait for the result. If no signs of irritation appear, the product can be used.

Is it possible to give avocado oil to children?

Doctors recommend introducing avocado fruits and avocado oil into the diet of a child who is already 3-5 years old. But some mothers begin to add it to their infants’ first complementary foods at the age of 5-6 months. This is due to the fact that avocado is a dietary product that is easily digestible and has a mild taste. But you need to take into account that early introduction to the diet is possible only if the baby is breastfed, has no allergies to other foods and has no digestive problems.

You should start with half a teaspoon of oil. Then they take a break for 2-3 days, during which the child’s condition is monitored. At this time, you cannot introduce other new foods into the diet, otherwise if an allergic reaction occurs, it will be difficult to understand its cause. Even if allergies do not occur, you should give your baby oil no more than 2-3 times a week.

Use in cosmetology

Avocado oil is considered basic in cosmetology; manufacturers actively use it to create skin care cosmetics. It effectively nourishes the skin with fatty acids and microelements, keeps it toned and replenishes lack of moisture. It can be applied to the skin of the face, body and under the eyes instead of cream. The oil is also excellent for hair care; it eliminates hair fragility, stimulates growth and gives a well-groomed appearance. Another option for use is nail and cuticle care.

The oil is applied to the skin in a thin layer and gently rubbed. At the same time, an unpleasant greasy film does not form. The product is used not only in its pure form, but also as part of restorative masks, scrubs, and cleansing lotions.

It is important to know. Avocado oil can be left overnight for maximum benefits. In the morning, you should rinse your face with water at a comfortable temperature.

Olive oil is also excellent for skin care. In the catalog you will find a large selection of products from prestigious world brands. Country of origin: Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, France. The cost of goods will pleasantly surprise you.

Indications for use

Cosmetologists recommend using it throughout the year, enriching finished cosmetics or creating home care recipes.

Efficiency of use:

  • a variety of creams, masks, applications based on avocado oil are suitable for anti-aging therapy, allowing to reduce the depth of wrinkles and reduce their number;
  • helps get rid of hyperpigmentation caused by age-related processes or the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • improves complexion, refreshes, eliminates bags under the eyes;
  • with regular use, it is possible to get rid of crow's feet, remove bags around the eyes, by restoring the elasticity of thin, delicate skin;
  • prevents dryness, flaking, recommended for use to restore skin after peeling, scrubbing and other cosmetic procedures;
  • used in the formation of stretch marks, an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite, must be included in daily care for women working on weight loss;
  • Should be used to care for the delicate skin of the lips; it will be an excellent base for makeup;
  • in case of hair loss, cross-section of porosity, you can enrich conditioners and maxis to activate dormant follicles, restore nutrition, and a natural remedy will protect curls from burning out, preserving the depth and shine of the color.

The oil has a moderate degree of comedogenicity, so testing is recommended before use on oily, porous skin. If after application the amount of acne increases within a day, then it is better to discard this product.

Rules for storing avocado oil

Due to the high content of oxidation-resistant oleic acid, the product does not spoil for a long time. The sealed bottle should be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place for 6-9 months at a temperature not exceeding +15 °C.

The recommended shelf life of an open bottle of oil is no more than 1 month. After each use, the bottle must be tightly capped and placed in the refrigerator. When storing butter in the refrigerator, a light flaky sediment may form. This is a normal phenomenon that does not need to be alarmed.

How to choose avocado oil: professional advice

The oil must be selected taking into account the purposes for which it will be used. You can find two types of oil on sale:

  • unrefined, cold pressed. It has a rich aroma and thick consistency. Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals. It is not exposed to heat during the production process;
  • refined. Has a milder scent. Due to exposure to high temperatures during manufacturing, it loses some of its valuable properties.

For consumption, it is better to choose unrefined oil, as it will bring maximum benefits to the body. And for skin and hair care, a refined product is more suitable.

For oral administration

For many, exotic pomace is a specific product. Therefore, you need to know how to take avocado oil so as not to harm the body:

  • Treatment. After completing a course of antibiotics or chemotherapy. Two to three times a day, a teaspoon (dessert or table spoon, depending on body weight). On an empty stomach, then 40-45 minutes before meals.
  • As a general tonic. For prevention, take one spoon on an empty stomach.

In any case, the course of treatment is one to one and a half months.

Only cold-pressed product is suitable for oral administration.

Avocado extract must be stored properly. An unopened container is kept in a cool, dark place (not higher than +18°C), an opened container is kept only in the cold. Sometimes it thickens, but recovers at room temperature.

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