Homemade masks for very dry and sensitive skin: nourishing, moisturizing, tightening, soothing and anti-wrinkle

Updated: 04/23/2021 11:28:27

Expert: Natalya Borisovna

Dry facial skin bothers approximately 30% of young, middle-aged and especially elderly women. Expertology.ru journalists interviewed leading cosmetologists and dermatologists and found out that the problem of dry epidermis must be eliminated using an integrated approach. One of the effective means for quickly moisturizing the skin is a homemade mask based on natural ingredients. In most cases, honey, fermented milk products, natural vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables are used.

Signs of dry skin

How to find out your skin type, make sure that it is dry and not combination or oily? Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend focusing on the following signs of increased dryness of the epidermis:

  1. The skin peels and itches, the stratum corneum is constantly renewed.
  2. The face looks pale, dull and tired, painful.
  3. There is a constant feeling of “mask” and tightness, which may be accompanied by enlarged pores. But usually the pores on dry skin are so narrow that they are not noticeable even in the T-zone.
  4. Lethargy of the epidermis, decreased tone and turgor may also occur.
  5. Any negative impact causes redness and irritation of the skin.
  6. Poor reaction to the use of decorative cosmetics, to temperature changes or to specific conditions (heat or cold).
  7. Early wrinkles.
  8. There is no oily sheen on dry skin, but problems that arise in owners of combination and oily skin can still appear. We are talking about pimples and blackheads. The point here is not only in the type of epidermis, but also in other internal factors, for example, changes in hormonal levels. Therefore, it often happens that a girl has all the signs of dry skin, but also has acne. Homemade masks help normalize the condition of the skin, increase moisture and elasticity, heal and rejuvenate the epidermis.

Useful videos

When learning the basic principles of the effects of popular face masks for dry skin, be sure to read any additional information. The more data you have at your disposal before the procedure, the higher the likelihood of achieving the desired result.

Next, we have prepared thematic videos that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of creating homemade masks for the care of dry skin. In the video, experienced specialists share proven and accessible recipes, and also give direct recommendations on how to get the best results from using a particular formula.

When considering options for caring for dry dermis, you simply must pay attention to proven recipes. Otherwise, you will almost always risk the health of your skin. This article outlined various ways to care for problematic skin, among which each representative of the fair sex will find her own version of a truly effective drug. Stop putting up with your facial problems. Start effectively combating excessive dryness with homemade or brand-name products today.

Basic rules for preparing and applying masks for dry skin

In order for the use of the best recipes to give the expected result, and the effect to be long-term, you need to take into account the following recommendations from experts:

  1. The mask is always applied to prepared skin. To do this, you need to remove makeup, wash with clean water, lightly scrub or steam the skin with a compress. This will help the pores open and the epidermis will receive the maximum of nutrients. If there is any damage to the skin (scratches, wounds), it is recommended not to apply the mask. It is better to wait until the condition of the epidermis normalizes.
  2. To benefit from a mask for dry skin, set aside time for this cosmetic procedure at the end of the day, when you are relaxed and not in a rush. While the active components of the product nourish the skin, you can relax a little - lie down, take a nap, watch an interesting movie, etc.
  3. Do not prepare the product in advance, only immediately before application. Since the best recipes involve the use of natural ingredients, most of which quickly deteriorate, only a freshly prepared mask will be truly effective. Also pay attention to the quality, freshness and expiration date of the products. At best, spoiled components of a cosmetic product will not bring any benefit, and at worst, they can contribute to the occurrence of additional problems with the epidermis.
  4. Prepare a mask only from those ingredients that do not cause you allergies. If, after trying a new recipe, your skin experiences redness, irritation, itching or rashes, you do not need to reuse a mask made from these ingredients.
  5. You need to apply the cosmetic product not with your fingers, but with the help of special accessories (brush, sponge). You can also use a cotton swab or cosmetic disc for this purpose. This advice is especially relevant for girls who, in addition to dry skin, also have pimples and acne.
  6. Next, we will describe the best recipes for masks for dry facial skin, which professional cosmetologists and dermatologists shared with expertology.ru journalists. But first, let’s outline the general rules for using masks. Unless otherwise indicated in the recipe, apply the cosmetic product for 20-25 minutes. You can wait a little longer if no unpleasant sensations arise. If discomfort appears before 20 minutes have elapsed, the product should be washed off immediately. Clay-based masks should be left on the face until the skin feels slightly tight.
  7. To rinse off the product, you need to prepare several liters of boiled water and cooled to room temperature. After the cosmetic procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer to the skin of your face. There is a small caveat here - if you made a greasy mask, then applying cream is not necessary - assess the condition of the skin, decide whether additional moisturizing is required. But if you used a recipe that allowed you to get a firming lifting effect, the use of cream is necessary.
  8. A lasting and noticeable result can be obtained if you make masks not occasionally, but undergo a course of “treatment”. To do this, choose the best recipe and use it to prepare a mask 2-3 times a week. Course duration is 2-3 weeks. During this time, you will be able to evaluate how well the skin reacts to the composition of a particular mask.

Store-bought cosmetics

In addition to homemade beauty recipes, many girls use store-bought products. They differ from each other in composition, mechanism of action and price. It is necessary to select a mask for your skin type, depending on what result you want to achieve: hydration, nutrition, lifting effect. Let's look at the most common store-bought products.

CHRISTINA Vanilla beauty mask for dry skin

An Israeli manufacturer of professional cosmetics offers owners of dry skin a vanilla beauty mask, which has a pleasant vanilla scent and a soft, creamy texture. It provides complete comprehensive care, deeply moisturizing and nourishing the upper layers of the epidermis, removing peeling and redness.

Main active ingredients:

  • Vanilla extract
  • Dead sea salt
  • Chamomile extract
  • Rosehip and olive oil
  • Squalene
  • Mallow extract.

It is recommended to use the drug 1-2 times a week. Apply a thin, even layer to previously cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for 10-15 minutes, remove any residue with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

CHRISTINA Vanilla beauty mask for dry skin helps increase the elasticity and firmness of the dermis, and also removes fine wrinkles and prevents their further appearance.


Alginate products are products that contain sodium alginate. This substance is obtained from sea brown algae, mainly from kelp or fucus. This type of mask belongs to the class of plasticizing ones, as they have viscosity and hardening. In other words, when applied to the face, the product hardens and becomes a rubber-like film, which is subsequently simply removed.

The best alginate masks include, for example, preparations such as:

  1. Korean cosmetics professional Aroma Relax Modeling Mask
  2. Christina FluorOxygen+C seaweed mask with vitamin C

As a result of such procedures, the dermis becomes deeply moisturized, the complexion is refreshed, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Almost any beauty salon offers this type of mask procedure.

For dry dermis, it is better to purchase a product that contains hyaluronic acid and chitosan, since chitosan in combination with alginate gives a powerful moisturizing effect, and hyaluronic acid helps fight the first signs of aging.

You can purchase the product in two types:

  • In powder form
  • In the form of a gel.

In the second case, the gel is completely ready for use. In the first case, the powder should be diluted with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:3. After dilution, the mass is thoroughly mixed until homogeneous, after which it is used for its intended purpose.

Aldehyde mask Aroma Relax Modeling Mask with a deep nourishing effect.

You cannot add additional substances to the drug yourself, such as essential oils or extracts, since everything you need is already present in the powder or gel.

To prepare a cosmetic product, you should take 20-30 grams. dry powder, dilute with warm water in a ratio of 1:3 and use.

Mechanism of application of the drug:

  1. It is recommended to wear a plastic cap on your head
  2. The drug is quickly applied to the previously cleansed face, and the mask is applied to the entire face and neck area. Only the nostrils remain open.
  3. After 5 minutes, the edges of the mask are greased with rich cream to make it easier to remove later.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, the drug is removed in one layer in the direction from the chin to the forehead.

After the procedure, apply a moisturizer appropriate for your type.

Fabric express masks

A popular cosmetic product is a sheet mask.
It is impregnated with cream or gel, consists of fabric or hydrogel with slits for the eyes, mouth and nose. This product is fixed on the face, does not fall off or spread. For example, you can use an express product from Garnier, Tony Moly sheet mask Dr.Logy Moisture, The Seam Natural Daily moisturizing mask. The main active ingredients of fabric masks for dry skin are hyaluronic acid, aloe leaf juice, and cucumber extracts. The product can be for daytime or night use.

The product should be used on previously cleansed skin, massaging the face with soft massage movements using gommage. Gommage exfoliates dead keratinized particles, which increases the effectiveness of subsequent cosmetic products. Then the fabric mask is spread over the face and left in place according to the time specified in the instructions, usually 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to keep the drug for more than the specified time, as you can achieve the completely opposite effect.

Fabric masks from Garnier Garnier are designed for two to three times a week.

Instant moisturizers

In situations where you need to achieve an instant moisturizing effect, express masks are used. Their action occurs instantly, they improve blood circulation, smooth out fine wrinkles, saturate the dermis with the necessary moisture, improve the color and radiance of the skin.

Apply such preparations to a cleansed face and leave for no more than 5-10 minutes. To get the best effect, it is recommended to lie down and relax. After which, the drug is washed off with warm water or removed with a cotton pad. Then you can proceed straight to applying makeup.

The undoubted advantage of such a cosmetic product is its immediate effect, when there is no time to go to a professional salon, although the effect of the product lasts a short time, usually no more than 5-6 hours.

PETITFEE. Hydrogel face mask with gold complex

The product contains 5 best components that nourish and moisturize the skin in a short time. In addition, the drug contains hyaluronic acid, 9 natural plant extracts that deeply moisturize and restore radiance to the skin.


  • Gold, thanks to which the skin tightens, becomes firm and elastic.
  • Rose-based floral water that cleanses, soothes and relieves inflammation of the epidermis.
  • Ginseng extract promotes the production of natural collagen in the epidermis and eliminates fine wrinkles.
  • Swallow's nest extract is the best component for skin rejuvenation, as it is a source of important minerals and polysaccharides.
  • Collagen, which provides firmness and elasticity to the epidermis.

Apply the product to cleansed skin, after first removing the mask from the bag and removing the protective film. The drug must be distributed evenly on the face and left for 30 minutes. Next, the drug is removed, and there is no need to wash off the remaining product; just spread it over the skin with light patting movements.

Hydrogel face mask PETITFEE with gold complex.

The best cleansing recipes

This product contains red cosmetic clay, which will provide deep cleansing of the epidermis; honey, which will restore elasticity and firmness to the skin and saturate it with biologically active substances. And milk, which will soften the skin, eliminate dryness and flaking. It is not difficult to prepare a cosmetic preparation - dilute the clay with warm milk to the desired consistency, then add a spoonful of honey and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

To cleanse your skin and make it healthier, you can use a recipe based on medicinal herbs. For this purpose, you need to buy dry chamomile, mint, sweet clover and plantain at the pharmacy. If the herbs are sold unground, take all the components in equal parts, for example, 1 teaspoon each, and grind them using a blender or food processor. After this, the mixture should be poured with boiling water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes until it cools. Next, you need to strain the infusion - we will need a “cake”, to which we need to add olive or vegetable oil and an astringent component, for example, a chicken egg. If the mixture turns out to be very dense, you can add a small amount of broth.

To make the skin not only clean and moisturized, but also fresh and velvety, you can use herbs such as sage, bearberry and shepherd's purse. The cooking recipe is the same as in the previous version.

The best tightening mask recipes for dry skin

A product that allows you to achieve hydration and lifting effect:

  1. Boil one (pre-washed) potato in its jacket, let cool, mash into a puree.
  2. Add vegetable oil - unrefined sunflower, olive, flax oil, burdock.
  3. When preparing this remedy periodically, you can alternate oils, since each has a unique composition and saturates the epidermis with different beneficial substances.
  4. The second, simpler option is to make a monocomponent mask from the egg yolk of a domestic chicken egg. You can wash off the nutrient as soon as it dries a little.

The best recipes for moisturizing masks for dry skin

Here are a few recipes that will help restore your skin to its normal moisture level:

  1. Mix ingredients such as ground oatmeal, honey and yolk. Take the quantity of products in such a way as to obtain a product with the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Boil a handful of chamomile flowers for 30 minutes. You can buy ready-made grass at the pharmacy or collect fresh inflorescences - the main thing is that they do not grow near the road or highway. The decoction can be taken orally, as it is very useful (anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative, analgesic). You can also freeze the broth in molds, use ice cubes to wipe your face to improve skin tone and tighten pores. Grind the flowers themselves with a fork into a paste, add a few teaspoons of vegetable oil, for example, olive oil. Spread the warm mixture over the face.
  3. Buy an avocado - eat half, and use the other half to obtain pulp. Add a spoonful of honey and the same amount of almond oil to the paste.

You can alternate these masks to get the maximum of nutrients contained in different products.

Recipes for masks that will nourish dry skin

A nourishing mask can be made not only from products that are in the refrigerator, but also from pharmaceutical preparations. Here is an excellent recipe for a vitamin nourishing mask:

  1. Take a slice of black bread, soak it in warm milk, and grind it into a paste.
  2. Add one spoon of honey and one egg yolk.
  3. Open one ampoule of an oil solution of vitamins A and E (sold in a pharmacy, inexpensive), add the contents to the prepared mixture, stir thoroughly.
  4. And another recipe for a nourishing mask for dry skin:
  5. Mix Damask rose powder, pomegranate and grape seed oils, jojoba, evening primrose, wheat germ, rose in a bowl. As well as extracts (infusions, decoctions) of blackberries, raspberries, cranberries. And oil solutions of vitamins A, E, F.
  6. Dilute the mixture to a paste consistency with ground oatmeal flour.

If you couldn’t find any components of the product, make a mask from what you have, it will be useful in any case.

For wrinkles

It is recommended to use anti-wrinkle masks twice a week. A great addition would be a daily facial massage.

From plum and melon

Vitamin masks have an excellent effect on smoothing out fine wrinkles.


  • chicken yolk;
  • nourishing cream (can be replaced with baby cream);
  • butter - 30 ml (can be replaced with vegetable oil);
  • vitamins A, E, D in ampoules.


  1. Add the yolk to the nourishing cream.
  2. Heat the butter and add to the cream along with vitamins (1/2 ampoule each).
  3. Apply to steamed skin for 15 minutes.
  4. Apply twice a week.

Below we present another recipe - delicious. nice and beautiful:

The plum is cut and the pulp is extracted, which is crushed on a plate with a wooden spoon. Separately, grate the melon pulp. Take 1 tbsp of each type of aromatic puree. l. spoon and actively mix with a teaspoon of any vegetable oil.

Clay masks

There is a misconception that cosmetic clay is drying due to its cleansing properties. In fact, a clay mask for dry skin, if prepared correctly, will be a wonderful way to get rid of the problem.

Clay should be diluted with milk or nutritious foods added to it: sour cream, cottage cheese, banana, cream.

IMPORTANT! If you have dry skin, dilute the clay with milk rather than water.

  • White clay. Promotes deep cleansing of pores.
  • Pink clay. Used to eliminate fine wrinkles.
  • Gray clay. Removes toxins, moisturizes.
  • Green clay. Smoothes the skin, tones.
  • Blue clay. Mattifies, fights acne.
  • Red clay. Removes irritation, gives elasticity to the dermis, and moisturizes.

The right choice of ingredients for preparing masks at home can completely replace salon procedures. This not only saves money, but also provides a pleasant feeling at home.

The best mask recipes for dry and sensitive skin

Various recipes for sensitive skin with extreme dryness:

  1. Grate fresh cucumber (grown in season) on the finest grater. Drain half the juice. Add sour cream to the slurry; if the mixture is too liquid, add a thickener - a little flour, potato starch or soft black bread.
  2. Take fresh parsley and dill in equal parts and chop as finely as possible. Combine with sour cream, cottage cheese, full-fat kefir or vegetable oil.
  3. Take an aloe leaf (the plant can be bought at any flower shop, it is useful not only for healing the epidermis, but also in the treatment of colds in the ENT organs), grind it into a paste. If you don't have a plant, you can buy aloe juice at the pharmacy. Mix one tablespoon of gruel or plant juice with half a finely grated sweet apple or carrot. You need to add the yolk of a chicken egg to this mixture.

If there is no redness on your skin after using these products, then they are suitable for your dry and sensitive skin.

What should be included

Care products for dry skin should be chosen especially carefully. The cosmetics industry uses a lot of harmful substances, and therefore you need to be vigilant when purchasing.

In order not to get confused at the sight of bright jars and tubes, or to be deceived when reading the manufacturer’s promises, you need to be able to analyze the composition of cosmetics. Feedback from customers and experts allows us to highlight components that should not be feared.

  • Glycerol. Attracts moisture to the surface of the skin, soothes irritations.
  • Natural oils. They saturate the epidermis with vitamins, eliminate flaking, and fight rashes.
  • Dextran. Eliminates swelling. Widely used in medical practice.
  • Vitamin E. Removes toxins.
  • Plant extracts. Improves skin color and functionality.
  • Betaine. Deeply moisturizes and soothes the dermis.
  • Lipids. Maintains the integrity of the skin and enhances its protective functions.
  • Allantoin. A natural component with a mild exfoliating effect. Prevents pore clogging.
  • "Good" cetyl alcohol. Softens tissues and accelerates recovery processes.
  • Emollients. They make tissues more flexible and heal damage.

Glycerin attracts moisture to the surface of the skin. But if the air in the room is dry, resources will be drawn from the deep layers of the dermis. This can lead to even more serious problems than the initial dryness. Glycerin-based products should be used in the room where the humidifier is located, or in the bathroom.

L`Oreal Magic Clay. Detox and glow

The L'Oreal brand offers the “Magic of Clay” mask. Detox and radiance” for the care of all types of dermis. Kaolin, gassoul, montmorillonite and charcoal deeply cleanse and pull out sebaceous plugs like a magnet. The product fights toxins and has the ability to restore natural radiance, healthy and fresh color. Cons: strong smell, may cause redness. Other masks for blackheads are reviewed at the link.

Garnier Moisturizing + “AQUA BOMB” super moisturizing and toning

recommends the Aqua Bomb fabric mask for all skin types. It has the ability to eliminate puffiness and relieve signs of fatigue. Hyaluronic acid, moisturizing serum, glycerin and pomegranate extract instantly moisturize epidermal cells, tone and eliminate redness. The mask acts as a compress, cleanses pores, nourishes with vitamins and saturates with oxygen. It has a pleasant aroma and an adequate pattern. Disadvantages: can be tight. Other anti-puffiness masks can be found here.

Lumene Ultra Sensitive Calming Mask

The Finnish brand recommends Ultra Sensitive Calming Mask for dry and sensitive dermis. A moisturizing mask with the purest Arctic spring water and northern crowberry extract will relieve redness, irritation and tightness in 10 minutes. It can restore smoothness, softness, and healthy radiance to your face. The product is hypoallergenic and does not contain parabens, formaldehyde and ethyl alcohol. The creamy texture and pleasant aroma will transform the usual process into a SPA procedure, which is carried out in expensive beauty salons. The active components of the mask penetrate into the deep layers of tissue and increase the resistance abilities of the epidermis. There are no cons.

The best mask recipes for dry and problem skin

If the problem of dehydrated skin is accompanied by an additional nuisance - acne, try using a clay-based mask, and the next day or two days later a second one based on yeast. It turns out a set of procedures for a week:

  1. The first stage is to take green (or other cosmetic) clay, but it is better to give preference to volcanic clay Ghassoul. Mix with citrus juice (freshly squeezed, but not store-bought grapefruit or orange). The consistency of the drug should be creamy. At the end, add a few drops of grape seed oil. The mask is applied not for 20-25, but for 15-20 minutes, since it contains fruit juice, which can have too aggressive an effect on the skin.
  2. The second stage - take 1-2 tablespoons of dry culinary yeast (or half a briquette of fresh pressed yeast), pour in 0.5 cups of warm milk (37-38 degrees). In order for the yeast to activate, you need to add a little sugar to the milk and put the mixture in a warm place. After half an hour, you can apply the drug to the skin, and after another half hour, wash it off.

A course of such weekly procedures for 1 month will help improve the condition of the epidermis and the disappearance of acne.

Fabric mask

The most common and favorite format: a fabric or hydrogel base impregnated with a cream or gel formula with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth, sometimes with a section for the chin or loops for the ears. These things stick well to the face and are very convenient: you don’t need to spread anything over your face, you can easily stick it on, and while it’s working, we do household chores or read a book.

The main components of moisturizing sheet masks:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • aloe juice;
  • cucumber extract.

According to the instructions, fabric masks are applied for 20-25 minutes, in fact, it is not forbidden to wait until the composition is absorbed into the skin. Do not wash off the remaining product, but gently rub it into the skin with light massaging movements - this way you won’t need the cream after the procedure.

Why does facial skin become dry?

The best recipes for masks for dry skin will not achieve a significant effect if you do not eliminate the negative factors that contribute to the problem. A girl may have a genetic predisposition to dry skin, but in most cases there are other causes of dry epidermis:

  1. Non-compliance with drinking regime. Everything in the human body is interconnected, and if the body feels a lack of fluid, this directly affects the condition of the skin. Normally, a woman should drink approximately 1.5-2.5 liters of clean drinking water per day. Teas, soups and other liquids that have color, smell and taste are not counted as they are food for the body. And drinking clean water will not only normalize the water balance, but will also contribute to effective cleansing and removal of waste and toxins.
  2. Poor nutrition, insufficient intake of micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other biologically active components. You need to reconsider your diet, ask a specialist to prescribe vitamins that will help normalize the condition of the skin, as well as hair and nails.
  3. Common unfavorable factors are constant stress, chronic fatigue, dysfunction of the central nervous system, lack of sleep.
  4. Natural factors - sun, wind, cold. If the skin is not protected from their effects, the upper layer of the epidermis begins to be damaged, causing dryness, cracks, peeling and wrinkles.
  5. Washing with tap water, which often contains not only chlorine, but also a whole range of other chemical elements harmful to the skin. It is better to rinse your face with bottled mineral water taken from the pump room. But it is recommended to remove makeup with special cosmetics that are designed specifically for dry skin.
  6. Using inappropriate skincare products. Different creams, balms, tonics and lotions may simply not be suitable for this skin type. When choosing medications, consult consultants at cosmetic stores. It’s even better to contact a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist who will select a set of necessary products.
  7. The use of “heavy”, low-quality decorative cosmetics, especially foundation and powder.
  8. And of course, do not forget that the skin becomes drier as the body ages. After 35-40 years, most women note that the epidermis becomes flabby, as if thinning and begins to peel off. This is a natural process, it cannot be reversed, but it can be slowed down. To do this, you need to make not just face masks, but special age masks, the best recipes for which are listed below.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin may be due to

  • age-related changes
  • congenital features of the epidermis
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland and insufficient amounts of corresponding hormones in the body
  • using low quality cosmetics
  • the presence of various gastrointestinal diseases
  • disturbances in the activity of the sebaceous glands
  • insufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements, especially groups A, C, E
  • lack of the required amount of moisture
  • prolonged exposure to the open air: in the cold in winter, in the sun in summer
  • diabetes mellitus
  • dry indoor air during the heating season
  • frequent peeling

Such skin is very susceptible to the negative influence of various factors. As a result of their exposure, the skin becomes even more dry, chapped, and does not tolerate temperature changes well.

Skin care should not only be correct, but also regular, using high-quality cosmetics.

Basic steps for caring for dry skin

Homemade face masks are an effective and affordable remedy in the fight for youthful skin

The best mask recipes for dry skin after 40 years

After 40 years, the first wrinkles begin to appear on a woman’s face. To stop their occurrence and smooth the skin, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Take a handful of oatmeal and grind it into powder. This can be done using a blender or coffee grinder, food processor.
  2. Add a tablespoon of natural honey and a tablespoon of fat sour cream to the powder.
  3. The second recipe for a rejuvenating mask for aging skin:
  4. Take a fresh chicken egg white and whisk until foamy.
  5. Add the yolk of the same egg to the foam, mixed with a spoon of honey, wheat germ oil (or any other oil you have on hand) and ground oatmeal.
  6. Another effective recipe that will improve skin turgor after 40 years:
  7. Pour a few tablespoons of gelatin (without dyes or other additives) with warm water as indicated in the instructions on the package, leave for 20-30 minutes.
  8. When the gelatin swells, add a little heavy cream or sour cream, as well as a tablespoon of honey.

To create your own recipes for anti-aging products, you can use products such as ripe bananas, homemade full-fat cottage cheese, and a variety of vegetable oils.

Pre-cleansing of the skin

Before carrying out the moisturizing procedure, it is important to do the preparatory stage. Proper cleansing is the key to a good effect from the mask. The following points must be observed:

  1. remove makeup;
  2. wash your face with a special cleanser;
  3. steam it or make a hot compress: to do this, you need to hold your face over a bowl of boiling water for 10-15 minutes or put a towel on it;
  4. After cleansing, you need to let the skin dry for a couple of minutes.

This way, the moisturizing components from the mask will better penetrate into the deeper layers.

The best mask recipes for dry skin after 50 years

One of the best masks for dry skin after 50 years is prepared as follows:

  1. Thoroughly wash medium-sized potatoes (preferably young ones), boil without removing the skins until tender. Using a fork or masher, grind the cooled vegetable into a puree.
  2. Add the yolk of one egg to the puree (if using quail eggs, take several yolks), as well as a little glycerin.
  3. Mask to get a quick effect of moisturizing and rejuvenation:
  4. Mash half a ripe banana to a lump-free puree.
  5. Add the yolk to the puree, as well as fermented milk products - homemade sour cream, heavy cream, yogurt. The consistency of the mixture should not be liquid.
  6. Maintenance mask for dry skin after 50:
  7. Take 1/3 cup of fresh milk, heat it, place a piece of black bread in the liquid.
  8. When the bread softens, mash it into a paste with a fork.
  9. Add a spoonful of honey and an egg yolk to the mixture.

You can prepare masks by supplementing recipes with ingredients such as aloe juice and pulp, cottage cheese, oatmeal, grated carrots, and vegetable oils.


  1. Dry skin needs additional nutrition and hydration, so the main components of the mask should be full-fat dairy products, honey, eggs, fruits, and vegetable oils.
  2. The drug should be applied to previously cleansed skin.
  3. After using a fatty product, additional moisturizing with cream is not required.
  4. To get an instant moisturizing effect, you can use an express mask.
  5. Store-bought products for dry skin types are recommended to contain hyaluronic acid.

The best mask recipes for dry skin after 60 years

The first option for an anti-aging product for dry skin after 60:

  1. Bake one apple in the oven, let cool, mash until smooth (you can rub through a fine sieve).
  2. Add wheat germ oil or flaxseed oil to the puree.
  3. Add 1 spoon of honey to the mixture.
  4. The second option for a highly effective product that can be used by women over the age of 60 (not only for the face, but also for the neck and arms):
  5. Take 4 spirulina tablets and grind into powder using a mortar or spoon.
  6. Add 1 teaspoon of dry brewer's yeast or half a briquette (about 30-40 grams) of fresh yeast.
  7. Add 1 tablespoon of slightly heated Cahors in a steam bath. If you don’t have Cahors, you can use sweet wine, warmed milk with 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  8. After 15-20 minutes, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil or coconut or flax oil to the mixture.
  9. The mask is kept on the face for 30-40 minutes, after which it needs to be washed off. Apply moisturizer after 60-90 minutes.


Mint mask

  • 1 table. spoon of crushed mint leaves
  • 80 grams of water (slightly less than half a glass).

Boil water, pour mint leaves over it and leave until cool. Then take gauze, roll it into 4 layers, dip it in the broth and, after squeezing it lightly, put it on your face. Wait 15 minutes. After which it is advisable to wash your face with warm water. No need to apply cream. The course of treatment is no more than three times a week. The procedure takes 4 weeks. After two months, take a break.

Glycerin mask

  • 1 tablespoon glycerin
  • 2 table. spoons of potato juice
  • 1 table. spoon of fresh milk.

Preparation and use

Mix all ingredients and apply with a brush to face for 10 minutes. Then carefully remove the mixture from the skin using a decoction of green tea. Rinse off with warm water.

Benefits of homemade face masks for dry skin

The modern market of cosmetics and cosmetics offers a wide range of products for dry facial skin. You can also buy a variety of masks belonging to the mass, middle market or luxury categories. Why then do cosmetologists advise using homemade recipes for cosmetics? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Price

    – no matter how cheap purchased cosmetics are, masks prepared according to the best folk recipes will still cost less.

  2. Quality

    – cheap store-bought cosmetics are made from ingredients whose quality may be questionable. Such products may contain components harmful to the epidermis, not to mention dyes and artificial flavors. And a mask prepared according to a traditional medicine recipe consists only of fresh products, the quality of which you are sure of.

  3. No contraindications

    , side effects (if there is no allergy to the composition of the product and no damage to the skin).

If we compare masks with other types of skincare cosmetics, for example, with creams, then the former also have advantages - the most concentrated formula and instant action. If you use a moisturizer, you need to be prepared for the effect to be cumulative. And using a mask allows you to improve the condition of your skin “here and now,” which can be very important before important events where you need to look 100%.

Night mask

To ensure effective care, it is advisable to pay attention to cosmetics that can be applied at night.

An example is a well-absorbing mask from the top of the most effective cosmetic varieties that improve the condition of dry skin, The Same Sooyeran Radiance Mask based on wild ginseng extract with the addition of a large number of natural extracts.

It provides intensive care, has a restorative effect, eliminates dryness, removes flaking, moisturizes, nourishes, improves elasticity, evens out tone, improves tone, and helps smooth out wrinkles.

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