Is it possible to wipe your face with alcohol to remove oiliness and acne?

What should an effective disinfectant contain?

Today there are two types of antiseptics that work well against germs, bacteria, and viruses.
The first type is alcohol-based liquids; it should contain at least 60%, preferably more. If the content is less, then the protein shell of microbes and viruses will not be destroyed and some of them will remain invulnerable. The alcohol must be ethyl or isopropyl.

The second type of antiseptic is based on chlorhexidine. It does not erode longer, provides longer-lasting protection, but damages the skin of your hands. However, alcohol also dries the skin, so such liquids usually contain softeners.

Salicylic alcohol

Is it possible to wipe your face with salicylic alcohol? A distinctive feature of this drug is the rules for its storage: in a dark place and no more than a month from the moment of opening. Apply alcohol only to cotton swabs, not to discs or gauze. In this way, the risk of getting burned is reduced. The alcohol solution should be no more than 2%. The best thing is to apply the drug at night, avoiding contact with the eyes. You can wipe the skin with salicylic alcohol only if it is oily. In winter, this method of treatment is not recommended, and in summer, you should not go outside after the procedure, you can get pigment spots.

How to protect the skin of your hands after using an antiseptic?

High-quality formulations already include various softeners, moisturizers, glycerin, and vitamins that reduce the effect of alcohol and chlorhexidine on the skin. However, sometimes this is not enough, especially with frequent use of solutions. To prevent irritation, redness, and allergic reactions, do not use too hot water for washing, use cream soap instead of regular soap, drink more water (7-8 glasses a day). If cracks and wounds appear, buy special ointments, do not delay treatment.

The benefits of alcohol for skin

This method of getting rid of acne is very popular. Therefore, it is worth understanding the beneficial properties of alcohol. Then you can get an answer to the question: “Is it possible to wipe your face with alcohol?”

It is worth noting the frequent use of this substance in cosmetology and medicine. When used wisely, it becomes truly healing: it kills harmful microorganisms, reduces inflammation, promotes cleansing, dries out pimples, leading to their disappearance. Alcohol is also able to fight dead cells on the skin, softening it. Another interesting property is considered to increase the shelf life of cosmetics.

Due to its volatility, alcohol is widely used in various masks and creams. In this case, it is not absorbed, but evaporates before penetrating the skin. But here it is important to observe the proportions and concentration of the substance. Alcohol in creams is very beneficial for the skin, it kills harmful microorganisms and cleanses it.

Is it possible to drink antiseptic?

No you can not. Unfortunately, some people use antiseptics internally due to the presence of alcohol in the composition. The result of such use is burnt internal organs, severe poisoning, and this is at best; at worst, the person dies. For the production of antiseptics, two types of alcohol are used - ethanol and isopropyl. The second is cheaper, is not suitable for the production of alcohol-containing drinks due to toxicity and is not suitable for drinking, but due to its low price it is most often used in the manufacture of sanitizers.

Formic alcohol

Is it possible to wipe your face with formic alcohol? This product is not suitable for people with sensitive skin. When using formic alcohol, you should be careful and first check for allergic reactions using the method described earlier. But there is one difference: you need to wait not 5 minutes, but about a day.

To remove acne, apply alcohol to a cotton pad. Then rub it into the damaged skin in a circular motion, but very carefully, without pressure. No pre-cleansing of the face is required.

At the end of the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied. Acne can be treated in this way from two weeks to a month, depending on the scale of the problem.

Unlike other alcohols, this one has a strong exfoliating effect, so it is optimal to alternate this product with other more delicate preparations. In this way, the skin will not be damaged by the medications, and acne will disappear.

Can alcohol be used as an antiseptic?

In its pure form, we do not recommend using alcohol as an antiseptic. In sanitizers, the amount of ethyl ranges from 60 to 80%; they are no longer used. The alcohol strength is 96%, meaning this concentration will almost certainly cause skin problems, especially with repeated use. In addition, even the simplest sanitizer contains auxiliary substances - glycerin, hydrogen peroxide and others. They not only perform antiviral functions, but also serve as softeners, humidifiers, etc. Thus, using alcohol carries the risk of burns, irritation, and other problems.

By the way, you cannot use vodka either, it is ineffective, since its strength is only 40%, which will not kill viruses.


To answer the question: “Is it possible to wipe your face with alcohol?”, you need to evaluate not only its beneficial properties, but also its harm.

The biggest disadvantage of using ethanol is the destruction of the protective layer of the skin. It becomes susceptible to temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and other natural influences.

The advantage of alcohol is that it dries the skin and relieves inflammation, but in addition to dead cells, healthy ones also suffer. This happens because they are located nearby. As a result of this exposure to alcohol, the skin becomes too dry. After this, you will have to moisturize your face, which is also harmful, because it can lead to excessive oiliness, which is favorable for the occurrence of acne.

Cosmetics that contain alcohol are most often intended for oily skin in order to dry it out. Only the sebaceous glands suffer from this effect. If you overdry oily skin, the opposite effect will occur. That is, the sebaceous glands will begin to work in an enhanced mode, and the face will again have an oily sheen. In addition, blackheads or increased rash may appear. And the abuse of alcohol-containing creams leads to the death of skin cells.

It is unacceptable to use ethanol on dry skin. Because this leads to loss of moisture and peeling.

Vodka for acne

There is an opinion that vodka for acne is a very effective remedy, as it kills any microbes and cleanses pores well. But this is actually not the case. Vodka for the face is not so harmless.

Some advisers talk about a “magic” method of getting rid of numerous festering blackheads: you need to wipe everything well with vodka, and then anoint it with Vaseline. This can lead to completely the opposite result. In such cases, only local treatment of ulcers is permissible.

In addition, vodka may contain a certain amount of different impurities, for example, flavorings or taste enhancers. They can provoke a severe allergy on the already inflamed dermis. And, of course, vodka dries out the epidermis, like any other alcohol-containing drug.

If the topic of acne is relevant, then you should pay attention to alcohol solutions. However, their use should be reasonable and limited. The procedure must be carried out correctly and the exact dosages must be observed.


A few opinions from women:

“I haven’t had any problems with acne since I was young. And recently he took it and jumped out, in the most visible place. I cauterized the damaged area with ethyl alcohol. In 6 days it was like the wind blew away!”

Evgenia S.

“I wipe my face with ammonia solution in combination with herbal ingredients when nothing helps. Allows you to forget about rashes for a long time.”

Elizaveta M.

“There is no opportunity to buy expensive cosmetics. I use ethanol regularly, but I don’t overdo it. I advise everyone to try it."

Ulyana A.

Camphor alcohol

Is it possible to wipe your face with camphor alcohol? This drug is considered one of the most effective remedies in the fight against acne. But camphor alcohol should be used in combination with other drugs, because it eliminates the external manifestation of acne, but not the cause of its formation. The appearance of acne may indicate the presence of a disease that requires treatment.

Camphor alcohol cannot be used if you have an individual intolerance or allergies, so a test is also performed before use. You should wait about half an hour for a response from the skin.

Alcohol has many side effects - it irritates the skin, dries it out, and leads to burns. Therefore, the use of the product requires caution. It is not recommended to use the drug for people who have particularly sensitive skin.


Is it possible to wipe your face with ethyl alcohol? Most cosmetic products contain it. If you use it directly as a component of lotion or cleanser, you can get the expected effect - the skin will dry out and acne will begin to disappear. But if you burn acne with pure ethyl alcohol, you will get the opposite result from the treatment, the condition will only worsen.

If oily skin is overdried, the sebaceous glands will begin to work actively. They will return it to its original appearance again, but with a more pronounced effect. At the same time, the number of acne will not decrease, but rather increase. Therefore, it is not recommended to use pure ethyl alcohol; it is better that it be included in anti-acne medications.

Ammonia (ammonia)

Ammonia has a very pungent, unpleasant odor. But does it help with acne?

Surprisingly, it is used for very oily skin. In the mornings, wash with a solution of ammonia, for which you need to dilute a small amount of ammonia in water. Rinse your face with this mixture.

Is it possible to burn pimples with ammonia? To do this, you need to wet a cotton pad and treat the acne area.

It is important to be very careful when using. The result of inhaling alcohol vapor will be increased heartbeat and breathing, and blood pressure may rise. But despite this, the drug perfectly treats fungal skin infections, bacterial infections and cleanses pores of dirt and excess oil.

How do you burn a pimple?

Unaesthetic subcutaneous pimples and boils must be cauterized, and done correctly. For this purpose, do not use the first objects you come across to avoid harming the epithelium.

Not all methods are safe, as there may be a risk of burns. Therefore, approach the issue consciously.

Regardless of the type of alcohol you choose, the procedure is done using the following method: a cotton swab, stick or disk is soaked in the solution and applied to the desired area. The area is treated twice a day, during the day and before getting ready for bed. It will take from several days to a month to solve the problem.

If acne appears with enviable frequency, you should not wash your face with soap. Use the above method instead. This will prevent the emergence of new foci of infection.

Treat the condition of your skin with attention and care, clean it in a timely manner, and it will thank you with a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

How to solve acne problem

The problem needs to be solved. Figure out what caused the shortcomings. The reason is the negative impact of the environment, abuse of unhealthy diet or bad habits. Or these are features of the epithelium. When boils appear, do not try to squeeze them out, to avoid the formation of an abscess and aggravation of the situation.

There are different methods to resolve the issue. The most common method that the older generation likes to use is alcohol. It has a number of advantages compared to similar substances.

Let's look at the reasons why you should choose a product:

  • eliminates inflammatory consequences;
  • dries out acne;
  • eliminates redness and blackheads on the face;
  • disinfects;
  • makes the epithelium smooth and clean.

Acne often forms due to contact with dirt, dust, and in public places. In these cases, it is advised to immediately use the liquid to avoid acne.

It is undesirable to abuse the product; there are negative consequences that are more difficult to cope with. If the situation does not change over time, get examined by a doctor to identify the circumstances of their occurrence.

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