Acne on the face after alcohol and other consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages

Dehydration and swelling73

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to dehydration. Fluid from the cells is released into the intercellular space, accumulating in it. This explains why facial swelling appears in the morning after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Swelling mainly occurs under gases. There is most subcutaneous fat fiber here, which attracts moisture. Just a couple of seemingly harmless glasses of red wine can lead to morning swelling not only of the face, but also of the legs and fingers. By the way, dark circles under the eyes are also explained by dehydration.

Dangers of using salicylic alcohol for acne* on the face

You should avoid the decision to cauterize a pimple with salicylic alcohol, as using this product can have harmful consequences156:

  • dry skin under the influence of the product begins to peel off even more, in response to overdrying of the epidermis, the production of sebum increases;
  • salicylic acid is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding; if you have acne, consult a dermatologist; do not experiment with self-treatment at home;
  • It is dangerous to mix the drug with other components to prepare homemade medicines; such cocktails can cause a negative reaction from the skin;
  • Side effects of using the product include burning, itching, redness;
  • When used according to the instructions, the drug is applied pointwise, since treating clean skin can lead to irritation and dryness.

An alternative to using an alcohol solution of salicylic acid may be medications for acne*, included in the Federal recommendations for the management of acne patients. These are azelaic acid, antibiotics, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide18.


After drinking alcohol, the face turns red. We are not talking about a cute blush, but about stretched blood vessels, the appearance of a web of capillaries. This is explained by the fact that alcohol leads to disruption of microcirculation in small vessels. Among dermatologists there is a term “alcoholic face”. It appears in people who have disturbances in water-mineral balance. In this case, dehydration of the upper layers of the skin occurs, vasodilation, fluid retention in areas prone to this (for example, under the eyes).

How is salicylic acid used in a cosmetologist's office?

Salicylic peeling has a keratolytic effect through protein denaturation. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The high level of lipophilicity ensures the penetration of the active substance into the deep layers of the skin, which explains the comedolytic effect of the procedure.

The cosmetologist uses 10% acid for superficial peeling, 15-20% for superficial-medium peeling and 30% for medium peeling. It is not worth experimenting with such concentrations at home157.

Premature aging73

Alcohol has diuretic properties. Loss of water leads to skin becoming dull, dry, and wrinkles becoming more pronounced. Due to a decrease in the level of vitamin A, which is a strong antioxidant, collagen synthesis decreases. The face looks sagging.

Dehydration is explained by a decrease in the production of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. Urine production increases and water absorption is blocked. As a result, new wrinkles appear and skin oiliness increases.

Salicylic alcohol for acne* on the face: application

The idea of ​​using salicylic alcohol against acne is explained by its following properties 156:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • cleansing;
  • drying;
  • exfoliating.

Salicylic acid is used by cosmetologists for peelings. Uncontrolled use at home can also be harmful to the skin. But it is included in cosmetic products in small doses; their use can be useful in caring for problem skin.

Low alcohol drinks

As a rule, they contain a large amount of sugar. It, of course, improves the taste characteristics of alcohol, but inevitably leads to swelling, decreased tone and premature aging of the skin.

Beer is considered the most harmless low-alcohol drink for the skin. Brewer's yeast, which is included in its composition, has a calming effect on the skin and reduces the risk of acne. But the sugar and salt present in the drink provoke swelling and decreased skin elasticity.

Places where acne appears

Pimples appear most often on the head and face. This indicates damage to the pancreas and liver. Trying to get rid of rashes using salicylic acid or cream will not bring any results. Rashes appear on the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, back of the head and even on the ears.

Rashes appear on the back and buttocks due to problems with the intestines, as well as when eating large amounts of fatty foods. Acne can appear in the lower back, shoulder blades, neck or shoulders. To determine the cause of unpleasant rashes with 100% accuracy, you need to be examined by a dermatologist. The likelihood of a rash increases with a sharp jump in blood sugar and when drinking alcohol, as well as due to disruption of the immune or hormonal system. In this case, rashes appear in the most unexpected places - in the groin or near the navel. Men experience a sharp surge in the hormone testosterone. Alcohol suppresses it, and when the hormonal system stabilizes, it is produced in large quantities. Similar hormone surges are observed during adolescence.

Features, reasons and benefits of seeing a narcologist at home

Unfortunately, in the modern world there are quite a large number of global and large-scale problems that need to be paid attention to and dealt with, since every year the globality increases, and this really affects the entire society.

In particular, the problem of pathological dependence is now truly acute, especially with regard to alcoholism and drug addiction, which a person simply cannot cope with on his own; he needs not only the help of professionals, but also the support of loved ones. Of course, in such situations, some actions, some decisions should be taken as quickly as possible, because this can truly become one of the most important steps towards a happy future. It is worth noting that at the moment there are a really large number of possible ways and options to provide high-quality and complete treatment of a person for addictive behavior, because it is possible to undergo treatment and rehabilitation in centers, clinics and dispensaries. And at the same time, it is now important to use the service of a narcologist, who can be called to your home. Moreover, such conditions will be relevant in several of the following cases: -

, — conducting a rapid examination, — drawing up recommendations for further actions with an addicted person. Of course, the help of a specialist is really important, especially since such a service is very useful and even has a number of advantages, since

can become one of the very first and most important stages in treatment and recovery: - first of all, the specialist carries out all primary procedures, as in a hospital setting, which allows you to quickly and effectively remove a person from a state of binge drinking; - also all this is carried out with a completely anonymous request, and only by the decision of the person himself can he be registered in a dispensary or clinic, in other cases no one will know about such a critical moment, condition in life; - at the same time, the narcologist has the opportunity to leave quite quickly, which is sometimes key in the case when a person is on the verge of life and death. - also, all this is carried out with a completely anonymous request, and only by the decision of the person himself can he be registered in a dispensary or a clinic, in other cases no one will know about such a critical moment, state in life; — at the same time, the narcologist has the opportunity to leave quickly enough, which is sometimes key in cases where a person is on the verge of life and death.

How does the strength, quality and composition of alcohol affect the process of acne formation?

Acne on the face can appear from drinking any alcoholic beverages, be it high-proof vodka or light foamy beer. The formation of acne is promoted not by degree, but by a combination of unfavorable factors, including the individual reaction of the body. For example, in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases and increased oily skin, drinking any alcohol increases the risk of acne.

A rash on the face indicates that the skin is unable to cope with the intoxication of the body. Most often it appears after drinking low-quality drinks. For example, unnatural wines contain large amounts of sugar, which provokes the release of testosterone and insulin, which affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Excessive consumption of this drink can lead to the formation of acne.

Acne can appear even after a few sips of beer, because it contains phytoestrogens. When they accumulate, endocrine imbalance occurs and, as a result, the risk of acne formation increases.

Acne treatment with Clindovit® gel

Acne treatment is also possible at home. For mild to moderate acne, a dermatologist may prescribe Clindovit® gel, a topical antibiotic18.6. The drug contains clindamycin phosphate6. Upon contact with the skin, it hydrolyzes to form clindamycin, which exhibits antibacterial activity against P. acnes6. The Clindovit® gel base contains auxiliary components: allantoinemolent, which has a moisturizing and softening effect4,5.

Clindovit® gel is recommended to be used together with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance28.


How to treat problem skin with alcohol

There are two ways to use vodka in the treatment of acne and other types of acne:

  • cauterization of acne;
  • compresses on the face.

Point effect: cauterization

It is convenient to cauterize a pimple with vodka using an ear stick or a cotton pad, but this must be done carefully. Alcohol dries, which speeds up the process of destroying the pimple, but the skin around it also dries out. For this reason, it is not recommended to make facial compresses with alcohol-containing products, so as not to harm the skin. Open wounds or irritations on the face may cause serious burns. It is possible to cure rashes in this way, but considerable harm will be caused.

If the skin is healthy and properly cared for at all times, then proper cauterization will not harm it. Therefore, when an important event is coming up and you need to quickly get rid of a pimple that has appeared, then it is permissible to use this method.

Compresses with vodka on problem areas

It is permissible to make compresses with vodka if they contain other components, and vodka performs only the functions of disinfection and drying. Therefore, it can be added to tonics based on herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, immortelle, calendula) as a catalyst for processes.

It is not dangerous to add vodka to herbal tinctures that are used for lotions. But in masks that act on the skin for a long time, it is better to prefer other disinfectants.

It is recommended to use vodka in its pure form to treat acne only on a targeted basis. For compresses and lotions, it would be correct to add this product to the composition of decoctions and tinctures.

Why do you need to burn pimples?

Not all pimples need to be burned with alcohol; it must be remembered that it has a rather aggressive effect on the skin of the face

As a rule, a pimple appears as a small bump with a purplish hue. This is where the inflammatory process begins.

Attention! You should not try to open such a rash! There is a high probability that an acne mark may form, which, like the pimple itself, will not add attractiveness. It is much more difficult to get rid of it.

Foci of inflammation are cauterized with products that contain a high concentration of alcohol in order to reduce their size and speed up their healing. In addition to the usual pharmaceutical drugs, you can use vodka, cologne, and alcohol-containing tonic. People who trust natural recipes more can use herbs.

Causes of acne

Facial skin is a reflection of the body’s work. To get rid of acne once and for all, you need to understand the processes that stimulate their appearance.

Among the causes of acne on the face are:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • others (psychological, age-related, psycho-emotional, and so on).

Malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract are expressed in the fact that the body is not able to properly absorb the products received. The result is fermentation, flatulence, pain and retention of toxins that have not been processed naturally. The only way to remove harmful substances from the body in this case is through the skin. This organ is not adapted for the transit of so many microelements that are not specific to it, so the result of this process is acne.

In any case, with sudden multiple rashes, it is important to visit a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment. The course of recovery will take some time. To alleviate the condition of problematic skin during this period, you can turn to folk remedies that were used by grandmothers.

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