Acne spots on the face: how to get rid of them using mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a cosmetic injection procedure in which amino acids and beneficial minerals are delivered to the skin. The introduction of a meso-cocktail allows you to get rid of many aesthetic problems, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and improves blood microcirculation. Mesotherapy is used to combat dry skin, dark circles under the eyes, uneven facial contours and even wrinkles. The procedure is effective in treating acne. Mesotherapy also helps in the fight against local fat deposits - it promotes weight loss, destruction of adipose tissue and improvement of skin condition. A course of mesotherapy can be carried out as an independent measure in the fight against cellulite or as part of a complex therapy.

Meso-cocktail injections are used in the treatment of hair loss. Injections are made into the scalp.

History of the procedure

The procedure was first tested by a doctor from France, Michel Pistor: in 1952, he subcutaneously injected a complex of vitamins into his patient. The effectiveness appeared immediately, Pistor continued his research and found out that the same drug, which is administered to different points of the body and in different doses, will give a different therapeutic effect.

The procedure has changed noticeably by now: now mesotherapy allows you to achieve the desired result - rejuvenation and getting rid of aesthetic defects - which lasts for 1-1.5 years.

Causes of acne

Acne and acne are diseases in the field of dermatology that affect the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. They are characterized by blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, which leads to their inflammation. But if previously it was believed that such problems arise only in young people during puberty, today doctors are unanimous in their opinion - acne can be caused by improper skin care, unbalanced nutrition, a lot of stress, metabolic problems, and hormonal imbalances. body systems. Some of the most common causes of acne include:

  • Hormonal imbalances (endocrine disorders);
  • Hyperproductivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Imbalance of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Dysbacteriosis, chronic and acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Heredity;
  • Malfunctions of the immune system;
  • Disturbances in the nutrition system;
  • Allergies to food or medicine.

How does the procedure work?

Mesotherapy injections include several stages. It all starts with a consultation: the doctor talks to you, finds out what exactly you plan to correct with the help of the procedure, selects the drug and the required dosage.

Then it cleanses your face of traces of cosmetics and impurities, and treats the injection area with an antiseptic. The next stage is the application of topical anesthesia. Thanks to this, mesotherapy does not leave any unpleasant sensations. In front of you, the specialist prints out the individual packaging of the drug and injection, and performs intradermal injections according to the chosen scheme. Then the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic and a soothing cream is applied.

After completing the procedure, Cleo Line staff will tell you how to care for the treated area.

What is mesotherapy?

What explains the popularity of mesotherapy? The essence of this method is to introduce therapeutic injections into the middle layer of the skin, which are a specially prepared cocktail of vitamins, minerals, extracts of medicinal plants, nucleic acids and amino acids. For injections, an ultra-thin needle is used, which allows the medicinal drug to be injected to a depth of 1.5-3.9 mm.

With this procedure, you can quickly and effectively solve both local and extensive skin problems. Mesotherapy helps improve blood microcirculation, increases the elasticity and turgor of the skin at the site of therapeutic injection.

The main advantage of mesotherapy over traditional methods of skin rejuvenation (creams, serums) is the penetration of healing cocktails into the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. Thanks to this, internal metabolic processes are activated, cell regeneration is stimulated, and blood circulation improves. This effect is very difficult to achieve when using external cosmetics.

Drugs used in the procedure

Our specialists will select the composition of the meso-preparation for you in accordance with the needs of your skin or hair and develop a treatment program to rid you of imperfections in your appearance in a short time. We work only with modern, completely safe drugs from the world's leading manufacturers. All meso-cocktails used in Cleo Line have undergone clinical trials and confirmed their effectiveness. The active ingredients begin to work immediately, and a pronounced cumulative effect is observed.

Composition of cocktails for mesotherapy

Mesotherapy involves the introduction of one drug or a whole complex of useful substances under the skin. The following ingredients are widely used:

• hyaluronic acid, which stimulates the generation of collagen fibers and retains fluid. It is possible to administer both a single drug and complex injections;

• phospholipids, which are an integral component of membranes and increase the elasticity of skin cells;

• silicon and magnesium salts, which strengthen tissues and ensure their elasticity. They improve cell nutrition and improve skin tone;

• polylactic acid, which supports the natural process of neocollagen formation, which in turn stimulates collagen production.

Cocktails for mesotherapy can consist of vitamins of different groups, antioxidants, active enzymes, immunomodulators and even antibiotics. There are about 200 cocktail recipes, differing in different compositions and used in various cases, depending on the condition of the skin and cosmetic defects.

Who performs the procedure

In the clinic, mesotherapy injections are performed only by experienced, qualified specialists with specialized education. All doctors who work at Cleo Line have received not only their main specialty. They have also undergone professional retraining in cosmetology, constantly improve their skills, and participate in trainings and master classes. The specialists are assisted by cosmetology nurses who also have the necessary professional knowledge.

The experience and education of each clinic specialist can be found on his personal page.

Recovery period

The recovery period after mesotherapy for facial skin and hair is minimal. The usual precautions are the same as after any other injection procedure:

  • Do not wash your face in the first 8 hours after the procedure; if necessary, it is better to treat your face with an antiseptic (not alcohol!);
  • Avoid cosmetics for 1-2 days;
  • For 2-3 days you need to give up the sauna, steam bath, hot bath and swimming pool;
  • It is better to postpone sports for the same 2-3 days;
  • Within 5-7 days after mesotherapy, you should not visit or carry out aggressive cosmetic procedures - for example, it is better to postpone chemical acid peeling to a later date;
  • You should avoid visiting the solarium for the entire course of mesotherapy.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has many advantages:

  • Safe composition of the drug;
  • Wide range of indications;
  • Efficiency;
  • Increased skin turgor;
  • Improved complexion;
  • Help in treating acne;
  • Elimination of rosacea;
  • Normalization of sebum production;
  • Lifting effect;
  • Lightening pigment spots;
  • Relief leveling;
  • Stimulation of hair growth on the head;
  • Lasting results;
  • Possibility to combine with other treatment methods.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages, and even those are very conditional. These include:

  • Preservation of papules (small lumps) immediately after the procedure - injection marks will disappear within a couple of days;
  • A small number of contraindications.


After the procedure, the oval of the face is tightened, wrinkles and skin creases are smoothed out. The condition of the skin improves: the tone returns, the relief is evened out, the skin literally glows. “Bags” and “dark circles” under the eyes are reduced. Thanks to the activation of internal resources, a positive effect in the treatment of acne is achieved - the number of inflammations and their severity are noticeably reduced. An anti-aging effect is observed. With scalp mesotherapy, hair loss activity is reduced. If mesotherapy is carried out on the body, the amount of adipose tissue decreases, the skin texture is evened out, and the appearance of cellulite is reduced.

To achieve the best effect, mesotherapy is performed in a course. Cleo Line doctors determine the number and frequency of procedures for each patient on an individual basis.

Types and techniques of mesotherapy

The use of one or another technique for administering a therapeutic cocktail depends on the type and severity of skin problems.

The manual (injection) technique involves manual injection of the product using a syringe and an ultra-thin needle. This procedure requires careful preparation and a responsible approach, because The effect will depend on the chosen technique and depth of injection. Methods for administering drugs are described in detail in the article “Mesotherapy for the body for cellulite.”

With the mechanical technique, the medication is administered using a gun (mesoinjector) with mesotherapy needles.

All mesotherapy methods differ in the methods of drug administration and indications for use; each has certain advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the appropriate option, the degree of pain is hardly worth taking into account; it is important to determine the desired effect of the procedure. The result directly depends on the client’s age, skin condition and certain characteristics of the body. The procedure should be carried out under the strict guidance of a professional cosmetologist interested in achieving the best result.

Reviews and opinions of doctors about the procedure

Danilkova Oksana Igorevna

Mesotherapy for me belongs to the category of “favorite” procedures. By introducing certain drugs, be it vitamins, microelements, amino acids, peptides and other biologically active substances, they are precisely targeted to the area where they are now needed. This allows you to work very accurately in the dermis and in the scalp and in places of local fat deposits. Procedures are carried out frequently - once a week and for a long time - at least 7-10 times. But this is the only inconvenience. Many of my patients return to mesotherapy again, which means they like the result!

Belova Elena Andreevna

In my work, I often prescribe mesotherapy for many problems (dry and dull complexion, cellulite, hair loss, pigmentation, scars, stretch marks, rosacea, etc.) and see a clinically pronounced effect from the course of procedures. The composition of the drug for this purpose is determined solely individually, depending on the desired result. I can compare the skin to growing a flower, because it needs watering, care, nutrition, sometimes removing excess leaves, protection from the scorching sun (well, if it’s not a cactus), and the skin of patients often needs the same thing: moisturize, nourish with vitamins and microelements, give antioxidant protection, improve microcirculation. And mesotherapy copes with this task remarkably well.

Summer acne exacerbation

Summer acne exacerbation

I.A. Parfenova dermatologist, cosmetologist at the Reforma clinic, teacher at the Martinex educational center D.N. Yudina , dermatologist, cosmetologist at the Reforma clinic, teacher at the Martinex educational center

Despite the abundance of information that can be found in monographs and articles, many patients and practitioners are still misled about the benefits of sun exposure. This myth did not arise out of nowhere. Research results are sometimes contradictory, as is practical experience. Indeed, some patients suffering from acne notice an improvement in their skin condition after sun exposure, while others see the exact opposite. This paradoxical effect is easily explained. It all depends on the intensity and time of irradiation. In small doses, sunlight is beneficial. It suppresses the function of the sebaceous glands and increases superficial exfoliation. It is known that the visible part of the solar spectrum has a bactericidal effect, since porphyrins of bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) act as photosensitizers. Infrared radiation in small doses stimulates microcirculation, which has a beneficial effect on the resorption of stagnant post-acne spots. Sunlight increases the production of endorphins, thereby suppressing the stress mechanism of acne formation, and accelerates cell division in the basal layer of the epidermis and dermis. But if we are talking about acne, then the sun is more of an enemy than a friend. A short-term improvement in the condition (it is mainly associated with the bactericidal effect of small doses of solar radiation), as a rule, is observed only when being in the sun and is very quickly replaced by an exacerbation upon returning home from the sunny south. Such patients do not even suspect that the appearance of new inflammatory elements is not caused by their return home to a dusty city with a poor environment, or rather, not entirely this, but is triggered by just such pleasant and useful, seemingly sunbathing. Prolonged exposure to the sun depresses the skin's immunity. As a result, the imaginary improvement is naturally replaced by deterioration.

Mechanisms of acne exacerbation in summer

Acne is chronic; any exacerbation can be provoked by both exogenous and endogenous factors. We have to admit that in summer the risk of new rashes is especially high. This is primarily due to increased exposure to solar radiation [3]. We emphasize that we are only talking about the abuse of sunbathing! How to quickly determine whether the skin received a small or large dose of radiation? The criteria are the simplest. If the skin does not darken, then the dose is therapeutic. It has been established that tanning is a response of the skin to damage from ultraviolet radiation. The damage consists of thickening the stratum corneum of the epidermis, disruption of sebum production and its composition, and activation of free radical oxidation. And the main target of the negative effects of the sun is the skin’s immune system. By acting on Langerhans cells, large doses of sunlight have an immunosuppressive effect. As the intensity of ultraviolet radiation increases, the release of inflammatory mediators, including various cytokines, begins. As a result, along with the development of foci of inflammation, the balance between the rate of division and exfoliation of epidermal cells is disrupted, which aggravates existing hyperkeratosis and flaking of the skin. Increased heating of the skin leads to an increase in its blood supply, and this contributes to the further development and spread of the inflammatory process. At the same time, the sensitivity of sebaceous gland receptors to androgenic hormones increases, which causes excess sebum production [7]. Moreover, there is not only an increase in the amount of sebaceous secretion, but also a change in its chemical composition and consistency: the content of viscous fatty acids increases, so the sebum becomes even denser and thicker. The skin, in defense, responds to excessive insolation by excessive keratinization of the epidermis - a mechanical obstacle is created to the release of sebum to the outside. There is a kind of sponge effect that absorbs liquid but does not release it to the surface [1]. Due to increased air humidity and heat, a thermostatic film is formed on the surface of the skin - a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Speaking about the prevention and treatment of summer acne, experts for some reason forget that relaxing on the beach means not only the sun, but also dry wind and salt water, which dehydrate the skin, disrupt its lipid mantle and ultimately reduce its barrier functions, in including antimicrobials. In the recommendations of experts, you rarely come across advice to wash off sea salt after any bathing, but this is no less important than protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays, and this should be done as often as applying sunscreen. The comedogenic effect from sun exposure accumulates gradually over the course of a month. It can be aggravated by the use of decorative cosmetics in the summer heat. As a result, after a short period of imaginary improvement in the skin, the inflammatory process intensifies and the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland becomes blocked, that is, an exacerbation of acne develops. Another summer factor - heat - contributes to excessive heating of the skin and dilation of blood vessels, provoking secondary inflammation. In some cases, as a result of stagnant and inflammatory processes, multiple papules and pustules appear on the skin.

Medicines and ultraviolet light

Exposure to the sun increases the risk of irritation from a number of topical medications used to treat acne. These are primarily drugs with keratolytic properties: retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, salicylic acid, etc. [2, 5, 7]. Ultraviolet irradiation is also not indicated during systemic therapy. In particular, tetracycline antibacterial drugs and some oral contraceptives can lead to the development of phototoxic and photoallergic reactions. Systemic treatment of acne with isotretinoin increases skin sensitivity to sunlight.

How to protect yourself from the sun?

It’s a shame, of course, to sit in the shade all summer, but many acne patients will have to do just that. In any case, the question of whether sun exposure is admissible for a patient with seborrhea and acne should be decided by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics. Patients with a large number of inflammatory elements of acne against the background of external and systemic therapy should avoid exposure to the open sun and solarium. Moreover, they need to use sunscreens (photoprotectors). It should be emphasized that these products should be maximally adapted for skin with seborrhea and acne. Photoprotectors are applied before going outside. It is better to choose emulsions and light creams. The level of protection should be appropriate to your skin type (the lighter the skin and the more easily it burns, the higher the sun protection factor [SPF] value should be). After stopping sun exposure, the cream or emulsion must be removed from the skin with mild cleansers. During sun exposure, sunscreen should be reapplied after swimming, as well as at certain intervals, depending on the SPF value (the lower the protection factor, the more often the cream is applied). Young patients with moderate acne should be warned against lying on the beach for a long time and advised to wear T-shirts and hats and cover their faces while in the sun [2, 5, 7]. Tanning is also undesirable for those patients who note an exacerbation of the disease in the summer. It is advisable for patients with all types of acne to make adjustments to their individual skin care program during the summer. Sunscreen cosmetics should be their best friend. Increased attention should be paid to skin cleansing, antiseptic protection, sebum regulation and adequate hydration.

Mesotherapeutic correction - the possibility of pathogenetic therapy

In case of exacerbation of acne and the appearance of new inflammatory elements, mesotherapy will be very effective. It is this technology that uses a pathogenetic approach to the problem, in which cocktails are used that act on all parts of the pathogenesis of acne. The drug will be delivered directly to the lesion, where its maximum concentration will be created, which will accelerate the regression of inflammatory elements. Depending on the severity of the clinical process, its etiology and pathogenesis, it is possible to create an individual treatment program, combining different drugs and cocktails with anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating and immunomodulatory effects. Using mesotherapy cocktails, it is possible to inhibit the enzyme 5α-reductase, which will reduce the sensitivity of androgen-dependent receptors, and as a result eliminate excess sebum production (seboregulation effect).

Experience in correcting inflammatory elements

There is experience in the mesotherapeutic use of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of clinical manifestations of acne.
For example, in case of sensitivity of the microflora from pustules to gentamicin and metronidazole, it is recommended to treat with these drugs daily or every other day, depending on the severity of the rash (6-12 sessions in total). Injections are made around inflammatory elements. If the microflora is insensitive to gentamicin and metronidazole, treatment begins with Immunal, Riboxin, aloe extract, and vascular drugs. This treatment regimen best illustrates the benefits of mesotherapy correction. Indeed, with this approach there is no need to saturate the entire body with antibiotics and it is possible to significantly reduce the doses of administered drugs (antibiotics can be diluted with organic silicon). Compared to systemic administration of antibiotics, this is a gentler, but at the same time more effective therapy [6].

The main causative agent of acne, Propionibacterium acnes, multiplies rapidly in a clogged sebaceous gland, especially against the background of reduced skin immunity. Increasing the immune status of the skin makes it possible to suppress the excessive proliferation of this microorganism. Therefore, a promising direction in acne therapy is the study of the mechanisms of immunological regulation of skin regeneration. On this basis, new methods are being developed to correct skin dysfunction associated with disruption of systemic and local immune processes.

It has been established that against the background of intradermal administration of immunomodulators, skin restoration processes are significantly accelerated and exudative inflammation is suppressed. The effectiveness of the immunomodulator Ribomunil has been proven: intradermal administration of this drug leads to skin regeneration, which is realized through stimulation of immunoregulatory mechanisms, the proliferative activity of fibroblasts and the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans. The effectiveness of mesotherapeutic administration of glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid, amino acids (lysine) in the treatment and prevention of acne is currently being studied. Preliminary results are encouraging. Perhaps in the near future there will be new schemes for mesotherapeutic immunocorrection of acne [4].

What else can be recommended to cosmetologists? Currently, mesotherapy has quite effective drugs in its arsenal that give good results in the treatment of acne.

Features of aesthetic mesotherapy sessions for patients with acne

A course of mesotherapy will be effective for comedones, inflammatory elements without purulent content, atrophic post-acne scars, stagnant spots, secondary post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, etc. The procedures are carried out only in the absence of purulent elements in the treatment area. The mesotherapist must remember that acute purulent elements can be treated in other ways and require treatment or observation by a dermatologist.

What else can be recommended to cosmetologists? Currently, mesotherapy has quite effective drugs in its arsenal that give good results in the treatment of acne.

Recommended preparations and cocktails

Based on the direction of action, all drugs and cocktails can be divided into several groups:

  • elimination of hyperkeratosis (mesopiling with hydroxy acids);
  • immunocorrection and prevention of the appearance of inflammatory elements;
  • seboregulation;
  • moisturizing and creating an optimal environment for the functioning of skin cells;
  • elimination of post-acne (atrophic scars, congestive spots, hyperpigmentation, etc.).

Mono- and complex preparations based on hyaluronic acid are ideal as basic preparations for the actual mesotherapy session, which creates an optimal environment for the normal functioning of the dermis, improves intercellular communication, normalizes proliferative and immune reactions, has a bactericidal effect, etc. Microelements are used ( sulfur, zinc, germanium), vitamins (riboflavin, folic acid, ascorbic acid), amino acids (lysine), which, when used in combination, improve immunity, metabolism, skin regeneration, have sebum-regulating, keratolytic, depigmenting, anti-inflammatory effects.

Correction schemes for both adults and adolescents are the same. Most often, two schemes are used: step-by-step and complex.

Step by step

Introduction of cocktails according to the following scheme:

  • the first step is the elimination of hyperkeratosis and anti-inflammatory effects during the first sessions of the course (on average 3 - 5 sessions);
  • the second step is hydration and sebum regulation during the next sessions (7 - 10 sessions).

The number of procedures depends on the number of inflammatory elements, open and closed comedones.


In all procedures of the injection course, complex cocktails are used, the action of which is aimed immediately at all the main components of the pathogenesis of acne (inflammation of the sebaceous gland, hyperproduction of sebum, hyperkeratosis). The course consists of 10-12 procedures, which are carried out once every 7 days.

It is important to understand that the course of treatment is selected individually for each patient. You can start procedures immediately after intense sun exposure (on the beach or in a solarium), if there is no skin irritation or burns. If there are sunburns, procedures should be postponed until they are completely healed, that is, for about 2 to 4 weeks.

Options for acne correction procedures

A. Vascular stage

The procedure is standard.

The vascular stage is especially necessary for patients with stagnant spots, with long-term non-maturing inflammatory elements.

B. The actual mesotherapy session

Diffuse zone treatment

1st option.

Treatment and prevention of acne with signs of hyperkeratosis, congestion and hyperpigmentation, as well as in “age-related” patients with acne.

The complex preparation REVITACARE Bio-revitalisation (Laboratorie REVITACARE, France) is a combination of hyaluronic acid and a multivitamin complex (vitamins A, C, D, E, group B). It includes 1% biotech hyaluronic acid (4 ml bottle) and multivitamin complex (10 ml bottle).

Hyaluronic acid can be classified as a drug that acts on all parts of the pathogenesis of acne. Vitamin A, included in the complex, is indispensable in the treatment of acne. It accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis and dermis, restores the lipid barrier, reduces the level of inflammatory mediators, and activates phagocytosis. Vitamins B, C, E have anti-inflammatory, antihypoxic, antioxidant effects. By protecting the membranes of immunocompetent cells from damage, they have a positive effect on the immune status of the skin. Moreover, this effect extends to both nonspecific and specific (humoral and cellular) components of immunity. The well-known property of vitamin C - the whitening effect - can significantly reduce the manifestations of post-inflammatory pigmentation in acne.

The drug can be used for the prevention and treatment of acne both in young patients and in patients with age-related skin changes (dryness, hyperkeratosis, especially with photoaging, age-related and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, impaired microcirculation, congestion). In other words, it allows you to solve several aesthetic problems at once.

2nd option.

Treatment and prevention of acne in the presence of atrophic post-acne scars and hyperpigmentation.

The drug HYALRIPAYER-06M / MESOLIFT (Tuscany Laboratory, Russia) contains hyaluronic acid (2 mg/ml), modified with vitamin C and riboflavin (vitamin B2). The addition of vitamins to hyaluronic acid using a special chemical technology ensures their biostability and prolongation of their functions. In addition to a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, the drug has pronounced antioxidant, regenerating, and whitening effects. It is especially recommended for dry and dehydrated skin in combination with acne.

3rd option.

Treatment and prevention of acne on the back and chest.

Germanio (germanium; Dietbel, Spain) improves immunity and has an antihypoxic effect. Stabilizes the membranes of endothelial cells and blood cells, which reduces vascular permeability, improves the rheological properties of blood and prevents the formation of stagnant spots and atrophic scars. Improves energy metabolism in the immune cells of the skin, creates conditions for adequate regeneration and anti-inflammatory protection of the skin.

Vitamin C 10% (ascorbic acid; ID-Farma, Spain) is an antioxidant, especially important in the summer for skin not adapted to sunlight. In addition to its protective effect, it reduces the adhesion strength of corneocytes and promotes exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, especially on the back, where there is always hyperkeratosis.

B. Additional injections into problem areas

Additional injections are carried out around inflammatory elements, stagnant spots, atrophic scars, and areas of hyperpigmentation. The injection depth is 2 mm (face, neck, décolleté) and 4 mm (back). Cocktails are used at the stage of diffuse treatment of the zone.

D. Application of additional cocktails and techniques to solve specific problems

Elimination of hyperkeratosis

Saliforo (salicylic acid 15%; Toskanicosmetics, Spain) has anti-inflammatory and pronounced keratolytic and bactericidal effects.

The drug causes exfoliation of the epidermis at the mouth of the hair follicle, thereby preventing the formation of comedones. Salicylic acid is not used in mono form, only as part of a cocktail - usually with Silikin (organic silicon 0.5 - 1%). Salicylic acid is drawn into the syringe first, Silykin is drawn second (it is drawn slowly).

Seboregulation, anti-inflammatory effect

For seboregulation, drugs are used that contain zinc, which indirectly inhibits the action of the enzyme 5α-reductase, which leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of androgen-dependent receptors, and sulfur, which has keratoplastic properties. These drugs eliminate excess sebum production.

Oligoelements Zn-Se-Si (ID-Farma, Spain). Zinc (Zn) as a coenzyme is involved in blocking 5α-reductase and plays an important role in skin regeneration. Selenium (Se) is part of glutathione peroxidase, which protects biological membranes from the damaging effects of free radicals. Organic silicon (Si) potentiates the effect of other trace elements in the preparation.

Azufre (sulphur; Dietbel, Spain). Sulfur has antimicrobial and keratoplastic properties. The drug eliminates excess sebum production. Sulfur-containing and zinc-containing drugs are almost always included in acne therapy, as they have excellent sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Stagnation spots and hyperpigmentation

Gibilan (Ginkgo Biloba; Skinasil, Russia), eliminating spasm of the precapillary sphincters, improves microcirculation, metabolism and oxygenation of the skin.

Rutin + Melilot extract (ID-Farma, Spain) provides drainage, removes toxins from inflammation, prevents the appearance of hyperpigmentation and stagnant spots.

Vitamin C strengthens the walls of capillaries, increases their elasticity, and reduces vascular permeability.

The combination of three important mesomedicines with antioxidant properties in one cocktail significantly reduces the manifestations of inflammation, especially congestion.

Duration of courses and results

Typically, a mesotherapy course includes from 8 to 12 procedures. Already after the 3-4th session, patients note positive results, and after completing the course of mesotherapy, the majority experience a stable remission. If you follow all the recommendations of the treating dermatologist, such a course will help avoid exacerbations of acne for a long time (from six months or longer). However, we set up the patient to repeat this course in 4-6 months. But there are exceptions... What if the exacerbation process was only slowed down, but not extinguished? In this case, it is necessary to include mesotherapy in a long-term comprehensive program for the treatment and aesthetic correction of acne. If necessary, additional laboratory tests can be prescribed. In particular, microelement analysis of hair and/or blood will help determine the microelement status of the patient. To eliminate microelement deficiency, we can specifically prescribe a mesotherapy cocktail with various combinations of oligoelements at the stage of additional techniques.

Mesotherapy gives very good results in the correction of acne, but does not replace drug treatment and the use of methods that relieve inflammatory elements, such as photo and laser therapy. For grade 3-4 acne, mesotherapy should be added to systemic and external specific dermatological treatment. And if, in addition to this, you have a conversation with the patient in advance about the risk of exposure to the sun and prepare his skin for exposure to ultraviolet radiation, then you can significantly improve the quality of “life after summer.” And of course, do not forget about proper daily care for acne-prone skin.


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