Types of massage – in what cases is medical massage needed, and where is classical massage suitable?

Types of hardware massage: ultrasonic, roller, needle, etc.

In salons, clinics, as well as at home, two types of massage are performed: manual or machine. They differ in techniques, strength and area of ​​development, and the use of additional accessories. Manual massage is carried out with brushes, jars, stones, spoons. Its main goal is to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, relax and improve tone.

Hardware massage has more capabilities, is used for many diseases and is more effective.

Classification of hardware massage

Types of massage are divided into:

  • Using pressure changes;
  • Roller;
  • Mechanical;
  • Using water and hot steam;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Pulse - electrical and electromagnetic.

The differences are explained by the characteristics of the technical devices used to work on the body.

Massage devices are divided into:

  • Electrical;
  • Electromagnetic;
  • Pneumatic;
  • Reflex;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Laser;
  • Vacuum.

Regardless of the type of procedure, it is recommended to exfoliate with a scrub and steam the body before each session.

Each type has its own indications and contraindications, but all of them are used to treat cellulite, improve body contour, and increase muscle tone.

Vacuum massage


Vibrating vacuum devices operate on the principle of an air compressor. Vibrovacuum massage affects the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle tissue. It is prescribed to combat excess weight and cellulite, to improve metabolism. Vibrovacuum massage has an anti-inflammatory, vasodilating and antispasmodic effect. Therefore, vibration vacuum therapy is used for degenerative-dystrophic diseases, physical inactivity and for recovery after injuries and operations. Vibromassage is carried out to normalize the functioning of the heart and respiratory organs, to correct posture and improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Vibrovacuum massage also has contraindications:

  • Spinal injuries;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Stones in the gall bladder or urinary tract.

Hardware procedures are carried out in courses. The duration of vacuum exposure depends on the patient’s condition, age, indications and doctor’s recommendations.

Advantages of using hardware techniques


Hardware cosmetology provides a unique opportunity for non-invasive intervention in processes occurring in tissues. Many women are not ready for surgical operations associated with unpleasant sensations and the need to violate the integrity of the skin. Microcurrent and ultrasound therapy does not require violating the integrity of the skin, and the sensations during most procedures do not differ from those of a light massage.


Innovative cosmetology devices act directly on the patient’s tissue, directly affecting the condition of fatty tissue cells, muscle tissue and epidermis. The high efficiency of hardware methods allows you to achieve a noticeable effect after the first procedures and consolidate the result for a long time.


Unlike painful anti-cellulite massage and figure correction surgeries, the use of hardware cosmetology methods does not require enduring pain or going through a long rehabilitation period. Many hardware methods are not only absolutely painless, but also promote relaxation during the cosmetic procedure.

Depth of influence

The main mechanism of cellulite formation is stagnation in the layer of subcutaneous fat, leading to the formation of the well-known “orange peel” on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Unlike cosmetics that can only affect the top layer of skin, microcurrent and ultrasound help effectively break down fat deposits and stimulate metabolic processes, affecting the problem from the inside.

Preventing complications

Modern medicine and aesthetic cosmetology are gradually moving towards a more progressive system for the prevention of cosmetic defects, which makes it possible to stop the development of cellulite in the early stages and prevent the appearance of a pronounced “orange peel” in problem areas. Due to the ability to stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, hardware techniques are extremely effective as a preventative measure.

Individual approach

Modern cosmetology devices on average have 10-20 different standard operating modes, and also give the cosmetologist the opportunity to create and save individual programs developed taking into account the unique physical parameters, age, weight and health status of each patient.

Laser massage

Barolaser massage is a combination of vacuum massage and laser irradiation. During treatment, a special mirror jar is placed on an area of ​​the body, inside of which a reduced pressure is created. Air discharge occurs under the control of a microprocessor. Next, the laser is turned on, the radiation of which is increased by the internal mirror surface. As a result of the effect on the skin, blood supply to tissues and organs improves, pressure naturally normalizes, lymph movement accelerates and swelling is eliminated. It is forbidden to attend sessions if you have skin inflammation, heart disease, infectious diseases or tumors.

Pressure chamber massage

This type is carried out in special pressure chambers, where the air pressure changes depending on the given program. The result is improved blood circulation, stimulation of metabolism, saturation of the blood and internal organs with oxygen. Prescribed for respiratory diseases and to improve intestinal function. The main contraindication is diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Press massage or pneumomassage saturates skin cells with oxygen and stimulates the active movement of intercellular fluid. It is carried out using special boots, gloves and a wide belt for the abdomen and hips. When the device is turned on, compressed air acts on the tissue. Pressure drives blood and lymph from the feet to the heart, activating blood circulation. Massage is used to eliminate swelling, combat excess weight and cellulite. Contraindications: heart and respiratory diseases, skin damage, spinal injuries.

What is hardware correction?

Hardware body contouring is a set of measures to improve the patient’s skin condition.
Efficiency drives high demand. The desire to “lose weight”, as a rule, implies not only reducing the numbers on the scale. Different people can weigh the same but give a completely different impression. When a person imagines himself slim, he also implies the presence of smooth, elastic skin, beautiful relief, and clear body contours. A common problem is a flabby lower abdomen.

The concept of a beautiful body is complex. The results of radical weight loss are far from being as rosy as in dreams. Anyone who has lost weight will have to work hard to adapt to the new weight. It takes a long period of time to restore the elasticity of the skin. Usually people want to demonstrate their slimness as soon as possible: wear tight-fitting clothes, feel free on the beach. Alas, a flabby, sagging belly does not allow you to enjoy your new appearance. The result is there, but it doesn’t bring joy. In such cases, hardware methods of figure correction come to the rescue.


Before the hijama session, a back massage is performed, after which the skin is generously lubricated with olive or black cumin oil. There are three types of hijama:

  • Dry is similar to a regular massage with glass jars. It differs in that the cups are placed at certain points corresponding to the disease.
  • The sliding type is carried out using vacuum cans with a pump to create reduced pressure.
  • The wet type of hijama is capillary bloodletting. Cups are placed on problem areas of the skin. After a few minutes they are removed, and small incisions are made at the installation site. Then the banks are returned.

Indications: gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, high blood pressure. Contraindications: low blood pressure, anemia, cirrhosis, heart failure.

Roller massage

Roller massage is divided into manual and vacuum-roller. Vacuum roller massage activates metabolic processes, normalizes metabolism and blood circulation, stimulates the movement of intercellular fluid and collagen production. The lymphatic drainage effect is manifested in the release of waste and toxins. Vacuum roller massage is carried out using hardware attachments. They stick to the body, pull in the skin, forming a fold, and process it by rolling and kneading. Vacuum roller massage is used for weight loss and elimination of all stages of cellulite.

One of the popular salon vacuum devices is Vortex. The massage device is designed taking into account international standards for cosmetology procedures.

For home use, mechanical rollers are used - wooden massagers consisting of several or one roller. Regular roller massage is simple and effective for cervical osteochondrosis, during the recovery period after injuries, and for metabolic disorders. Contraindications: diseases of the skin and blood vessels, elevated body temperature.

How and why anti-cellulite massage is performed

Anti-cellulite massage, performed correctly, can relieve the patient of an aesthetic problem. But for the overall health of the body, a massage alone is not enough; it will only even out the skin. Regular exercise, normalization of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are necessary.

Anti-cellulite massage improves metabolism, activates the production of collagen and elastin, removes water from the body and burns excess fat. Thanks to this, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is restored and muscle tone increases.

To make the result of the massage more noticeable, it is performed using special scrubs, gels and ointments that help eliminate stagnation in the subcutaneous fat layer.

Rolling and Rolfing

These two types of procedures are similar to each other and are based on rolling movements and the use of special brush-shaped massagers with rollers. Rolfing massage consists of 10 procedures and has a strict sequence of actions. Session duration is from 60 to 90 minutes.

The first session works the entire body, with special attention paid to the hips and abdominal muscles. The second procedure works on the feet and ankles. The next three sessions are devoted to working with the hip joint, muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Next are the muscles of the face and neck. The final sessions are devoted to removing muscle blocks, coordinating the work of muscle tissue and deep work on the whole body. Rolling massage differs from rolfing in its softness and the ability to perform it at home. It is often combined with taking a shower or bath.

How to choose cosmetology equipment for figure correction

The question of purchasing equipment for cosmetic procedures arises both for beauty industry specialists and SPA salon owners, as well as for those who prefer to take care of their body exclusively at home. Many large brands produce special “lightweight” mini-versions of popular devices for beginners, intended for use at home, and also provide cosmetology equipment with detailed instructions for use. What should you pay attention to when choosing devices for figure correction?

  • The manufacturer of the equipment has permits for the manufacture and sale of cosmetology equipment, as well as quality certificates.
  • Term and conditions of warranty service for the device.
  • Complete set and the need to purchase additional parts, attachments, and consumables separately.
  • Difficulty in learning how to operate the device (availability of instructions, specialized literature, training courses, master classes).
  • Payback of the device (calculated based on the average cost of the procedure in professional salons).

Needle type of massage

The most common is needle massage, which is multi-needle superficial reflexology. The work uses Kuznetsov applicators made of spandex fabric with polyethylene needles attached to it. Another applicator - Lyapko - is made in the form of a plate of elastic rubber with metal needles. It is tougher and requires careful use. Roller applicators are less commonly used.

The effect of massage is:

  • Vasodilator effect;
  • Distractive action;
  • Reflex action on points located on the feet and palms;
  • Improving blood circulation;
  • Immune activation.

Needle massage has contraindications:

  • Tumors;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Moles and birthmarks.

During pregnancy, needle massage is performed only after consultation with a doctor.

What are the alternatives?

Alternative hardware correction tools:


Manual techniques. This category includes anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, restorative manual massage, corrective stimulation of problem areas with dry brushes, scrubbing.


Nutrition. In the case of excess weight, we are talking about diet. If your body weight is normal, you need to balance your diet.


Physical exercise. Sports, walking, any kind of active pastime. Each person is individual. Strength training is not for everyone, but without basic physical activity, your overall health and therefore your appearance will deteriorate.


Care products (creams, tonics, masks, wraps). Some cosmetics affect the surface layers of the epidermis. There are drugs with deeper action. The main purpose of care products is to moisturize and nourish epidermal cells. They are unable to correct intense manifestations.

As mentioned above, diet and exercise do not always give the desired results. People have different body types and complexions. Some excess simply does not want to “go away” without additional impact. For one it is the belly, for another it is “ears” on the hips, for the third it is “wings” under the arms. Fortunately, the possibilities of modern hardware cosmetology offer convenient, effective and harmless solutions.

Oscillatory electric massage

Electrostatic massage is based on the use of high voltage pulsed electric fields. During the procedure, the doctor attaches one electrode to his forearm. The second is installed on the patient near the problem area. Body massage takes place in special gloves made of insulating fabric. Start the session with higher frequencies. During treatment, the electric massager creates a pulsating field called oscillation.

The result of the massage effect is improved nutrition of the tissues of internal organs, increased muscle tone, natural elimination of compactions in tissues, decreased pain, increased lymph flow and dilation of arterial vessels. Oscillatory sessions are prescribed for the treatment of injuries and swelling, ulcers, and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Contraindicated in acute forms of infectious diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood, and also if there are malignant tumors.

Who is suitable for hardware correction?

Hardware correction techniques are suitable in the following cases:

  • there are manifestations of cellulite
  • It is not possible to lose excess weight with diets and exercise
  • increased skin sagging after weight loss
  • It’s not possible to restore tone with creams or a balanced diet
  • you need to quickly get in shape before a trip or photo shoot
  • the abdomen, buttocks, and breasts lost their elasticity during the postpartum period

Tighten the stomach, tone the muscles, give the body elasticity - all this can be achieved through hardware cosmetology. Many beauty centers promise impressive results with minimal effort at an affordable price. With the help of high-tech devices you can get the shape of your dreams. However, it is worth understanding that the effect will be short-lived in the absence of proper nutrition, physical activity, and also in the presence of diseases of the internal organs.

The mission of the Idealista clinic is to help patients get an ideal figure. Specialists strictly adhere to established algorithms of action and have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out procedures. At the same time, it is important to convey information: a beautiful figure cannot exist apart from health.

Hardware correction techniques show excellent results when combined with weight loss, physical activity, and a balanced diet. To consolidate your gains, you need to take care of your body. Thanks to high-tech methods, you can get rid of extra centimeters in certain areas forever. An unhealthy lifestyle leads to deterioration of the skin in other places, which causes dissatisfaction with your appearance.

Ultrasonic massage

Ultrasound devices such as Andromed, Medium, LPG or AV-006 are used in physiotherapy and for cosmetic massage. Ultrasonic massage improves the functioning of enzymes responsible for removing toxins and waste from the body, and also tightens the skin and smoothes wrinkles, reduces scars and skin defects, swelling. Ultrasonic massage is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases and diseases of the nervous system, disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

It is not recommended to do ultrasonic massage during exacerbation of hypertension and inflammatory processes. Ultrasound sessions should be done under the supervision of a doctor if there are implants in the body.

The use of ultrasound is prohibited for people whose body weight is more than 50% higher than normal.

The importance of good lymphatic drainage.

The lymphatic system is an extensive and vital system of our body. Lymph, which flows through lymphatic vessels, collects fluid and debris that accumulates between cells and tissues. When malfunctioning of the lymphatic system occurs, the body cannot normally remove harmful toxins, and they accumulate in the tissues. In such cases, pressotherapy can be useful in achieving this important function.

Good lymph flow contributes to:

  • better oxygen supply to organs and tissues;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • breakdown of adipose tissue;
  • increasing regeneration and elasticity of the skin;
  • strengthening the immune system (lymphocytes are also transported in lymph).

That is, you will not only become healthier, but also improve your appearance.


There are three types of hydromassage:

  • Underwater, using mechanical devices;
  • In swimming pools, using directed water flows;
  • Sharko's shower.

They use hydromassage for weight loss: strong jets of water and mechanical action break up the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Shower procedures relieve fatigue and headaches, improve the condition of the nervous system, and help cope with depression. Sessions can be carried out in baths or showers with fresh, salt or even mineral water. The optimal water temperature for hydromassage is 37-39`C. Exposure time is from 10 to 30 minutes.


Phytosauna is a steam herbal therapy that uses hot steam saturated with essential oils. Usually a cedar barrel is used, massage in which is more effective due to the healing properties of the tree. The shapes and sizes of barrels vary, but they are always sealed. Requires AC power to operate.

Indications for sessions: diseases of the respiratory system, physical and emotional fatigue, depression, diseases of the nervous system, kidneys and skin. Support sessions are prescribed for problems with the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications to the procedures are hypertension, lung diseases and arthritis, exacerbation of liver and genitourinary system diseases.

How often the procedure can be done depends on the doctor’s recommendations, the patient’s condition and the expected result. The average course includes from 7 to 14 procedures, which are carried out every 1-3 days. To maintain the cosmetic effect, it is recommended to attend sessions once every 3-4 weeks.

Why do clients choose the Idealist clinic?

We are visited and recommended for the following reasons:

  • We use exclusively ethical, effective methods without deception and false expectations
  • We have official certificates and licenses that guarantee clients safety and protection from the law
  • We recruit specialists with medical education, proven work experience and reviews
  • We use certified American equipment
  • We select an approach to meet the client’s needs individually

The goal of our center is to make every client healthier, more beautiful and happier. Join us and enjoy the beautiful reflection in the mirror every day.

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