Badyaga for acne marks and skin blemishes - an effective remedy of natural origin

Every girl constantly tries different drugs in the name of trying to achieve ideal skin condition. A smooth face without blemishes and pimples can easily be called a “calling card” that a woman wants to have. Due to the harmful atmosphere and unhealthy diet, acne has become common at any age. Dealing with them is difficult and often costly.

Badyaga for acne has become a cheap, effective method that can be used by any woman whose goal is to completely cleanse the skin of any inflammation that appears on it in the shortest possible time.

What is Badyaga and what are its benefits?

In small freshwater bodies of Russia you can easily find a special type of flint-horned sponge. Distributed everywhere, they live in symbiosis with simple unicellular algae in entire colonies.

The product obtained from algae for medicinal purposes is called Badyagi powder. The powder is used to produce special ointments and gels that help fight acne.

To obtain the powder, sponges are simply caught from water and dried from moisture, and then ground.

You can use Badyagi powder not only to treat acne, although due to the tiny silicon particles it contains, it perfectly exfoliates the skin, improving its condition, but also as a healing agent for wounds and scratches.

Cosmetologists use the powder to solve:

  • cleansing the skin, narrowing pores;
  • getting rid of acne and inflammation;
  • resorption of small scars;
  • exfoliation of skin from dead cells;
  • removal of bruises.

Why do you need a face wash?

A freshwater sponge, unique in its properties, is caught on an industrial scale, dried, crushed and the resulting raw material is produced in the form of a powder of the same name. Retail sales offer the purchase of a sponge as the main component of gels, ointments, and creams. The products “Badyaga Forte for acne” and “Bodyaga 911” are very popular.

The cosmetic effect of using a sponge is invaluable. The composition of medicinal preparations containing bodyaga includes small silica needles, which have a local irritating effect on the dermis, as a result of which blood circulation in the skin improves and internal processes of cell regeneration are launched. Thanks to inclusions of solid substances, bodyaga removes the dead layer of facial cells and rejuvenates the skin. The bactericidal properties of the sponge help get rid of acne (blackheads) and comedones (blackheads).


The sponge has a light and porous texture that is very easy to turn into a powder. It has a green or gray-yellow tint and emits a strong and unpleasant odor.

Badyagi is based on two active ingredients, both of which have a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Silicon - affects the dermis at the deepest cellular level as a peeling that penetrates the cells and helps in the process of regeneration and the production of additional elastin;
  • Sponginin is a natural protein that reduces sebum production and removes numerous pimples and blackheads from the skin.

Calcium salts act as an additional substance.

Methods of taking Polysorb

The oral suspension should be prepared immediately before use. The required dose of the medicine is mixed in 0.5 glasses of clean water, stirred and drunk. This medication should be taken one hour before meals or other medications. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, but no more than two weeks. If you need to continue taking Polysorb, you should consult a doctor.

Polysorb has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, reduces the incidence of unwanted allergic reactions to medications, and improves the patient’s quality of life.

In case of acute poisoning, Polysorb cannot be considered as the only treatment. If the patient did not have time to drink the suspension before meals, it should be taken 2 hours after meals or taking medications.

Forms of release of Badyagi and its cost

In the pharmacy version, Badyaga is mainly available in two different forms:

  • Powder packaged in individual bags weighing 2.5, 5, 6 and 10 grams. It is more profitable to buy packages of 10 g, the price is 66 rubles per package. A smaller gram translates into a higher price per gram;
  • Badyaga gel or cream, produced in aluminum tubes of 50 or 100 ml. Price for 50 ml - about 92 rubles , 100 ml - 150 rubles ;
  • There are also ointments from Badyagi; purchasing them at the pharmacy is problematic. However, preparing it at home is quite simple. The price of the ointment will be the lowest - about 60 rubles per 50 ml.


Level 4 ATX code matches:
Badyaga Forte




Skin cap







Badyaga-Extra powder Badyaga Forte gel , Bengay , Viprosal V , Deep Hit Golden Star balm , Badger .

Indications for use

Even leading doctors and cosmetologists have long recognized the effectiveness of Badyagi.

As a medicine, it is used to treat:

  • neuralgia;
  • arthritis;
  • lumbago;
  • rheumatism and gout;
  • myalgia.

Mostly fresh prepared ointment is used.

The powder is more often used to create masks and scrubs in cosmetology.

With its help you can get rid of:

  • hematomas, bruises, hemorrhages;
  • acne, acne;
  • age spots.

Reviews about Badyag

Reviews of Badyaga powder allow us to conclude that it is highly effective. Most people know of it as an effective remedy for bruises.

However, many women also leave positive reviews about Badyaga for age spots and cellulite (as an alternative to powder, the anti-cellulite gel Badyaga plus kelp has proven itself well).

Badyagu is used on the face when it is necessary to improve the condition of problematic skin and remove post-acne. By the way, women who leave reviews about Badyaga gel and powder note that for sensitive skin it is better to use acne gel rather than powder. It should also be taken into account that both cream and acne powder are best used in the autumn-winter period, when solar activity is lowest.

Another group of reviews are reviews of Badyag for stretch marks. Almost all women agree that the effectiveness of the product depends on the characteristics of the skin and the depth of the stretch marks: some of those who tried the product say that they saw the result after 2-3 procedures, while others were unable to achieve significant results even with its regular use.

Effect of Badyagi on the skin

Badyaga has several ways to act on the skin:

  • irritant - by expanding capillaries, it allows beneficial substances to penetrate cells faster, accelerating their regenerative functions;
  • tightening pores - for better skin condition and reducing sebum production. Because of this, the number of inflammations on the face decreases;
  • scrubbing - a light peeling effect allows you to remove all dead cells of the upper layer of the dermis and allows nutrients to penetrate to the deepest levels.

Polysorb dosage

The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor based on the severity of the patient’s condition. Usually the powder is prescribed for:

  • severe intoxication in purulent and septic diseases;
  • poisoning with alcohol and its surrogates;
  • food infections;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • poisoning with drugs, potent substances, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, medicinal plants and mushrooms;
  • nonspecific diarrhea.
  • hepatitis of various natures.

The average daily dose for an adult is calculated based on his weight. The optimal dosage is 0.2 g per 1 kilogram of body weight per day, but not more than 20 g. It is necessary to take the sorbent 3 - 4 times a day, at regular intervals.

Use of Badyagi for the treatment of pimples and acne

The content of spongin, which has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to quickly get rid of pimples and acne. You can use the drug in the form of gels or cream masks in its purest form, or dilute them with other substances.

After applying Badyagi to the skin, blood circulation in the application areas improves. The sebaceous glands begin to work more normally, which allows you to disperse any stagnant processes.

Simultaneous light peeling to get rid of old layers of skin and an antiseptic to cleanse pores of pathogens, helps prevent the appearance of new acne. Along the way, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Badyaga for stains of different shades

Often, after acne, unpleasant spots and traces of various shades remain, which only spoil the face. Badyaga can help get rid of age spots that remain after pustules and inflammations.

You can use it as a scrub or mask, but if you have red lesions, it is best to temporarily refrain from using it.

But in general, for dark spots, use an exfoliator to exfoliate the top layers of skin with areas of increased pigmentation to even out skin tone and add radiance.

Badyaga for acne scars

If there was a large amount of acne or pimples on the face, then after getting rid of them, not only red spots, but also small scars may remain. Getting rid of them is very difficult and often simply impossible.

The basis of the procedure here should be the constant removal of the upper and, if possible, middle layers of the skin with the help of an irritant, which is Badyaga here. It is constantly necessary to change the depth of exposure to the dermis in order to obtain the desired effect.

In its concept, the procedure is somewhat reminiscent of laser peeling.

Pharmacy products with badyaga

Medicines are used not only for medicinal but also for cosmetic purposes. Ready-made pharmaceutical preparations - powders, gels, creams, ointments - are used with other components, added to mixtures when preparing homemade masks.

In cosmetology, it is better to start with the Badyaga 911 gel - it has a gentle effect. “Badyaga Forte” has a more intense effect, while simultaneously providing pain relief. Gel-balm nourishes the skin well, enhances tone, and increases elasticity. The ointment helps relieve inflammation. If the use of gels was without side effects, you can try the powder.

What is better is something everyone decides for themselves.

Facial gel

Badyaga promotes whitening. When using the facial gel, the skin gradually brightens, post-acne disappears, and pigmentation weakens.

Gel 911 with chamomile and chestnut helps remove acne, dark spots, and bruises. It is added to masks to eliminate hematomas.

Gel forte with extracts of plantain and yarrow is suitable for removing bruises, scars, and thickening. It is used as a peeling scrub once a week.

How to use gels? You must strictly follow the instructions to avoid side effects.

Facial powder

The powder has yellowish, brownish or marshy tints. It is used for deep cleansing of the face. It straightens wrinkles well and eliminates many defects. Instructions for use are given on the packaging. Dry badyaga is not used without other components. It is recommended to dilute it with water, dairy products, and herbal infusions. It is easy to prepare many masks from the powder by adding honey, butter, and cereal flour.

Face cream

Cream with badyaga perfectly cleanses pores, warms the skin, and relieves inflammation. It contains various medicinal herbs, extracts, and extracts of healing substances.

Face masks with badyaga

A cosmetic mask is a simple procedure that can be conveniently done at home. Prepare a thick, sour cream-like slurry so that it is easy to apply and does not drip. The face is cleaned, makeup is removed, and wiped with foam or milk. The diluted powder composition is evenly distributed along the massage lines, without affecting the delicate areas. After 15–20 minutes. wash off and evaluate the result.

You can easily take the recipe for a mask with badyaga from this article or come up with it yourself, trying out different options from dry powder with the addition of other ingredients. For a good cosmetic effect, it is beneficial to use all types of clay, boric acid, and peroxide. White, blue, black clay tightens pores, improves facial sculpture, and provides tightening.

Blue clay mask

Blue clay enhances the cleansing process and relieves stress from the skin, which worsens its appearance. A detox is made with clay: it is added to badyaga 1:1, diluted with water, green tea, and herbal infusions. The product refreshes the skin well and reduces blemishes by exfoliating dead skin cells. Conduct at least 8–10 courses.

How to make a mask, watch the video:

Hydrogen peroxide mask

A product with peroxide is used for anti-aging peeling with a whitening effect to brighten the skin. It removes marks from squeezing out acne, from ulcers and pimples.


  • 3% hydrogen peroxide - 1 tbsp. l.
  • badyagi powder - 15 grams.
  • jojoba oil - 1/2 tsp.

The ingredients are mixed, a little water is added, and applied after foaming the composition.

How to make a mask with peroxide is shown in the video:

Aloe juice mask

Lifting mask for tightening, rejuvenating, improving skin elasticity:

  • 1 tsp. dissolve bread yeast in 3 tsp. slightly warmed milk;
  • add 1 tsp. badyagi, squeeze out 2 capsules of oil vitamins “Aevit”;
  • add aloe juice, only 1 tsp.

Mix well and apply immediately.

Peeling mask with badyaga

Solid particles of bodyaga act like an abrasive, remove the epidermis, and renew the skin. Peeling is easy to do at home. One option is to mix 1 tsp. badyagi and baker's dry yeast, add 3 tsp. any cream. Let sit for 5-8 minutes before applying to face. A composition with peroxide is even more effective: add 1 tbsp to the powder. l. 3% peroxide. For peeling, they also use gel, lightly rubbing it into the skin.

White clay mask

White clay accelerates scarring and helps eliminate acne and pimple marks. Badyagi powder is combined with clay in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 and diluted with water. To soften the skin, add 2-3 drops of rosehip, tea tree or olive oil. The gel is mixed with clay until smooth and applied to the face.

Don't be afraid to experiment to find the right products for your skin.

How to properly use Badyagu for acne?

Gel Badyaga

The gel itself is made on the basis of powder, and in the entire composition it is practically the only one. Gels are rarely used in cosmetology.

Basically, it is used to fight rheumatism, bruises, and joint diseases, since the main effect is to improve blood circulation in problem areas and irritation of the skin.

The composition is very effective for medical purposes.

The gel should be applied to skin inflammations such as acne very carefully and pointwise to individual areas, trying not to affect clean skin.

Badyagi powder for acne

In home cosmetology, powder is most often used to treat acne, including subcutaneous acne. Scrubs and masks are made from it. The effectiveness of such masks is very high, but they often cause severe irritation, often leaving redness on the skin.

There are rules for applying such products:

  • The first step is to do an allergy test. To do this, you just need to dilute a small amount of Badyagi with water and apply the product to your hand. The product is washed off only after 20 minutes, and then you need to wait a couple of days. If there is swelling or severe peeling of the skin, then most likely Badyaga is too strong a substance for you, so you cannot make masks;

  • The mask is applied only to a previously cleansed face;

  • It is necessary to wait for the end of the inflammatory process before applying the mask;
  • other aggressive active substances are used in the recipe along with Badyaga , then the product should only be applied pointwise;
  • The mask should not be worn for more than 15 minutes; it is best to wash it off after 10;
  • to apply Badyagi masks for acne right before bed;
  • After the procedure, you cannot apply other cosmetics to your face for another 12 hours;
  • Do not rub the product directly into the skin ; there is a possibility of damaging it.

Preparation for the procedure

Post-acne badya does not require special conditions or preparatory procedures. Reviews confirm that the mask does not cause any discomfort, is well tolerated, and gives a feeling of freshness. But before using it, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • The face must be cleaned of cosmetics and washed with soft foam;
  • wipe the skin dry;
  • lubricate the area around the lips and eyes with a rich cream so that the product does not affect sensitive areas;
  • It is recommended to cover the nasal passages with cotton balls to avoid contact of the product with the delicate mucous membrane;
  • gloves are advisable, since the active action of the powder can cause irritation.

Effective masks based on Badyagi to combat acne and blemishes after them

To improve the effectiveness of Badyaga and reduce the possibility of irritation, it is best to add other substances to the composition.

Badyaga and hydrogen peroxide for acne

Using this method, you can achieve highly effective peeling. He will act quite aggressively, but at the same time quickly.

  1. The composition can only be mixed in a container that is not subject to oxidative processes. For peeling, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of Badyagi. You need to use just enough peroxide to get the consistency of rich sour cream;
  2. After stirring the mixture, the mask becomes white and slightly foamy, then apply the mixture to your face;
  3. Leave the mask on for about 10 minutes, then rinse with regular lukewarm water. After the procedure, the skin will be red, but its color will become more even and smooth.

Badyaga and kefir for acne

The mask can help not only get rid of acne, but also refresh and improve your complexion. Kefir can be replaced with fermented baked milk while maintaining its effectiveness.

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of Badyagi and mix it with a couple of tablespoons of fermented milk product until very thick;
  2. Apply to your face and leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then quickly rinse it off with warm water;
  3. Apply a nourishing cream to your face to moisturize your skin.

Badyaga and clay for acne

It is best to use blue clay for this recipe, but white clay will also work.

  1. Mix clay and Badyagi powder in a container in proportions of 1 to 2. After this, pour water into them to obtain a thick, homogeneous mixture;
  2. The resulting mask can be applied pointwise to problem areas or to the entire face as a mask;
  3. For spot application, wait until the mixture is completely dry, and wait for the mask for no more than 15 minutes. After this, wash off the entire mask from your face and apply a nourishing cream. Pimples and blemishes disappear quite quickly after this procedure.

Badyaga, olive oil and tea tree oil for acne

The effect of this mask is gentle, but at the same time its effectiveness in getting rid of acne remains.

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of green clay and 1 tablespoon of Badyagi to the composition. This dry mixture is diluted with 2 drops of tea tree essential oil, after which the mixture is seasoned with olive oil until the mixture has a consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream;
  2. The prepared mask is applied for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. This mask requires cyclical use, because the result appears only after several procedures. A full course requires at least 10 sessions 1-2 times a week.

Instructions for use

The mask with badyaga for post-acne is prepared within a few minutes. To do this, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients:

  • badyagi powder;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • application brush;
  • cotton wool;
  • gloves.

The powder should be mixed with peroxide so that a mass is obtained, the thickness of which resembles sour cream. If foam forms during the cooking process, then you need to add more dry powder.

Cosmetologists advise conducting a sensitivity test before first use. The instructions say that a small part of the prepared product can be applied behind the ear or on the bend of the elbow. If after 30 minutes there is no negative reaction, then you can apply the mass to your face. However, for an accurate result, it is necessary to wash off the control mass and wait a day. Only after this can we talk about the absence of individual intolerance.

Special instructions and precautions

  • For those with dry skin , it is best to avoid using Badyaga to treat acne; the product has the best effect on normal and oily skin. Before using the mask, you must do a compatibility test, since the likelihood of an allergic reaction is very high;
  • If you have hypersensitivity or allergies, it is best not to use the drug;
  • Badyagi should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of any organs;
  • If there is increased growth of facial hair, it is preferable not to use Badyaga in any form, especially as a gel.

Side effects

Unpleasant allergic reactions are possible. If, when using badyagi, the skin slightly burns and tingles, this is a normal reaction. If your face is very red and the unnatural blush persists for several hours, it is better to change the drug. If after a mask the burn lasts for a long time, the face remains red for several days, inflammation or a rash begins - this is an alarm bell.

What to do if the unpleasant sensations do not go away for a long time and intensify? Go for a consultation with a dermatologist. If there are signs of an allergy, you need to select a different composition or completely abandon drugs with bodyaga.

If there are no contraindications, badyagu is beneficial to use for treatment and cosmetic procedures. It is inexpensive, but gives an amazing effect. Try it and see for yourself.


Badyaga has a very concentrated and strong effect, so it must be used with great care to avoid severe burns and allergic reactions.

Powder or gel cannot be used:

  • for any open wounds or irregularities in the human skin;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the product;
  • for dermatological diseases of an infectious nature;
  • in the presence of inflammation of the dermis of an allergic or toxic nature;
  • if there are neoplasms on the skin, it does not matter whether they are benign or malignant.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is Badyaga?

Badyaga are sponges that live in fresh waters. Their skeleton is a looped network of microscopic silica needles interconnected by spongin (horny substance, a protein from the group of scleroproteins).

The skeleton of sponges also includes carbonates, phosphates and a number of organic substances.


Medicines based on sponge powder, when applied externally, help dilate blood vessels, resolve infiltrates, and also reduce the intensity of pain.

The action of the drug is based on the fact that crushed silica needles, irritating the skin, thereby cause vasodilation and promote activation of blood supply; local release of histamine, autacoid-kinins, Pg and other biologically active substances; provide a resolving effect.

The action of Badyagi is accompanied by a bactericidal effect, a weak warming effect, as well as temporary redness of the skin.

Interaction with other drugs

Badyaga is highly chemically inert, so when using a face mask it simply cannot interact with other substances.

The simultaneous use of drugs administered through tablets or injections simply cannot affect Badyaga in any way, since there is no point of contact between them.

It is not recommended to use alcohol when getting rid of acne, especially for people with problems in the cardiovascular system.

How much does it cost at the Badyaga pharmacy?

The price of Badyaga powder 5 g is from 42 rubles, you can buy a 10-gram bag from 60 rubles. Ointment for acne and bruises costs from 39 rubles (the price at the pharmacy varies depending on the volume and which company manufactured the product).

The price of Badyagi powder in Ukraine is from 5.45 UAH (per 5 g bag). The price of Badyaga gel is 19-20 UAH (tube 25 g).

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Badyaga powder for preparing a suspension for external use.
    approx. 10 g Tula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC 68 rub. order
  • Badyaga powder for external use. approx. 10 gHealth ZAO

    81 RUR order

  • Badyaga powder for external use. approx. 5 gTula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC

    51 RUR order

  • 911 Badyaga body gel for bruises and contusions 100 mlTwins Tech

    63 RUR order

  • Badyaga body gel 50 mlBionor LLC

    76 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Badyaga gel (50ml tube) Dina+ LLC

    87 RUR order

  • Badyaga (pack 10g)Health

    78 RUR order

  • Badyaga (pack 5g) Tula FF

    39 RUR order

  • Badyaga gel (50ml tube) Bionor

    74 RUR order

  • Badyaga gel (50ml tube) Corvette Pharma

    69 RUR order

show more


  • 911 Badyaga remedy for bruises and contusions 100ml TOV VTF Farmakom, Ukraine
    19 UAH order
  • Badyaga 25 g balm TOV VTF Farmakom, Ukraine

    17 UAH order

  • Badyaga 5g powder Keys to Health, Kharkov

    6 UAH order


  • Golden mustache gel-balm. d/tela badyaga 75ml Ukraine, Flora-Pharm LLC

    28 UAH order

  • Badyaga since then. 5g Ukraine, Fitomag

    7 UAH order

  • Balm Badyaga tube. 25 g Ukraine, Farmakom PTF LLC

    18 UAH order

show more

How to use

The product in powder form must be diluted with boiled water until a creamy slurry forms. You can also use hydrogen peroxide instead of water. This mixture is applied to those areas where acne spots have formed or traces of scars remain. A gel or ointment based on badyagi is already completely ready for use. They should be applied very carefully, without rubbing into the skin and avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the nose or eyes.

The instructions for the drug say that the contact time with the skin should be 15 – 20 minutes. But it is necessary to take into account the degree of dryness and sensitivity of the skin. Not everyone is able to withstand this time due to the strong burning sensation. For sensitive, thin skin, 5 to 10 minutes may be enough. And if she is prone to increased fat formation and is not very sensitive, then it may take a longer time to feel the effect.

Wash off the composition with warm water or carefully remove with a damp cotton pad. After the mask, the feeling of warmth and tingling remains for several hours. Do not immediately apply cream or other cosmetics. It should take about an hour for the irritated skin to calm down.


It is best to use badyagu in the evening or on a weekend. This way, the face will not be exposed to aggressive environmental factors (wind, dust, etc.) In the days following the use of the product, it is necessary to protect the face from sunlight.

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