Simple masks for dry skin after 40 that you can make yourself

Having crossed the 40-year mark, the skin of the face changes, and not for the better. Its porosity increases and it dries faster. The tone decreases, sagging appears, and the oval of the face changes. Collagen production decreases, skin smoothness is lost, and wrinkles appear. The skin around the eyes, the most delicate and sensitive, becomes thinner. To slow down aging and maintain healthy and youthful skin after 40 years, it is recommended to radically change your beauty system. The list of caring procedures is dominated by useful masks that can be easily prepared at home from simple and affordable products.

Recipe 1 – Aloe face mask

The healing properties of an amazing plant called aloe have been actively used in cosmetology for centuries. Its leaves contain 99% water, as well as a whole treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and protein molecules. Agave, which is what aloe is called, has won the hearts of both serious beauty brands and supporters of traditional medicine.

Aloe juice penetrates the subcutaneous layers several times faster than water. It prevents skin dehydration and retains the required amount of moisture in the epidermis. Agave helps exfoliate dead cells and speeds up the process of their renewal. Under its influence, the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen is activated. A powerful antioxidant, it slows down the oxidative process of cells and prevents them from being destroyed.


  1. a tablespoon of aloe juice;
  2. a tablespoon of vegetable oil (you can take any you have);
  3. a tablespoon of nourishing cream.

Features of preparing and using the mask

The leaves of an adult agave are pre-seasoned in the refrigerator for two weeks. Then they are cut lengthwise, unfolded, the pulp is carefully scraped off with a teaspoon and the juice is squeezed out of it through medical gauze. Add oil and cream drop by drop, mix gently and the face mask after 40 years is ready. The composition is heated by steam until slightly warm and applied. Leave for a quarter of an hour and wash off.

How long to wait for the result

Homemade masks act much slower than professional cosmetics. At the same time, they have a significantly lower cost and do not contain hazardous components. Such products are not addictive to the skin.

It is recommended to make masks 1-2 times a week, alternating them with each other. Using the same product for a long time is not recommended.

The visible effect appears after 3-4 weeks of regular use.

Also, to preserve and maintain youth and beauty of the face, you should spend more time in the fresh air, take vitamin complexes, play sports, get enough sleep and eat right.

Recipe 2 – Yeast face mask

Due to the positive effect of baker's yeast on the skin after 40 years, effective masks are made based on it. They tone the skin, activate blood circulation, cleanse pores, even out the complexion, and make the skin velvety. Yeast mixtures are especially recommended for problem skin. They penetrate deep into pores, fight fat deposits and release beneficial enzymes.

The B vitamins contained in yeast rejuvenate the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity, eliminate acne, and start the process of regeneration of new cells. Yeast masks are rich in biotin and numerous macro- and microelements. They improve the overall condition of the skin.


  1. a tablespoon of yeast;
  2. two tablespoons of milk;
  3. a teaspoon of flaxseed oil (can be replaced with fish oil);
  4. a teaspoon of honey.

Features of preparation and use

The yeast is dissolved in warm milk with constant stirring to form a homogeneous paste. Honey and oil are added there and mixed thoroughly. The bowl with the healthy mixture is placed in a water bath and brought to active fermentation. Remove and cool to room temperature. Apply and wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 3 – Glycerin face mask

Recipes for useful formulations for dry skin are varied. After 40 years, when in addition to dryness there are also age-related changes, the best home remedy is a glycerin-based mask. Thanks to its life-giving effect, the tone will be evened out, and the skin will get rid of dead skin cells. Glycerin will fill every skin cell with moisture at the deepest level.

A mask based on glycerin will smooth out wrinkles as the most powerful lifting agent, remove toxins, free pores from impurities, and activate the metabolic cellular process. The skin will become more elastic and its general condition will improve.


  1. spoon of glycerin;
  2. spoon of honey;
  3. spoon of water.

Features of preparing and using the mask

Pharmaceutical glycerin is mixed with honey and water, ground to obtain a homogeneous, paste-like mass. The mass is applied to the skin and washed off after a quarter of an hour. It is difficult to find a more effective remedy for wrinkles after 40 years. According to reviews from women who make masks regularly, the effect is more noticeable than after expensive salon procedures.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Anti-aging face masks are considered safe ways to slow down aging. Although it is undesirable to resort to them before the age of 25, they can still do a “disservice” to young skin, becoming one of the reasons for the formation of new wrinkles. In addition, homemade lifting masks will not be beneficial if you have:

  • allergy to ingredients;
  • there are open wounds and injuries;
  • purulent or inflamed acne;
  • dermatological, fungal, infectious, viral and other diseases;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic illnesses.

An allergy to a face mask can be expressed as temporary itching or swelling, or serious problems - acne, painful burning, ulcers, persistent redness, etc.

If contraindications are excluded, negative consequences may occur if masks are used incorrectly. In this case, the only real danger is allergic irritation. Other unpleasant effects usually disappear soon after stopping the procedures:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • peeling;
  • parchment of the skin;
  • pigmentation;
  • severity of wrinkles.

To avoid allergies, a test is done before the first use: the mask is applied according to the instructions, but on the skin of the elbow or wrist. If after 48 hours irritation still does not appear, the product can be used on the face.

Recipe 4 – Cucumber mask

An unlimited source of vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for the skin after 40 years, are various fruits and vegetables. The palm belongs to the cucumber. The crispy vegetable is rich in vitamin C and improves skin elasticity and firmness. The cucumber mixture, rich in vitamin B, cleanses the epidermis and protects the skin from free radicals. A green garden product containing vitamin E actively regenerates cells. Thanks to vitamin K, which cucumber is rich in, bags under the eyes are removed, puffiness goes away, and the skin whitens.


  1. one cucumber;
  2. spoon of currants;
  3. spoon of high fat sour cream.

Features of preparing and using the mask

The peeled vegetable is grated or chopped in a blender. Freshly squeezed currant juice and sour cream are added to the paste-like mass. Everything is carefully mixed and applied to the face. It lasts for a quarter of an hour and is washed off. Regular procedures improve complexion.

Reviews of anti-aging masks after 40 years

I bought the Librederm “Plant Stem Cells” mask for my mother. She is of the old school, she will never do any procedures in the salon. That’s why I try to give her caring cosmetics that could improve the condition of aging skin. This remedy is just one of those. In addition, it is easy to use, which is important - you won’t force your mother to bother with diluting alginate masks either.

Initially I liked the packaging - stylish and elegant, just ideal as a gift. But, of course, later I decided to try the mask on myself. The consistency turned out to be creamy and greasy. I didn’t feel any tingling or other unpleasant sensations or smell. But she noted that the mask was not absorbed without a trace—I removed the residue with a napkin, as the instructions “advised.”

The result was pleasantly impressive. The skin is tightened and refreshed, dullness has disappeared. The face was perfectly moisturized. As for mom: after 3 weeks of use, wrinkles became less noticeable. I think in a couple of months there will be good results.


From time to time I make masks from ripe bananas and sour cream. Simple recipe, good effect and no chemicals. The skin immediately becomes soft, fresh and smooth, and the face looks rested - a great feeling.

Margarita N.

I expected sufficient hydration and nutrition from the Natura Siberica Anti-age night mask. So that the skin looks fresh in the morning and is soft to the touch, without any feeling of tightness. Preventing the first signs of aging would also be useful. But unfortunately, the product did not live up to my expectations at all. The mask doesn't do anything it says on the packaging. But it definitely causes discomfort, and for me it also caused redness and acne!

I used it for 3 days in a row, applying it to cleansed skin before bed (according to the instructions). It spreads nicely - as if it’s not a mask at all, but a good Korean gel. But this sensation lasts about 2 minutes, then the product is absorbed and covers the face with an incomprehensible film.

The mask was well tolerated for the first 15 minutes, but then it began to feel terribly dry and tight - as if it had been spent a week under the scorching sun.

After the first use, I woke up with a somewhat bruised face, but assumed that the effect could be cumulative. On the second day I continued purely for the sake of experiment. It didn't last long, though. Because after the third procedure, redness appeared, and suspicious “bumps” settled on the cheeks.

In general, now when applying this mask the skin burns with fire, itches and is covered with rough pimples. I’m sending Siberika to the trash bin, I won’t buy products from this company again! Although I do not rule out the fact that I was allergic to one of the components. I even suspect that it was sea buckthorn... in childhood I was covered in spots from it.


I was personally convinced that simple parsley is not inferior in effectiveness to most bleaching agents. And the recipe for a mask for lightening age spots, post-acne and freckles is simple: mix sour cream and lemon juice with parsley in equal proportions. The mass turns out to be liquid; you can thicken it with starch or simply apply it in a thin layer. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off.

A year ago, I completely removed pigmentation from my face using this method. Thanks to parsley, I spent the entire fall, winter and spring as a “pale-faced aristocrat.” Of course, freckles appeared again in the summer, but only a little and I like them... although, just in case, I actively stock up on brightening juice for the winter. And I repeat, I would never have thought that ordinary greens would be so effective in improving skin color.


No masks will stop aging. But even professional cosmetics cannot do this. But if you supplement your usual anti-aging care with homemade masks, they can still create a small miracle in the form of a well-groomed and rejuvenated face.

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Recipe 5 – Chamomile face mask

The process of skin rejuvenation after 40 years is difficult to imagine without medicinal herbs, which have been used in medicine and cosmetology for many centuries. The undisputed favorite of all useful compounds is ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile. Under the influence of mixtures based on a popular product, the skin calms down, redness decreases, and irritation goes away.

A mask with chamomile activates blood circulation in skin cells, stimulates their vital activity, and returns the skin to a healthy color. Thanks to a mixture based on a common medicinal plant, cell regeneration is accelerated, the aging process of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles are slowed down. A beneficial mass based on chamomile helps remove dead cells, fat and dirt without inflammation and skin irritation.


  1. a spoon of chamomile;
  2. spoon of honey;
  3. spoon of glycerin.

Causes of aging

Masks will help stop the aging process, saturate the skin with vitamins and relieve dryness. The choice of facial care products must be approached carefully. Not every product is suitable for dry skin, so you should follow the instructions carefully before use.

The causes of skin aging include not only physiological changes in the body, but also external factors. Environment, stress and poor nutrition deprive it of elasticity and density. Loss of volume leads to sagging and changes in facial contours. By the age of 40, many people experience changes in their bodies, which have a bad effect on their general condition.

Physiological reasons:

  • Blood flow to the face decreases - with age, the skin acquires a dark color, turns gray, and the blush disappears. This indicates poor blood flow to the face.
  • Heredity – aging is programmed into the genetic code. Biological changes in the body are inherent in the process of conception. They cannot be changed, but scientists have invented means that slow down this process.
  • Decrease in the number of collagen fibers – with age, the number of such fibers decreases, which leads to excessive dryness.
  • Slowing down the regeneration process - its upper layers are constantly under the influence of negative factors. They lose their protective functions. At the age of 40, the ability of cells to regenerate decreases by 4 times. Thus, the epidermis cannot retain moisture, which leads to volume loss.

External reasons:

  • Ultraviolet radiation – sun rays lead to photoaging. This is the most common cause of premature aging. When exposed to sunlight, the skin loses its elasticity and is subject to oxidative stress.
  • Insufficient hydration – the human body is 80% water. If this component is not consumed enough, the face begins to peel off.
  • Stress – strong emotional experiences affect health. The upper layers of the epidermis acquire an earthy color, dryness and non-healing wounds appear. Grown-up women take everything to heart. Strong emotional experiences lead to the appearance of deep wrinkles.
  • Smoking and toxins – harmful substances accumulate in the body gradually. Poor nutrition, taking medications, drinking alcohol, vitamin deficiencies and smoking cause irreparable damage to the skin.
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