Instructions for use of Libriderm Seracin for acne

Treatment of rashes requires an integrated approach. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to work to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, liver, hormonal and psychological levels. At the same time, you should cleanse the skin of impurities that can lead to abscesses and relieve inflammation.

For cleansing, special foams, tonics are used, masks and peelings are made. Inflammation can be relieved by local means. One of the high-quality products that can easily and quickly cope with this is Seracin cream from the Libriderm brand.

It requires an integrated approach to treatment.

How it works

Libriderm acne cream "Seracin" works in 2 stages:

  1. First, salicylic acid penetrates the sebum, exfoliating the upper keratinized skin cells that have accumulated inside the sebaceous glands and clogged them.
  2. Then components that have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect enter the open pores. Zinc and sulfur, which are part of this drug, have such properties.

Libriderm Seratsin for acne: reviews


I recently learned about the Seracin series for acne, which was released by Libriderm. My skin is acne-prone and oily, so I keep an eye on new products and try them out. The results from using the alginate mask exceeded all expectations.


I purchased Libriderm lotion and scrub to cleanse oily skin at a low price, unlike foreign-made products, which are quite expensive.

I am very pleased with these products, the skin after them is clean, smells nice, fresh, there is no trace left of blackheads and large pores.

How to use

The cream is applied only to skin cleansed of makeup and other contaminants. This can be done in the morning and evening.

Since the product has a good drying property, it can dry out the healthy dermis and lead to excessive peeling, therefore, it is not advisable to apply the cream to dry skin.

At the same time, he qualitatively and in a short time brings the person to the proper state:

  • soothes boils;
  • relieves redness;
  • reduces the halo of inflammatory processes;
  • restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • normalizes epidermal renewal processes.

The cream is applied as a regular facial care product. There is no need to wash it off. It does not in any way interfere with the normal conduct of a full-fledged lifestyle, and it will not be visible under makeup.

Instructions for use of Libriderm "Seracin" for acne:

  • Cleanse your skin of possible makeup and any other contaminants. To do this, you can use foam cleanser or a cleanser from the same series.
  • Apply a small amount of product to your face and rub it into the skin according to the massage lines.
  • Since the drug also occupies a skincare niche in a comprehensive system of caring for your skin, you can use it as a base for makeup without any additional products.
  • Seracin can be applied twice a day: in the morning, after washing, and in the evening, after deep cleansing.

Brief description of the Libriderm “Cleansing” collection

The Libriderm-Seracin collection for acne has 3 main advantages:

  1. Provides a comprehensive approach to care.
  2. Provides antibacterial protection and prevents acne.
  3. Thoroughly cleanses the epidermis of excess sebum and impurities without overdrying.

The active components of the Seratsin collection are:

  • salicylic acid, which promotes exfoliation of the epidermis;
  • finger lime extract – additional exfoliant;
  • a plant complex consisting of beet extract and corn starch, providing hydrobalance to the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • a complex for atraumatic exfoliation made from granulated silicon dioxide in combination with crushed tea tree leaves;
  • white and green clay acting as absorbents;
  • vitamins of group B, C, E.

The balanced complex of the new generation deserves special attention. Due to the hydroacid and zinc salt included in Seracin anti-acne products, deep cleansing of the dermis and sebum regulation occur. Libriderm Seratsin set, based on these components, is able to have an antiseptic effect and matt the surface.

The collection is decorated in green design. Each product has an easy-to-use bottle or tube. Miniature sizes allow you to carry it in your purse or take it on a trip. Sold in a pharmacy.

Indications during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, a woman's hormonal levels change. This process can either improve the condition of the skin or worsen it by increasing the level of sebum secretion, which will lead to excessive clogging of pores and, as a result, the appearance of pimples and acne.

But during this period, mothers also want to look beautiful and feminine, to have flawless and glowing skin.

The use of internal medications that can treat rashes can harm the fetus and negatively affect the quality of breast milk. But external remedies are much safer. These include Seracin Libriderm acne cream.

Its use does not harm the woman’s hormonal system and the fetus. Half-life products are completely absent and, accordingly, their passage into breast milk is excluded.

The only thing is that since a pregnant and lactating woman needs a special approach, it is recommended to consult your doctor about applying the cream.

Composition and release form

"Seracin" is presented on the market in a 50 ml tube of cream. This dosage allows you to use it effectively and efficiently. You can easily use up the entire drug while it is still active.

The main active ingredients are:

  • sulfur is a natural antiseptic and actively works with the adsorption of the epidermis. It perfectly disinfects the skin, reduces excessive sebum secretion, which affects the appearance of rashes. It also has an antimicrobial effect;
  • zinc – has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that provide proper care for oily epidermis. The adsorbing effect gives the skin a matte and velvety feel;
  • hydroacids - mainly salicylic acid, evens out skin tone, eliminates old papules and acne spots. Acids work as a conductor for all other components deep into the dermis;
  • calendula extract is an excellent antiseptic, relieves redness, copes well with all types of skin rashes: from small acne to purulent boils;
  • burdock extract – soothes the dermis, promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • gulavnik extract – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates small scars and has a rejuvenating effect.

Read how to use Contractubex for acne. How to treat a pimple on the inside of the eyelid? More details here.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • light texture;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • does not clog pores;
  • does not tighten the skin.


  • oily epidermis mattifies for a while - short effect;
  • the tube has too large a hole through which the cream comes out, which leads to overuse of the drug;
  • possible allergic reaction to the components included in the composition.

Skin smoothing: CC cream from Librederm

For oily, acne-prone skin, it is recommended to use special medicated cosmetics.

Concealing cosmetics are designed to effectively hide the imperfections of oily skin, but without clogging the sebaceous glands. CC cream from the Libriderm company belongs to a new direction in cosmetics, masks imperfections, corrects sebum secretion, moisturizes the skin, and reduces redness.

In addition to zinc and sulfur, which are present in all products in this series, they contain a balanced complex of substances that have an antiseptic effect. The shelf life of a hermetically sealed product is 24 months, and of an opened tube - six months. Price in pharmacies from 311 rubles.

CC cream Lybriderm adapts to skin tone, so it is offered in one universal color. The scent of citrus and herbs disappears completely after applying the product. The light texture spreads well over the skin, evens out the tone, but does not perfectly mask.

After applying the cosmetics, you feel a pleasant comfort, there is no feeling of tightness, and the oily sheen disappears by 90%. The product stays on the face all day, does not run down, does not shine. The light texture of the cream allows the skin to look natural and does not clog pores. Wash off with regular micellar water.

User reviews are mixed: the product evens out, mattifies, looks natural, but does not cover redness on light skin; girls with dark pigment are happy with the product.

Side effects

No obvious side effects were found when testing the drug. But there may be consequences after long-term use of Seracin mattifying cream.

They are as follows:

  • overdrying of the dermis;
  • peeling. This may occur due to lack of hydration. Since the composition contains zinc and sulfur, which are aimed at drying boils;
  • minor allergic reaction to components. It can occur due to personal intolerance and manifest itself in the form of a small rash in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately stop using the cream and consult a doctor.


Since the cream contains zinc and sulfur, it should not be applied to the area under the eyes. This can worsen the condition of the skin in these places, which is much thinner. Also, do not overuse the product and apply it more often than 2 times a day.

The mattifying effect is good for oily dermis, but too frequent and excessive control of the sebaceous glands can disrupt their natural functioning and destabilize the amount of sebum secreted.

Representatives of Seracin Libriderm

Let's take a closer look at each of the products presented in the set. The first to be announced is a cleansing gel.

Cleansing gel

The wash is intended for the care of oily or combination skin with inflammatory elements and a predisposition to rashes. Libriderm Seratsin gel, despite the fact that it is based on water, does not dry out the epidermis, but thanks to sulfur and zinc it regulates the production of sebum and works as an antiseptic. When used mixed-type and applied to dry areas, it also does not have a drying effect. Works great on the oily T-zone, mattifying it.

Main functions of the gel:

  • cleaning from surface contaminants;
  • removal of decorative cosmetics;
  • regulation of sebum production;
  • preparation for the next stage of care for problem skin.

It is easy to use Libriderm Seracin gel for washing. Twice a day (morning and evening), lather a small amount of product in your palms, apply to damp skin, massage in circular motions, and rinse with warm water. The face area should be carefully blotted with a napkin or towel.

Cleansing lotion

Lotion-Seracin is the next step in the Librederm line - cleansing. Designed for deep detox. The lotion removes the remnants of the previous product and prepares the face for moisturizing. Unlike toner, which is more suitable for normal, dry skin, lotion works better for oily skin types. The composition of the product is dominated by finger lime extract, rich in AHA acids, which carefully removes dead skin flakes. The hydrophilic sulfur then actively fights bacteria. Zinc salts complete the process - they disinfect and mattify the dermis.

Results from use:

  1. The lotion gently but deeply cleanses.
  2. Exfoliates dead cells.
  3. Eliminates open comedones (“black” spots).
  4. Calms.
  5. Refreshes, gives a subtle herbal aroma.

The use of the product is reduced to applying to a cotton pad and wiping the face on problem areas, oily skin in general after washing with foam, gel or hydrophilic oil. Relevant for use on the neck, décolleté and back.

Cleansing cream with eco granules

Libriderm Seracin cream is designed to gently cleanse the dermis. Due to the crushed leaves of the tea tree, which itself is a popular participant in medicinal compositions, the epidermis is not injured. Dry grass not only acts as an abrasive, but also provides a therapeutic compression effect. Another ingredient in the scrub cream is eco-silicon dioxide granules that ensure blood flow during massaging. Surprisingly, this element can be seen on the surface of sandpaper, but unlike the latter, silica granules are biodegradable. The cream scrub is enriched with vitamin E.

For a therapeutic effect and gentle care, do not rub the skin forcefully. It is recommended to massage for 1 minute, then rinse with warm water. Use 1-2 times a week. When used, the scrub gives a slight cooling sensation, like contact with menthol. The result is breathable, clean dermis without a “burning” effect. There is no dryness or tightness.


The Seracin anti-acne series is complemented by a product that is also based on natural ingredients. White and green clay has long been known for its effectiveness against acne and the treatment of epidermal defects.

White clay is rich in zinc, silicon, manganese and helps solve the problem of dirty pores. In addition, it nourishes, removes toxins, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, and promotes rapid restoration of the epidermis. White clay, due to its neutral properties, is suitable for any skin.

Green is a source of calcium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, silver, iron, which is why it has such an unusual color. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant element; regulates the production of sebaceous glands and maintains water-lipid balance. Its use is most effective for oily, combination skin with rashes. Suitable for dermis with signs of aging. The combination of 2 types of clays makes the mask universal, suitable for all age categories. Individual analogues of the composition are not able to give such an effect even when mixed.

The mask is prepared from clay powder and warm water in equal proportions. Bring to a homogeneous consistency. Apply to the entire face, including the area around the eyes.

As it dries on your face, the mixture becomes like plasticine, so removing the mask will not be difficult.

Result from use:

  • improved color;
  • smooth facial relief;
  • invisible pores;
  • velvety texture of the epidermis.

Before using the mask, the face must be prepared, cleansed with gel and lotion. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes. Upon completion, you need to apply a moisturizer for oily or problem skin.

The sebum regulating product package contains 5 packets. 1 package is used per session. Detailed instructions for use are included in the package. The manufacturer lists a slight burning sensation as a side effect, which goes away over time.

In addition to the “Cleansing” course, the Librederm brand produces additional products for problematic and oily skin:

  • mattifying day cream to correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • active cream for spot application to problem areas or elements;
  • moisturizing CC cream;
  • concealer pencil with a drying effect.

The Librederm company is a recognized leader in medicinal cosmetics on the Russian market, which quietly competes with French manufacturers. She carefully studies the problems of caring for the epidermis and develops adequate programs, one of which is Seracin for problem skin prone to rashes.


All analogue cosmetics work with oily skin and contain zinc.

It is difficult to find a similar combination as in Seracin, but it is possible to notice it with drugs that have the same active ingredients.

3 most similar analogues:

  1. "Keracnyl" from "Ducray" contains zinc salicylate and several types of acids. It has an antibacterial effect, fights blackheads and acne. Is a good base for makeup.
  2. Cream-gel with mattifying effect. It evens out the skin well, removes oily shine and relieves inflammation.
  3. “Flawless Skin” from Belkosmex. This cream contains zinc and the effect of yeast, which dry out the rash well, cleanse the pores and close them. And horse chestnut extract additionally tightens the oval of the face.

Cleansing and reducing oiliness with Libriderm

All products in the Seratsin cleansing line have been tested by dermatologists and have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Shower gel

The transparent tube helps you understand how much product has been used and how much is left. The unopened tube is protected by a special membrane. Price in pharmacies from 255 rubles.

The gel contains four ingredients with a low risk factor. The face may become irritated and dry. The components are necessary for the production of detergents and are often used in industry. Thoroughly rinsing the gel from the skin surface helps avoid side effects. People with allergies may experience unpleasant consequences.

Libriderm gel is recommended for oily and combination skin. Most of the ingredients are high quality.

The good foaming ability of the washbasin simplifies water procedures. Squeeze a small amount of gel into the palm of your hand and foam slightly. Massage the skin and wash off the foam with plenty of water. There is no sticky feeling after the procedure.

Washing gels are designed to cleanse the skin of dirt and wash away excess sebaceous secretions, but not for treatment. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use the gel in conjunction with other acne treatments.

Lotion for deep skin cleansing

Lotion Seracin is designed for deep detoxification. Prepares the face for further care, cleanses the remnants of previously used products. According to user reviews, the lotion does not dry out, sebum secretion is reduced, the skin remains soft, and cleansing is felt. Designed for the care of oily and combination skin.

Libriderm contains two synthetic ingredients that cause skin irritation. The identified substances, through testing on the Ecology website, are necessary for the production of cosmetics.

The ingredients used in the Lotion have undergone laboratory testing and are completely safe. The amount of substances in Seratsin cosmetics complies with established standards. The lotion contains most safe and healthy ingredients.

Wipe the face with lotion after water procedures. The product is suitable for the back and décolleté area.

Cream-scrub Seratsin

The cosmetic product is intended for gentle cleansing of the skin. The scrub, like all Libriderm products, is protected with foil under the cap. I don't mind the herbaceous smell and beige color. Sold in pharmacies at a price of 270 rubles, stored after opening for 12 months.

After checking the composition of the product using the Ecoholic service, substances were found that could cause an allergic reaction and were restricted in use. Some ingredients are necessary for production, others are effective against gram-negative bacteria. They are included in the list of those approved for use under EU regulations, in certain quantities. During the production of the product, the standards were observed. Most of the substances in the scrub composition are safe.

Apply the scrub to damp skin, do not rub it too hard to avoid injury. As scrubbing particles, in addition to tea tree, it contains silicon dioxide. Leave the product on the face for one or two minutes, during which time a slight burning sensation is felt, which quickly disappears. The scrub is washed off with water. After the procedure, the skin is soft, velvety, there is no tightness and dryness, blackheads disappear, pores narrow.

Photo: Before and after

You can treat acne and rashes. But it is much easier to prevent this problem.
See how to remove acne scars on your face. How to treat acne on a woman's face? Find out further.

How to treat acne at home using prescriptions?
The answer is here. To do this, you need to regularly cleanse the dermis of impurities, tone it and use a cream that will regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, remove possible redness, and also mattify the face. Such a drug could be Seracin Librilerm acne cream.

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