Ointment for subcutaneous acne: 6 budget products from the pharmacy

  • 1456
  • 02-09-2021
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Subcutaneous acne on the face is a problem from which no one is immune. It is useless to try to squeeze out such a pimple, since it is “not ripe” for this. Waiting until the right moment comes is also difficult, as redness and unpleasant pain occur.

To get rid of subcutaneous acne, you can use various folk recipes in the form of applying plantain, celandine juice or a compress of herbal decoction. But it’s better to entrust the problem to pharmaceutical products that have been tested and work accurately.

We have collected the top most effective remedies for subcutaneous acne from the pharmacy, which are inexpensive.

The best creams and gels for acne.

October 22, 2022



  • Why do acne appear on the face?
  • How to choose an acne cream
  • 10 best creams and gels for acne
  • Zenerite
  • Delex-Acne
  • Baziron
  • Klenzit-S from Glenmark
  • Differin
  • Juniper from Mi&Ko
  • Clearasil Ultra
  • Lumene Nordic Girl! Clear It Up!
  • Skinoren
  • Effaclar Duo + by La Roshe-Posay

Thanks to modern acne treatments, you can quickly and permanently solve the problem. We have created a selection of the best creams and gels for those with problem skin.

Both women and men experience pimples and acne, and at any age.

How to choose the right product for you

To choose a good external remedy for cleansing skin from rashes, you need to consider a number of parameters. The main ones:

  1. Why do acne appear? If their formation is caused by excessive expansion of pores, you need products that narrow them. When the reason is the presence of certain bacteria on the skin, antibacterial creams and ointments will help.
  2. Skin type – it is important that the cosmetic product matches your skin type. Drying products are suitable for oily skin, but for dry skin they will be too aggressive. The use of skin care cosmetics that are not suitable for a specific skin type can aggravate aesthetic problems. You should especially carefully select products for sensitive skin types. They must certainly have a soft effect.
  3. If you have allergies, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic products.
  4. Good creams do not contain petroleum products, as well as synthetic additives and artificial flavors. Their presence can further irritate the skin, causing new rashes to appear.

It is important to choose a product that is right for you

It is very important that anti-acne products do not clog pores, otherwise the skin will receive insufficient oxygen, and this worsens its condition, appearance, and contributes to the spread of rashes.

This effective remedy helps against acne because it acts comprehensively. It provides good cleansing, relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial and drying effect. The drugs also reduce sebum production and tighten pores, resulting in the removal of acne. The skin becomes healthy and well-groomed. The main thing is to choose a product that suits your skin type and switch to a balanced diet.

Using topical acne treatments provides only 50-60% of the results. Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment is determined by the state of health and lifestyle.

Why do acne appear on the face?

Among the causes of acne are such non-obvious, but very possible, as lack of vitamin D, stress, poor environment, use of sunscreen, and long conversations on the phone.

Now let's look at the common causes of acne on the face.

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
    Typically, acne appears in women during PMS, in teenage girls and in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the level of steroid hormones in the blood increases - the sebaceous glands begin to work more intensely. Due to hypersecretion of sebum, the protective abilities of the skin are reduced. The skin secretion thickens, the ducts become clogged with plugs that block the sebaceous glands.
  2. Follicular hyperkeratosis.
    In this case, the cells with hair follicles are poorly renewed. The stratum corneum of the hair follicles becomes thicker, which prevents the outflow of secretions from the sebaceous glands.
  3. Excessive proliferation of propionic bacteria.
    There are millions of different microorganisms on the human skin and mucous membranes. But sometimes they begin to multiply uncontrollably, and inflammation is possible. Pimples appear because such bacteria feed on the sebaceous plugs of the hair follicles.
  4. Lack of zinc in the body.
    When there is a lack of zinc in the human body, the skin produces an excessive amount of sebum - hence pimples and acne.
  5. Improper skin care.
    If you use skincare products that are not suitable for your skin type or use low-quality decorative cosmetics, it is quite possible that you will develop acne.
  6. Poor nutrition and gastrointestinal problems.
    The appearance of the skin often depends on the health of the internal organs.
    Therefore, with diseases of the intestines and stomach, acne may appear. A balanced diet (less sugar, fast food, baked goods) is also important. Read also Vitamins for hair loss: 10 of the best Review of the best vitamins for hair.

Reasons for the appearance and areas of localization of post-acne

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and it has a complex structure. In addition to the epithelial cells that form the continuous skin, there are also hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands. It is the glands that secrete sebum and form a protective hydrolipidic mantle on the surface of the epithelium that suffer during the development of acne.

To begin with, it is important to understand why acne occurs. When the sebaceous glands malfunction, the epithelium in the area of ​​the ducts thickens, the lumen of the gland narrows and sebum cannot be regularly and fully released through the pores to the surface. Then the fatty secretion is retained inside the gland duct itself, which provokes inflammation with the participation of microbes that are constantly present on the surface of the skin, making up its microflora.

The process of acne formation goes through certain stages:

Initially, comedones are formed - an increase in the size of the sebaceous gland. Nodules form in the skin with an irritated opening of the sebaceous gland. As the process develops, black dots form in the center, and disturbances in the outflow of sebum, microbial activity, and the work of leukocytes during inflammation lead to the formation of purulent heads (pustules).

By themselves, these elements can leave behind scars and uneven skin, and if they are further injured, if you squeeze out blackheads or purulent heads, the inflammation only intensifies, and the purulent contents can spread to neighboring areas of the skin.

To prevent inflammation from spreading, to prevent damage to more and more areas of tissue, and to prevent pus from penetrating into neighboring areas, inflammatory changes form around the damage to the sebaceous gland.

Swelling occurs in the area of ​​the pimple, collagen production is stimulated, scar changes are formed: connective tissue elements are formed, new capillaries grow, which gives redness, the work of pigment cells is stimulated - pigment spots are formed - persistent and with uneven edges.

Especially often, problems arise on the face, mainly in the forehead, on the nose and cheeks, on the chest, they also appear in the décolleté or on the back.

Redness disappears over time, pigmentation becomes less bright, scars can atrophy, forming dimples, or, conversely, become convex and rough.

How to choose an acne cream

When treating acne and pimples, an integrated approach is required, so just cream or gel is not enough. To choose the “right” remedy, you need to determine the cause of the rash. By the way, it often happens that one specific cream does not solve the problem, so you need to try several products. For acne, pharmaceutical creams or gels are usually prescribed, which contain anti-inflammatory components:

  • acids (azelaic, salicylic, kojic). They relieve inflammation, cleanse pores, and make skin tone more even.
  • essential oils with anti-inflammatory and calming effects (green tea, tea tree, aloe vera, eucalyptus, calendula).
  • absorbent minerals that absorb secretions from the sebaceous glands, as well as natural antibiotics (zinc, camphor, sulfur).
  • hyaluronic acid (for deep skin hydration).
  • retinoids, demethyl sulfoxide - for healing damage, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • cosmetic oils that help regenerate the skin (grape seed, olive, peach).

As for acne creams with antibiotics and hormones, they act faster, but they should be prescribed exclusively by a dermatologist. Treating the skin with such drugs is only allowed for a short period of time. If you use hormonal or antibacterial agents uncontrollably, unwanted side effects such as withdrawal syndrome or skin atrophy may develop.

Causes of acne

Photos from open sources

Types of facial cleansing for acne

Let's look at the most popular facial cleansing methods used in cosmetology.


The most common method is manual cleaning. The procedure is aimed at clearing clogged pores using fingers or special cosmetic devices. [152]

The manual technique is suitable for problematic and oily skin. It helps remove sebaceous plugs, whiteheads (milia), and comedones. [135]


To normalize sebum production, improve the structure and color of the skin, as well as prevent age-related changes, a vacuum device is usually used. It has a superficial effect, so it is not able to solve very complex problems. A special nozzle creates negative pressure, which helps quickly remove pore contents. The procedure is carried out in courses of 3 to 8 sessions with a mandatory break of 14 days. [135, 152]

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is also used to remove sebaceous plugs, prevent acne, and improve the structure of the epidermis. Depending on the depth of impact, it can be superficial, medium, or deep. [135]

The procedure is quite traumatic and therefore requires certain preparation of the skin. The concentration of acids is selected in accordance with the skin type, as well as the tasks set.

Superficial peeling is often used in the treatment of acne*, while medium peeling helps eliminate scars, scars, and post-acne. The effect of deep peeling is comparable to the effect of anti-aging plastic surgery. [135]


If you have acne, facial cleansing from acne* is often carried out using the ultrasound method. It is based on the effect of high-frequency vibrations on the skin, which literally push epithelial particles, impurities, and sebum out of the pores. [152]

The ultrasound procedure combines well with chemical and manual methods, which allows solving complex aesthetic problems. This technique is universal, so it can be used for all skin types. [135]


Atraumatic cleansing is also widely used in cosmetology, which helps improve the structure and color of the skin. It involves the use of special drugs that break down the contents of pores and stop inflammation. But it cannot solve serious problems due to superficial effects. [135, 152]


One of the most popular remedies for acne and acne, which contains an antibiotic (erythromycin) and zinc salts. Erythromycin prevents the growth of bacteria, and zinc salts work as an antiseptic. If you have been prescribed "Zinerit" for acne, remember that it is not advisable to use it often and for a long time, because addiction develops and the drug simply stops working.

Astellas Pharma Europe, Russia

Zenerite powder for solution preparation (external use), 30 milliliter bottle - a medicinal product for the treatment of acne.
Resistant to cosmetic products. from 533

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This gel works well if you have mild to moderate skin breakouts. "Delex-Acne" is also prescribed for demodex (skin mites). An excellent product for home daily facial skin care, it is also used for the active treatment of acne as part of complex therapy. Delex-Acne contains sulfur, calendula and nettle. The acne gel does not contain hormones, antibiotics or alcohol, and therefore has no age restrictions for use. If you choose this gel, then it is optimal to combine it with lotion from the same series. You should use Delex-Acne gel no more than several times a week so as not to dry out the skin. The disadvantages of the product are that the smell is not very pleasant and that you can’t buy Delex-Acne in every pharmacy.

, Russia

The gel is characterized by anti-inflammatory, absorbable, antibacterial and sebostatic (drying) effects.
The drug in gel form is considered optimal for use in case of oily seborrheic skin, since the use of creams and ointments can increase the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. from 150

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Effective methods of dealing with problem skin: advice from a cosmetologist

Acne on the face (acne) can ruin even an ideal appearance. It would seem that in the age of nanotechnology there should be no problems with its treatment, however, millions of people continue to suffer from rashes on the face and body. Acne has different forms, and each of them has its own therapy. The lack of results in the fight against acne in 99 out of 100 cases is due to an incorrectly selected treatment regimen. Daria Sergeevna Bolgova, a dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, and trichologist at the Face&Body wellness center, talks about the features of acne and how to get rid of it.

Daria Sergeevna Bolgova – dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist at the Face&Body wellness club

Daria Sergeevna is a member of the Moscow Society of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists. Participant of the IV and V International training courses for cosmetologists on non-surgical methods of rejuvenation. Member of the Interregional Public Organization of Botulinum Therapy Specialists. Knows everything about the nature of acne and effective methods of treating it.

– Acne is a sore subject for many... Why do they occur and what types are there?

– Let's start with the fact that acne is not a medical term. What we are talking about is called acne, also commonly called acne. This is an inflammatory skin disease, the foci of which are located in the sebaceous glands. Their main function is the production of sebum, which comes to the surface of the skin through the mouth. One of the key factors in the development of the disease is a violation of sebum production, in particular, this concerns its qualitative and quantitative parameters. Depending on the stage of this process, three types of rashes are distinguished:

  • Open comedones are the same blackheads that are often talked about in cosmetics advertising. These are nothing more than plugs in the ducts of the sebaceous glands that prevent sebum from coming out. There is no inflammation yet.
  • Closed comedones are bumps above the skin with or without blackheads inside. Inflammatory processes can begin in clogged sebaceous ducts - such neoplasms are also called conglobate acne.
  • Pustular elements (pustules) are rashes with purulent contents. They appear at the site of inflamed comedones.

The cause of acne is dysfunction of the sebaceous glands

– Do they affect only the face or can they spread to other parts of the body?

– Most often, acne is localized on the face – in the T-zone and on the cheeks. It also appears on the upper back (usually between the shoulder blades) and on the chest. Acne almost never occurs on the stomach, thighs and legs.

– Who suffers from acne more often – women or men?

- There are no differences. Acne occurs equally often in both sexes. It’s just that girls usually perceive it more sharply as an aesthetic problem.

– There is an opinion that acne is characteristic only of teenage skin (there is even a term – juvenile acne), and older people cannot have it. This is true?

– No, adulthood is not insurance against acne. Indeed, acne appears more often in adolescents. It is reliably known that the functioning of the sebaceous glands is influenced by the amount of the hormone testosterone, which begins to be actively produced during puberty, starting at 14–15 years of age. But acne can also occur in adults as a side effect of taking hormonal medications (most often oral contraceptives) and as a symptom of diseases of the endocrine system, when the body’s production of its own hormones is disrupted. Even if your skin was fine in your youth, this does not mean that you will definitely not develop acne in adulthood. Everything is individual.

Acne is not just an appearance problem. To cope with it, it is not enough to remove the rashes themselves. It is important to normalize the amount of testosterone in the body - otherwise the rash will quickly reappear. That is why a good cosmetologist will recommend contacting an endocrinologist and gynecologist. Usually, to get a picture of the pathology, it is enough to take three blood tests - general, biochemical and hormone tests.

– What are the causes of acne and is it possible to somehow prevent it?

– As already mentioned, this problem is of a hormonal nature and is associated with the action of the hormone testosterone. Its excess in the body can be due to heredity (in 90% of cases) or pathologies of internal organs. Acne can occur even if testosterone is normal, but the sebaceous gland receptors are hypersensitive to one of its derivatives, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The activity of the enzyme 5-α-reductase, which is involved in the synthesis of DHT from testosterone, may also be increased.

External causes of acne include improper selection of cosmetics and skincare procedures. For example, if you have oily skin, you use creams and lotions for dry skin or neglect professional cleansing (if you have hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, this is definitely necessary).

Another common mistake is using peels with abrasive particles. In the presence of infiltrates (inflammatory elements), they are strictly contraindicated. Abrasive particles open the contents of the rash and spread pathogenic bacteria throughout the face. Therefore, such peelings do more harm than good. For acne, gentle professional gommage peelings without abrasive particles are recommended. They are also called peeling rolls, as they gently roll off the skin, collecting all the excess fat and keratinized scales.

Facial acne treatment at Face&Body. The work of a cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist Daria Sergeevna Bolgova

– Can diet cause acne? After all, they often say: “sprinkled with sweets”...

– Nutrition is a controversial factor. A direct connection between acne and the composition of food consumed has not been established, although some dermatologists do not exclude it. In any case, we can talk about the influence of nutrition on the appearance of acne only if the person himself confirms their relationship. For example, he verified from personal experience that after eating chocolate he developed new rashes. Then, of course, we recommend limiting your consumption of this product.

Daria Sergeevna Bolgova will help cope with various skin problems

– So is it possible to cure acne forever? And how is this happening now?

– It’s possible, but you’ll have to be patient. For grade III and IV acne, when the skin is severely inflamed, drug therapy with isotretinoin-based drugs is prescribed. This is a substance from the group of retinoids (vitamin A derivatives), which regulates the function of the sebaceous glands: reduces the production of sebum and accelerates the exfoliation of dead epidermal cells. The most commonly prescribed drug is Roaccutane - this is an original remedy developed specifically for the treatment of acne. He also has generics (drugs with a similar formula, but from others, etc. They are very effective against acne, but in no case should they be used without a doctor’s prescription. For example, isotretinoin is contraindicated during pregnancy and even during the planning period - it causes fetal deformities.

For acne of degrees I and II, treatment with external preparations containing isotretinoin, antibiotic, zinc, and anti-inflammatory components is recommended. There are enough of them now - there are ointments, creams, gels, and lotions... For stages III and IV acne, the cosmetologist prescribes a combination treatment with Roaccutane and external agents.

Beautiful, clean skin requires high-quality care, but in some cases only a cosmetologist can help.

– How long does drug therapy last?

– I can’t give an exact number in days, but usually at least six months. Isotretinoin has a cumulative effect; it begins to act when a certain amount of it accumulates in the body (measured in mg per kg of body weight). The goal of therapy is to collect this amount from daily doses (12 to 16 mg daily). The dosage is selected strictly individually.

Isotretinoin is a photosensitive substance; when exposed to sunlight, it undergoes undesirable reactions. If burns appear on the skin, the drug will have to be interrupted, and this is unacceptable. Therefore, it is recommended to start treatment after the hot season. The optimal period is from October to May, then you can go on vacation with healthy, clean skin.

Photos “before” and “after” treatment of acne on the back by Face&Body specialist Daria Sergeevna Bolgova

– How can cosmetology help with acne?

– For mild acne, cosmetic procedures accelerate the effect of external therapy. Usually a course of peelings with salicylic acid is prescribed - they perfectly dissolve sebaceous plugs and free the skin of all excess. Hardware therapy also helps. At the Face&Body wellness center there is IPL light treatment using the Italian Deka laser. The effect is based on the antibacterial effect of laser radiation - it destroys acne pathogens and inflammation quickly disappears.

The goal of cosmetic treatment is to remove not only the rashes themselves, but also the traces of them (post-acne). These are stagnant spots of different colors that appear in places of large infiltrates. Injection procedures such as mesotherapy and biorevitalization work well with them. Vitamin cocktails are injected under the skin to improve microcirculation and promote the resorption of stagnant spots. They also contain anti-inflammatory components that prevent new infiltrates from appearing. In the presence of inflammatory elements, mesotherapy and biorevitalization are not prescribed.

Other cosmetic methods of combating post-acne are laser resurfacing (fractional photothermolysis) or a course of acid peelings.

– What recommendations for caring for problem skin will you offer our readers?

– The basic rule is that care should be selected only according to skin type, not based on recommendations from friends, the Internet, etc. The fact is that many people mistakenly determine their skin type: they buy cosmetics for dry skin, but in fact it is oily and dehydrated . In this matter, it is better to trust a cosmetologist. The specialist will select an individual skin care program and recommend specific products. Such a program will necessarily consist of several steps.

First, a two-stage cleansing: remove any remaining makeup with a makeup remover and wash off the sebum with foam or gel cleanser. Next, you need to restore the pH balance - for this we use a tonic. Then comes the turn of nutrition - we apply serum (not oil-based!) and night cream with fruit acids, which dilute sebum and promote its removal. After washing your face in the morning, apply day cream to your skin. Additional care is recommended 1–2 times a week: peeling-gommage and a clay-based mask.

Skin type is the same for life and cannot change, no matter how much we want it. Therefore, any care, no matter whether it is at home or in the salon, should be adjusted to it.


Acne gel "Baziron" exfoliates dead skin cells, which often “clog” pores, which is why pimples and blackheads form. The drug contains benzene peroxide and green tea, which dry out inflamed skin, normalize its cellular respiration and reduce secretions from the sebaceous glands. "Baziron" helps well with blackheads and subcutaneous pimples. The product perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Baziron AS
Galderma, Switzerland

Baziron AS is an allergy-resistant drug; the composition of this drug has been thoroughly tested for allergens, which ensured that the risk of an allergic reaction when using it is minimized.
The product has been dermatologically tested to identify any side effects that may irritate the skin, suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Does not contain alcohol. It also has anti-comedogenic properties, that is, it opens the fullicles and removes comedones (blackheads) on the nose. from 426

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Klenzit-S from Glenmark

This acne gel contains the antibiotic clindamycin, which fights acne by reducing inflammation. And adapalene (a derivative of vitamin A) moisturizes and regenerates the skin. If you find a pimple on your face in the evening and smear it with Glenmark Clenzit-S gel, the pimple will be gone in the morning. You can use the product for no longer than three months (once a day), because addiction may develop. Improvement in skin condition occurs after a week of using Klenzit-S. During treatment, peeling, burning and redness of the skin are possible. But after three weeks the skin gets used to it. It is better to wash your face with gentle, soft products at this time. During pregnancy and frequent exposure to the sun, you cannot be treated with Klenzit-S gel.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, India

A preparation for external use for the treatment of acne.
Before use, you should consult your doctor. from 486

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Ways to get rid of post-acne

The intensity of post-acne is directly related to the severity of acne. Therefore, it is important to work not only to eliminate the consequences, but also to prevent the appearance of new elements on the skin. It is necessary to fight acne itself, eliminating its main causes. If pimples appear again and again, the prognosis for post-acne treatment is questionable; inflammation will give rise to new scars. Therefore, work with an experienced dermatologist-cosmetologist is required.

Most of the work on restoring, smoothing the skin and eliminating scars is carried out by a cosmetologist, but certain activities can also be performed at home. Moreover, only an integrated approach will give the most maximum results.

What can you do at home?

At home, you need to help the skin recover; it needs building elements and proper nutrition. To regenerate the skin and form its structure, it is necessary to supply vitamins and minerals, protein as a source of amino acids for the construction of collagen fibers and the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and gives the skin tone and smoothness.

In addition, omega acids are important, which are involved in cell renewal and form cell membranes. It is important to adjust your diet, eliminate as much processed foods as possible, food chemicals (dyes, preservatives, E-additives) and give up bad habits.

To prevent new acne and improve tone, nourish the skin, heal inflammation and small scars, pharmaceutical products will help. You can use 1% salicylic alcohol or boric acid and wipe the skin with it twice a day. Levomekol ointment works quite well in treating acne, suppressing inflammation and eliminating scars. Many people use bodyaga powder, which is diluted in water to a paste and applied to the affected area. But before using all these remedies, it is important to first consult with your doctor to prevent side effects and complications.

Skin care is complemented by serums, care creams (day and night) selected by a cosmetologist, as well as homemade peelings with fruit acids. They delicately exfoliate the skin, remove dead cells, and cleanse its surface.

Folk remedies are often used, for example, infusions of St. John's wort and chamomile, which have an anti-inflammatory, soothing, cleansing effect. You can freeze them and wipe the skin with the resulting ice cubes, further increasing blood circulation and capillary tone.

You can also use masks with blue clay. The recipe for making a mask is very simple: three tablespoons of powder are diluted in water to a paste, applied to the problem area for 20 minutes and then thoroughly washed off with water.

What treatment methods are used in a cosmetology clinic?

Although homemade recipes help in the fight against post-acne, you should not think that only through them you can eliminate all problems. Home methods act on the very top layers of the skin and reduce only minor defects.

Modern cosmetic procedures will help get rid of deep scars, pigmentation and unevenness. But don't expect instant results.

Treatment methods are selected individually and comprehensively. The more severe the initial problem and the wider the affected area, the longer the treatment will be.

To achieve maximum smoothness of the skin and an even complexion or eliminate blemishes on the body, you need a whole series of procedures, supplemented by home care and carefully selected cosmetics. On average, the first noticeable results will be visible after 1-2 months with regular implementation of all necessary treatment measures.

If there is unevenness, decreased skin tone, pigmented or stagnant spots, peelings . There are a lot of treatment options: these can be mechanical peels (compositions with herbs, small dense particles) and chemical peels (with retinol, glycolic, resorcinol or other compounds).

With mechanical peeling, the effect of cleansing and exfoliation is achieved due to the mechanical scraping of the particles included in the composition of the upper layer of skin with outdated epithelial cells.

With chemical peeling, a similar effect is achieved through chemical cauterization of the upper layer of the epidermis, which leads to its subsequent rejection with peeling.

The cosmetologist selects peelings to suit your needs and strictly follows all the rules for their implementation in order to achieve maximum effect and avoid side effects. On average, the first results are visible after 5-6 procedures.

A more effective analogue of peeling is laser skin resurfacing . The doctor performs the procedure with a special laser unit with a strictly specified wavelength in order to influence the skin at the required depth without damaging neighboring tissues. The laser beam cauterizes the skin, the treated areas are actively exfoliated, which allows stimulating the regeneration of new tissues, more even and smooth.

Check out our patient's review of laser facial resurfacing:

Photothermolysis is a more advanced method of laser skin treatment. The rays do not act as a continuous field, but as individual points - creating a mesh on the treated area. This is a fairly effective, but less traumatic effect; the rehabilitation period after such procedures is reduced.

dermabrasion is used to combat skin imperfections . This is the use of aluminum oxide powder under pressure or a special rotating abrasive disc for mechanical grinding of the skin, removing the upper layers of the epidermis from it.

Filler injections can help eliminate atrophic scars and dimples and smooth out the skin . They are inserted under the defect area, create additional volume, and lift depressed skin. The effect lasts up to 6-10 months (depending on the drug), then the injections are repeated.

Mesotherapy with drugs that stimulate collagen synthesis and epidermal renewal gives good results A series of microinjections are made into the surface layers of the skin with the introduction of hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and vitamin components. The cosmetologist selects a specific drug depending on the tasks and the severity of skin defects.

Another method is ozone therapy . This is a technique of introducing a special oxygen mixture into a problem area through a series of microinjections. The composition helps saturate tissues with oxygen, stimulates blood circulation or lymph drainage, and epithelial regeneration.

If no other methods have produced a significant effect, surgical removal of scars can be used. The affected scar tissue is excised within the boundaries of healthy skin. The rehabilitation process is long, and the intervention itself can also leave scars in the future.

Post-acne treatment at Dr. Gruzdev’s clinic:

Chemical peeling The clinic offers gentle superficial peels: almond and glycolic.

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Laser resurfacing Impact of a laser beam on problem areas of the surface layer of the dermis.

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Biorevitalization A non-surgical technique for facial rejuvenation using preparations based on hyaluronic acid.

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Mesotherapy An injection technique for introducing “cocktails” into the skin based on vitamins, microelements, and amino acids.

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The active ingredient in this gel for acne and pimples is adapalene (retinoid). Differin is indicated for people with combination and oily skin. Judging by patient reviews, this drug really works, although it is inexpensive. An important advantage of this gel is that it removes acne and scars on the skin. You can use Differin for a long time because it does not contain an antibiotic.

Laboratoires Expanscience, France

A drug for the treatment of acne, for external use.
from 624

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Who is prescribed

The following diseases are treated with ichthyol ointment:

  • erysipelas;
  • eczema;
  • burns;
  • boils;
  • boils;
  • neuralgia;
  • arthritis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • acne.

Suppositories with ichthyol are used for inflammatory diseases in gynecology and urology:

  • prostatitis;
  • endometritis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • salping.

Juniper from Mi&Ko

Acne cream perfectly fights acne and other imperfections of problem skin. “Juniper” can be applied not only to the face, but also to other areas of the body where there are rashes. Use the cream morning and evening. The drug relieves inflammation and destroys bacteria, nourishes the skin, moisturizes, and reduces sebum production. Juniper cream is suitable for both teenagers and those who have pimples and acne due to hormonal imbalances or with age. According to customer reviews, the cream smells nice, has a comfortable texture, is not tested on animals and is inexpensive.

Types of skin rashes

Photos from open sources

Juniper from Mi&Ko cream
MiKo, Russia

Face cream Juniper consists of 24% organic raw materials. The new formula contains lavender hydrolate and boswellia extract, which instantly improve complexion, eliminate dryness and inflammation, and protect the skin from stress. A unique extract of wintergreen leaves eliminates rashes and stimulates skin renewal. With Juniper cream, your skin will be healthy and smooth, which will be the key to self-confidence!

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The main causes of acne

In order for acne treatment to bring maximum results, you need to eliminate the cause that provokes its formation. Skin rashes are caused by:

  • emotional shocks, stress, nervous strain, worries;
  • frequent contact with hands or phones that have germs on the surface;
  • hormonal imbalance, thyroid diseases;
  • heredity;
  • use of corticosteroids, birth control pills;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the intestines;
  • unhealthy diet - content in the diet of fast food, fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets and baked goods;
  • allergic reaction;
  • bad habits - nicotine and alcohol provoke metabolic disorders;
  • incorrect choice of cosmetics, use of too oily cosmetics.

A doctor will help determine the true cause of the rash. To do this, you can contact a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, hematologist. A nutritionist and cosmetologist will also help. By determining the cause of the rash and eliminating it, you can count on the fact that anti-acne products will be effective.

Clearasil Ultra

Clearasil cream is sold in almost any store or pharmacy. Contains salicylic acid, cocoglycosin, allantoin, aloe extract, glycerin, lavender extract, Italian immortelle extract, cistus Montpelient extract. The product relieves inflammation well, is applied precisely and quickly solves the problem of acne and acne. The instructions say that the Klerasil cream will remove a pimple in 4 hours! The drug has a slight mattifying effect. And although the tube of cream is small and not cheap, Klerasil is used very sparingly, so it will last for a long time.

Clearasil Ultra
Reckitt Benckiser, Netherlands

Active components relieve inflammation, redness and irritation, normalize the structure of the epidermis, and promote exfoliation of dead cells.
Thanks to AcceladermTM technology, the cream enhances the effect, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate deeply into all layers of the skin. from 205

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On the Gorzdrav website you can select drugs by active ingredient, find cheaper or more expensive analogues, sort products by decreasing/increasing price or name.

Lumene Nordic Girl! Clear It Up!

This acne cream tightens pores, removes oily shine and is great for spot application. Featuring Lumene Nordic Girl! Clear It Up! There are no dyes, parabens or mineral oils, so the product is suitable even for sensitive skin. The cream contains salicylic acid, arctic plantain extract and vitamin B3. The product relieves pain from subcutaneous inflammation, cools, evens out skin texture, and removes acne scars. The cream is absorbed well and does not leave a film, so it can be applied both under and on foundation.

Lumene Nordic Girl! Clear It Up!
Farmia, Finland

Cream for oily and combination skin Lumene Nordic Girl!
Clear It Up! Oil Free Moisturizer helps control shine while effectively hydrating skin and tightening pores. Helps deal with acne. With regular use, it helps reduce the appearance of blemishes. Consists of 100% plant ingredients. from 535

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Methods of treating post-acne in a cosmetology clinic

To get rid of the problem, our clinic uses different methods and their combination.

Chemical peeling

It is carried out with fruit, azelaic and salicylic acids. The action of peeling is aimed at reducing hyperkeratosis (excessive growth of the stratum corneum of the skin). The higher the acid concentration in the peeling solution, the more noticeable and sensitive the exfoliation will be.

As a result of the procedure, the boundaries between healthy skin and scars are smoothed, and the process of restoration (regeneration) of the tissues at the bottom of the atrophic scar is activated.


mesotherapy procedure is the subcutaneous administration of compositions of several medicinal substances or single drugs. The components are phospholipids, magnesium and silicon salts, polylactic acid, which improve the quality of the skin and activate regeneration and repair processes.

Also used: enzymes, vitamins, antibiotics, antioxidants, biorevitalizers, corticosteroids, immunomodulators and other biologically active substances.


Plasmolifting is the introduction of platelet plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood into the deep layers of the dermis. The complex treatment method helps to effectively deal with scars caused by acne.

First, the doctor carries out controlled damage to the upper and middle layers of the skin, using laser or chemical peeling and grinding. This accelerates the synthesis of new skin cells. In this way, scar tissue is replaced with healthy tissue.

The second stage is plasma lifting itself, which activates regeneration and accelerates skin restoration.

Laser therapy

A highly effective method of getting rid of post-acne, the manifestations of which cannot be eliminated by other means. In the clinic, treatment is carried out with 2 types of laser: Picosure (fractional non-ablative effect) and carbon dioxide Eraser-C RF (laser ablative resurfacing).

The most widespread is laser resurfacing using a CO2 laser. With this therapy, sufficient (from 50% to 80%) clinical improvement in the scar area is recorded after just one procedure. Efficiency increases due to the activation of collagen synthesis. When radiation is absorbed by the skin, they heat up, after loss of fluid, the cells are destroyed, tissue coagulation occurs, the destruction of old elastin and protein is gradually replaced by new structural elements. The duration of the procedure is determined by the type of laser and the amount of intervention required. It can range from 15 to 90 minutes.


This cream contains azelaic acid, which helps regulate sebum secretion, fights pathogenic bacteria, and relieves inflammation. “Skinoren” has proven itself well even in advanced stages of acne, although long-term treatment with this remedy is undesirable. Skinoren dries out the skin, so it is better not to use it if you have peeling. Apply the cream morning and evening to the affected areas of the skin and rub in lightly.

Intendis Manufacturing, Italy

Skinoren is a drug for the treatment of acne vulgaris or juvenile acne and hyperpigmentation.
from 349

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Treatment: general points

The abundance of factors contributing to the occurrence of acne directly affects the nature of effective treatment for this disease. To solve the problem in this case, an integrated approach is required, including the use of a number of acne products from the pharmacy range.

To begin with, here are some general recommendations that can be briefly mentioned in a conversation with a buyer. They can not only help him fight the disease, but also increase his loyalty to the pharmacy.

The first is advice to treat concomitant diseases and sanitize infectious foci. To do this, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an endocrinologist, gynecologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, therapist, dentist or otolaryngologist - depending on the patient’s medical history.

The second is a recommendation to follow a diet. The appearance of acne and comedones is promoted by foods rich in carbohydrates. You should limit easily digestible sugars (cakes, cakes, sweets, chocolate), spicy foods and marinades. Food should contain enough vegetables and fruits. As a supplement to the diet, specialized foods containing fiber (for example, bran) can be recommended.

The third is an offer to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures. In particular, the UFO course has a good effect. Ultraviolet irradiation has a drying and bactericidal effect. Additionally, cryotherapy, darsonvalization and laser therapy are used.

Effaclar Duo + by La Roshe-Posay

Cream-gel is indicated for inflammation of the skin, for mattifying and deep moisturizing, prevention and treatment of acne. Effaclar Duo + contains thermal water (moisturizes the skin), prokerad (fights post-acne), lipo-hydroxy acid salicylic acid (renews epidermal cells, regulates sebum production, lightens spots on the skin). An excellent remedy for treating moderate acne. The instructions say that the positive effect occurs within 12 hours after the first use of the cream-gel. Effaclar Duo + is suitable not only for spot treatment of acne, but also for the entire face. The product has a good texture, is quickly absorbed, dries out rashes, does not leave a greasy sheen or stickiness, and does not tighten pores. Can be used as a base for makeup.

Effaclar Duo+
La Roche-Posay, France

Effaclar DUO(+) against the re-formation of imperfections. Light cream-gel EFFACLAR DUO(+) moisturizes the skin for 24 hours and provides a long-lasting mattifying effect. By adding two new active ingredients - Aqua Posae Filiformis and Mannose - the product restores the skin microbiome, which helps reduce the incidence of inflammation. Efaklar DUO(+) contains Prokerad, which prevents the appearance of residual marks from imperfections (post-acne) in the form of red and dark spots. Is an excellent base for makeup.

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Best Remedies for Acne Spots

The fourth category is effective remedies for acne spots on the face. Their main task is to accelerate the processes of regeneration and cellular renewal. The active components are aimed at healing, resorption of scars, increasing turgor, as well as eliminating pigmentation and spots. 4 nominees have proven their effectiveness.

Heparin ointment

A domestically produced ointment that inhibits the activity of bacteria. It normalizes the production of skin secretions and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Additionally reduces puffiness and evens out facial tone.

The active component is sodium heparin, it improves blood microcirculation, promotes the resorption of hematomas and blood clots. Benzyl nicotinate increases blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, and provides heparin with better penetration. Benzocaine is an anesthetic and reduces pain.

The formula also includes the humectant glycerin and petroleum jelly, which forms a protective film against bacteria. Stearic acid makes the dermis silky. Peach oil nourishes and maintains hydrobalance. Packaging – aluminum tube 25 g.


  • Anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Reducing puffiness and evening out facial tone;
  • Resolves hematomas and blood clots;
  • Effective;
  • Moisturizing and protecting against bacteria;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Allergy to some components;
  • Not for long term use.

The product is used 2-3 times a day until inflammation disappears (3-8 days). To make the result more effective, it is better to avoid makeup at the time of treatment, and also take a break from using thick creams and medications.


A domestically produced ointment with an antibacterial effect and a beneficial effect on the immune system. Restores and regenerates the skin. Successfully fights subcutaneous mites and various pathogens.

It is based on the anabolic methyluracil, which promotes the healing of damaged skin areas and stimulates the formation of leukocytes. An auxiliary component is lanolin, which has a rich composition similar to human lard. It softens and nourishes the dermis. Vaseline improves the permeability of substances.

The ointment is safe because it does not enter the body through healthy tissue. At the same time, it helps to accelerate metabolic processes, neutralizes scars. Available in an aluminum tube weighing 25 g. The texture is white and greasy.


  • Acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • Antiseptic properties;
  • Strengthening local immunity;
  • Elimination of scars;
  • Safety;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Difficult to absorb;
  • Prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Before application, cleaning with an antiseptic is necessary. Frequency of application: 2 times daily with a thin layer applied to spots. The duration depends on the amount of inflammation, but no more than 7-8 days. In advanced cases – 15 days.

Clearwin Ayurvedic lotion

A universal cosmetic product from a Russian manufacturer is suitable for combating acne and post-acne. Regular use ensures gentle and thorough cleansing. The lotion is completely hypoallergenic.

Containing turmeric, it brightens the epidermis, relieves irritation, eliminates acne, and smoothes wrinkles. Neem has strong antiseptic properties and is a natural preservative. Licorice relieves irritation, swelling and inflammation. Magnolia prevents the development of pathogenic flora.

Aloe Barbados moisturizes, nourishes and promotes tissue healing. The product is packaged in a 100 ml plastic bottle with a convenient dispenser. The lotion is transparent, the smell is cosmetic, pleasant. Does not leave a greasy film or stickiness.


  • Natural composition;
  • Gentle, thorough cleansing;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Antiseptic effect;
  • Lightening spots, scars;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Small volume;
  • Dries the skin.

The rash areas should be treated locally with a cotton sponge moistened with lotion. After 30-40 minutes, the residues are washed off with running water or left overnight to increase the effectiveness of the procedures.


A disinfectant that destroys the causative agent of infection, and as a result, acne. It is active against papules, pustules and large, dense nodes. Permitted for use from 12 years of age. Country of origin: Croatia.

The active ingredient is the antibiotic clindamycin hydrochloride, which effectively suppresses acne. It accumulates in the pores and begins to act from the inside. Ethyl alcohol acts as an antiseptic. Propylene glycol is included to moisturize the epidermis and is an absorption enhancer.

"Zerkalin" is suitable for people with reduced immunity. A colorless, transparent liquid with an alcohol odor, packaged in 30 ml dark glass bottles with a dropper and a screw cap.


  • Antibiotic included;
  • Destruction of infectious agents;
  • Performance;
  • Antiseptic properties;
  • Convenient application;
  • Economical consumption.


  • Contraindications;
  • Smell of alcohol.

It is not recommended to use the drug simultaneously with other drugs of a similar profile. Spot application to pre-cleaned areas 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-8 weeks, in advanced cases up to six months.

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