A program for the combined use of biorevitalization and peeling based on retinol for the correction of involutional changes in the skin

The modern cosmetology field has a whole range of methods for eliminating various aesthetic imperfections. Among the most popular procedures that can significantly improve the condition of the skin and achieve a lasting rejuvenation effect are peeling and biorevitalization. Next, we’ll figure out how they work, and whether it’s possible to do this type of facial treatment together.

Biorevitalization protocol

Biorevitalization is carried out once every 14 days, the drug is HYALUFORM HYDRO BOOSTER, the number of procedures is 3.

Before starting the procedure, we perform topical anesthesia with local anesthetic J-PRO. Exposure time is 25 minutes. Then we treat the skin with an antiseptic (0.5% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate). After this, we proceed to biorevitalization, the drug HYALUFORM HYDRO BOOSTER.

The injection technique is “papules”. The needle is inserted intradermally, at a minimal angle to the skin surface, to the length of the needle cut, with the cut facing upward.

Diameter of papules: paraorbital area - 1 mm; oval face, neck - 2 mm; décolleté area – up to 3 mm. The distance between papules in the periorbital area is 2 mm; oval face, neck - 1 cm; neckline 1-1.5 cm. It must be remembered that the size of the papules increases by an average of 30% of the original size within 1 hour after administration of the drug.

The drug is administered evenly from the center to the periphery in the periorbital region, along wrinkles, along the contour of the face, in the cheekbones, along the nasolabial folds, along longitudinal and transverse wrinkles of the forehead. In the décolleté area, the drug is administered along V-shaped lines diverging from the middle of the sternum to the collarbones. On the neck, the drug is injected along the horizontal lines of the folds.

The time for contouring papules is on average 48 hours. The more dehydrated and damaged the skin, the longer it will take for the papules to contour. 10 days after the last biorevitalization, we perform retinoic peeling using the drug BLOCK AGE PEEL CREAM. In my work, I usually prefer this particular peeling because of its high efficiency and creamy structure, which allows the composition to be evenly distributed on the face and neck.


Biorevitalization (BRV) is a basic aesthetic medicine procedure that can significantly improve the condition of the skin, moisturize it, and achieve visual rejuvenation for 5–15 years. This manipulation accounts for about 30% of the total number of cosmetic interventions. The high effectiveness of biorevitalizing products is due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in their composition - a powerful regenerative factor that affects the biochemical composition of the skin. Preparations based on HA are recognized as the most effective way to combat age-related changes.

What is the biorevitalization procedure?

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is performed using the transdermal or injection method. In the first case, the skin is treated with creams containing this drug. This method is not as effective as injections. In addition, it requires daily treatment for several months, which is not always convenient for the patient. The use of local forms of GC is justified if there are contraindications to injections or a pathological fear of them.

There is a laser method for biorevitalization of facial skin. In this case, a restorative gel is applied to the skin, which is carried into the tissue using laser radiation. This method does not create pain, but does not allow the product to be delivered to the desired depth. At least 3-4 procedures are required, which entails additional costs for the patient.

The essence of biorevitalization is to activate the reparative and regenerative mechanisms of the skin. The long molecular chains of the drug promote the formation of the skin framework, suppress the activity of macrophages and fibroblasts, and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Short chains enhance cell migration and proliferation. In addition, they trigger a chain reaction, during which the formation of its own hyaluronic acid increases. Oligosaccharides included in the molecules promote the proliferation of stem cells, have an immunomodulatory effect, and help restore the capillary network.

Biorevitalization of facial skin leads to the fact that the tissues begin to function as they did in youth. They actively produce type 3 and 7 collagen, heal minor injuries, and restore the ratio of liquid to solid structures. It is important that the running processes continue to work even when the initially administered drug is absorbed and excreted from the body. Thanks to this feature, the clinical effect lasts 3–6 months. Next, a repeat maintenance procedure is required.

What effects can be achieved with biorevitalization?

The effect of the revitalizing drug begins almost immediately after administration. However, it becomes noticeable after 2-3 days, when the swelling caused by the injections has completely subsided. In the absence of reactive phenomena (swelling or hyperemia), the first positive transformations are visible within 12–24 hours from the moment of the procedure. Over time, the condition of the skin continues to improve. Final changes are achieved after a few months.

If you have deep wrinkles, dryness and sagging skin, one session may not be enough to achieve the desired result. Requires 2-5 visits to a beauty salon at two-week intervals. The list of effects of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid includes:

  1. Hydration . HA promotes fluid retention, which helps increase skin moisture. Due to this, the skin becomes more delicate, pleasant to the touch, does not peel or crack.
  2. Lifting . Biorevitalization of facial skin increases the tone of the dermis, and proteins responsible for its elasticity are produced. Visible sagging disappears, the skin takes its normal anatomical position, looks fresher and more toned.
  3. Slowing down aging . Many age-related changes are caused by free radicals—oxygen atoms with one missing electron that can damage the cell wall. HA has an antioxidant effect, binds and neutralizes such formations.
  4. Improved skin color and texture . Due to the normalization of blood circulation and humidity levels, the integument acquires a normal physiological color.
  5. Recovery . The injection allows for rapid healing of microtraumas and sunburns. This makes the procedure indispensable for people returning from vacation in hot regions.

You need to understand that drugs that improve skin condition act only in the area in which they were introduced. There is no systemic influence. Therefore, biorevitalization of facial skin does not lead to rejuvenation of other areas of the body, as some people mistakenly believe.

How is it different from mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization techniques are generally similar to each other. The main difference is that with mesotherapy a cocktail of active ingredients is injected under the skin. The composition of the mixture may vary depending on your goals. The choice of one or another combination is made by a cosmetologist. BRB involves using only hyaluronic acid-based products. This approach allows you to avoid some complications, including those associated with individual intolerance to certain medications and allergic reactions.

MT is used both as a cosmetic and therapeutic method. For skin diseases, drugs can be injected directly into the pathology site in small doses. BRV is used for aesthetic purposes only. Medicinal cocktails for mesotherapy are usually liquid. Biorevitalization of the face and other areas is carried out with gel-like preparations, which are distributed more evenly in the skin and remain in it longer.

Indications and contraindications

Like any other procedure involving the introduction of medications under the skin, biorevitalization has a number of indications and contraindications.

The procedure is prescribed in the following cases:

  • photo- and chronoaging of the skin;
  • dry skin, regardless of cause;
  • presence of scars, age spots;
  • preparation for plastic surgery and recovery period after it;
  • correction of deficiencies associated with insufficient volume of subcutaneous tissue;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is not recommended for the following diseases and conditions:

  • acute infectious and somatic diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • active herpes;
  • uncontrolled hypertension;
  • cancer, especially in the injection area;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • moles and papillomas at the site of intended injections;
  • lactation and pregnancy.

Preparation for biorevitalization

Despite the minimal invasiveness, the procedure requires some preparation. This is especially important if the face is subjected to biorevitalization. A few days before your visit to the clinic, you must stop drinking alcohol. With the permission of the attending physician, it is permissible to stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting. Otherwise, there is a possibility of hematomas (bruises) forming at the injection sites. This will lead to certain aesthetic inconveniences and reduce the effectiveness of the revitalizing agent.

According to a number of experts, you should not be exposed to intense ultraviolet radiation immediately before BRV. Between returning from vacation and visiting a cosmetologist, 7–14 days should pass. It is better if at this time a person follows a diet and refuses excessively fatty, spicy and salty foods. All this contributes to the formation of edema, which can complicate biorevitalization.

Injection technique

Injections of restorative agents are carried out in a cosmetic center. They are performed by a specialist who has completed the necessary training courses. The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. Inspection and planning . At the first contact with the visitor, the center employee finds out which parts of the body he wants to undergo correction. Most often, biorevitalization is performed on the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. After this, an inspection of the area of ​​the proposed intervention is carried out. Together with the client, the doctor develops a plan for the procedure and explains to the client how the manipulation will take place.
  2. Anesthesia . The application method of pain relief is used. A patch soaked in an anesthetic is applied to the skin or treated with a freezing gel. The time to achieve the effect varies from 10 to 20 minutes. Biorevitalization of facial skin is not accompanied by severe pain, therefore, at the client’s request, it can be carried out without anesthesia.
  3. Antiseptic treatment . The surface of the body in the area of ​​the intended punctures is treated with antiseptic agents. This makes the procedure safe and prevents infectious complications.
  4. Biorevitalization . A cosmetologist infiltrates the skin with a restorative preparation. Punctures are made using a thin needle that leaves no visible marks. The needling technique can be papular, point or linear. Its choice depends on the goals set and the size of the area being treated.
  5. Completing the procedure . After administration of the product, repeated antimicrobial treatment of the skin is carried out, followed by application of a soothing cream. It allows you to reduce swelling and hyperemia, which occurs immediately after injections and lasts 1-2 days.

To achieve optimal effect, it is not recommended to visit baths and saunas or drink alcohol for two weeks after injection. In addition, prolonged exposure to the open sun and other sources of ultraviolet radiation is contraindicated. It is necessary to take measures to normalize night sleep, if possible, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked or completely abandon them. If these conditions are violated, the visible effect of therapy can be reduced by 20–40%. The influence of these factors is especially noticeable if the face has been subjected to biorevitalization.

Types of drugs

BR can be produced using several drugs that differ in molecular size, degree of purification and concentration. Each of them has its own characteristics. The most common rejuvenation products are:

1. Hyaluronic acid . It is the basis for creating revitalizing gels. Produced by bacterial synthesis. Streptococcus equi strains that have not been subjected to genetic modification are used as producers. Next, the product goes through several stages of cleaning, during which all foreign matter is removed from it. This ensures the safety of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid.

It exists in the form of high molecular weight, medium molecular weight and low molecular weight substances. Medium and low molecular weight preparations make it possible to quickly moisturize the skin, but do not have a significant effect on its structure and weakly stimulate cellular activity. Used primarily for recovery after long-term exposure to the sun.

High molecular weight formulations attract enough moisture to maintain a moisturizing effect comparable to that described above. In addition, they act on the skin matrix, restoring and maintaining it. Allows you to achieve prolonged biorevitalization of the face, décolleté, neck and other areas of the body.

2. Ial system . One of the most common drugs based on unstabilized and unmodified HA. It is manufactured by the international concern Fidia Farmaceutici SpA in two forms - Ial system and Ial system ACP. The first type of product is distributed in branded syringes with a volume of 1.1 ml. The consistency is a viscous gel. The concentration of the active component is 18 mg/ml. It is injected to a depth of 2–3 mm into the papillary layer of the skin. Has a short action. The clinical effect lasts for an average of 2–3 months. Suitable for restoring skin after damaging effects and protecting it during trips to hot countries.

Biorevitalization Ial system ACP is used to achieve a prolonged effect. The product is produced using hyaluronic acid ester obtained by biofermentation. The concentration of the active component is 20 mg/ml. The drug has a slow onset of action. The synthesis of own HA begins only from the 10th–14th day. Moreover, the achieved results last for 4–6 months. The duration of the morphological effect reaches 18 months. The effectiveness depends on the level of hydration of the dermis.

The most common is the combined use of both products for facial biorevitalization. At the initial stage, a short-acting Ial system is introduced, which works well in conditions of hypohydration. After the skin moisture increases, Ial system ACP is injected, which could not be used at the initial stage due to insufficient water content in the tissues. The interval between procedures is two weeks.

3. Viscoderm. The product is produced in two forms - Viscoderm skinko and Viscoderm skinko E. The concentration of hyaluronic acid in the first of them is 2 mg, in the second - 32 mg. In addition, the composition includes vitamins, amino acids and other components that help maintain healthy skin. Both drugs are gels for subcutaneous and intradermal administration.

Biorevitalization with the drug "Viscaderm Skinko" is carried out during initial age-related changes. It is also used in the treatment of seborrhea, to get rid of “smoker’s skin” and increase its tone. "Skinko E" is necessary to achieve a prolonged effect and long-term stimulation of the body's own regenerative systems. Recommended for use when working with patients over 35 years of age.

Intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid is a modern, low-traumatic way to improve skin health. It is comparable in effectiveness to a surgical facelift. At the same time, biorevitalization is practically not accompanied by risk and does not lead to the development of life-threatening complications. The cost of tt is significantly lower than that of surgical rejuvenation techniques. 95% of people who have used this procedure are satisfied with the results of BRV.

Peeling protocol

  1. Cleanse your facial skin with CLEANSER MOUSSE. This is an excellent cleanser for any skin type. The proteolytic enzymes included in its composition have a keratolytic and antibacterial effect, help remove sebum and the stratum corneum from the surface of the skin and thereby facilitate the penetration of the peeling composition into the dermis. 20 seconds after application, rinse off the product with water using light massage movements. Dry the skin.
  2. We degrease the skin with 96% ethyl alcohol.
  3. Apply BLOCK AGE PEEL CREAM retinoic peeling evenly and thoroughly onto the skin of the face, including the eyelids and neck. Rub the peeling composition into the skin for 10 minutes and leave for 8 hours. (The exposure time of the peeling composition varies from 6 to 10 hours: the rougher and less sensitive the skin, the more pronounced hyperkeratosis and signs of aging, the longer the exposure time.) It is necessary to warn the patient that during exposure to the peeling composition, a slight tingling may be subjectively observed, and objectively - slight pastiness/swelling of the skin, increasing pronounced erythema.
  4. After 8 hours, wash off the peeling composition with soap and water (the patient can do this independently) and apply VEGEFARMA CREAM MCP post-peeling cream to the skin. This cream contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (linolenic, oleic, palmitoleic), as well as a set of amino acids (arginine, lysine, glycine, proline). VEGEFARMA CREAM MCP post-peeling cream restores the hydrolipidic barrier.
  5. For 15 days, apply MEDISCREEN SPF 85 MedicControlPeel sunscreen in the morning. As a result of the procedures performed, a decrease in periorbital and perioral wrinkles and a decrease in the severity of age spots are noted. Subjectively, the patient notes skin tightening, general hydration and rejuvenation.

The process of biorevitalization of the skin with hyaluronic acid preparations is a fundamental stage in the fight against chronoaging of the skin, and the combination of this procedure with peeling makes it possible to obtain maximum rejuvenating results in a minimum number of procedures.

Is it possible to do peeling after biorevitalization or vice versa?

Deep cleansing of the skin with exfoliation of dead cells provides several effects - depending on the method and preparation used. In particular, peeling is carried out for therapeutic purposes for dermatological problems such as rosacea, acne, acne and excess secretion of the sebaceous glands, which are often observed during puberty. Thus, some versions of the procedure can be performed even before the age of 18. If we talk about hyaluronic acid injections, they are done for the purpose of rejuvenation and prevention of age-related changes in the skin, so the procedure is not indicated for persons under 30-35 years old unless there is a special need.

Since both methods have a rather traumatic effect on the skin and require a certain rehabilitation period, cosmetologists categorically do not recommend biorevitalization of the face after peeling or vice versa.

If you are offered to combine these procedures as part of one-time skin care, this is a sign of low qualifications of the specialist and a reason to contact another clinic.

Benefits of injection procedures

Injection techniques make it possible to achieve a pronounced rejuvenation effect in a fairly short period of time, but they cannot cover all parts of the pathogenesis in one procedure.

The task of mesotherapy and biorevitalization is to deliver into the skin the substances that are needed for the formation of new elements. If the skin's resources are depleted, it is useless to treat it with the same laser or do thermal lifting. Today, cases of non-depleted skin are very rare even among young girls. Diets, disruption of the daily routine, refusal to take vitamins and microelements - all this impairs the supply of building material to the skin for new cells. In addition, photoaging due to too much enthusiasm for solariums or prolonged exposure to the sun can be noted even in fairly young girls - this includes thinning of the skin, its dryness, and the appearance of a network of fine wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid injections help replenish the skin with new moisture. Since synthesized hyaluronic acid introduced into the skin attracts millions of water molecules.

Another goal of injection techniques is volume correction. With the help of dense hyaluronic acid fillers, you can change the shape of the lips, change the proportions of the face (add volume to the cheekbones or chin).

Benefits of biorevitalization

  • Firstly, the quality of the skin, especially mature skin, noticeably improves, this is visible and felt almost immediately: the skin seems to fit more tightly, a pleasant feeling. And after another two weeks, it becomes noticeably more elastic and full, acquiring a healthy, radiant appearance.
  • Secondly, biorevitalization not only provides a positive cosmetic effect (of course, in the absence of allergies to drugs and contraindications), but also rehabilitates tired skin and prevents aging at the cellular level.
  • Thirdly, the cost of the procedures, although not cheap, is affordable for many. New generations of drugs are emerging that are inexpensive and effective.

Does this mean that there are no negative consequences after biorevitalization? No, because this is still a medical intervention. But negative consequences most often arise due to our own neglect of safety rules and/or the recommendations of a cosmetologist. These rules are not so complicated, they are not difficult to follow.

Results of combined application of techniques

By alternating biorevitalization and peelings in the shortest possible time (compared to monotherapy), you can achieve:

  • Eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • Increasing skin density, smoothness and elasticity;
  • Elimination of wrinkles and age spots;
  • Improves facial skin color and tone.

These results are achieved by removing dead epidermal cells, improving cellular respiration, creating a favorable environment for fibroblasts and stimulating them to produce new collagen fibers.

Advantages of hardware procedures

Thus, thanks to hardware effects, it is possible to stimulate the natural reserves of the skin. Laser, photo or RF exposure improves the functioning of fibroblasts - the main skin cells that synthesize collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid molecules. As a result, the skin becomes denser, more elastic, and tightened. Hardware techniques help achieve a lifting effect, smooth out fine wrinkles and make deeper ones less noticeable, remove age spots and spider veins.

As a rule, hardware procedures have a cumulative effect. Simply put, immediately after the procedure you will already be able to see the first effect of rejuvenation. But it will reach its maximum gradually. In a few weeks, your face will be completely transformed.

Gutsenko Liliya Anatolevna


What is the difference between biorevitalization and contour plastic surgery?

Hyaluronic acid is included in many “beauty injections”. In addition to biorevitalization, such products are used during contouring and mesotherapy. These procedures have a number of significant differences.

The method of performing contour plastic surgery has much in common with the method of performing biorevitalization. Both of these procedures are injections and are performed in an office setting with preliminary anesthesia.

The main difference between these manipulations is the drugs used, which allows you to achieve different results. For contour plastic surgery, dense fillers with a gel-like structure are used. Their task is to fill voids and gaps under the skin to form a new contour. Biorevitalization is carried out with more liquid preparations that nourish all layers of the dermis and affect internal processes.

Mesotherapy also requires the use of injections, but the indications for this procedure are different. If biorevitalization allows you to restore the skin and improve its hydration process, then mesotherapy is necessary to enrich the skin with vitamins, for example, vitamin C to whiten the skin and stimulate the functioning of its cells.

Indications for biorevitalization are excessive dry skin, the appearance of wrinkles and photoaging. But this procedure can also be used to prevent the development of the problems described above.

Before going to the sea and after returning, you should do 1-2 procedures. The skin will be prepared for exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and it will not be afraid of the negative effects of photoaging.

Features of preparation and conduct

“Beauty injections” with hyaluronic acid are usually recommended for women over 35 years of age. But biorevitalization can also be useful for girls who want to restore their skin after winter. The active substances of the drugs not only fight aging, they stimulate the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid, but also help normalize hydration processes in the dermis.

Contraindications to the procedure are infectious and chronic diseases that have entered the acute phase, as well as violation of the integrity of the skin in the intended area of ​​influence.

Doctors do not advise women who are preparing to become mothers or are breastfeeding to perform biorevitalization. Such limitations are due to the fact that today there is no data on how hyaluronic acid behaves in the body of a woman with altered hormonal levels. In other cases, biorevitalization can be carried out after a short preparatory period.

Approximately two to three days before the procedure, you must stop taking blood thinning medications and do not drink alcohol. You should also not visit a solarium before the procedure.

Biorevitalization is carried out by a cosmetologist with appropriate education in an office setting. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • skin cleansing. The affected area should be as clean as possible from dirt, cosmetics and makeup. If this stage is not given due attention, then unforeseen complications may arise in the form of inflammatory processes;
  • anesthesia. As mentioned above, injections are carried out using numbing creams. These products are applied to the skin, left for a certain time, and then removed. As a result, the procedure becomes completely painless;
  • administration of the drug. The doctor injects the drug precisely into areas that need restoration;
  • recovery. After injections, procedures are carried out to reduce swelling and redness.

Although biorevitalization is slightly traumatic, the skin still needs to be restored after it. This process lasts about a day, so immediately after the procedure you should not use aggressive cosmetics or apply makeup.

It is necessary to avoid visiting the sauna, solarium and swimming pool.

There are dietary restrictions: you cannot eat spicy, fatty, salty foods or alcohol.

The doctor will definitely give more precise recommendations after the procedure.


Despite the numerous advantages of the procedure, there are also contraindications for ultrasonic skin cleansing. This cleaning method is not suitable for people with high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, or women in the second half of pregnancy. Also, this procedure is not performed for vitiligo, inflammatory skin diseases, gold and platinum reinforcement, and in the presence of benign formations on the skin.

  • pustular skin diseases (boils)
  • eczema
  • herpes
  • severe form of hypertension
  • bronchial asthma
  • epilepsy

Ultrasonic skin cleansing is carried out in two versions - simple and complex. The choice of type of cleaning is determined during the patient’s consultation with the doctor prior to the procedure. The procedure options are briefly described below.

What's better

These two cosmetic procedures cannot be compared with each other, since they are completely different. Peeling affects the superficial layers of the skin, while the second one is aimed at working with the deeper dermal layers. It is better to complement one method with another, which will allow you to get a more pronounced result.

The need for a complex procedure, as well as their sequence, is determined. It cannot be argued that peeling is better than biorevitalization or, vice versa, since both manipulations are completely different from each other.

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