Dysport, 1 piece, 3 ml, 300 units, lyophilisate for solution for injection

Dysport is a drug based on botulinum toxin A (Clostridium botulinum A). When injected, it locally reduces muscle mobility, causing them to relax. Manufactured by the British company Ipsen Products, certified in Russia for use in cosmetology and the treatment of spastic conditions of peripheral muscle groups.

Dysport injections are called beauty injections, as they are used to eliminate facial wrinkles - the muscle relaxant eliminates the cause of the appearance of wrinkles on the skin; over time, a habit is formed of not using this muscle group, which serves to prevent the formation of new wrinkles. Injections are also used to treat hyperhidrosis - botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of commands from the nervous system to the sweat glands, as a result of which sweating becomes less intense.

Principle of action and description of the drug

The active component of Dysport is a protein group toxin, a waste product of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This is a potent organic poison that leads to local paralysis due to its effect on the nervous system. The toxin destroys the fibers through which signals are transmitted from the brain centers to the muscles.

After the injections, the muscles in problem areas stop compressing the skin. The relief formed due to active facial expressions is restored, the skin becomes smooth.

Local intramuscular injections in microdoses have a reversible effect - nerve structures are gradually restored, muscle activity returns. The effect of Dysport injections during initial use lasts up to six months; with repeated use, the effect lasts up to nine months.

Dysport is available in powder form for injection. Dosage of botulinum toxin type A - hemagglutinin 300 and 500 units. After dilution, the concentration of the toxin in both cases is 200 units per 1 milliliter. Additional substances in the composition are human albumin (helps restore tissue structure and improve their nutrition) and lactose to obtain a solution.

The drug is stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C; after opening the bottle, Dysport is suitable for use for 8 hours. The product is not sold in pharmacy chains; it is distributed only to medical institutions.


Along with the main active ingredient, botulinum toxin, Dysport contains human albumin (125 mcg) and lactose (2.5 mg). Like its analogues, the drug blocks the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, disrupting the connection between the nerve fiber and the muscle. This leads to the relief of muscle spasm and relaxation of the muscle. At the same time, the skin over the relaxed muscle is smoothed out - wrinkles and folds disappear.

Dysport is well distributed in tissues, so the effect occurs faster than when using analogues and affects a larger area.

The effect of Dysport is completely reversible - when using a standard dose, it lasts for 4-6 months, and then gradually fades away as the nerve fibers are restored.

Like other muscle relaxants, in cosmetology Dysport is used primarily for the correction of facial wrinkles in the upper third of the face and the treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The drug can also be used to relax the lips and correct platysma bands.

Restrictions and contraindications

Before Dysport injections, you must consult with a specialist who will give an opinion on the use of the drug and conduct tests to identify existing diseases and pathologies of the body.
This is necessary in order to make a decision about using the drug. Relative contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute diseases.
  • Skin lesions in the area of ​​drug administration.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  • Some cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Autoimmune neuromuscular diseases.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Swallowing dysfunction.
  • Some endocrine diseases.

Botulinum toxin injections are most effective for facial wrinkles. After 35 years, age-related changes in the structure of the skin begin, the intensity of collagen production decreases, tissue microcirculation worsens, and regenerative processes slow down. To combat natural changes, it is recommended to combine Dysport with anti-aging drugs.


Dysport is a less concentrated muscle relaxant than Botox. On the one hand, this leads to a lower unit cost of the product. On the other hand, it determines the dose sizes required to achieve the effect. When compared with Botox or Botulax and Relatox, Dysport requires approximately three times more. As a result, the final cost of the procedure is the same as when using other drugs based on botulinum toxin.

How does the procedure work?

Injections do not cause intense pain in most patients; anesthesia is not used for injections.

  • The cosmetologist marks out places for the injection of Dysport and disinfects the skin.
  • The drug is administered with a thin needle in a calculated dosage.
  • A cold compress is applied to the injection area.
  • After removing the compress, the patient is allowed to go home.

The first effect becomes noticeable within three days. The pronounced result is visible within one and a half to two weeks from the moment of the procedure.

Contraindications - who is not suitable for the procedure?

You will have to avoid Dysport injections:

  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • Having bleeding disorders;
  • Suffering from autoimmune diseases or cancer;
  • In case of individual intolerance to the ingredients included in the product.

Approximately 1% of people are immune to botulinum toxin. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict in advance whether there will be a result. However, if in the past you have injected any drug based on botulinum toxin, and they did not work on you, then we can assume that this method of preserving youth is not suitable for you.

Possible side effects

In the first 1-2 days after injections, the following may occur:

  • Slight swelling, redness, small hematomas around the needle wound.
  • Feeling of lethargy, muscle weakness in the treated area.
  • Weakness, dizziness, headache.

These symptoms are a reaction to the drug, go away on their own, and do not require seeking help.

If, after using Dysport, severe muscle weakness in the body, allergic reactions, or other symptoms are observed, you should consult a doctor.

Indications for use

Treatment of hyperkinetic folds (expression wrinkles) of the face:

  • wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and on the cheekbones
  • creases and wrinkles on the forehead
  • wrinkles and folds in the nasolabial triangle area
  • wrinkles at the corners of the lips
  • wrinkles, folds in the décolleté area
  • folds between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose
  • hyperhidrosis of the palms, armpits, feet
  • hyperhidrosis in the inguinal folds and under the breasts (women)

Preparation and rehabilitation

Injections require little preparation:

  • You should not drink alcohol the day before.
  • On the day of the procedure, you must limit your mobility, do not make sudden movements, or bend over.

After injections:

  • Do not take a horizontal position for several hours.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes.
  • Don't exercise for a few days.
  • Avoid stress on the heart.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for two weeks.

What is the difference between Botox and Dysport?

The difference between Botox and Dysport, in addition to different manufacturing companies, is storage conditions and the number of active units in the bottle. In terms of tolerability, effectiveness, duration of action and the presence of side effects, there are no differences between them. The ratio of Botox and Dysport activity units is constantly rewinding. The ratio currently accepted for calculation is 1:3.5. That is, for example, 10 units of Botox correspond in activity to 35 units of Dysport. This is the reason for the difference in the cost of 1 unit of the drug. In the case of Dysport, it will be 3.5-4 times cheaper than Botox. But the total cost of the procedures will be approximately the same.

At the Academy VIP clinic in Nizhny Novgorod, procedures with Dysport are performed by cosmetologists of the highest category with more than 15 years of experience. In a multidisciplinary medical center, the patient can undergo a comprehensive examination to identify contraindications and receive recommendations on additional ways to improve skin texture.

  • We work only with certified original Dysport. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure depends on this.
  • The clinic complies with the storage conditions for the drug. If the temperature regime is not observed, use of Dysport is prohibited. We strictly comply with the manufacturer's requirements.
  • We do not use an opened bottle for longer than the permissible period. The health of patients is our priority. We do everything to minimize the likelihood of complications.
  • The clinic has all the conditions to provide assistance in case of an allergic reaction or other side effect.

You can make an appointment for a preliminary consultation with a VIP Academy cosmetologist by calling +7 (831) 200-47-38.

Recommendations before Dysport injections

Our main recommendation is to carry out manipulations in a specialized clinic. A reliable clinic is a guarantee of safety and effect. This strict rule applies to all serious cosmetic procedures, especially those involving injections. During your consultation, a specialist will examine your skin and tell you about the procedure. His task is to tell you in as much detail as possible about the nuances of Dysport and how long it takes to see the effect. Reviews from our patients and everyone who has tried the miraculous injections speak of a variety of positive changes. After injections:

  • skin condition improves, fine wrinkles disappear;
  • large ones are noticeably smoothed out;
  • you look younger and fresher;
  • skin turgor is strengthened,
  • facial contours are noticeably tightened;
  • the smile changes.

All this once again proves that the effect extends not only to the injection area, but also affects neighboring muscles, since Dysport blocks nerve impulses. Injections in the eye area require special care from a specialist. Dysport allows you to preserve the elasticity of the upper eyelid, but in this case the qualifications and professionalism of the cosmetologist are of great importance, since this area requires increased attention. A cosmetologist who has experience in competently carrying out the procedure and understands the nuances will accurately determine the injection site, measure the amount of the injected drug and the number of injections. A few injections are enough to introduce the toxin. The manipulations will take a few minutes to completely relax the muscle processes.

About the advantages

Photos after Dysport injections demonstrate all the visual anti-aging effects. But I would like to separately mention the unobvious advantages of the drug.

  • noticeable effect: appears quickly, lasts a long time;
  • using the drug in compliance with all the rules of the procedure, strictly according to the instructions, guarantees safety and the absence of negative effects on health;
  • almost painless (can be numbed), the needle is thin;
  • price;
  • There is no feeling of a hardened mask on the face, you can express emotions through facial expressions.

But you should not abuse the latter advantage in order to prolong the effect of Dysport injections. We recommend saving a photo of the packaging of the composition so that you can show it to a specialist before a repeat series of sessions, in case you do injections in another clinic.

We want to maintain skin tone for as long as possible. This is facilitated by both basic procedures and care, as well as maintaining the effect after Dysport injections. Don't forget to cleanse your skin, remove oil and dust that covers your face during the day, and remove makeup. Try to moisturize it regularly, do massages and masks. By the way, “Dysport” can be combined with other procedures, then the result will please you much longer. For example, you can inject fillers and do biorevitalization. But not earlier than in 2 weeks.

There is no effect from the administration of Dysport.


  • resistance to botulinum toxin type A. This group includes patients with a history of tetanus or other cross-diseases, as well as genetic insensitivity to this group of drugs. Further actions: increase the dose. If the effect is not achieved, then use other correction methods.
  • antibiotic therapy during the botulinum therapy procedure. Further actions: repeat the procedure two weeks after antibiotic therapy.
  • Resistance due to frequent injections or small doses You should not inject Dysport more than once every 4-6 months. When small doses are administered, a vaccination effect and “addiction” to the drug occurs. Further actions: you can do the procedure 6 months later, at least after complete restoration of facial activity.

At what age can you do Dysport?

Like any cosmetic invasive procedure, botulinum therapy is permitted from the age of 18. The upper limit for the age of injection use has not been established. In principle, the procedure will have a noticeable effect at any time.

However, cosmetologists call the most optimal age to start using Dysport 25-30 years. It is at this time that the first minor facial changes appear, by controlling which you can slow down the aging process and delay its manifestation in subsequent years.

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