The benefits and harms of boric soap, as well as its use

Boric soap is a cosmetic product that is now particularly popular. With its help you can get rid of blackheads and pimples on different parts of the body. With regular use, facial skin acquires a healthy and beautiful appearance. Boric soap is an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics.

Of course, any soap contains alkaline components, which often have a negative effect on the skin. This causes particular inconvenience and discomfort to people with sensitive and problematic skin. But the company was able to solve this problem.

Description and properties of soap

Boric soap is a special substance that contains a little boric acid and mink oil, as well as glycerin. It perfectly cleanses the face and body, but has a special effect on problem skin. The properties of the soap are aimed at eliminating pimples, blackheads and blackheads.

But, in addition to this, thanks to it you can also get rid of fungus, prickly heat and thrush. After the first use, itching on the skin begins to subside and inflammation decreases. It has a good effect on mosquito bites and healing of cracks. But there is one contraindication: children and pregnant women should not use this soap constantly.

Boric facial soap has many properties, all thanks to its unique composition. If the composition contains unnecessary ingredients, then it will already be of low quality, and, therefore, the beneficial properties will decrease. After all, each of the three components has its own unique effect and it was not in vain that they were combined together. Mink oil quickly nourishes the skin and forms a protective film on it. At the same time, boric acid absorbs fungi and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

I would like to highlight that the soap does not contain chemicals, dyes, various fragrances and substances that would somehow reduce its properties.

Briefly about the product

Boric soap is a medical hygiene product that is used to more thoroughly cleanse the skin and combat skin diseases. It includes:

  • Natural mink oil.
  • Cosmetic glycerin.
  • Boric acid.

Mink oil and glycerin provide good foaming, effective removal of dirt particles from the soaped surface, moisturizing the skin, protecting it from drying out and peeling.

Boric acid – disinfects , destroying pathogenic microorganisms, and soothes irritation on damaged skin.

The presence of other components in the soap - flavors, dyes - indicates low quality.

Due to the danger of boron for pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants, soap that contains it has been prohibited for use in obstetrics and pediatrics since 1987.

Indications for use

This unique product is used in the following cases:

If you have hard water, soap can soften it;

  • has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, therefore it is used for insect bites and acne;
  • good for use during influenza epidemics;
  • cleanses the skin of acne;
  • used for fungal diseases;
  • suitable for oily skin, eliminates shine;
  • mink oil gives the face elasticity and softness, small cracks disappear, and the skin is saturated with vitamins;
  • After washing there is no feeling of dirty or unwashed skin. The face becomes silky and looks fresh.

Do not forget that if you have healthy facial skin, you should use the product no more than once a day, preferably in the evening. In this case, it cleanses the skin of dead scales, evens out the complexion and dries the skin. You can also wash your hands with soap, but remember that in the evening be sure to lubricate them with nourishing cream.

For oily skin

The use of soap for acne or other skin imperfections can be done twice a day. You should also wash your face with it morning and evening if you have oily skin. You will get an excellent result if you wash your face with soap foam. In this case, it is enough to pay more attention to those parts where there is shine.

For furunculosis and acne

Boric soap perfectly dries the skin and at the same time relieves inflammation, so it can be used for any manifestations on the face that are accompanied by an inflammatory process. When you first use it, you may notice how the rashes begin to increase, but do not worry, because soon they will begin to decrease and then disappear altogether. It is recommended to use the cleanser during puberty because this is when teenagers suffer from breakouts.


There are people whose palms, feet or armpits sweat a lot, and this problem can be easily corrected by washing with boric soap twice a day. In addition, it helps eliminate the strong odor of sweat and the skin becomes fresh and smooth.

For fungus

It is impossible to cure a fungal disease with soap, but you can stop the spread. Every day, morning and evening, it is necessary to wash the contaminated surface with the product. You will notice how skin diseases and fungus will gradually begin to decrease.

Use in the prevention of viral diseases

As soon as a flu epidemic begins, you should wash your hands with soap more often, and you can also rinse your face, lips and nose with it. To prevent your skin from drying out, you should lubricate it with a nourishing cream.

Feet care

To reduce the risk of dry calluses on the feet, as well as soften the keratinized skin on the heels, you should make a solution using soda. First you need to steam your feet, then apply soap suds and soda and clean them with a pumice stone. And also the foam from the miracle soap will help heal small cracks, get rid of rashes and fungal diseases on the nails.

What's the benefit?

Boric acid has been used in medicine for a long time and successfully, as well as products containing it. Soap is no exception, and a doctor can recommend its use to a patient in many cases.

  • The product cleanses oily skin and clogged pores well , which is why it is often prescribed to teenagers and young adults to treat acne and acne caused by hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Soap with the addition of boron, in addition to its cleansing properties, also has anti-inflammatory , therefore it is recommended to treat: heavily contaminated wounds and scratches (for example, received in the country or in the forest); bites and scratches caused by animals; places where wasps, hornets, horse flies, gadflies, and ants sting.
  • In case of severe sweating (hyperhidrosis), if it is not caused by disorders of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance or pregnancy, the product can be used in small courses of 4-5 days to treat the armpits and feet in order to: reduce the amount of sweat produced; eliminate unpleasant odor; prevent the occurrence of diaper rash and prickly heat.
  • Boric soap is widely used to treat: dry calluses (corns); cracked heels. Its use softens dead skin, allowing you to get rid of it painlessly, and disinfects the skin, preventing the possible development of infection.
  • The product helps to overcome fungal diseases of the nails of the hands and feet - both independently and in combination with other antifungal drugs. The affected areas are washed or given short (up to 5 minutes) baths with soap foam. If the problem is not neglected, changes in a positive direction are noticeable after 2-3 applications.
  • The presence of soap with boron is mandatory in any chemical laboratory. It is used for: treating skin when exposed to alkaline solutions; softening technical “hard” water, which is used to wash and rinse test tubes and metal equipment.
  • The product is successfully used to destroy various domestic insect pests: areas of frequent occurrence are smeared with soapy water, small shavings are added to edible bait. In these ways you get rid of: cockroaches; ants; bedbugs
  • In some cases, a small amount of the product dissolved in water helps to get rid of difficult to remove stains on clothing left by: chocolate, chocolate ice cream or cocoa; fruits and fruit juices; iron.

Benefits and harms

Thus, from the above methods of use we can conclude that the beneficial properties of the cleanser are:

fights pimples and acne;

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • kills bacteria;
  • eliminates pigmentation;
  • eliminates fungal diseases;
  • deeply cleanses pores and skin;
  • dries;
  • protects against infection;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • promotes healing of cracks and wounds.

Harm from it can only occur if it is used incorrectly. You should not use it too often, and take into account all contraindications. Side effects are rare, but despite this, skin characteristics should be taken into account.

The benefits and harms of boric soap are obvious. Keep in mind that boric acid is beneficial in small amounts, but if it is in excess, it can even harm the body.

Use for cosmetic purposes

Cosmetology approves only moderate use of boric soap. Since this detergent is based on alkali, its use for cosmetic purposes for dry skin should be limited to several times a week.

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For oily skin, excessive use of the product will also not be beneficial, since when it gets too dry, the skin will begin to produce more oil, and this will only increase the formation of acne. You should use this cleaning method no more than once a day.

Boric soap helps not only against acne, but also as a local remedy where comedones or blackheads form. The product is also suitable for infrequent washing of very oily hair with dandruff.

Since dandruff is a consequence of the activity of a special fungus, and soap has the ability to fight it, it can be bought as a substitute for tar soap, which has a very strong pungent odor. Unlike it, boric soap has no odor, but its properties are very similar.

If a person has various rashes and acne on his back or chest, soap will work great during bath procedures. You shouldn't use it on your body too often either.

Contraindications for use

Hence the following contraindications should be highlighted:

Pregnant and lactating women should not use soap;

  • if you believe the reviews about boric soap, then you should also not bathe newborns and small children with it;
  • it will also cause harm in case of kidney diseases;
  • Do not use if you are hypersensitive.

Boric acid has such a property that it quickly penetrates the body and begins to accumulate there. It is dangerous for children, people with weakened immune systems or the sick. Boric acne soap, reviews of which are presented below, is most often used by teenagers.

Medicinal use in dermatology

Any dermatologist will tell you what boric soap is used for and how it affects the condition of the skin. This remedy is used in the following cases:

  1. For the treatment of any skin rashes, including acne. The use of the drug is based on its antibacterial properties, as well as the ability to quickly and effectively dry inflamed and suppurating areas.
  2. If there is a skin lesion such as demodicosis, doctors recommend using tar, sulfur or boric soap as a means of additional disinfection and cleansing of facial skin.
  3. To get rid of various fungal infections of the skin and nails. In this case, soap based on boric acid works as an integral part of complex therapy.
  4. Elimination of excessive sweating and its consequences in the form of a rash - “heat rash”.

This is a long-known and well-proven drug, so its use carries minimal risk and, if you follow the advice of a doctor, cannot cause harm.


The boric acid cleanser has no odor at all and is great for daily use. The face becomes smooth and silky.


I bought this miracle soap especially for my son, because his acne did not go away for a long time. I didn’t think it would help, but it turned out that soap copes with this problem perfectly in a short time.


I didn’t buy the product because I have problem skin, but I wanted to try it to remove oily shine. To my surprise, my face quickly transformed, became fresh and a little dry, which is what I wanted. I also tried to wash my hair with it, my hair is also oily, and then the product did its job.


Soap will be beneficial for any inflammatory manifestations on the skin. Its moderate use helps improve complexion, even out the skin and acquire a healthy appearance. It should be remembered that nothing can harm the body if used in moderation.

Materials taken from the source:

Analogues of boric soap for acne

Despite the unique composition, there are many analogues to combat imperfections. One of them is tar soap and sulfur soap. Each of them has its own characteristics, so when choosing, first of all pay attention to the composition.

Comparison of tar, sulfur and boric soap:

Borax soapSulfur soapTar soap
AdvantagesGently cleanses the skin, eliminates oily shine, acne, rashes of various kinds, and has a subtle scent.Fights excessive sebum secretion, treats acne, acne, and tightens pores.Excellent cleanses, dries out pimples, blackheads, acne, various rashes.
FlawsCannot be used in large quantities or on an ongoing basis.There is a not very pleasant smell of sulfur, it dries and tightens the skin.It can cause excessive oiliness and dryness of the skin, and has a pronounced unpleasant tar smell.

One of the most popular companies producing soap is Nevskaya Cosmetics. The products of this company are budget-friendly, so the purchase will not particularly affect your wallet. Boric soap is in demand among many buyers, as it is of decent quality. In addition, the company's products can be found on the shelves of many stores and pharmacies.

Remember that beauty is first and foremost care. By taking care of yourself and your body, you will be irresistible, especially since it doesn’t always require a lot of money.

Borno soap: what skin is it suitable for, reviews and recommendations for use

Any skin needs to be looked after, but problematic skin always requires a special approach. This also applies to gentle cleansing. Therefore, sometimes you have to buy quite expensive products, including. But not so long ago boron soap appeared on sale. Affordable, it is not much inferior to more expensive analogues. Reviews about it are mostly positive.

Naturally, any soap contains alkaline substances. They can negatively affect the upper layer of the epidermis . This causes particular inconvenience and discomfort to people with problem skin. But boric soap manufacturers have resolved this issue.

The fact is that boric acid to some extent neutralizes the effect of alkali on the upper layer of the epidermis. It is contained in the product in exactly the right proportion to help fight skin imperfections without causing any harm. Suitable soap for face and body. It not only promotes gentle cleansing of the skin, but also helps cope with problems such as:

  • Acne;
  • Black spots on the skin and pimples;
  • Fungal diseases, boils;
  • Thrush and prickly heat.

The product has bactericidal properties. The mink oil contained in it is close in structure to human skin. It is what promotes the healing of small cracks and wounds .

In addition, this ingredient softens the skin and keeps it toned. The composition also contains glycerin, which is considered an excellent natural moisturizer.

Boric soap saturates the skin with the vitamins and fatty acids it needs.

Medicinal use

Due to its antibacterial properties, the product can to some extent protect against viruses. Therefore, it would be useful to use it during epidemics of influenza and viral diseases . During this time, more frequent hand washing is recommended. Judging by the reviews, it can dry out the skin a little, so it is better to moisturize it after washing.

Its medicinal properties also include an antifungal effect. Boric soap will be a good addition to the main therapy. Accelerate the healing process, reduce the spread of fungus on the skin.

It will speed up the healing process and reduce the spread of fungus . Moreover, boric soap fights it not only on the body, but also on the nails. People who have already used the product speak about this in their reviews.

It is also suitable for those who suffer from an allergic reaction to various fragrances or dyes.

Among other things, boric soap:

  1. Has the ability to soften hard water;
  2. Reduces excessive sweating;
  3. Narrows pores, smoothing the surface of the skin;
  4. It is also effective for pigment spots.

Its use is relevant in adolescence, when skin problems most often arise. You can read quite a lot of reviews on this matter.

How to use it correctly

Boric soap is a broad-spectrum product. However, there are nuances to its use. Naturally, this is all individual and depends on many factors. But usually boric soap is not used constantly for the face . It is rather therapeutic and prophylactic.

For acne, oily skin or blackheads, the product is used morning and evening for the first 2-3 weeks. Problem areas are lubricated with soap foam, left for two minutes and washed off with water. After a while they will begin to disappear. After that, wash your face with it 2-3 times a week. This algorithm of use is also suitable for prevention purposes.

For people suffering from excessive sweating, it is enough to use boric soap once a day. It reduces unpleasant odor and helps the normal functioning of the sweat glands. However, it is better not to apply it to a large area of ​​the body all the time. The best option is to treat problem areas with it.

Precautions and reviews

It is not advisable to use boric soap:

  • Nursing mothers and pregnant women;
  • Small children;
  • It is used with caution for kidney diseases.

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, the product really works. Boric soap is an affordable option for facial care. When used correctly, it gives good results.

I originally bought boron soap for my daughters. They are just in their teens. Accordingly, there are also skin problems that are especially painful during this period.

For one daughter, boric soap did an excellent job with rashes not only on her face, but also on her body. The skin has become more even in color. But it helped my eldest daughter with boils and reduced inflammation.

Of course, I used it as a “help” to conventional treatment.

Now the whole family uses it. I also like soap because it effectively helps with sweating feet. But it heals cracks on the heels rather slowly, but there is still a result. I wouldn’t call the smell very pleasant; it’s rather neutral, and it doesn’t last long. In general, the whole family is happy. Most likely we will buy more.

Anastasia R.

Having learned that Nevskaya Cosmetics produces such a specific product, and having read reviews on the Internet, I decided to try it. Moreover, I have skin problems.

The first impression of boric soap is that it smells quite pleasant and disappears quickly. The soap foams well and rinses off perfectly until it squeaks. Indeed, the number of blackheads on the face has decreased.

And I would also recommend that you always use hand moisturizers after washing. As for skin rashes, there are no complaints here. Boric soap really reduced them. But the main thing here is not to overdo it and switch to using it twice a week. Overall I was pleased with the purchase

Lyudmila R.


The use of boric soap in the fight against acne: the pros and cons of the product

The fight against imperfections takes not only a lot of effort, but also money spent. However, as practice shows, expensive and professional acne treatments are not always effective.

To eliminate inflammation on the back, face and other parts of the body, you can use cheaper and proven methods. Boric soap for back acne is the most suitable option for quick skin rehabilitation.

Pros and cons of boric soap

It's no longer a secret that one of the oldest and most proven ways to fight acne is tar soap.

But there are a number of factors why people refuse this option.

The use of boric soap is more pleasant due to its almost imperceptible odor, which, unfortunately, its brother cannot boast of. What are the advantages of using boric soap?

In fact, this tool has many advantages, which include:


Mechanism of action on the skin

Human skin is always covered with a thin layer of sebum - a special substance produced by the sebaceous glands to protect the skin from moisture loss and from microbes entering the inner layers. Sebum traps dirt particles that fall on the skin, and since it is of a fatty nature, it exhibits hydrophobic properties, i.e., does not dissolve in it.

Soap is obtained as a result of the hydrolysis reaction of fatty acid esters with alkalis. This reaction is called saponification, resulting in the formation of alkali metal salts and alcohols. These substances, when combined with water, have surface activity, which makes it possible to use soap to cleanse the skin: it separates sebium and accumulated impurities from the surface of the dermis, so that they can then be removed together with water.

Each of the components of boric soap has beneficial properties, and in their harmonious combination they have a complex positive effect.

Composition of boric soap

The product contains the following components:

  • Mink fat. Promotes nutrition and hydration of the epithelium, easily penetrates into cells and cleanses them. This is a natural component.
  • Cosmetic glycerin. Prevents dehydration and drying out, protects against flaking due to its moisturizing properties. Forms a microscopic film that can prevent the drying of epidermal cells.
  • Boric acid. It has a number of advantages. In addition to being used as an antifungal agent, the acid has anti-inflammatory properties. This is an excellent antiseptic. The effect is noticeable even when using a small amount of the substance. The chemical compound can soften water of any degree of hardness and neutralizes alkaline aggressors.

All components of the product are absolutely safe for use at home and are not capable of causing allergic reactions.

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