How to reduce the risk of bruising after injections?





How to get rid of a bruise after an injection

Intravenous or intramuscular administration of medicinal solutions is one of the most effective, safe and rational ways to deliver them to the body. Despite the fact that medicine has been actively using injections for centuries and the technique for performing them has been thoroughly developed, it is not always possible to avoid side effects during the procedure. Hematomas are one of the most common. This article will discuss the causes of bruises and ways to combat them.

Knowing how to get rid of unpleasant, painful and potentially dangerous bruises, you can avoid complications that are caused by unprofessional injections. But it is much more advisable to prevent their occurrence by entrusting the injection to qualified professionals. In this case, the likelihood of hematomas and bumps is minimized.

Nature of the phenomenon

It should be understood that any injection performed subcutaneously, intravenously or intramuscularly has a destructive effect on the skin, muscles, capillaries and other tissues of the body. But bruises, redness and bumps do not always appear after injections. Scientists explain their occurrence by the presence of the following factors (or a combination of them):

  • Lack of sufficient experience from a specialist. Bruises may appear if the needle was not inserted perpendicular to the plane of the body or deeper than it should be, its diameter and size were chosen incorrectly, and the piston was pressed faster than necessary
  • Specificity of the administered drug. There are medications that, when they enter the bloodstream, spasm the blood vessels at the injection site, which causes stagnation of blood flow and, as a result, the appearance of bumps and bruises
  • Lack (or complete absence) of disinfection. Such an omission is unacceptable, because it can cause complications, the treatment of which will take much longer than the original disease

How to reduce the risk of bruises after “beauty injections”?

During the initial consultation, the specialist conducts a full examination, assesses the condition of the skin, and collects anamnesis (including information about medications taken). To reduce the risk of hematoma formation, patients are usually advised49,50:

  • 5-7 days before the procedure, stop taking medications that affect blood clotting;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol on the eve of the session;
  • do not carry out the procedure 2-3 days before and during menstruation;
  • keep calm.

If there is a high risk of hematomas, a specialist can select less invasive techniques. For example, laser biorevitalization, needle-free mesotherapy (iontophoresis, magnetophoresis, electroporation), etc.

Why are bruises dangerous?

Bruising that turns into bruises, accompanied by lumps, can cause complications that are not so easy to get rid of. The most common of them will be discussed in more detail below:

  • Abscess. In the medical literature, this phenomenon is characterized as an abscess that forms after an injection, accompanied by severe pain of a pulsating nature in the area of ​​the bruise. Treatment is carried out by surgery or conservatively
  • Allergic reactions. Expressed in the occurrence of severe itching at the injection site, swelling, sometimes a runny nose, shortness of breath, increased tearing and sweating, hematoma.
  • Blood poisoning. This is the most serious thing that can happen after the injection. In this case, hospitalization and emergency treatment in a hospital setting, possibly a blood transfusion, will be required.

How to get rid of bruises after injections?

If it was not possible to avoid the appearance of hematomas, it is necessary to speed up their resorption. For this you can use Venolife gel. It contains three active components - heparin, troxerutin and dexpanthenol, the complex action of which can help remove bruises after injections.9

The active ingredients of Venolife gel help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the activity of the coagulation system, and relieve inflammation. They also speed up the healing of damaged tissue. In each clinical situation, the duration of use of the drug for bruising after injections is determined individually depending on the severity of the hematoma.9

Drug treatment

Traditional medicine has a wide range of methods and means that can help quickly get rid of bruises formed after incorrect injections. Here are the most common and effective:

  • Local therapy. Involves the use of absorbable gels and creams
  • The use of gels created to eliminate the consequences of varicose veins. They effectively constrict blood vessels and relieve inflammation
  • Application of meshes. This is done using ordinary iodine. One of the simplest and most effective remedies that relieves swelling and removes bruises
  • Lotions. To perform them, dimexide or magnesium sulfate pre-dissolved in hot water is used. A bandage or cotton wool is moistened in the solution and applied to the injection site

How to prepare for the injection?

If you are to undergo a course of therapy with intramuscular administration of drugs, then purchase three-component syringes (they have a black gasket on the piston). Such syringes inject the medicine evenly, in a thin stream, which prevents damage to blood vessels and does not cause bruising. Three-component syringes are best purchased from a trusted pharmacy. Before the injection itself, relax as much as possible, it is best to lie on your back.

A short massage of the injection site with an alcohol cotton swab (tampon) or light slaps on the site of the future injection helps.

If drugs are to be administered in particularly sensitive areas, for example, anesthesia when removing fibroids on the face, then a week before it is necessary to abandon aggressive peelings and other care procedures.

Folk remedies

Healers, herbalists and other representatives of alternative medicine also have a lot of opportunities to influence bruises to completely eliminate them. The most effective ones will be discussed in more detail below:

  • Wraps. Cabbage leaves, previously crushed and pierced in several places, are applied to the injection sites.
  • Warming up. Use calcined salt or heated stones. They are applied to hematomas and held, periodically replacing with hotter ones
  • Compresses. Various ingredients are used to prepare them: honey, onions, egg yolks. All this is mixed with wheat flour and applied to the bruises
  • Chatterboxes. They are prepared from a solution of acetic acid mixed with raw eggs. Rub bumps and bruises with this mixture 2-3 times a day until they disappear completely.
  • Apitherapy. Propolis tincture has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Its use helps get rid of bruises, hematomas and seals

Not all doctors recognize the effectiveness of alternative medicine in getting rid of hematomas after unprofessional or unsuccessful injections, but they also fully accept their use as an aid in the process of conservative therapy.

What to do after the procedure?

To prevent hematomas after intramuscular injections, try applying an iodine mesh to the injection site. Renew your iodine pattern at least 3 times a day. Betadine is well suited for young children with delicate and sensitive skin.

If a bruise does appear, then you need to apply a vodka or alcohol compress to it (for 30-40 minutes). The hematoma will completely disappear 2-3 days after the first application of the compress. There are various ointments and gels that can prevent or eliminate hematomas that have already appeared after intramuscular injections - these are almost any ointments created on the basis of bodyaga, troxerutin and heparin.

If you experience persistent pain, redness and persistent swelling at the injection site, immediately consult a doctor, as the development of an abscess can lead to sepsis. In this case, the clock literally counts, and there is a real risk of death.

Preventive measures

Any qualified doctor will confirm that it is easier to prevent disease, pathology and dysfunction than to treat it. To avoid unwanted complications in the form of bruises, bruises and lumps, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is good to disinfect injection sites
  • Use only sterile syringes
  • Choose the most suitable place for injections
  • Use medications whose expiration date is within the acceptable range
  • Inject smoothly
  • Remove the needle along the same path along which it was inserted, without unnecessary movements

If you adhere to the recommendations described above, the likelihood that bruises will appear is reduced to almost zero.


Incorrect injection site

Often the cause of bruising and lumps at the injection site is an incorrectly chosen injection site. The medicine is injected into the outermost (outer) quarter of the gluteal muscle. If you inject into another part, the risk of hemorrhage increases, since the muscle layer there is thinner and there are more large blood vessels.

Often the cause of a hematoma is an incorrectly chosen injection site.

Also, tissues in other areas do not have such good elasticity, so more blood returns to the subcutaneous tissue. In addition, an incorrectly selected injection site can cause severe pain during the injection, and nerve damage can lead to the development of serious complications.


To get rid of hematomas after an injection at home, both medications and folk remedies are used.

Drug therapy

In most cases, the same ointments are used to eliminate hematomas as for the treatment of varicose veins.

These include:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Venitan;
  • Lyoton;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Heparin.

The effect of using external agents usually develops within 1–2 days

The drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly eliminate swelling, thin the blood in the bruise area, which promotes rapid resorption and elimination of exudate.

The ointments are applied to the affected area and rubbed in lightly. The procedure is done 2–4 times a day. The area should be smeared for 4–7 days. The effect of using such products becomes noticeable already on the second or third day.

Special ointments for bruises, such as Bruise-OFF, will also help get rid of the problem. They act in the same way as remedies for varicose veins.

If, in addition to the bruise, there is also a lump, a compress with Dimexide will help quickly get rid of the problem. First, one part of the medicine is mixed with three parts of boiled warm water. The fabric is soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the injection site, then secured.

Folk remedies

To eliminate hematomas, use a cabbage leaf. It must be taken from the middle of the head of cabbage and beaten a little with the blunt part of a knife or rolling pin so that it becomes softer and releases the juice.

At home, cabbage is often used for hematomas.

A small amount of honey is applied to the surface of the leaf, this part is applied to the affected area and secured with a plaster. This compress is left overnight. It helps to get rid of cones in both adults and children.

You can remove a hematoma after an injection at home using a honey cake. The basis for its preparation is flour, it is mixed with water and honey and applied to the affected area. The cake is left overnight.

If, despite treatment at home, the bruise does not go away and is accompanied by painful sensations, you should consult a doctor.

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