Melon face mask: sunny fruit to guard your beauty

Benefits of melon for facial skin

A special feature of melon is the presence of collagen. This component is considered one of the most important for the skin. It maintains the integrity of the cell structure in connective tissues and accelerates the regeneration process. Thanks to the valuable properties of melons, it is possible to restore the healthy appearance of dry and aging skin.

Nutrients per 100 g of product

Pantothenic acid0.11 mg
Riboflavin0.02 mg
Ascorbic acid36.7 mg
Tocopherol0.05 mg
Vitamin K2.5 mcg
Pyridoxine0.07 mg
Thiamine0.04 mg
Amino acids
Aspartic acid0.14 g
Glycine0.03 g
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine0.04 g
Leucine0.03 g
Sodium16 mg
Magnesium12 mg
Potassium267 mg
Phosphorus15 mg
Calcium9 mg
Iron0.21 mg
Fluorine1 mcg
Manganese0.04 mg
Zinc0.18 mg
Copper0.04 mg
Energy value
Squirrels0.84 g
Fats0.19 g
Carbohydrates7.26 g
Calorie content34 calories

The cosmetic effect of melon is due to the properties of active compounds:

  1. Tocopherol - makes the upper layer of the epidermis more elastic, slows down aging, evens out the relief.
  2. Pantothenic acid – relieves inflammation, enriches cells, activating physiological reactions in them.
  3. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that stimulates regenerative function.
  4. Aspartic acid – eliminates pigment spots, accelerates the healing of skin lesions.

The amino acids that make up melon restore water balance and eliminate dryness and flaking. These substances promote the production of elastin and collagen.

Benefits of yellow pumpkin for skin

A mask made from healing melons, due to its composition, has a number of positive properties. A natural remedy made at home helps:

  • strengthen and rejuvenate the dermis;
  • correct the oval of the face, make the contours clear and toned;
  • improve, even out complexion;
  • reduce expression wrinkles;
  • reduce skin inflammation;
  • lighten freckles, age spots;
  • stimulate the formation of cell membranes;
  • improve the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • cleanse, help narrow pores;
  • get rid of oily shine, moisturize dry dermis;
  • protect cells from ultraviolet radiation;
  • remove signs of fatigue.

The main benefit of melon is to improve the structure of the epidermis, hair, nails, and also to provide a powerful antioxidant effect, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Attention! Using only high-quality ripe fruits gives the desired result. Therefore, it is important to choose the right fruit.

What effect can you get?

Melon pulp consists mainly of water, but it contains a sufficient amount of valuable micro and macroelements that have a beneficial effect on the skin. It’s not for nothing that Egyptian queens used pumpkin culture to preserve the beauty of their faces and bodies. The juice or pulp of the product was mixed with olive oil. This recipe is used to this day for intensive hydration and regulation of lipid metabolism. Course use of masks guarantees a versatile effect.

CleansingMelon pulp perfectly cleanses the skin and removes toxins. One treatment is sufficient to remove impurities and oily plugs from the pores. After the procedure, the face becomes soft and silky.
Nutrition and protectionTissues and cells are enriched with valuable substances, which are contained in sufficient quantities in melon. Intensive nutrition helps slow down the aging process. The mask mixture creates a thin film on the surface of the skin that protects against the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and other atmospheric factors. Protection also applies to dermatological diseases.
Smoothing out wrinklesCell renewal is promoted by ascorbic acid and vitamin B5. After a course of use, small wrinkles disappear, the oval of the face is tightened, and swelling is eliminated.
HydrationActive compounds stimulate biochemical processes (local immunity, metabolism). Water balance is regulated, which is achieved thanks to the properties of pantothenic acid and other vitamins.
Anti-inflammatory effectRetinol, contained in melon pulp, eliminates acne, relieves inflammation, and dries out the dermis. In combination with other substances, vitamin A activates subcutaneous processes, evens out color, and improves skin structure.

Why melon smoothes wrinkles

The benefits of melon are generally clear; it can reduce the harmful effects of the environment on the skin, but many consider its ability to smooth out wrinkles to be greatly exaggerated.

In fact, there is nothing unusual about this, especially considering that melons, among other things, are high in fiber, vegetable fats and sodium salt.

All these components, when used naturally, have a broad rejuvenating effect not only applicable to the skin, but also to the entire body.

A combination of beneficial substances that moisturize and soften the skin of the face, saturate it with oxygen, making it smooth and elastic , and most importantly, healthy - this is the rejuvenating effect that leads to the disappearance of wrinkles. But such results can only be achieved by regularly applying masks, but you should not overuse this.

Carefully! Oversaturation of facial skin with substances and vitamins contained in melons can cause allergic reactions. Only healthy, ripe fruits grown in natural conditions are suitable for masks.

Recipes at home

It’s easy to prepare a melon-based mask. You can develop your own recipes by combining the aromatic pulp with available ingredients suitable for solving a particular cosmetic problem. It’s even easier to use proven formulations, the effectiveness of which has been proven over time.

Fruit anti-wrinkle

For this mask, take a tablespoon of melon and white plum puree. The peel is pre-cleaned from both ingredients. Add olive oil (1/3 tsp) and orange essential oil (3 drops) to the mixture. If the fat content is high, it is recommended to add lemon juice (1 tbsp). If you have dry skin, do without lemon supplement.

Scheme of procedures: 2 rubles/week. within a month.

You can combine melon with watermelon, pineapple, and apple. Each combination is unique in composition and action.

With lemon for age spots

You can even out the skin color with a product consisting of 3 components: lemon juice (2 tbsp) + melon pulp (2 tbsp) + starch (1 tbsp). It is advisable to make the mask on a gauze base so that the mixture remains moist longer. If necessary, moisten the napkin with melon pulp.

Scheme of procedures: 2-3 rubles/week. within 2-3 weeks.

Melon and yogurt for dry skin

Aromatic melon puree (2 tbsp) is combined with natural yogurt (1 tbsp), after which crushed oatmeal (1-1.5 tbsp) is added. You should get a consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream.

The course consists of 10-14 sessions. They should be carried out with a break of 2-3 days.

For oily face

Mix melon pulp (2 tbsp.) with beaten egg white (1 pc.). Add aloe juice (1 tsp) to the mixture. It turns out to be a rather liquid composition, so it is better to spread it on a fabric base.

The course includes 10-12 sessions. The procedures are performed with a break of 3-4 days.

Scrub mask for blackheads

You can effectively cleanse your face using a mixture of melon pulp and coffee grounds. To enhance the effect of the mask, it is recommended to add salicylic acid powder (1/4 tsp) to it. You can use this product once a week before taking a bath or applying a nourishing cream.

Melon and avocado for peeling

The process of making a mask involves combining melon pulp and peeled avocado. The ingredients are perfectly kneaded with a fork.

Procedures should be carried out at intervals of 2-3 days for three weeks.

Mask with lifting effect

A product made from melon (2 tbsp), liquid honey (2 tbsp), vitamin E (one capsule) and rosemary essential oil (2-3 drops) will help tighten the oval of the face. It is recommended to warm the honey before mixing, then the components of the mask will work better.

This recipe is suitable as an express method and for a long course, including 12-15 sessions. An interval of 4-5 days is maintained between procedures.

Melon juice mask for hydration

The easiest and most affordable way to moisturize your skin involves using melon juice. To prepare it, only a thin layer of peel is removed, the hard part remains. It contains many valuable micro and macroelements. It is better to beat the mixture in a blender. A gauze napkin is soaked in the resulting juice, and then placed on the face. Within 15-20 minutes, you need to re-wet the gauze mask in the aromatic liquid to prevent complete drying.

The effect of this procedure is noted immediately after the completion of the session. To obtain a more lasting result, you should repeat the masks once a week.

Recommendations from Eastern women

Eastern women recommend applying warm melon paste to your face, holding for 10 minutes and rinsing. And if you want a better effect, consider the following options for using melon for facial skin:

  • mix melon pulp with cream and honey (for aging skin)
  • add a few drops of lemon to the mashed melon mass (for oily and problem skin)
  • make a nourishing cream with melon pulp and any oil: olive, amaranth, grape seed oil, sesame, peach... - any cold-pressed oil
  • if you add coffee grounds and olive oil to the melon pulp pulp, you can get an excellent body scrub
  • you can make a scrub from sea salt, olive oil, honey and melon pulp, which wonderfully renews and nourishes the skin.

How to apply correctly

You can get the maximum benefit from a melon-based mask by following the rules of the cosmetic procedure.

  1. For the mask, you need to choose a ripe, but not overripe melon with no signs of rotting.
  2. The period of use of the product must coincide with the active phase of fruit ripening. Melons purchased earlier or later than this period contain few useful substances. To stimulate melon growth, chemicals are used that can cause allergies. Therefore, during the off-season, you should not make masks based on a fragrant product.
  3. The melon should be thoroughly washed before cutting. Remove the pulp with a spoon. To turn it into puree, just use a fork. You should not use a blender for this purpose, otherwise you will end up with juice rather than puree.
  4. The mask is applied only after cleansing the facial skin. In order for the beneficial substances to better penetrate the skin, it is recommended to apply a hot compress to the face before the procedure. Steaming helps open the pores, which makes cleaning better.
  5. You need to keep the mask mixture for about 15-20 minutes. Residues of the product are better washed off with warm water. After washing, you can wipe your face with ice cubes. At the end of the procedure, a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.
  6. The regularity of masks depends on the problems being solved. For example, the express method is performed once. This is a way to quickly tidy up your face. The effect is immediate, but the result does not last long. Course masks are considered more useful, which should be done 1-2 times a week for 3-4 weeks.
  7. Melon culture goes well with the following ingredients: cottage cheese, yogurt, egg white and yolk, liquid honey, sour cream, cream, and various fruits.

You need to prepare the mixture for the mask each time before the procedure. When stored for a long time, the product loses its healing properties.

Taking into account the ripening period of the melon, it will be possible to complete one course of masks per calendar year. You shouldn't deny yourself such pleasure. The result will definitely please you.

Rules of application

It is recommended to use melon that has ripened in the field under the influence of active sunlight. It should be ripe and juicy. A melon from the supermarket, which you can buy in November, will not have such a positive effect on the skin.

Before use, rinse the fruit thoroughly under running water, peel, cut off a piece, and chop it with a fork.

All ingredients must be fresh. They must be used immediately before the procedure.

The skin needs to be cleansed of the keratinized layer of cells. It is useful to make a light scrub or steam bath.

The masks are applied for fifteen to twenty minutes, then washed off with running water.


The melon-based mask has a mild effect. It contains no aggressive acids or strong esters. All substances work carefully, without provoking negative reactions in the body. The only contraindication for homemade mask compositions is individual intolerance to the product.

To prevent undesirable consequences caused by not taking melon, it is recommended that after preparing the mixture, apply it in a small amount to the elbow. If there are no signs of irritation, after 20-30 minutes you can begin the cosmetic procedure.

Cosmetic procedures are not performed in the acute period of infectious and respiratory diseases.

A melon mask can provoke negative reactions when applied to problem skin. Therefore, cosmetologists advise not to use the product if you have allergies or dermatological diseases that occur in an acute form.

Contraindications to the use of masks with melon

Melon berries are considered a fairly heavy product that can lead to exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, but this only applies to internal consumption of the sweet fruit. Melon pulp, which is used to prepare cosmetic masks, is a very gentle mass that does not contain aggressive acids or potent essential oils. All its components have a gentle effect on the epidermis, toning and refreshing, so there are practically no contraindications for use.

The only caveat is individual intolerance to melon. In this case, after such a mask, the skin on the face may become covered with small pimples or red, itchy spots. To prevent this condition, be sure to check your compatibility with the main ingredient before using the product.

To do this, apply melon gruel to the inside of your wrist and wait 15-20 minutes. If the skin does not react with redness or a feeling of tightness, you can apply a mask with melon to your face.

In order to get the expected effect from the procedure and not experience discomfort, you should not carry it out in the following conditions: an allergic reaction, any acute form of skin disease, abrasions and cuts on the face.


Elina, 33 years old

My skin is very dry, so I make masks 2-3 times a week to restore lipid balance. In the summer, I often use a recipe that involves combining melon pulp with peach. I periodically add vitamin E capsules. For two weeks I have been doing procedures with an interval of 3 days. The skin really becomes silky, elastic and moisturized.

Yana, 40 years old

It's hard to find a good mask for sensitive skin. Rare recipes turn out to be effective and safe. At the slightest sign of irritation, I apply a mask of melon pulp and aloe juice. This is a real elixir that eliminates cosmetic defects and provides decent care.

Which melon greatly reduces wrinkles?

Undoubtedly, all sunny berries have beneficial properties, but which melon has a strong effect on wrinkles and reduces the possibility of their appearance, this remains to be sorted out.

Indeed, not all varieties have such irreplaceable qualities, and among the many suitable for masks, some are more effective, others do not have such a positive result.

The European varieties are considered the best in cosmetology - Musk melon and Cantaloupe . They are notable for their high content of substances beneficial for the skin of the face and the chemical composition of the fruit pulp is especially ideal for preparing masks.

Somewhat inferior in this regard are the Kuban Kolkhoz Woman and Torpedo, which are familiar to our latitudes; their content of fiber, fats, acids and vitamins is quite high, as is the sugar level, but in terms of the balance of all components they cannot be compared with European ones.

Swelling of the eyes and face in women in the morning: causes and treatment

The appearance of this type of difficulty occurs due to a disruption in the process of removing fluid from the intercellular space. And they cannot be ignored. Although they may be based on fairly safe factors.

  • For example, the problem may arise from sleeping too much. Due to the fact that water is not removed in time, and to reduce the load on the urinary system, liquid begins to linger in the intercellular space.
  • Excessive drinking before bedtime leads to edema. During sleep, all systems work slower, and the body does not have time to fully process what has been received.
  • Poor nutrition affects the concentration of sodium and proteins in the blood, and causes swelling.
  • And chronic lack of sleep leads to a malfunction in the processes of fluid microcirculation. And the places where the skin is most elastic are the first to show the consequences of such a change. Most often in the form of swelling of the eyelids.
  • Alcohol abuse not only disrupts the circulation of fluid in the body, but also increases thirst.
  • Severely dry air in the room also causes some swelling.

In addition to external ones, there are more important reasons for the appearance of this disorder. For example, during pregnancy, especially in its last trimester, women often suffer from edema. Rarely, but still there are people with a hereditary predisposition to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine disrupts blood circulation and causes stagnation of lymph, which also provokes the appearance of this problem. An allergic reaction (including to cosmetics) also leads to swelling. Moreover, the intensity of this process is sometimes such that there is a danger of suffocation. This allergy symptom can either be relieved by taking medications or go away on its own; compresses and other folk remedies are powerless.

Difficulties with microcirculation arise:

  • for diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • for renal pathologies;
  • in case of oncology;
  • due to diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders;
  • when a focus of infection occurs in the maxillofacial area;
  • etc.

Therefore, if the problem occurs regularly without any explainable reasons or its manifestation is asymmetrical, consult a doctor. Such violations are a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Recipe for a toning, refreshing melon mask

Of the ingredients for this simple and affordable remedy, you only need a slice of melon.

RECIPE : Cut it into thin slices. The number of slices should be enough to cover your entire face, and ideally your neck. After all, the skin of the neck and décolleté needs the same regular care.

Before applying the mask, keep the fruit slices in the refrigerator for half an hour. This will make your home remedy truly refreshing and tonic. When the slices are well frozen, spread them over the skin so that they overlap each other and there are no gaps between them. Rest in bed or a cool bath for a quarter of an hour and remove the melon. Rubbing with a piece of ice after the procedure will help cool and tone the skin even better.

IMPORTANT: Rubbing with herbal ice will be effective. To do this, first prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of herbal mixture poured with a glass of boiling water. Freeze the infusion in an ice container and rub pieces on the skin to tone.

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