New cosmetic line of drugs Bepanten Derma

Dry skin, scratches and abrasions, redness and irritation - these symptoms appear to each of us from time to time. When choosing drugs for their treatment, you can encounter problems: some drugs dry out even more, others fight inflammation, but are not suitable for long-term use.

Bepanten guarantees quick and safe elimination of all unpleasant manifestations. The drug is available in several dosage forms, and everyone can choose the ideal one for themselves.

How does Bepanten work?

Dexpanthenol, on the basis of which the drug works, is provitamin B5. This substance easily enters the skin, where it is transformed into pantothenic acid.

In turn, thanks to pantothenic acid, skin healing processes occur, cellular metabolism is normalized, and collagen fibers are strengthened. Due to these effects, the cream and other forms of the drug promote active hydration and regeneration of the skin.

Dexpanthenol is a substance related to skin cells, so Bepanten can be used on any area of ​​the skin. In addition, the product can be used by children from birth.

Composition of "Bepanten": main and auxiliary substances

Dexpanthenol ─ is the main active ingredient of Bepanthen and the main success factor in eliminating wrinkles. Dexpanthenol ─ is provitamin B5.

The cream contains 5% of this substance. When absorbed, dexpanthenol is converted into pantothenic acid in dermal cells, which stimulates tissue regeneration.


In addition to provitamin B5, the cream contains auxiliary substances that also work to maintain the hydration and health of the skin:

  • D,L-pantolactone ─ retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin. Non-toxic, has an antibacterial effect.
  • Almond oil ─ contains a large amount of antioxidants. It has rejuvenating and tonic properties, slows down aging at the cellular level.
  • Lanolin is a highly purified wax obtained from sheep's wool. Lanolin-based formulations act much faster than preparations containing paraffin or petroleum jelly. Delivers the active substance to the deep layers of the dermis, softens and nourishes the skin.
  • Cetyl alcohol ─ is used as a thickener, but also promotes softness and elasticity of the skin. Made from palm oil.
  • Stearyl alcohol is made from coconut oil . It is used as an emulsifier, but also has a positive effect on the skin, softening it.
  • Isopropyl myristate is an organic ester . Increases the absorption of the product, prevents the formation of an oily film on the skin, facilitates the penetration of the active substance into the deeper layers of the skin
  • Propylene glycol is a water-binding alcohol that gives the dermis a velvety feel.
  • Cetyl phosphate (amphisol K) and phenoxyethanol are substances of synthetic origin. Used as emulsifiers and stabilizers.

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Also contains purified water. As you can see, “Bepanten” mainly consists of natural ingredients, so the cream can be safely recommended as a care product for the face and hands.


Bepanten is used in the following cases:

  • Prevention and treatment of diaper rash in infants, including newborns;
  • Nipple care for nursing mothers. Treatment of cracked nipples, which often appear during lactation;
  • Healing of small wounds, abrasions, scratches;
  • Elimination of skin irritation and some allergic manifestations. Thus, the product can be used for food allergies in children, as well as as part of a complex treatment of atopic dermatitis;
  • Treatment of various burns (including sunburn) of mild severity.

Bepanten can be used to treat the area of ​​bedsores. The product is also used to care for transplanted skin. Finally, the drug can simply be used as a cosmetic product for the care of dry skin prone to irritation.


Bepanten (INN dexpanthenol) is a tissue regeneration stimulator from Bayer Consumer Care (Switzerland). Dexpanthenol is a precursor of vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid (an integral element of acetylation and oxidation processes). Unlike other drugs in this pharmacological niche, Bepanten contains a very thoughtful and balanced complex of excipients: lanolin, liquid paraffin, ethal, almond oil, protegin X, which greatly expands the range of therapeutic use of this drug. Bepanten is produced in the form of a cream and ointment with a five percent active substance content. The dosage form also contains lipids that protect the skin from exogenous irritants. The drug does not contain potentially toxic compounds - flavors, preservatives and artificial colors, which allows it to be used in newborns and nursing mothers. The key excipient of Bepanten is lanolin, a substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of sheep, very similar to the secretion of the human sebaceous glands. Lanolin has limited permeability, which, on the one hand, allows for a protective effect on the skin, and on the other hand, does not interfere with gas exchange. Penetrating into the stratum corneum of the skin, lanolin ensures its hydration - saturation with water. It also prevents excessive friction, which is a provoking factor for the development of diaper dermatitis.

The uniqueness of lanolin lies in the fact that it is the only substance approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) for the care of mammary glands during breastfeeding. Dexpanthenol, the active ingredient of Bepanten, has a pronounced stimulating effect on skin cells. Randomized clinical trials have reliably confirmed its positive effect on the epidermal skin barrier. Being a safe substance, it is included in some food products. Dexpanthenol and lanolin provide a double protective effect: the first strengthens the protective potential of the inner layers of the skin (primarily the stratum corneum), the second affects the upper part of the epidermis. Thus, Bepanthen strengthens the natural barrier of the skin from the outside (with the help of lanolin) and from the inside (with the help of dexpanthenol) and effectively protects the horse's skin from external irritants. In addition, Bepanten helps the skin retain moisture, which plays an important role in the process of regeneration of damaged tissue: moisture is necessary for the functioning of enzymes that ensure the restoration of the epidermis. Once absorbed into the skin, dexpanthenol is converted into vitamin B5, which is one of the key links in the Krebs cycle, which produces the energy necessary to restore the integrity of the skin. Bepanten has virtually no side effects (it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation), with the exception of rare allergic reactions.

How to use Bepanten

The drug in the form of cream and ointment is used as follows:

  • For preventive care of the skin of infants, as well as the treatment of diaper rash, the product is applied in a thin layer each time diapers are changed.
  • Treatment of various skin lesions (wounds, abrasions, burns, areas of irritation) involves applying a thin layer of ointment several times a day throughout the healing period.
  • Nursing mothers who are faced with the problem of cracked nipples should apply ointment every time after feeding the baby. Before the next feeding, wash off any remaining product with warm water. Bepanthen cream can be used in a similar way to prevent the formation of cracks.

The drug is not addictive and can lead to an overdose. Therefore, it can be used for as long as desired.

Before choosing the form of the drug: cream, ointment or lotion, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. Ointment is often used for medicinal purposes, and cream is used for prevention. The lotion is best used to care for skin prone to dryness and irritation.

"Bepanten" to soften delicate hand skin

Hands are exposed to negative influences every day. Difficult weather conditions and aggressive detergents thoroughly dry out delicate skin and cause the dermis in this area to age much faster.

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In this situation, Bepanten is a real salvation for dehydrated, inflamed or chapped skin of the hands. After all, the cream not only restores the healthy appearance of the skin, but also rejuvenates the hands better than specialized formulations and protects them from harmful factors.

In order to restore the beauty of your hands, apply Bepanten at night, before going outside or before starting household work. The product is instantly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on clothes.

Bepanthen is a lifesaver not only for children's skin

Hello girls! Today I’m writing a very strange post about a product that doesn’t seem to relate to beauty and makeup at all. But this is only at first glance, believe me. I'd like to introduce you to my emergency skin care go-to.

In general, Bepanten is better known as a children's ointment.
Most often it is bought by young mothers to use it in diapers for diaper rash in children. It was for these purposes that I once purchased it. But the fight against diaper rash and irritation on the butts of babies is not his only direction. Bepanten Nappy Care Ointment is a stimulating regenerating ointment for external use
, aimed at tissue regeneration. Indications for use are extensive: ● prevention and treatment of dry skin when the integrity of its integument is violated; ● treatment and care for the skin of a child (diaper rash and diaper dermatitis) and a nursing mother (care of the mammary gland during lactation: treatment of dry nipples and painful cracks); ● activation of the skin healing process for minor injuries, minor burns, abrasions, skin irritations, chronic ulcers, bedsores, cracks and skin grafts.

The ointment is in a tin tube, which in turn is packed in a cardboard box.
The neck of the tube is sealed with an aluminum membrane. The ointment itself is an oily, viscous substance, which, due to its increased viscosity, is difficult to distribute over the skin and pulls it along with it. This is if you try to apply a thin layer; there are no problems with applying a thick layer. The smell is light, smells like lanolin. The main part of the ointment is absorbed into the skin quickly enough, but a thin sticky and viscous film remains on the skin. Composition:
Active substance - dexpanthenol. Excipients: protegin X, cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, lanolin, white beeswax, soft white paraffin, almond oil, liquid paraffin, purified water.

I decided to write this post after this ointment once again helped me and eliminated an allergic reaction to the cream.:) The ointment completely eliminated irritation and almost completely dry skin in 2-3 days (if anyone is interested, the history of allergies to the cream is in this post). But this is not the only time Bepanten helped me out. I use it on the bikini area and lower legs after hair removal - it removes irritation perfectly. I also use it on these areas, when the hairs begin to grow and cause itching and inflammation - the ointment works great here too. The ointment also performed well in the fight against dryness and cracks in the skin. In one night, Bepanten completely tidies up his chapped lips and hands. In general, this ointment removes any irritation on my skin in 1-3 days. But the most interesting use of this ointment is to combat existing stretch marks! Yes, yes, with existing ones! 11 years ago I gave birth to my first child, and since I was inexperienced and young, I didn’t take care of my skin during pregnancy, the result was multiple stretch marks (stretch marks) on my stomach, sides (ears in common parlance) and chest. So they were with me for 7 years before my second pregnancy. Having become pregnant for the second time and remembering my sad experience, I scoured the Internet and read that olive oil is excellent at preventing the appearance of stretch marks. I used it throughout my pregnancy, and as a result, not a single new stretch mark. When I got pregnant for the third time, I was going to use the same method, but I had a tube of Bepanthen that was open, and I started using it. And after reading on the Internet about bepanthen and stretch marks, I began to use it with a double layer. Girls, the stretch marks on the sides, which were not as deep as on the stomach and chest, disappeared!:) There is none of them! The stretch marks on the stomach and chest remained only wide and deep, but they also smoothed out greatly, and the small ones disappeared completely

Bepanthen works on irritated skin, the difference between the photos is 2 days. I used it morning and evening instead of cream. It can be seen that in particularly damaged areas of the skin, redness still remains, but on the third day of use, these spots also disappeared.

Before after:

Before after:

General view, before-after:

Of course, I’m sure there are more budget-friendly analogues of this product. But this particular copy is in my use. In any case, this or a similar product should be in our bathrooms.


7.50 euros (in a French pharmacy).

Testing period:

3 years.



Do I recommend?

Definitely yes. This is a useful tool to have in every home. P.S. For any unclear situation on the skin - apply Bepanten :)


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