How to squeeze a pimple without leaving a scar or causing an infection

Why are dermatologists against us popping pimples ourselves?

Because most of us don't know how to do it correctly to avoid consequences. All of them are unpleasant, painful and only worsen the appearance of the skin: if you use your fingers or, worse, nails, there is a risk of infection, and the damage can turn into a scar.

There is an area on the face with the ominous name “triangle of death”. This is not a medical name, but a colloquial name. The zone is a figure with a base at the corners of the lips and a peak at the back of the nose. In this area, due to the peculiarity of the blood supply, it is dangerous to squeeze pimples, since there is a connection with the blood vessels of the brain. If an infection is introduced through a wound, the microbes travel through the blood directly to the brain - this is how meningitis develops. This happens rarely, up to one and a half cases per 100 thousand people per year, but it is better not to touch acne in the area of ​​the death triangle.

In other areas of the face, the worst thing that can happen if you do not follow safety precautions is a staphylococcal infection. According to statistics, this happens in 200 cases per year per 100 thousand people. Symptoms: the face is swollen, red and very painful, and you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

If you follow the rules of hygiene and arm yourself with an arsenal of effective remedies, you can squeeze out a small pimple at home. But first, we’ll tell you which pimples are best left untouched.


Each internal pimple on the face has its own causes. And it should be noted that there are many of them. Identifying the one that is responsible for the development of inflammation is the first and main task of anyone who wants to get rid of the unpleasant problem once and for all.

There are many reasons for acne

So, why do ulcers appear:

  • problems with hormones. They are associated not only with certain periods in a person’s life associated with the restructuring of the body. Acne also appears when there are disturbances in the hormonal system, or when taking certain medications that affect it;
  • If we talk about medications, often the treatment of certain diseases leads to skin problems, but everything is restored after stopping taking the medications. Fighting in this case does not make sense; it is enough to be patient and take proper skin care;
  • care is important in any case. Its absence is a sure way for an internal pimple to appear sooner or later. Often people use products that are inappropriate for their skin, which causes it to suffer greatly. An abscess doesn't look good on anyone. What should I do to get rid of it? Choose your skincare products carefully. Not only must it match your skin type, but it must also not cause allergic reactions;
  • often the cause of acne development is reduced immunity;
  • Increased sebum production is another serious and common problem. Here it is also extremely important to choose the right care products and remember to use them regularly;
  • large blue pimples often replace small rashes if a person tries to squeeze them out. Even sterilely clean hands or devices used for this purpose are not able to protect against the development of inflammation. We never tire of reminding you that such actions do not lead to anything good. You can get rid of a small pimple, but soon you will get a whole scattering of new ones in return;
  • subcutaneous mites are another vicious enemy of a good appearance. Its presence can only be determined by visiting a specialist and taking tests. It is worth noting that no means will help get rid of acne breakouts until this parasite is destroyed. To do this, you will need a special remedy prescribed by your doctor;
  • Nutrition affects more than just our activity levels, mood and weight. Often, various ailments directly shout to us that the time has come to give up various harms and excesses. For example, sweets (in large quantities, of course) are a direct path to rashes. The same can be said about the abundance of fats.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a large pimple may appear. And it should be noted that we have not named everything. Some people are convinced that rashes on the face directly indicate problems with a person’s internal organs. It is believed that by their location you can even understand which ones.

From all this we can conclude that skin problems should be taken seriously. Often this is not just a cosmetic effect. By taking care of your own health in time, you can avoid serious troubles.

Which pimples should never be squeezed?

First you need to define what you call a pimple. This word is more colloquial; it is correct to call the disease acne.

Non-inflammatory forms of acneInflammatory forms of acne
Open comedones - blackheads Closed comedones - whiteheadsPapules - small reddish bumps Pustules - similar to papules, only with a white shaft at the top Nodules - large, hard, painful growths under the skin Cysts - the most severe type of acne, pimples filled with pus under the skin

Acne can look different.
There are several types. The pictures above show what acne looks like on the face, and below show how one or another type is formed in the skin. Comedones are just pores clogged with sebaceous secretions and particles of dead skin. There is no inflammation in them, so there is no point in squeezing them out. To cleanse your skin of comedones, you need to provide it with three mandatory steps. This is cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection.

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