Acne on a course of steroids: how to fight and how to treat

Acne, blackheads or pimples[edit | edit code]

Inflammatory form of acne - back Inflammatory form of acne - face Non-inflammatory form of acne - blackheads

acne vulgaris
or in common parlance
) is a common skin disease characterized by seborrhea (increased oiliness), comedones (blackheads), pustules (red ulcers) and subsequent scars.[1] Acne mainly appears on areas of the skin where there are many sebaceous glands: primarily the face, chest and back. As a rule, acne is inflammatory in nature, but inflammation may be absent, depending on the form. Acne most often occurs in adolescence, but can also occur in adults.[2]

Acne and bodybuilding

are closely related to each other. Firstly, because bodybuilding involves a high-calorie (high-carbohydrate) diet, and this is one of the triggers for acne. Secondly, anabolic steroids are often used in bodybuilding, which are also one of the main causes of acne. In this article we will look at the most typical forms of acne and give treatment recommendations based on modern scientific evidence. Acne is a dermatological problem, the solution of which is currently very expensive, so the main goal of the article is to save you from unnecessary costs and give qualified, highly effective advice on how to solve the problem yourself.

Acne from sports nutrition

Sports nutrition – biologically active food supplements aimed at increasing endurance, building muscle mass, improving metabolism, and strengthening the immune system.

If you do not abuse proteins, creatines, gamers and other types of sports nutrition, they can bring undoubted benefits to the body when playing sports.

For some people, sports nutrition (with individual intolerance, chronic diseases of internal organs) can also cause the formation of acne. When consumed, water retention occurs in the body, which accumulates in the skin, pinches the sebaceous ducts and leads to their blockage.

To avoid negative consequences during the period of using special nutrition, you should avoid taking hormonal medications, adhere to a special diet and observe personal hygiene rules (frequent bathing).

Causes of acne[edit | edit code]

  • Increased concentration of androgens in the blood;
  • The use of anabolic steroids - androgens increase the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby exacerbating the pathological process;
  • Hereditary factors;
  • Consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates (especially simple ones) and other dietary irregularities;
  • Insulin - also helps increase skin oiliness;
  • Infection and contamination of the skin - the main cause of acne is the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes
    , which cause inflammation and suppuration;
  • Milk consumption [3];
  • Excess vitamin B12.[4];
  • The presence of the microscopic skin mite Demodex canis, which lives on the skin of the face in the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles. It is worth considering that the detection of a mite does not mean that the parasite is 100% to blame for the occurrence of rashes, since it is normally present in the skin of healthy people.[5]

Problems with collagen

An enzyme that ensures the cross-linking of collagen and elastin into a single matrix. Cortisol and other steroids of this group not only suppress regeneration, but also reduce collagen synthesis. They also strongly stimulate all copper-containing enzymes. In particular, lysyl oxidase is highly activated, which stitches long cords of linear collagen and elastin into the quilt of the skin's extracellular matrix.

With prolonged exposure to the same areas, this leads to negative consequences: the skin becomes very thin and becomes like parchment paper. So-called steroid-induced skin atrophy occurs. The skin is dry, prone to wrinkles, easily gathers into folds that do not straighten out for a long time. The color becomes pearly white, and the venous vessels begin to show through.

That is why doctors try to avoid using steroids in areas with the thinnest skin: eyelids, scrotum and other places. The thicker the skin, the greater the dose of steroids it can withstand before the pathological process begins.

Acne treatment[edit | edit code]

Acne treatment depends on the type of acne. Let us consider separately the treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory forms. The treatment algorithm is presented in the form of sequential stages, which are based on the official methodological guide Ramos-e-Silva M, Carneiro SC (2009) with additions from experts.[6] Stop at the point where you reach your treatment goal.

Treatment of the inflammatory form[edit | edit code]

Makeup to camouflage acne (spot concealer or foundation with a green tint to neutralize red may be suitable)

  • Preventive measures
    Cancellation of anabolic steroids or switching to low androgenic ones
  • The use by women of monophasic hormonal contraceptives with antiandrogenic activity: Diane-35, Jess, Yarina, Tri-Mercy.[7][8]
  • Reducing carbohydrate intake. Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet. Also exclude fatty foods, fried and spicy foods. Try to consume more fiber-rich foods.
  • Take water procedures more often using soap with a skin pH equal to 5.5. When maintaining skin pH 5.5, the highest bactericidal effect is observed, exceeding 90%.[9] In vitro, P. acnes grows well at pH values ​​between 6 and 6.5 and growth is markedly reduced at pH values ​​less than 6. There is a myth about the miraculous effect of laundry soap[10], but this is not true. Laundry soap is highly alkaline with a pH equal to 11-12 (!) [11], alkali converts the keratin component of the hair and the upper layer of skin (epidermis) into alkaline albuminates that are easily soluble in water, which are removed when washing, and this reduces the content in the skin so-called sulfhydryl groups, the absence of which contributes to skin deterioration.[12] However, the skin should not be oily or dirty. Always take a bath after exercising or sweating.
  • Take more fresh vegetables and fruits; foods rich in B vitamins are especially important. Brewer's yeast is often recommended.
  • Smoking may worsen the effects of acne.[13]
  • Therapeutic measures
      Visit a solarium - sometimes ultraviolet baths can completely eliminate acne. In this case, such a duration of exposure is required that erythema (slight redness of the skin) occurs, which activates local skin resistance. In Europe[14], USA, Canada[15][16][17], Brazil[18][19][20], Ireland and many other countries, visiting a solarium is prohibited for persons under 18 years of age.[21][22] Frequent visits to solariums have been shown to be associated with the risk of skin cancer.[23][24][25][26] Therefore, regular radiation exposure should not exceed 2 sessions per week
      and 30 sessions per year.[27]
  • Wipe problem areas of the skin with salicylic acid 1-2 times a day. Salicylic acid is available at any pharmacy at a low price. Additionally, you can wipe the skin with a decoction of oak bark, chamomile, calendula tincture, and 3% hydrogen peroxide, although the effectiveness of these external agents is low.
  • If salicylic acid does not provide relief, replace it with Skinoren
    , a cream based on azelaic acid.
  • To increase the effectiveness of acne treatment, add the drug Zinerit
    , which contains zinc and erythromycin, which destroys bacteria, or the drug
    (benzoyl peroxide), which suppresses the secretion of sebum and destroys bacteria. It is advisable to alternate these drugs, as effectiveness may decrease over time. Also, a recent study found that resveratrol increased the effectiveness of benzoyl peroxide.[28]
  • In women,
    COCs with antiandrogenic effects are used with great success: Jess, Diane-35, Yarina, Logest, Janine, Tri-Mercy, Belara, etc.
  • If high oily skin persists (manifests itself in the form of shine and to the touch), also start taking the drug Accutane
    (Isotretinoin, Roaccutane, Sotret), which suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands (very effective in steroid courses). It should be used as a last resort, when nothing else helps. Strictly as prescribed by a dermatologist. This is a pretty serious drug, with a huge list of side effects.
  • If, despite the treatment, new inflamed acne appears, it is necessary to resort to the use of antibiotics. The optimal choice is Clindamycin
    can also be used , but it is less effective. The average duration of antibiotic treatment is 10 days. Noticeable improvements usually occur within 3-4 days, but you should not end the course ahead of time.
  • In severe cases, a blood purification procedure may be required - plasmapheresis, etc.
  • Wipe problem areas with a 5% iodine solution, apply at night both locally and all over the face, relieves inflammation, dries the skin.
  • Purchase at the pharmacy 2 bottles (40 ml each) of 2% salicylic alcohol, a pack of ampoules of 1% Dioxidine solution (10.0 amps), a bottle of Dimexide and a pack of Metronidazole tablets. Open all ampoules of dioxidine, mix it with the entire volume of salicylic alcohol, add 1 table. a spoonful of dimexide and 4 table. spoons of boiled water. Then crush 3 metronidazole tablets, add to the solution and shake until completely dissolved. To prevent drying, add 1 bottle (25 ml) of Glycerin. Wipe 2 times a day...(] author: dermatologist Vitaly Maksimovich Chernyavsky, practice since 1981)
  • Treat the entire body with 2% salicylic alcohol, then apply 3-4 bottles of sulfur ointment to the entire body, after preheating the ointment in a water bath. Treatment is a week. Throw away the bed linen after this.
  • Mechanical removal[edit | edit code]

    Medical autopsy with needle

    When large single rashes with purulent contents (cysts) appear in everyday life, mechanical removal or “squeezing” is very often used. It is not advisable to do this, since pus can penetrate into the surrounding tissues and intensify the inflammatory process, not to mention the infection entering the blood and disseminating throughout the body.

    Even the ancient Greek surgeons said that where there is pus, open it up. This principle remains relevant today. To remove festering acne, you can use a syringe needle. The procedure involves inserting the end of the needle 2-3 mm into the center of the formation (pre-treated with an alcohol solution or other antiseptic) and creating a small incision, after which the pus is removed in the usual way. Re-treat the area with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic. With this approach, the purulent contents easily come out, the inflammation quickly passes (usually already on the 2nd day) and scars do not form.

    Treatment of the non-inflammatory form (blackheads)[edit | edit code]

    Cleansing strip for the nose after the procedure

    • Preventive measures
      Take water procedures using soap more often. The skin should not be oily or dirty. Always take a bath after exercising or sweating.
    • Reduce carbohydrate intake. Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet.
    • Increase your consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Therapeutic measures
      Use special cleansing strips that mechanically remove comedones.
  • Wipe your skin with salicylic alcohol.
  • Replace salicylic alcohol with Differin (Adapalene)
  • Before using retinoids (Acnecutane, Roaccutane), it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor
    to determine the advisability of using this group of drugs (a large number of contraindications and side effects, the complexity of the course of treatment)
  • Infusions, decoctions, sulfur-based preparations and folk remedies are low in effectiveness.

    Bodybuilder's acne as a special form of acne after taking steroids

    Bodybuilder's acne is a special form of acne that appears after taking anabolic steroids, testosterone derivatives to increase muscle mass and weight. Bodybuilding acne is a special variant of androgen-induced acne. Anabolic steroids are used as a means of muscle hypertrophy as the basis for creating strength.

    The situation is further complicated by the fact that abuse of anabolic steroids is often associated with unmotivated use of numerous medications. Therapeutic doses of anabolic steroids are 5-25 mg/day orally, 40-50 mg/week parenterally. However, athletes use higher dosages and take the drugs in combination: both orally and parenterally.

    Vitamin B5 for acne[edit | edit code]

    Translation from English and adaptation of the text: Andrey Zavyalov

    Scientists at the Manhattan Center for Medical Research published an article in the journal Dermatology and Therapeutics. provided scientists with the Pantothen supplement, which was taken for 12 weeks by ten subjects, all of whom suffered from facial acne.

    Four tablets contain:

    • 1.5 milligrams of vitamin B1,
    • 1.7 milligrams of vitamin B2,
    • 20 milligrams of vitamin B3,
    • 2 milligrams vitamin B6,
    • 400 micrograms of folic acid,
    • 6 mcg vitamin B12,
    • 300 mcg biotin,
    • 733.3 milligrams L-carnitine,
    • 2.2 grams of vitamin B5 (22,000% daily medical value).

    Each of the subjects took 4 Pantothen tablets daily with meals. The control group, which also included acne sufferers, received a placebo.


    During the experiment, the number of blackheads, red spots and other signs of acne decreased in both groups. But the reduction was greater in the experimental group than in the placebo group. A powerful dose of vitamin B5 reduces acne by two-thirds.

    The researchers also noted the absence of side effects. Researchers at Columbia University found that skin lesions and related problems began to disappear only after 8 weeks of using the drug. The subjects also noted an emotional uplift after they regained clear skin. In another study from the same university involving 48 patients over 12 weeks, the acne recovery rate in the group taking Pantothen was 68% higher than in the group receiving traditional treatment.

    My recommendations

    For bodybuilding athletes who are prone to acne, I can recommend the following:

    • Review your diet. Yes, eating food is necessary for your purposes, but it is worth making allowances for the relationship between skin condition and diet, if, of course, this matters to you. First of all, changes should affect carbohydrates. There is no escape from a large amount of carbohydrates in your diet, but try to completely eliminate fast carbohydrates from your diet, I hope you don’t need to explain what they are. Replace them with more complex carbohydrates, this will significantly affect the level of insulin that the body receives from food and, as a result, will help reduce skin oiliness.
    • Try to minimize the amount of fatty meat you eat and fried foods. Eat more high-fiber foods.
    • Pay more attention to facial hygiene, get good care products.
    • In case of serious problems, contact a dermatologist, he will prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

    In general, as we know, it is almost impossible to talk about acne with one hundred percent certainty, however, from my experience, I can conclude that for a person prone to acne, bodybuilding can only aggravate existing skin problems.

    And we will talk about how running helps improve skin condition and eliminate acne in the next article.

    Many young people want to gain muscle mass in a short time and get a beautiful, pumped up figure. They see the only way to this goal in taking anabolic drugs, but is it as safe as it seems?

    Like all hormonal drugs, anabolic steroids have many side effects, one of which is steroid acne. Let’s take a closer look at why they arise after completing the course, how they manifest themselves, and what to do to avoid these negative consequences.

    Notes[edit | edit code]

    1. Adityan B, Kumari R, Thappa DM (2009). "Scoring systems in acne vulgaris". Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 75(3):323–6.
    2. "Acne Vulgaris: Article by Julie C Harper." eMedicine. 2009-08-06. Retrieved 2009-12-21.
    5. Zhao, Ya-e; Hu, Li; Wu, Li-ping; Ma, Jun-xian (March 2012). "A meta-analysis of association between acne ulgaris and Demodex infestation." Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B 13(3): 192–202. doi:10.1631/jzus.B1100285. PMC 3296070. PMID 22374611.
    6. Ramos-e-Silva M, Carneiro SC (2009). "Acne vulgaris: review and guidelines." Dermatol Nurs 21(2):63–8; quiz 69.
    11. %BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BC%D1%8B%D0%BB%D0%BE
    14. Telegraph News: Children banned from using sunbeds. Written by Rebecca Smith. Retrieved April 8, 2010.
    17. "Oakville bans teens from tanning beds - Toronto - CBC News." 2012-08-14. Retrieved 2013-10-15.
    18. Liz Szabo (2012-10-02). "Tanning beds' toll: At least 170,000 skin cancers a year." Retrieved 2013-10-15.
    19. Seaman, Andrew M. (2012-07-19). "Indoor tanning bans more common than a decade ago." Reuters. Retrieved 2013-10-15.
    20. “Anvisa proíbe uso de câmaras de bronzeamento para fins estéticos.” Folha do Estado (in Portuguese). 11 November 2009. Archived from the original on 15 November 2009. Retrieved 15 November 2015.
    21. Balk, S. J. MD, A. C. Geller, M. P. H., RN. "Teenagers and Artificial Tanning". Pediatrics. Vol.121, No. 5; May 1, 2008. pp.1040–1042 doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2256. Retrieved February 4, 2012
    22. "Irish young people to be protected from sunbeds." Ireland News.Net. Retrieved June 25, 2014.
    23. "NTP: Report on Carcinogens (RoC)". 2009-02-13. Retrieved 2009-07-29.
    24. Fisher GJ, Wang ZQ, Datta SC, Varani J, Kang S, Voorhees JJ (November 1997). “Pathophysiology of premature skin aging induced by ultraviolet light.” N.Engl. J. Med. 337(20):1419–28. doi:10.1056/NEJM199711133372003. PMID 9358139.
    25. Colantonio, S; Bracken, M. B.; Beecker, J (May 2014). "The association of indoor tanning and melanoma in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis." Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 70(5): 847–57.e1–18. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2013.11.050. PMID 24629998.
    26. Wehner, M.R.; Shive, M. L.; Chren, M.-M.; Han, J.; Qureshi, A.A.; Linos, E. (2 October 2012). "Indoor tanning and non-melanoma skin cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis." BMJ 345(oct02 3):e5909–e5909. doi:10.1136/bmj.e5909.

    Preventive measures

    Stopping taking steroids is not the most desirable way to get rid of acne in most cases. Experts give several tips for preventing acne both after a course of steroids and during it:

    1. Do not use excessively high dosages.
    2. Do not use courses with androgens for too long.
    3. You should choose courses that have the least impact on the natural production of testosterone.
    4. Liver-friendly steroids are better than others.

    Of course, you should limit the amount of alcoholic beverages, spicy foods and seasonings, confectionery and sweet fruits in your diet. It is better to plan to visit the shower at least twice a day. Baths with the addition of sea salt, as well as applying clay masks to acne once a week, will be very useful.

    Degrees of pathology

    Classification of skin abnormalities:

    • initial – formation of comedones, small papulopustules;
    • medium – painful nodes, papulopustules develop throughout the body;
    • complex – the formation of nodular pathologies.

    Ignoring complex drug treatment of abnormalities:

    • significant expansion of pores;
    • development of post-inflammatory pigment spots;
    • scarring of damaged areas;
    • formation of atheromas;
    • manifestation of erythema spots.

    Pronounced enlargement of pores is the active stage of production of subcutaneous sebum by the sebaceous glands. Sebum accumulation, significant stretching, wall hypertrophy.

    Pigment spots are a violation of the process of pigment formation. Active process of insolation during the inflammatory process. With self-squeezing, causing open injuries on the skin.

    Formation of erythema spots. Localization – damaged areas with pimples. Manifestation due to failures of the microcirculation process during inflammatory processes.

    Milia. Formation of round capsules with increased sebaceous content. Localization – superficial, under the epidermal film. Often - on the eyelids, near the eyes, temporal region, lower part of the face. There is no inflammatory process. Formation of keratinization problems. The stratum corneum quickly thickens, the sebaceous fluid cannot quickly be released to the surface.

    Scar formations are a complex form of deviation. Existing damage to the dermis lobe. Clinical observations: atrophic and keloid scars, severe redness.

    Atheromas are a rare side effect with pain. Localization – pronounced subcutaneous tubercle up to 2 centimeters. Black dots in the center of the formation. The destruction of comedones is an opportunity to remove the fluid content. There is no color, there is an unpleasant smell. Development of the inflammatory process with infection of other areas.

    Acne: definition - characteristic causes

    Proper care

    Effective rejuvenation and normalization of water balance. Comprehensive cleaning:

    • quickly removes visual scales from the surface, reduces the volume of subcutaneous fat;
    • effective exfoliation of dead cells;
    • comprehensive disinfection, maximum protection against overdrying and negative effects of external factors.

    Cleaning is carried out using medicinal emulsions, solutions, and cosmetic soaps. Intended purpose: for skin characterized by a tendency to form pimples and blackheads. Mandatory absence of alcohol. Ignoring it will quickly damage the pH level and normal microflora inside the body.

    The moisturizing effect normalizes water balance and removes excesses from the surface. Application of products based on hydrogel, liquid cream, emulsions. Anti-inflammatory medications and creams will help reduce the total number of comedones and the pronounced inflammatory process.

    Recommended Diet

    The effectiveness of using a balanced diet is not a scientifically proven phenomenon. Dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend that patients with acne-prone skin:

    • completely eliminate whole fat milk and easily digestible carbohydrates;
    • limit the intake of sausages as much as possible: boiled, smoked, dry-cured sausage, frankfurters;
    • consumption of canned food is prohibited;
    • ban on mineral water with high sugar content and food coloring;
    • limited consumption of sweets, pastries, cakes;
    • Avoid fermented milk products as much as possible: cottage cheese, cheese;
    • ban on mayonnaise;
    • limited consumption of coffee and strong tea.

    Personal balanced nutrition is formed in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

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