Effective masks for mature facial skin: how to prepare them at home

Homemade masks for ladies over 60 years old

Despite the fact that this cosmetic product has a positive effect on the skin of the face, some women are not recommended to use it. So, gelatin is contraindicated if:

  • the skin is very dry and prone to flaking;
  • there are inflamed pimples, blackheads or rashes on the face;
  • the presence of open wounds, scratches and microcracks.

Gelatin can be used as an independent component or mixed with other products. First of all, you need to prepare the base.

To do this, take 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin powder, pour 5-6 tbsp. spoons of water (water should be cool or room temperature). Instead of water, you can take milk or herbal infusion, depending on your skin type and individual preferences.

Stir the gelatin into the water and let stand for about 10 minutes. During this time, the mass will swell and increase in size. Place it in a water bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not bring the mixture to a boil.

Face masks for wrinkles after 60 years are not a whim, but rather a necessity. They are especially important for dry skin. Below you will find some truly miraculous recipes that will help you restore your youthful complexion.

For aging skin, gelatin is a real salvation, because it is so rich in natural collagen that after regularly applying it to the skin as part of masks, wrinkles smooth out by themselves.

  • So, let's start: pour 2 tbsp into a special bowl. edible gelatin (about 20g).
  • Dilute it with warm water and let the powder swell. This will take about half an hour.
  • Next, add 1 tbsp to the pulp. olive oil and 1 tsp. grape seed oils.
  • And then 5 drops of liquid vitamins A and E (they can be purchased at any pharmacy).
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply an even layer to the steamed skin.

Keep the mask on for at least half an hour. It is advisable to remain calm during this time. Don't talk or laugh.

Interesting: Masks for strengthening hair and preventing hair loss

After applying this miracle mask, the skin will noticeably smooth out and the aging process will slow down. Be sure to try it at home!

  • Take 1 tbsp. starch and fill it with 100 ml of cold water. Stir everything with a whisk until the mass becomes homogeneous. Afterwards, boil another 50 ml of water and add to the existing composition.
  • Now, wait until the dissolved starch thickens and add 1 tbsp to it. heavy cream.
  • And then - a softened half of a banana.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and begin applying it to your face and décolleté in even layers.
  • Let the first coat dry before applying the second!

Many people know firsthand about the beneficial properties of Aloe Vera for the skin. It will also be indispensable for women over 60.

  • Get 30 ml of aloe juice.
  • Take the pulp of half an avocado.
  • Finely grate half the apple to get the pulp out of it.
  • As a final touch, add 1 tablespoon of full-fat sour cream.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply to a previously cleansed face.

Excellent result.
Wash off the mask with warm water after 20 minutes. But while it is on your face, you need to be in a relaxed horizontal position.

Mask with yolk

The yolk is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it will be simply irreplaceable for aging skin. And its main weapon in the fight against wrinkles will be a substance called retinol.

  • The recipe for the most effective anti-aging mask is incredibly simple. To begin, beat the yolk of one egg separated from the white with a blender.
  • After that, add 15 mg of olive oil to it (this is about 1.5 tbsp.)
  • Mix everything and apply an even layer on the face and neck.
  • If you want to additionally achieve a tonic effect for your skin, then add one tablespoon of orange, grapefruit or lemon to the resulting mixture.

Another good mask option

As always, keep the mask on your face for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with warm herbal decoction or mineral water.

Interesting: Baths for weight loss

What is your favorite anti-wrinkle mask? Can you share the recipe?

Who needs hydration?

The first signs that the skin does not receive enough water are the appearance of peeling, unpleasant sensations of tightness and the appearance of inflammation. In addition, the skin of women over thirty is in dire need of hydration, when the first wrinkles begin to form. Properly selected masks cannot turn back time, but they will greatly help slow down the aging process associated with loss of skin elasticity. Moisturizing masks also help saturate the bloodstream with oxygen and deeply cleanse the skin of cosmetics. So it is recommended to use them from the same age at which you start using decorative cosmetics.


Royal mask

Homemade masks after 60 years using a recipe known since ancient times are very good. Here, for example, is the recipe of Empress Elizabeth II herself!

Fifty grams of sour cream, the same amount of pea flour. Instead, you can take ground lentil or green pea powder. All this must be mixed thoroughly and applied to the face, kept there for at least a third of an hour.

Another secret of the Empress is warm pea porridge mixed with sour cream and vegetable oil. This warm mask made from all-natural ingredients gives good results with regular use - check it out for yourself.

Starch instead of Botox

Homemade cosmetics with starch will help refresh your face as if you had Botox injections.

Why is potato starch so useful?

  1. It contains B vitamins, which promote cell restoration and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
  2. Vitamin C – rejuvenates cells, improves complexion.
  3. Vitamin PP – removes “sleeping” cells from sleep.
  4. Calcium – sets in motion metabolic processes.
  5. Iron – enriches the epidermis with oxygen.
  6. Potassium – moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis.

Starch compositions are suitable for women with absolutely any skin type, even the most sensitive. For young girls, starch will help remove oily shine and dry out acne, and for older women, get rid of wrinkles, improve complexion, and saturate the dermis with moisture.

Brewed starch is considered more effective; it nourishes the skin better than dry starch. To prepare recipes for different masks, you should first make the base:

  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of dry starch, pour 100 ml of cold water, green tea, milk or herbal decoction, stir.
  • Add another 50 ml of hot water, stir quickly until the starch thickens. There is no need to bring to a boil. The base is cooked like regular jelly.
  • The starch mass can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 days, no more.
  • Various components should be added to the cooled mass.

Rules for applying potato masks

  1. Before applying the product, you need to steam your face, then the vitamins will better penetrate the pores of the epidermis.
  2. Apply several layers to form a dense film. Let each layer dry, then apply the next one.
  3. After time, wash with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  4. The minimum course is 10 sessions, which should be carried out every other day.

Starch masks have a cumulative effect, so the result is not immediately visible. And after 10 sessions you will look 5-8 years younger, depending on the degree of skin neglect.

Recipes for potato procedures

  1. Instead of Botox: take 1 tbsp. dry starch, pour a glass of water, boil until thick. After cooling, add 2 tbsp. carrot juice, 25 g of fat sour cream. Keep on your face for 15 minutes.
  2. A tightening, moisturizing, mattifying mask can be made from dry starch: add a spoonful of full-fat kefir to 20 g of powder. Then beat in the egg white, add to the mixture, mix well. Keep the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.
  3. To moisturize dry skin, the following recipe is suitable: 1 tbsp. l. Stir starch powder in 50 ml of warm water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat germ oil and an yolk. Keep the mixture on the skin for 40 minutes.

Effective anti-aging compositions can be prepared with starch. Using them every other day, you will ensure that your skin becomes fresh and tightened.

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin in 10 ml of warm water. Heat until it dissolves. To 1 tbsp. l. Add 1 teaspoon of starch to the solution, add 10 drops of wheat germ oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Leave on your face for 20 minutes.
  2. For oily skin. Add 1 tbsp to 50 ml of warm milk. l. starch, add 1 tsp. honey and fine salt. Stir until all ingredients are dissolved. Apply a thick layer, keep for 15 minutes.
  3. For mature, fading dermis, this mask will be useful: add starch powder to banana puree. Cover your face for 25 minutes.
  4. Beat the egg white, add 1 tbsp. spoon of powder. Add 5 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes.
  5. For problematic dermis: dilute 20 g of starch with 20 ml of fresh cucumber juice, add 1 teaspoon of sea salt, mix well. Apply to face in circular motions. Hold for 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating treatments for dry epidermis

You have only learned the top half of ways to prevent wilting. It's time to move on to more effective measures. These are masks, massage, moisturizing, peeling.

Before applying masks, it is necessary to disperse the blood and relieve tension from facial wrinkles. A light massage will help with this. Apply moisturizer and cream to your face and start tapping your entire face along the massage lines with your fingertips. Pay special attention to wrinkles under the eyes. The procedure time is 1-2 minutes.

Massage must be done every day. Soon you will see the return of a youthful complexion and a glow to your cheeks. After the procedure, any mask will act faster and more effectively.

Peeling is another important procedure for rejuvenating the epidermis. By removing the stratum corneum, you allow cells to renew themselves.

But if you have dry skin, you shouldn’t get too carried away with cleansing. Dry skin is already thin, so frequent exfoliation can cause great harm to it. You may not notice when you pass the critical point, that is, the cells stop renewing and deep furrows appear on your face.

Peeling is enough once a month, but no more.

Face creams for 60 years

There are many factors to consider when choosing a face cream. Firstly, the cream should moisturize the skin. To choose the right cream, you need to decide on your skin type and remember that dry skin is prone to the appearance of deep wrinkles. Most often, women give preference to the following brands of creams: Lancome, L'Oreal, Nivea, Garnier, Clinique.

They are chosen because they perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. With constant use, you can notice a tightening effect, because wrinkles will gradually smooth out.

Also, do not forget that creams can be made at home. To do this, you need to use only natural products, preferably dairy products of natural origin, without additives or chemical components.

Being a “berry” is a lot of work!

Of course, at 55 years old a woman can and should be beautiful. And it is a misconception to believe that this requires expensive salon procedures and elite care products - every lady is able to maintain her beauty and blooming appearance herself. Homemade facial products - lotions, scrubs, and especially masks - are very effective and natural remedies for reasonable skin care. And most importantly - very profitable.

Yeast masks for aging facial skin

Yeast has a unique anti-inflammatory as well as anti-aging effect, which is exactly what we need. Below you will find several effective recipes against the aging process.

Recipe No1

The milk needs to be slightly warmed and poured over the yeast. After this, add olive oil (one teaspoon is enough), and the same amount of linden honey is needed. Stir. At the end, add one yolk.

Recipe No2

As in the previous version, for this mask you will need to combine yeast with warm milk and add one whole egg. We begin to knead and gradually add other components of the mask - honey, olive oil, flour.

Interesting: Yeast face masks

Why do you need hydration?

The skin constantly loses moisture. This depends on lifestyle, negative influences of the external environment, and regularity of fluid intake. Daily care allows you to keep the water level at the desired level. As soon as the skin loses moisture, it begins to dry out and flake; there is a feeling of tightness. But these are only external manifestations. At the same time, the skin's barrier function decreases and it is more susceptible to inflammatory processes. It also begins to age faster and wrinkles appear on it. That is why hydration is the main indicator of its youth.

How to care for a certain skin type?

When choosing a face mask, it is important to pay attention not only to the person’s age, but also to their skin type. Formulations will vary

If you neglect the rules, then, for example, dry skin becomes even drier when a mask suitable for oily skin is used. Such formulations contain components with a drying effect, which can only be harmful for dry skin.


Need masks to improve tone. If the skin ages and fades, then formulations with a moisturizing and regenerating effect are additionally needed.

For masks, products with medium fat content are recommended. Plant extracts can be used.


The main thing for this type is hydration. In addition, for aging skin after 40 years, formulations with a regenerating effect are needed.

Masks can be prepared using fatty foods. Sour cream, butter, cream will do. Vitamins A and C, natural oils, propolis, wax, gelatin are useful. Alcohol-containing formulations must be discarded.


Masks with a tightening effect are needed, as well as deep cleaning products. If the skin is aging, then you will need compositions for rehydration and regeneration.

For masks, you can only use low-fat products. Be sure to use rapeseed oil, vitamins A, E, group B, extracts of lavender, yarrow, chamomile, calendula, and aloe.


For acne and seborrhea, not only anti-aging masks are needed, but also antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory agents, as well as compositions for deep cleansing of the skin.

Vitamins A, E, C, plant extracts are useful.

Sensitive with dilated vessels

Masks with a calming and anti-inflammatory effect are needed.

Primrose and tea tree oil, vitamins E, C, B6 are useful.


Combination skin requires a different approach. For example, if the T-shaped zone (chin, nose and forehead) can be scrubbed for three minutes, then one minute is enough for the cheeks. This is explained by the combination of two skin types (in the T-area - oily, in other areas - dry).

Movements should be light.

With pronounced pigmentation

In this case, you need not only anti-aging masks, but also those that give a whitening effect.

It is recommended to use products with vitamin C.

Around eyes

It is thinner than in other places on the face. There are practically no muscles and subcutaneous fat in this area, and there are also few sweat and sebaceous glands.

Expression wrinkles around the eyes appear much earlier than in other places on the face, as a person constantly blinks, squints, and smiles. Due to the slow movement of lymph, “bags” and swelling often appear. Such an area with delicate skin reacts much more strongly to sunlight, cold, and frost.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the skin in this area not from 40, but from 25 years old. Hydration plays an important role. It is imperative to add vitamins A, E, C, oils, dairy products, and plant extracts to the products.

Tips from cosmetologists

All doctors who treat the dermis note that nutrition alone will not be enough for the skin; it is necessary to systematically do scrubs and peels; these sessions greatly increase blood flow, help the body cleanse itself of toxins and other harmful substances, and eliminate dead cells from the surface of the epidermis.

The mask must be selected according to the type of dermis. Of course, the recipe for an anti-aging mask that is suitable for any face is universal, but it is much more effective to act based on your type. Using natural products is the most effective treatment for pigmentation, wrinkles and loss of tone.

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