Pimple on the earlobe: reasons, what to do with the internal, subcutaneous

Pathogenic elements can appear in different parts of the body, but if such manifestations are quite common on the face, back or arms, then acne on the earlobes causes a lot of anxiety and worry. The causes of acne on the earlobe are quite varied. Some of them do not pose any threat to health or life, but some can be quite dangerous and require urgent medical attention. In any case, such a manifestation should not be ignored.

Clinical picture

Pimples on the ears can be of two main types:

  • Inflammation on the surface of the skin. It appears as a small red lesion and may contain liquid pus.
  • Accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the inner layers of the skin. It looks like a painless ball located in the inner layers of the skin. Such formations are simply called wen.

In the first case, the pimple can go away on its own; it is enough to treat it with antiseptic solutions. In the second case, the pimple does not come out, but spreads in the inner layers of the skin, which is dangerous due to the growth of the inflammatory process.

Reasons for appearance

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of such formations, some are physiological in nature, others are caused by diseases:

  • Insufficient hygiene. In the area of ​​the ears, a person produces a large amount of sweat and subcutaneous sebum. If you neglect hygiene in these places, the skin pores become clogged and begin to become inflamed.
  • Teenage years. In teenagers, during adolescence, the appearance of acne is common. For most, they go away on their own when the hormonal levels return to normal.
  • Cold symptoms. During cold season, people with weakened immune systems may experience various rashes on the face, neck, and ears. As a rule, they go away on their own when the signs of a cold disappear.
  • Excessive sebum production. Internal painless pimples, similar to a ball, are formed by subcutaneous sebum. This happens when a lot of fat is formed, and it does not have time to be released through the pores.
  • Hormonal disorders. This is a common cause of group rashes in the head and neck area.
  • Stress. Particularly sensitive people may break out in rashes during times of stress. A large number of pimples appear on the face, ears, and neck.
  • Taking medications. If you have an allergic reaction to any medicine, a rash may appear. It can be localized on the cheeks, neck, ears. Typically, with an allergic reaction, in addition to the appearance of pimples, the ears swell significantly and become red.
  • Poor nutrition. Junk foods that contain a lot of fat and chemical fillers can cause various breakouts on the surface of the skin.
  • Dirty headphones. Headphones have a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms on their surface, since they are in a pocket, in a bag and are often touched with dirty hands.

A pimple or rash on the earlobe is always unpleasant, therefore, it is necessary to find out the cause of its formation in order to begin treatment.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Before treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of tumor, since not all pimples can be squeezed out. Initially, a red pustule that causes painful discomfort is easier to eliminate than a dense rash that does not cause discomfort.

There are many reasons for a rash on the earlobe.
In most cases, an in-person consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. Dermatoscopy may be needed.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

You should not squeeze a pimple while it is red, as such a process will not bring anything other than severe pain. Removal of purulent rashes from the earlobe is carried out only if internal pathologies are excluded.

A dense pimple without redness and discomfort is much more difficult to eliminate. It is forbidden to squeeze out such a cyst with sebum inside, especially since the wen is not dangerous to the body, it only causes aesthetic discomfort.

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Sometimes a pimple in this area indicates certain diseases. Atheroma is considered a serious pathology. Such a cyst, which forms inside the earlobe, can reach enormous sizes.

Timely removal of the formation reduces the likelihood of damage to the facial nerve. Atheroma is also dangerous because the purulent mass that accumulates inside the wen becomes denser and inflames the surrounding tissues, causing an abscess.

Acne is also confused with keloid scars. These growths of connective tissue structures remain after damage and surgical procedures. Sometimes scars occur due to the removal of atheroma or after a puncture for an earring.

When dermatitis occurs, the outer ear becomes red, covered in rashes and blisters. In this case, the patient suffers from severe itching. The danger of the disease lies in the spread of the rash to the face and other neighboring areas.


A small pimple on the ear, if not properly treated, can cause a lot of trouble. The most common complication is inflammation of the deep layers of the skin. If the infection spreads over a large area, treatment can only be surgical.

Another complication is the infection spreading to the ear. Otitis may develop.

If the internal pimple becomes large, pus may enter the bloodstream. In this case, the infection will quickly spread throughout the body.


The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints, medical history and characteristic clinical picture.
This disease should be differentiated from mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process). With the development of a boil, the pain is most pronounced around the auricle, especially in the area of ​​its attachment; no changes are observed in the eardrum, but with mastoiditis, the eardrum is infiltrated and hyperemic. Make an appointment right now!

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How to get rid of pimple

In order to get rid of a pimple on your earlobe, you need to determine the cause of its formation.

Acne caused by lack of hygiene will go away easily if you wash the area well. But you need to understand that hygiene must be regular, otherwise new formations may appear.

If it is noticed that acne formation is activated during stress, then such situations should be avoided. You can take anti-stress medications of herbal origin.

An allergic reaction to medications goes away easily after stopping this medication.

If the reason is poor nutrition, then it can be very difficult to get rid of it. Many people simply cannot change their diet due to habit. Even after changing your diet, the rashes do not go away for a long time, since accumulated harmful substances remain in the body.

Acne in adolescence is caused by the activation of processes occurring in the skin. During this period, increased hygiene with the use of antibacterial cosmetics is necessary.

Pimples on the earlobe, treatment

Of course, like any other disorder or disease, acne that appears on the earlobes also requires timely and adequate treatment. Multiple small rashes usually indicate the presence of dermatitis or poor hygiene. Coping with such acne is not at all difficult, the main thing is to start treatment on time and use the right products. If the neoplasm is a single, dense subcutaneous pimple, characterized by pain, then there is a danger of developing a tumor, both benign and malignant.

When visiting the clinic, the doctor must conduct an examination and make a diagnosis. If the doctor has determined that the patient does not require surgery, he will prescribe adequate conservative treatment using various means. If acne appears due to an allergic reaction, the person is prescribed special antihistamine drugs, and after treatment it is necessary to avoid contact with the irritant to prevent the formation of new rashes. In this case, it is not easy to independently determine that the cause of acne is an allergic reaction, so in such a situation it is necessary to carry out a correct diagnosis.

If there is an active inflammatory process in the pimple, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy using special medications. If there is purulent content inside the formation, Vishnevsky ointment is often prescribed, the use of which stimulates the process of pimple maturation and the discharge of pus.

If the doctor believes that the best treatment option in a particular case is to perform a surgical operation to open the internal capsule and remove the purulent contents, then you should not refuse such a procedure. Various types of tumors, including benign ones, are also subject to mandatory removal, after which a full course of therapy is carried out using antibiotic drugs.

It should be remembered that only a doctor can determine the exact cause of pimples on the earlobe, while the effectiveness of therapy, as well as the recovery time, largely depend on how quickly adequate treatment for the condition is started. Often, for therapy, the doctor may prescribe the use of salicylic alcohol, fucorcin or zinc paste.

You cannot open a pimple on the earlobe yourself, as this can lead to serious consequences, especially if the pathogenic element has not yet matured. It is strongly recommended not to injure the existing pathogenic element with combs or earrings, or with your hands. If you have acne on your earlobe, there is no need to wear all kinds of jewelry made from low-quality metals and alloys that oxidize upon contact with the skin.

Traditional doctors recommend treating such acne with lotions using decoctions of certain medicinal plants that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Most often, decoctions and water infusions of plantain, celandine, sage, chamomile flowers, calendula or linden are used in treatment. You can also use the juice of fresh white cabbage, raw onion, garlic or fresh tomato for lotions.

Acne treatment

To get rid of acne in advanced cases, you need to consult a doctor. Neglect of treatment can result in negative consequences (for example, the spread of infection to the deeper layers of the skin).

Treatment can be carried out by a dermatologist, endocrinologist or surgeon.

An endocrinologist treats acne if its formation is associated with hormonal imbalances in the body. As a rule, hormonal therapy gives good results.

A dermatologist will treat if acne is caused by microorganisms living in the skin (skin mites) or skin infections. Treatment is carried out using creams, ointments or applications. The success of treatment depends on the thoroughness of the procedures.

The surgeon treats if a pimple on the face or earlobe has become severely inflamed with the formation of a purulent capsule. That is, in the case when it is necessary to perform surgery to open an abscess.

Treatment of large wen is also carried out by opening, but this type of formations has a tendency to recur.

Diagnosis of education

The main goal of diagnosing the disease is to determine the type of pimple and exclude atheroma. To do this, an external examination of the affected area is carried out with further palpation.

If, when pressed, the formation seems to be a subcutaneous and round compaction, causing pain, then there is a possibility of atheroma.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out a cyst yourself at home, so you need to contact a specialist. If the pimple has affected the outer layer of the epidermis of the earlobe, then surgical intervention will not be needed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many people believe that a pimple that appears on their earlobe does not pose any danger and treat it at home. Indeed, small acne without signs of infection can be treated with folk remedies. There are several proven recipes:

  • Aloe. This plant is excellent in helping to cope with acne and inflammation of the earlobe. You need to use it like this: grate a couple of aloe leaves, then wrap it in thin gauze and apply it to the affected areas.
  • Honey and onions. This mask disinfects the skin well and soothes it. It’s prepared like this: grate a small onion until it becomes porridge, add 2 teaspoons of honey and stir. The mixture is applied in the form of a mask in a thin layer for several minutes, then washed off with warm water. The disinfectant properties of onions and honey will help cope with inflammation.
  • Chamomile + calendula. You can prepare a herbal anti-inflammatory decoction from these herbs. You need to take a teaspoon of each herb and pour a glass of boiling water. Use the resulting decoction to wipe problem areas. You can also make a lotion from the remaining broth. The wet herb should be wrapped in thin gauze and applied to the affected areas.
  • Celandine. The name of this herb speaks for itself. To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of celandine and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let the herb steep until it cools naturally. Then wipe the affected areas of the earlobe twice a day. Celandine must be handled very carefully, as it is poisonous.
  • Essential oils. Many essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect. These oils include: lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosehip oil. Regular use will not only help get rid of acne, but will also prevent their further appearance.
  • Iodine. This remedy will help deal with internal pimple on the earlobe. You need to cauterize the sore spot 2-3 times a day. Iodine has a powerful drying effect. In a few days, the internal pimple will go away on its own.

Folk remedies treat small pimples well. They are also a means of prevention. But if a purulent capsule has formed that affects the surrounding tissues, then it is best to consult a doctor.

What not to do

Pimples on the earlobe are hotbeds of infection, so they need to be treated with extreme caution. Many people do not understand this and do things that can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • You can't heat it. Some “healers” suggest heating a wen or boil so that it bursts out. This should not be done under any circumstances, as this will only intensify the inflammatory process.
  • You can't squeeze it out. Squeezing a pimple on the earlobe can cause it to rupture into the tissue. In this case, pus may enter the bloodstream.
  • It cannot be ignored. If you find a pimple on your ear, you need to keep an eye on it. If it quickly increases in size and becomes hot, then you need to go to the hospital immediately.

Preventive measures to prevent the formation of pimples on the earlobe

Compliance with basic recommendations for prevention allows you to avoid the appearance of many dermatological disorders and diseases, which can sometimes be quite difficult to cure. The main preventive measures include:

  • Timely washing of hair. This point is very important, since greasy and dirty hair often comes into contact with the surface of the ears, especially if the hair falls onto the shoulders. Dirt and grease on the surface of the hair and scalp can be called an excellent environment for the development of many pathogenic microorganisms that cause acne. When dirty hair comes into contact with the surface of the ears, bacteria enter the skin, penetrate the pores and provoke the development of pathogenic elements.
  • Maintain normal ear hygiene. The skin of the ears, like other parts of the body, needs regular cleansing of impurities.
  • Items that come into contact with your ears should be washed frequently. This should include not only hats, caps, bandanas, scarves, but also sweaters with high collars, as well as sweaters and jackets with hoods and scarves.
  • It is important to keep all jewelry clean, as well as other jewelry intended for the ears. It is recommended to avoid products made from metals that oxidize upon contact with skin. Earrings made of other metals should be treated with an antiseptic solution before being inserted into the earlobes.

Another means of preventing the formation of pimples on the earlobe is to eliminate one of the main causes of the spread of infection and pathogenic microorganisms. Modern life requires the constant use of various means of communication, in particular, mobile phones, on the surface of which there are always many bacteria. Therefore, before using the phone, both mobile and landline, it is necessary to clean its surface with an antiseptic damp cloth. It is also recommended to carry such wipes with you at all times and use them to wipe your hands and various objects that may come into contact with the surface of your ears.

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