Fractional mesotherapy: reviews of the Dermapen device

From this article you will learn:

  • what is hardware mesotherapy,
  • comparison of fractional and injection mesotherapy,
  • Dermapen device – reviews, before and after photos.

Fractional mesotherapy is one of the methods of hardware cosmetology, which is an attempt to combine in one procedure both the achievements of modern injection mesotherapy and a mechanism reminiscent of rejuvenation procedures using expensive cosmetic fractional lasers (such as Fraxel). Improvement in skin condition when using these devices is achieved through 2 mechanisms. Firstly, such devices have replaceable attachments with special microneedles that damage the skin to a specified depth in a controlled manner.

Inflicting a series of such microdamages on the skin is reminiscent of the work of fractional lasers. In response to skin damage, the body responds by regenerating and activating collagen synthesis, resulting in firmer skin. The second mechanism is associated with saturating the skin with active components for its rejuvenation (vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid, amino acids). At the same time, this second mechanism can be implemented in different ways in devices for fractional mesotherapy, and below we will describe exactly how.

Fractional mesotherapy procedure: video

There are 2 options for fractional skin mesotherapy devices. The first option is compact battery-powered devices that operate without supplying a solution (they are used in budget beauty salons or at home). In this case, the skin is pre-treated with a special serum or gel, after which minor damage is caused to the skin using a device and an attachment with microneedles. Such damage slightly improves the penetration of solutions through the skin. In fact, this is a much more advanced analogue of mesoscooters.

A more expensive option is devices that automatically deliver a mesopreparation solution to the point of contact of the working nozzle with the skin. Reviews for such fractional mesotherapy devices are practically no different from the first ones, although they are usually used in more expensive beauty salons. In this article we will talk about the real possibilities of fractional mesotherapy in the salon and at home, so that you do not have high expectations, because... Usually, the capabilities of this method are, as a rule, unnecessarily exaggerated by beauty salons, as well as by manufacturers and sellers of these products.

Dermapen device: reviews from cosmetologists

The Dermapen device is a classic example of a fractional mesotherapy device for use at home or in budget beauty salons. It is easy to use even for ordinary consumers, and advertising creates the feeling that it is an inexpensive alternative to classic injection mesotherapy. You can buy a Dermapen device in Moscow from 6,500 rubles to 15,000 rubles (depending on the model). Plus, a disposable nozzle for each procedure will cost another 100 rubles, and, of course, in addition you will also need special meso-cocktails.

An example of one of the Dermapen device models –

The purpose of this article is not to teach you how to use the Dermapen device - reviews of which are both good and bad, but to give you the opportunity to evaluate whether this method is right for you specifically, whether it will allow you to achieve the changes in skin condition that you want to achieve. We will compare this method with classical injection mesotherapy, which is the standard for both skin rejuvenation procedures and the treatment of cellulite and local fat deposits.

The mechanism of action of the Dermapen device is

This compact device is similar in size to a blender and is quite comfortable to hold in your hand. There are several Dermapen models that differ from each other, for example, in the speed of movement of the working nozzle with needles, i.e. number of skin punctures per minute. In simpler models this figure will be from 3500 to 5400 punctures per minute, in top models - up to 10,000 punctures per minute, plus the choice of the number of speeds and the number of adjustments to the depth of skin punctures will differ.

The device is equipped with replaceable disposable attachments, which can have 9, 12 or 36 surgical steel needles. An important point is the thickness of the needles, and ideally it should be no more than 0.2 mm (which corresponds to the 32G marking). When the device operates, the nozzle makes reciprocating movements, causing microdamage to the skin. First, you will need to set the adjustment of the speed of the nozzle, which will determine the number of skin punctures per minute, as well as the adjustment of the depth of immersion of the needles - from 0.25 to 3.0 mm. And you will also have to treat the skin with an antiseptic and apply a mesopreparation to it in the form of a solution or gel.

After applying the mesopreparation to the skin, you turn on the device and begin the procedure. The nozzle will move, damaging the skin in a controlled manner, and thanks to this, the mesopreparation should penetrate deeper than if the skin was simply treated with serum or cream. But all this only looks good in theory. In fact, the main effect of Dermapen develops precisely due to the creation of microdamages in the skin, and only to a lesser extent through the use of serums.

The fact is that although the absorption of the drug through microdamage to the skin increases, this method of administration does not allow the drug to be deposited in the tissues. Those. the effect of serum penetration will be immediate. But when using classical injection mesotherapy, the drug is deposited at the injection sites and, accordingly, the effect of the latter in this case will last much longer. We will tell you below which drugs are best to use.

Using the Dermapen device: video

In the second video you can see the key difference between the operation of the attachment of a Dermapen-type device and ordinary mechanical mesoscooters. As you probably noticed, mesoscooters injure the skin much more, causing the skin not strictly vertical, but extended triangular damage, which heals much more slowly. This occurs due to the rotation of the drum with needles during the procedure. It is precisely because of this nature of damage that regular use of a mesoscooter leads to gradual roughening of the skin, but Dermapen will not have such a negative effect, because the needles enter the skin strictly vertically.

Important points

In classical injection mesotherapy, several techniques are used, and one of them is superficial attack (there is a video of this technique at the link). In this case, the mesotherapist uses a syringe needle to cause a lot of microdamage to the surface of the skin, and at the same time droplets of the drug remain only on the surface of the skin in the places where the needle is inserted, practically not getting deep into the skin ( Next, you need to wait until the drug dries on the surface of the skin. So, superficial attack is the most ineffective of the injection mesotherapy techniques, because... this method also does not allow the drug to be deposited in tissues.

The effect of anointing the skin with a meso-preparation and then making micro-punctures of the skin with the nozzle of the Dermapen device through this preparation will be equal in effectiveness to a superficial attack. Do not expect that the mesopreparation will penetrate deeply into the skin, and even in sufficient volume. The needles do not push the drug deep into the tissue, but micropunctures will slightly increase the permeability of the skin for the drug. That is why most preparations for fractional mesotherapy contain only not very effective low-molecular components, for example, low-molecular hyaluronic acid, which can penetrate through intact skin. The latter affects predominantly angiogenesis, and moisturizes the dermis quite poorly (unlike high-molecular HA, which can only be injected into the dermis).

Of course, to understand this, you need to be a mesotherapist. Those. in fractional mesotherapy devices, the only absolutely working mechanism is the word “fractional”, i.e. the fact that the device makes holes in the skin and the body responds to this with accelerated regeneration and collagen synthesis. Punctures of the skin will increase its blood supply, which will improve its trophism and oxygen saturation. This will also accelerate the renewal of the epidermis and improve the exfoliation of dead cells of the stratum corneum.

But as a method of introducing effective mesopreparations deep into the skin, it is not very suitable, and mesopreparations, if they are able to influence anything, will only affect the healing of microdamages, but they will not solve problems specific to these drugs (with some exceptions) . For example, clinical studies have shown that in anti-aging therapy, the best results were achieved when using Dermapen in combination with the L-form of vitamin C or products with retinol. See below for application diagrams.

As for everything else, it should be noted that the most effective components in mesotherapy are high molecular weight HA, DNA-RNA complexes, and some peptides, but they have too high a molecular weight and can only be injected into the dermis. Also, you should not count on the fact that Dermapen will restore and improve venous outflow and lymphatic drainage, activate lipolysis and slow down lipogenesis - when treating cellulite or local fat deposits. Below we will tell you what reviews of Dermapen are from cosmetologists and patients.

Will Dermpapen help rejuvenate facial skin?

Yes, it will help, but only to solve some of the problems of skin aging. Yes, by improving blood circulation in the skin, you can gradually improve its texture, complexion, and reduce the amount of hyperpigmentation. Yes, you can slightly improve skin tone and increase its elasticity. Yes, you can smooth out fine lines, but you definitely shouldn’t count on significant correction of wrinkle depth and pronounced lifting. All these effects are realized primarily due to the creation of microdamages in the skin and activation of regeneration processes, and not due to the penetration of mesopreparations.

However, clinical studies have shown that you will get the best results from using Dermapen if, a month before you start using it, you apply cosmetics with retinol or the L-form of vitamin C to the skin of this area (example of products - see the links below). Retinol affects approximately 500 different genes that control the proliferation and differentiation of all skin cells, including fibroblasts, and vitamin C is essential for the production of normal collagen.

→ Skin products with retinol → Skin products with vitamin C

At the same time, if you use cosmetics with retinol and vitamin C at the stage of preparation for fractional mesotherapy (duration of at least a month), then directly during the procedure you can use mesotherapy serum with the L-form of vitamin C. For example, this could be a drug VitaLine® from Mesopharm, which contains 20% L-ascorbic acid (a 5 ml bottle costs only 200 rubles) or similar preparations from other companies. Just keep in mind that the serum cannot be mixed with anything else.

Please note that Dermapen should not be used on the face and neck in patients with a tendency to form keloid scars, and also with caution in patients aged 50+ (at this age, enhanced skin regeneration often occurs with the formation of pathological types of collagen). The immersion depth of the needles should not be more than 0.25 mm in the eye area, and in other areas of the face it will depend on the thickness of the skin. For example, if you have thin skin or have rosacea, the immersion depth of the needles in any case can only be 0.5 mm. But if you have thick skin, then the immersion depth of the needles can be from 0.75 to 1.0 mm. It is optimal to use nozzles that have 36 needles.

Dermapen: photos before and after treatment

As for the use of regular serums with Dermapen, mesopreparations for fractional mesotherapy usually contain low-molecular substances that have greater penetrating power than high-molecular ones. Of course, some small part of the mesopreparation will penetrate the skin in any case, but look what happens with the example of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA). The latter penetrates the skin more or less well, but its degradation in tissues usually takes no more than 24 hours, and besides, it does not retain moisture in the dermis very well (the lower the molecular weight of HA, the worse it retains moisture).

If you are told that a regular low molecular weight HA lasts 3-5-7 days, then this is not true. The destruction time of high molecular weight HA molecules is a little more than 48 hours, low molecular weight - 24 hours or less (i.e., the smaller the size of HA molecules, the faster it is destroyed). In this case, low molecular weight HA mainly affects only angiogenesis and healing of skin damage. It is high-molecular HA that has a good moisturizing effect, but it is used only in injection preparations for biorevitalization procedures.

→ Facial skin biorevitalization procedures

How effective is Dermapen for acne?

Under no circumstances should you use the device if you have papules or pustules on your face. Remember that under no circumstances should you injure any elements of acne with needles, and this is the main rule of mesotherapy in the treatment of this disease. But the device can be used to reduce the consequences of this disease, for example, to correct atrophic scars after acne. Reviews on Dermapen about the procedure in the presence of atrophic acne scars are indeed very positive. The immersion depth of the needles here should be 1.0 mm.

A particularly effective scheme for working with atrophic scars is that combines Dermapen with injection mesotherapy. In this case, at stage 1 we make injections of nucleotides, stage 2 - injections of drugs with matrikin peptides, and then every 2-3 weeks we use Dermpapen with vitamin C (L-form) for about 5-6 procedures. And, by the way, here it is also better to use nozzles that have no less than 36 needles. Well, then everything can be polished with peelings.

Is Dermapen effective for stretch marks and scars?

If you have stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs, devices like Dermapen are really effective and can significantly reduce their visibility. The immersion depth of the needles should be from 1.5 to 2.0 mm. But, if you combine Dermapen with nucleotides and matrikin peptides (as in the previous case), the result will be even better.

It should be noted that Dermapen helps to a greater extent specifically against atrophic scars after acne, as well as stretch marks (striae). Those. it is highly effective precisely in those cases where there is “minus tissue”. Of course, it can also be effective for post-traumatic/burn scars and scars, but to a slightly lesser extent. In the latter case, it is still better to combine it with laser resurfacing procedures.

Dermapen for cellulite and local fat deposits –

In these cases, Dermapen is indicated only at the final stage of treatment, when you have already restored microcirculation, venous outflow and activated lymphatic drainage, and also reduced the thickness of the fat layer. After all this, at the final stage of treatment, it is necessary to achieve tissue lifting and good skin tone, and the Dermapen device can already help with this (although in this case it is better to use it in parallel with injections of mesopreparations based on 3% DMAE and organic silicon).

But it is useless to treat cellulite and fat deposits with Dermapen, because... neither vascular preparations such as “Gingko Biloba”, “Artichoke”, “Rutin + meliloto extract”, “GAG Complex DVL Capyl”, nor lipolytics (for example, phosphatidylcholine, L-carnitine or deoxycholate) will simply be able to penetrate either the dermis or into the subcutaneous fatty tissue if you apply them to the surface of the skin and use this device. In addition, lipolytics are injected precisely into the hypodermis to a depth of 6 to 13 mm, and their superficial introduction will only lead to inflammation of the skin. Therefore, you should not expect normalization of venous outflow, lymphatic drainage, or activation of lipolysis.

Treatment of cellulite and local fat deposits can be carried out only with the help of vascular drugs for main and regional lymphatic drainage vascular injection, as well as lipolytics. And only injection techniques can help with this. You can read more about correction in the articles -

→ Mesotherapy for local fat deposits on the body → Mesotherapy for double chin correction

Is Dermapen effective for hair mesotherapy?

Hair loss in both women and men (in 50% and 90% of cases, respectively) is associated with androgens, i.e. male sex hormones. The causes of non-hormonal alopecia may be deterioration of blood supply to the scalp, impaired venous outflow, lack of vitamins, muscle hypertonicity, various diseases of the scalp, etc.

So, for non-hormonal alopecia, the use of Dermapen will be effective only due to the fact that microtraumas on the surface of the scalp will stimulate blood circulation in the area of ​​the hair follicles. By the way, the Darsonval apparatus also works due to the same effect, only there microdamages are created by microcurrent discharges.

But with hormonal alopecia, improving blood supply will, of course, have a positive effect, but not too much. Androgenic alopecia is associated with increased sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens, and is determined by your genetics. In this case, testosterone, under the influence of a special enzyme, is converted into dihydrotestosterone in the hair follicle cells. This even more active form of testosterone leads to a disruption in the process of protein synthesis in the hair follicles, a reduction in the duration of the anagen stage, etc.

Therefore, for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, first of all, special medications and control of testosterone and estrogen levels are required, and conventional mesopreparations with vitamins and hyaluronic acid, as well as fractional mesotherapy devices, in this case can be considered only as a secondary remedy used as part of complex therapy. Read about how to professionally treat hair loss in the article:

→ Features of mesotherapy for baldness

Summary -

It’s probably worth buying Dermapen for those who have stretch marks, atrophic acne scars, or you just want to improve the appearance of your facial skin and at the same time save on the cost of professional cosmetic procedures. And of course you will get a certain effect. It is best to use replaceable nozzles of 36 needles (except for the areas around the eyes), plus it is advisable to buy a version of the device that makes a greater number of punctures per minute.

We recommend that you use disposable attachments only once, as prescribed in the instructions. Due to a large number of skin punctures, the needles of the attachments quickly become dull, and repeated use of the attachment will be very traumatic for the skin. In addition, you should not buy and use too expensive mesopreparations with devices like Dermapen - they still will not work even at 10% of their capabilities (compared to injections of these drugs directly into the dermis).

If we consider the cost of mesopreparations intended specifically for fractional mesotherapy, then usually the price of a 20 ml bottle is only 200 rubles. It is these cheap drugs that will be used in beauty salons during fractional mesotherapy procedures (on devices with a solution supplied to the point of contact of the working nozzle with the skin). And this is another point that should make you think - why the cost of high-quality drugs for injection mesotherapy ranges from 1,500 to 6,000 rubles per syringe with a volume of 1.0-2.0 ml, while the cost of 20 ml of a drug for fractional mesotherapy costs the salon beauty for only 200-300 rubles.

What drugs are used

The composition of solutions for fractional mesotherapy is similar to the preparations for the standard version of the procedure. Its most common components are hyaluronic acid, vitamins, fatty acids and organ cells.

Medicines for the procedure are selected taking into account the problems that require adjustment.

  • To tighten the skin, use the anti-aging lifting concentrate DMAE CARE 3% KOSMOTEROS and the lifting cocktail VELUDERM FaceCare.
  • To get rid of age spots and dark circles under the eyes, use the brightening meso-cocktail with vitamin C KOSMO-C KOSMOTEROS, and Dermaheal SB, Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution.
  • When preventing and getting rid of acne, preference is given to mesopeeling with glycolic acid GLICOLIC ACID CARE and Dermaheal SR.
  • Help in smoothing out wrinkles is provided by the KOSMO-RELAX meso-cocktail with coenzyme Q10 and hexapeptide, and the Dermaheal HSR drug.
  • On the way to thick and strong curls, use a concentrate with biotin BIOTIN CARE KOSMOTEROS, and a meso-cocktail with oligoelements KOSMO-OLIGO KOSMOTEROS.
  • L-carnitine L-CARNITINE CARE COSMOTEROS and decongestant concentrate with artichoke VELUDERM help get rid of cellulite.

Professional devices for fractional mesotherapy (with solution supply) –

Marketing rules not only the world, but also cosmetology, and fractional mesotherapy devices in beauty salons solve a lot of problems for owners.
For example, only doctors have the right to legally practice injection mesotherapy and biorevitalization of the face, and no matter what the nurses (cosmetologists-aestheticians) tell you, in fact they do injections illegally. In addition, good mesotherapy drugs are expensive, plus doctors demand higher wages. That is why fractional mesotherapy is often offered to patients who are inclined to undergo injection techniques. Such procedures are carried out by nursing staff, and the cost of the drugs is very low. Therefore, the profitability of fractional mesotherapy in conditions of declining living standards of the population is much higher (compared to injection mesotherapy), because the cost of drugs for it is significantly lower. As we said above, the cost of high-quality mesotherapy for injection will be about 1,500 to 6,000 rubles per syringe with a volume of 1.0-2.0 ml, and a drug for fractional mesotherapy with a volume of 20 ml has a cost of 200 rubles.

The principle of operation of devices with solution supply is

The main difference between such devices and Dermapen type devices is the automatic supply of solution to the working nozzle. The solution is not supplied through the needles, but to the point of their contact with the skin, and therefore you should not expect much penetration of the solution deep into the skin. Preparations for fractional mesotherapy consist mainly only of low-molecular substances in order to somehow ensure their transport through the surface of the skin. But as we said above, although the same low-molecular hyaluronic acid (HA) will penetrate the skin, its effects will be limited only to stimulating angiogenesis and damage healing.

High molecular weight HA (especially partially stabilized) has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, but it can only be delivered to the dermis by injection. Therefore, the main effect of using fractional mesotherapy devices with automatic solution supply will again develop only due to the creation of microdamages in the skin by needles. Typically, the course of treatment consists of 4-8 sessions. As for the interval between procedures, this is determined individually.

Fraxel re:store DUAL - non-ablative fractional laser 1550/1927 nm (Solta Medical, USA)

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The Fraxel laser has 8 FDA approvals and is used for fractional resurfacing. More details about the device

Do you want to purchase a Fraxel re:store DUAL fractional photothermolysis device? Call us 8 (800) 707-21-87!

Comparison of fractional and injection mesotherapy

Below we have posted before and after photographs of patients who have completed a professional course of injection mesotherapy. You can compare this with the results of fractional mesotherapy in the photo that we posted in the article above. Classical injection mesotherapy is superior to fractional mesotherapy when it comes to wrinkles and gravitational ptosis, but is objectively inferior to it in terms of correcting stretch marks (striae) and atrophic scars.

Fractional mesotherapy: price per procedure

Many economy class beauty salons use conventional Dermapen devices for fractional mesotherapy procedures (without supplying a solution to the nozzle). The cost of one such procedure in Moscow is on average 3,000 rubles, this is the price together with an economy class mesopreparation and a disposable working attachment. In the regions of Russia, the price of mesotherapy with such a device is usually lower - about 2000 rubles per procedure. Thus, the cost of the Dermapen device, depending on the configuration, will be paid for in 3-5 home procedures if you decide to buy such a device.

If you are expecting to undergo a course of treatment, then it will actually be cheaper to buy such a device yourself, although it is naturally better when the procedures are performed by a trained specialist. Or you can attend only 1 procedure, watch how it is performed, and then do it at home. If we are talking about devices with a solution supplied to a nozzle, then for 1 procedure of fractional mesotherapy the price will be from 3,500 to 8,000 rubles (depending on the cost of the selected mesotherapy). Let us remind you that the course of treatment usually ranges from 5 to 8 procedures.


Fractional mesotherapy is standard and is carried out the same way in all salons. This procedure consists of several stages.

During the procedure the following are used:

  • mesoscooter with needles of different lengths;
  • medical alcohol to disinfect the device;
  • healing and soothing agent for the skin;
  • anesthetic;
  • meso cocktails.

The session lasts about half an hour, if not combined with other procedures. Otherwise, the session time will increase.

Preparatory stage

It is necessary to prepare for this procedure in advance. It is recommended to give up alcohol and cigarettes for 3-4 days. In addition, it is advisable to consult regarding medications that are taken regularly. Some of them affect blood clotting.

The cosmetologist conducts a conversation with the patient, clarifies the presence of an allergic reaction to medications, previous illnesses, and assesses the general condition of the skin. Then recommendations are given regarding the composition of the meso-cocktail, the number of sessions and the area of ​​influence.

At the preparatory stage, the cosmetologist performs makeup removal: removes cosmetics and other impurities from the facial skin. After this, the skin is cleansed with a special lotion and disinfectant. Some clients have a low pain threshold. In this case, it is recommended to take a local anesthetic.

The procedure itself

During the procedure itself, a disposable hardware attachment is used, on which there are many needles of a certain length and diameter. The cosmetologist performs punctures at right angles and very quickly.

The diagram shows the effect of fractional mesotherapy, which has a large number of positive reviews from both clients and cosmetologists.

It is important to maintain the distance between punctures to prevent aseptic inflammation of the skin. At this time, the selected meso-cocktail is injected from needles under the skin. Painful sensations do not cause discomfort, since the needle is inserted at high speed.


At the end of the procedure, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic, after which a soothing spray and a cooling mask are applied. These procedures are necessary to relieve redness. At the end, an anti-inflammatory cream with a toning effect is applied.

What can you expect after the procedure -

Day 1 - redness and dryness of the skin (the degree will depend on how aggressive the treatment was, i.e., more on the settings of the depth of the skin damage. Day 2 - redness persists, and swelling will even increase on the second day. Day 3-5 – redness and swelling gradually begin to subside.

The interval between procedures will depend on the intensity of the area treated and the depth of skin damage. If you used the 0.5 mm needle immersion mode, no more than once a week. If 1.0 mm - once every 2 weeks. If 1.5 mm, the interval between 2 procedures should be at least 3 weeks. If the depth is 2.0-2.5 mm - at least 4-6 weeks.

Skin care after the procedure

Approximately 8 hours after the procedure, thoroughly wash your face with a mild cleanser. Additionally, you can wipe the skin with a cotton pad moistened with a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution. Mineral makeup can only be applied to the face the next day. Remember that for the first 1-3 days your skin will be very dry and feel tight.

After approximately 2-3 days, patients can return to their regular skin care products. It is optimal to use products with vitamin A, which will speed up skin healing. Avoid using alcohol-based toners (for 10-14 days). You should not wear sunscreen on the day of your procedure, but it is a must in the following days if you plan to go outside.

Rehabilitation period

After microinjections, irritated skin should recover. Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene leads to long healing, so for two to three days you should adhere to certain recommendations.

  • If possible, spend time at home. Street dust and ultraviolet rays inflame the disturbed areas.
  • Avoid sports.
  • Do not touch the treated areas with your hands.
  • Do not visit the solarium, sauna, or swimming pool.
  • Do not apply skincare, foundation, concealer or blush.
  • Don't overheat.
  • Don't drink alcohol.

Contraindications to mesotherapy –

Below we have provided a detailed list of contraindications for mesotherapy. Relative contraindications include taking anticoagulants or antibiotics, thyroid disease, and high or too low blood pressure. Also, procedures should not be carried out during acute inflammatory diseases, or during exacerbation of dermatological skin diseases. The list of absolute contraindications is more extensive. Fractional mesotherapy is contraindicated in cases of –

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • the presence of any oncology (even in the past), because there is evidence that hyaluronic acid enhances the growth of cancer cells,
  • allergy to the components of the mesomedicine,
  • with psoriasis, hepatitis or HIV,
  • for epilepsy and psychosis,
  • with a tendency to keloid scars,
  • for autoimmune diseases,
  • for diabetes mellitus (any type).



, 2. Personal experience of clinical use, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), 5. “Mesoscooter and new products in cosmetology” (Alexander Makarov).

Anti-aging products

During mesotherapy, a specialist uses a thin needle to inject various drugs under the skin that promote rejuvenation and restoration of skin cells. All the products used are divided into several groups according to their composition, action and origin:

  • synthesized drugs,
  • plant and herbal extracts,
  • preparations based on animal products,
  • vitamins, minerals,
  • organic acids,
  • medications.

Synthesized products are obtained artificially. These include hyaluronic acid, which has gained popularity for its ability to retain moisture.

Preparations made from herbs and plants are safe and very effective. But before using them, it is necessary to find out whether the client is allergic to these plants.

Elastin and collagen are made from animal products; these are the main “fighters” for youth and elasticity of the skin.

The use of vitamins in mesotherapy enhances the antioxidant effects of the skin and significantly improves complexion.

The use of minerals and salts is popular in “beauty injections”. They are selected individually for each client.

Organic pyruvic and glycolic acids provide a peeling effect and accelerate the process of cell regeneration.

In some cases, medications are added to the vitamin-rejuvenating cocktail according to indications.

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