Facial mesotherapy - what is it, indications and contraindications

Mesotherapy was first performed back in 1958, and the French doctor Michel Pistor is considered its inventor. But if it was originally conceived for the treatment of cellulite, today the main area of ​​​​use of the method is to rejuvenate and solve problems with facial skin. With its help, it is possible to reduce and slow down age-related changes, improve skin condition, eliminate oily shine and solve a lot of other problems, which, combined with a high level of safety and a low number of contraindications, has made it one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.

What is mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure that involves the intradermal administration of complex preparations specially developed for various purposes, which in professional circles are also called “cocktails.” There are mesotherapy drugs aimed at rejuvenating the skin of the face and neck, strengthening hair, treating acne and seborrhea, eliminating cellulite, etc. Therefore, mesotherapy of the face, scalp, and body is distinguished. But still, facial mesotherapy is most often performed.

This procedure involves multiple intradermal injections or non-injection administration of a drug individually selected for the patient. In this case, the entire face or only the most problematic areas are exposed, in particular:

  • area around the mouth and lips;
  • area around the eyes and eyelids;
  • chin;
  • brows;
  • forehead;
  • nose and nasolabial folds.

For facial mesotherapy, ready-made products are used or separately mixed by a cosmetologist for a specific patient, taking into account the compatibility of their components. But since new, improved preparations regularly appear to solve various problems with the skin of the face, ready-made professional products are more often used. As a rule, they include:

  • low molecular weight hyaluronic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • various vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE);
  • antioxidants;
  • nucleotides;
  • regulatory peptides;
  • artichoke extracts, ginko biloba, etc.

When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account not only the age and type of skin, but also the type of aging, the presence of hyperpigmentation, rosacea, inflammatory processes and other factors.

The effectiveness of facial mesotherapy is due not only to the direct introduction of biologically active substances into the skin, which restore its elasticity, tone, have a lipolytic effect, etc., but also directly to mechanical damage to the skin. Small, numerous punctures provoke active production of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts, which are responsible for youthful skin. Therefore, those types of facial mesotherapy that involve the use of needles are considered the most effective.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization of the face should not be confused, although they have much in common. The main difference between these procedures lies in the characteristics of the drugs used: mesotherapy uses products with low concentrations of active ingredients, while biorevitalization uses drugs with a high content of active ingredients, especially hyaluronic acid.

But you need to understand that mesotherapy is a medical manipulation that can only be performed by a qualified cosmetologist, dermatologist or dermatocosmetologist with a higher medical education. Only in this case can you be sure not only of the correctness of the procedure and obtaining a noticeable result, but also of its safety.

Non-injection mesotherapy at home: pros and cons

Hardware mesotherapy is a serious cosmetic procedure that is best performed in specialized medical centers. At home, you can save a little on a session, but you will end up with serious problems. The lack of good theoretical and practical preparation for operating the device often leads to skin injuries.

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Home non-injection mesotherapy requires more procedures to achieve the desired effect, as well as long-term rehabilitation. Recovery is possible only under the supervision of a professional.

Why is it better to carry out mesotherapy in a specialized clinic?

  • All necessary safety regulations are followed. The possibility of swelling, bruising, and irritation is excluded.
  • Reliable modern equipment is used. Thanks to him, the procedure becomes safe, painless, and skin restoration lasts several hours.
  • All sanitary and hygienic standards are observed in the premises where the procedure is carried out. The risk of contracting any infection is reduced.

Indications for use

The procedure has an extensive list of indications. But only a qualified cosmetologist can determine whether a particular patient requires facial mesotherapy. In general, it is indicated for:

  • signs of biological aging of facial skin (wrinkles, ptosis) to reduce the depth of wrinkles, increase skin tone, improve its color and texture;
  • photoaging to moisturize the skin and eliminate hyperpigmentation;
  • local obesity, in particular the formation of a double chin or fatty bags on the face;
  • acne;
  • scars, scars, post-acne;
  • bags and circles under the eyes;
  • spider veins, rosacea, rosacea;
  • enlarged pores;
  • preparation for chemical facial peels, plastic surgeries and during the recovery period after them.

You can perform facial mesotherapy from the age of 18, but it works best after 25 years and on aging skin that has not previously undergone complex care.

The procedure can also act as an effective means of preventing age-related changes.

Possible consequences and complications after non-injection mesotherapy

Correctly selected meso-cocktail composition, adherence to the technology of applying it to the skin, and proper use of the device minimize the risk of complications and negative consequences. However, the possibility of having a bad experience exists.

Therefore, it is important to know the possible consequences and complications of the procedure:

  • allergy;
  • degenerative changes in the epidermis;
  • introduction of infection;
  • slight redness for several hours (resolves under the influence of a soothing and softening cream);
  • swelling as a reaction to laser, magnetic or ultrasound effects;
  • post-traumatic lymphostasis.

If you want to avoid the listed manifestations, be sure to follow the rules of the rehabilitation period and skin care tips.


When carrying out the procedure, the result can be assessed after the first session. But to obtain a lasting and pronounced effect, you will need to take a course, the duration of which, as well as the frequency of procedures, is selected separately by a cosmetologist for each patient.

Most often, it is recommended to undergo 10-12 facial mesotherapy procedures with an interval of 7-10 days.

Thanks to facial mesotherapy it is possible to:

  • reduce the severity of age-related changes, in particular reduce the depth of wrinkles and folds;
  • reduce the volume of soft tissues and eliminate swelling, including tightening the chin and removing the double chin, which provides the so-called non-surgical modeling effect;
  • improve the shape of the face by eliminating signs of gravitational ptosis;
  • reduce the number and severity of inflammatory elements on the face, including acne;
  • reduce or completely remove pigment spots and skin redness;
  • improve skin texture, in particular smooth out scars and post-acne marks;
  • remove bags and dark circles under the eyes, eliminate sagging eyelids, crow's feet;
  • improve the appearance of the lips by smoothing purse-string wrinkles, eliminating dry lips, making their contour clearer;
  • give your facial skin a fresh, rested look and ensure its effective hydration;
  • restore the thickness of the eyebrows and fill in the “gaps”.

But the effect of facial mesotherapy largely depends on the correct selection of the features of the procedure in accordance with the type of skin aging (finely wrinkled, deformed, tired, mixed). When all factors are taken into account, the correct selection of medications is taken and the full course of procedures is completed, the achieved effect can last up to 1.5 years. And to extend this period, it is recommended to regularly perform maintenance procedures.

In Russia, the most common types of aging are deformational or edematous and finely wrinkled.

What is the difference between mesotherapy and biorevitalization

The methods are very similar, but differ in the composition of the agents and the method of administration. For biorevitalization, gel-like preparations based on hyaluronic acid are used. Due to their dense consistency, they fill obvious wrinkles well, so the procedure is recommended for people over 30 years old.

During mesotherapy, liquid cocktails that contain various substances are administered. The cosmetologist selects the composition taking into account skin problems, age, and wishes of the client. They may also contain hyaluronic acid , but its amount will be significantly less than for biorevitalization. Due to the liquid form of the drugs, it will not be possible to fill deep wrinkles and folds. Due to the multicomponent composition, the range of indications for mesotherapy is wider.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization can be used as two complementary procedures. They help improve skin condition, but have a different spectrum of action.


Facial mesotherapy has a fairly small list of contraindications, including:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drugs;
  • acute inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • psoriasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • HIV;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • taking anticoagulants, antibiotics;
  • tendency to form keloid scars (except for hardware mesotherapy of the face).

In such cases, you should abandon the idea of ​​carrying out the procedure. In this case, the cosmetologist is obliged to check for contraindications before performing mesotherapy, which may require certain laboratory tests.

It is also not recommended for women to carry out the procedure a few days before the onset of menstruation, immediately during its course and in the next 2-3 days. This is due to the fact that during this period not only sensitivity to pain increases, but also the risk of hematoma formation increases.

How often can you use a homemade facial massager?

In terms of time, one beauty procedure lasts 5-10 minutes depending on the area. If you are new to mesotherapy, perform the procedure twice a week, gradually working up to daily use.

According to reviews, three weeks are enough to see skin transformations. If you perform the procedure once every three days for 20 days, you can get rid of signs of fatigue, dullness, uneven tone and sagging. The constant stimulation of blood circulation and collagen production will make you look like candy.

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Types of facial mesotherapy

If previously the only way to introduce the necessary drug into the skin was through injections, manually, today it is possible through various types of physical influence or using specially created devices. Therefore, there are several types of facial mesotherapy, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Injection mesotherapy of the face is carried out by injecting the selected meso-cocktail into the skin or subcutaneous fat. For this purpose, special ultra-thin needles of 30, 31 and 32G are used, and their diameter is 0.3 mm, 0.26 mm and 0.23 mm, respectively. Therefore, the procedure causes virtually no discomfort even to very sensitive patients.

Capillary mesotherapy may be recommended in advance, which can reduce swelling of the face.

The whole procedure lasts about an hour, but facial mesotherapy itself takes no more than 15-20 minutes. The rest of the time is spent on treating the skin, applying an anesthetic, waiting for the onset of the analgesic effect, performing capillary mesotherapy, treating the skin after mesotherapy and receiving doctor’s recommendations for subsequent care.


This type of mesotherapy involves administering the drug using a mesoscooter or DermaPen device. It is most relevant when it is necessary to improve the texture of the skin, in particular for the treatment of post-acne.

The DermaPen device is a convenient small pen-shaped device, at the end of which there is an attachment with microneedles. They are coated with silver, which has antiseptic properties. A mesoscooter is a small roller with short thin needles on the surface.

Regardless of the choice of device, during fractional mesotherapy the drug is applied to previously cleansed and antiseptic-treated skin. After this, a mesoscooter is passed over it or a DermaPen is used, the needles of which pierce the skin a few millimeters, which ensures the penetration of the product inside.


Hardware facial mesotherapy involves introducing the selected drug into the skin using special devices. At the same time, its penetration is ensured due to a certain physical effect, which can be:

  • low temperatures (cryomesotherapy);
  • direct current (iontophoresis);
  • magnetic field (magnetophoresis);
  • oxygen supplied under pressure (oxygen);
  • ultrasound (ultraphonophoresis);
  • laser (laser facial mesotherapy is often classified as a separate type).

This ensures an increase in cell membrane permeability up to 400 times. But hardware mesotherapy is less effective than other types. At the same time, its huge advantage is the absence of injury to the skin, since the product is applied to the skin. Therefore, patients with a tendency to form keloid scars are recommended to undergo this procedure.

Main stages of the procedure

A course of mesotherapy should begin with a preliminary consultation with a specialist. A professional cosmetologist with a medical education will help determine indications, contraindications and possible risks. During a detailed conversation, the necessary components for the meso-cocktail and the method of administering the drug are selected.

In addition, a specialist can give you recommendations on how to prepare for therapy. Before the session, you should give up alcohol and aspirin, because they negatively affect blood viscosity and the absorption of injected substances. However, such a rule is not mandatory and remains at the discretion of potential patients.

During the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic composition. Most often, an alcohol solution or a drug called Miramistin is used for these purposes. After this, an anesthetic cream is applied to the problem area, which penetrates the pores and minimizes the discomfort from injections to a depth of 3-5 millimeters. After about 10-15 minutes, the cosmetologist begins manipulations according to a pre-agreed scheme.

Numerous injections are carried out within 30-40 minutes, the duration of exposure is determined by the number of injections and the size of the problem area. At the end of the session, the patient leaves the clinic and returns home. The rehabilitation period does not require hospitalization or bed rest; the patient can freely go about his business, observing a set of basic rules, which boil down to:

  • limiting visits to solariums, baths, saunas;
  • protecting the problem area from direct sunlight, exposure to low or high temperatures;
  • treatment of skin punctures with Miramistin in the presence of inflammation;
  • ensuring a flow of fresh air to the treated surface;
  • compliance with hygiene rules.

Features of injection mesotherapy of the face

The injection technique of mesotherapy remains one of the most popular in modern cosmetology. Although it involves the use of the thinnest needles, the diameter of which is tenths of a millimeter, in most cases the skin is pre-treated not only with an antiseptic, but also with an anesthetic. The first allows you to disinfect the skin and reduce the risk of developing infectious complications, while the second blocks the transmission of pain impulses, which makes the procedure absolutely painless. Special creams or gels based on lidocaine are often used as an anesthetic.

Today there are 4 main injection techniques, which are no different from those typical for biorevitalization. This:

  • nappage;
  • papules;
  • tubercles;
  • linear-retrograde.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, especially with fine-wrinkled and deformation types of aging, it is recommended to perform lymphatic drainage vascular injection or capillary mesotherapy before it. This technique consists of making injections into specific areas of the face and neck, in particular in the projection of all groups of lymph nodes present on the face and neck. Sometimes the lower or middle third of the face along the massage lines and the double chin, if present, are also chipped. This allows:

  • activate the outflow of lymph and reduce swelling by activating the activity of the regional lymph nodes of the face;
  • activate blood circulation in the skin;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce the size of fat bags on the face.

With the deformation type of aging, capillary mesotherapy is indicated before each procedure, while with the fine-wrinkle type it is traditionally performed only before the 1st, 3rd and 5th session. For lymphatic drainage vascular injection, the following drugs are chosen:

  • GAG Complex DVL Capyl formula;
  • Gingko Biloba;
  • Artichoke;
  • Rutin + melito extract and similar.


This technique involves injecting the drug into different layers of the skin. As a result, they distinguish:

  • superficial nappage, when the tip of the needle is inserted only into the very top layer of the skin (epidermis), which ensures the absence of blood, but also gives the least effect;
  • median nappage, which involves the introduction of low doses of meso-cocktails to a depth of 1-1.5 mm, which almost always ensures the absence of papules, but is accompanied by blood dew;
  • deep nappage, which consists of injecting the drug by 2-3 mm, which is indicated for patients with large skin thickness.


The essence of this technique is to introduce meso-cocktails into the upper and middle layers of the skin located at an angle of 15° to the skin in such an amount that it leads to the formation of small tubercles at the site of needle insertion. Their size directly depends on the amount of the drug administered. Small papules 1-2 mm in size are made in the area around the eyes, and injections are performed at a distance of 0.3-0.5 mm from each other. In areas where the skin is denser, larger papules up to 3-4 mm in size are made, but they are placed at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other. But the size of the papules directly affects the period of their resorption: the greater the amount of the drug administered, the longer they will dissolve.

As a rule, papules completely resolve in 2-7 days.


The essence of the technique is similar to the previous one, but the needle is inserted at an angle of 45° and along its entire length. This ensures deeper penetration of the mesococktail into the layers of the skin and the creation of a kind of drug depot in it. As a result, there are no bulges on the surface of the skin, although at first after the injections there is some swelling at the sites where the needle was inserted.

The disadvantage of the tubercular technique is the high risk of small bruises.

Linear-retrograde technique

This technique of facial injection mesotherapy is considered the most effective, but also the most difficult, since it has much in common with facial reinforcement. To use it, needles 12-13 mm long are used, while other techniques involve the use of needles 4 mm long. When choosing a linear-retrograde technique, the needle is inserted into the skin parallel to its surface along its entire length, but the drug is injected only during the reverse stroke of the needle. Therefore, fewer injections are required, but the procedure is more traumatic, although it has an additional rejuvenating effect by activating the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

How to choose a clinic for non-injection mesotherapy

Now you know about the procedure, its advantages and disadvantages, even the estimated price for non-injection mesotherapy. All that remains is to decide on the choice of clinic.

What characteristics should you pay attention to?

  • Clinic experience. The longer she provides services, the more trustworthy she becomes.
  • Qualification of specialists. All personnel must have medical education. Retraining and advanced training courses will be a plus.
  • Diplomas and certificates. Both the clinic and its specialists must be present. Do not hesitate to ask for documents confirming the qualifications of doctors and the right to provide cosmetology services.

Attention! Does the medical center have regular customers, and are there no negative reviews on the website or third-party sites? Perhaps this is exactly the clinic you have been looking for for a long time.

Non-injection mesotherapy is recommended for people who do not like injections and avoid complications after cosmetic procedures. The method allows you to give freshness to the skin and achieve its rejuvenation without any discomfort.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

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Mesotherapy - what is it and when should it be done 10/31/2018 15:17

There are six injection mesotherapy techniquesContents

  1. Mesotherapy - what is it, indications.
  2. Methods of hardware mesotherapy.
  3. Fractional mesotherapy.
  4. Mesotherapy techniques.
  5. The effect of mesotherapy.
  6. Choice of meso cocktail.
  7. Preparing for the procedure.
  8. Stages of the procedure.
  9. How often should mesotherapy be done?
  10. Side effects.
  11. Contraindications.

Mesotherapy is a method of cosmetic medicine aimed at eliminating certain dermatological problems by introducing preparations containing vitamins, hyaluronic acid, phospholipids, etc. under the skin.

Mesotherapy is indicated for the following problems:

  1. Expression wrinkles.
  2. Age wrinkles.
  3. Enlarged pores.
  4. Flabby, thin skin.
  5. Gravitational ptosis.
  6. Cuperosis.
  7. Scarring.
  8. Stretch marks.
  9. Dark spots.
  10. Acne.
  11. Cellulite.
  12. Hair loss and alopecia.

There are two types of mesotherapy:

  • hardware - a method in which medicinal substances are injected under the skin using special devices.
  • injection, drugs are injected under the skin using a syringe through punctures.

Recommendations for patients

After the injections, the cosmetologist gives recommendations for the recovery period, which takes an average of 3-5 days:

  • do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium;
  • do not sunbathe in the sun;
  • do not perform peelings, massages and other procedures that involve mechanical impact on the skin;
  • limit physical activity.

After the procedure, you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages, as they promote vasodilation. It is recommended to use sunscreen before going outside. In the first days, treat the skin with chlorhexidine and healing gels. Decorative cosmetics, especially foundation, should be discarded in the first 2 days so as not to irritate the skin and provoke inflammation.

It is not recommended to take blood thinning medications (aspirin, etc.) for 2 days after injections.

Main contraindications to skin mesotherapy

• poor blood clotting;

• taking anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and other specific medications;

• inflammatory processes on the skin;

• chronic diseases and the presence of potentially dangerous infections in the body;

• weak immunity;

• pregnancy, lactation;

• renal pathologies (chronic renal failure, gestosis of the third trimester of pregnancy);

• fever, increased body temperature;

• serious cardiovascular diseases;

• gallstones;

• individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Meso cocktail selection

The composition of the drug is selected according to indications, depending on the nature of the problems, age and individual characteristics of the patient.

List of main components of meso cocktails:

  1. Hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular ingredients for mesotherapy. Its action is aimed at eliminating the signs of aging. Moisturizes the skin. Stimulates the synthesis of skin proteins.
  2. Aloe extract. Promotes tissue regeneration and normalizes water balance.
  3. Ginkgo biloba extract. Used for anti-aging therapy. Improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Gentamicin sulfate is an antibiotic drug used to treat severe forms of acne.
  5. Glycolic acid - used to prevent age-related changes, treat acne and seborrhea. Eliminates hyperpigmentation, atrophic scars and stretch marks.
  6. Aminophylline. Promotes the breakdown of fat. Used for the treatment and prevention of cellulite and fat deposits.
  7. Artichoke extract. Relieves swelling. Also used around the eyes. Used in the treatment of cellulite, especially its edematous form. Reduces post-traumatic swelling after plastic surgery, deep peelings and injections. Eliminates the effects of Botox overdose.
  8. Hyaluronidase. Moisturizes the skin. Eliminates wrinkles. Removes toxins. It is used for the treatment of fibrous cellulite and the treatment of scars.
  9. Vitamin preparations:
  • Ascorbic acid. Used for increased pigmentation. Improves skin color and tone. Eliminates the initial signs of aging and wilting, facial wrinkles and spider veins. Restores skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of ptosis.
  • Aflutop. Helps maintain tissue elasticity. Participates in the natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen, stimulates the restoration process.
  • Vitamin A (retinoic acid). Powerful antioxidant. Slows down the aging process. Stimulates collagen production and skin renewal, making it denser. Has a healing effect.
  • Vitamin B1. Effectively eliminates signs of aging. Used to treat hair, promotes hair restoration and stimulates growth.
  • Vitamin B2. Stimulates regeneration processes and is used in the treatment of acne, dermatitis and eczema.
  • Vitamin B3. Actively used to prevent age-related changes in the skin, rejuvenates and moisturizes it. Used in the treatment of cellulite, atrophic scars and stretch marks.
  • Vitamin B5. Activates the process of tissue regeneration. Promotes skin renewal. Increases the strength of collagen fibers.
  • Vitamin B6. Eliminates dryness and relieves skin inflammation. Used for hair treatment.
  • Vitamin B8. Used for seborrheic dermatitis, focal baldness, hair loss, as well as for the treatment of acne and stretch marks.
  • Vitamin B12. Evens out skin tone. A powerful remedy in the fight against hyperpigmentation.

Preparations, remedies and medicines for mesotherapy

Taking into account the principle of action, mesotherapy drugs are divided into several groups: vitamin, vascular, lifting, anti-inflammatory, lipolytic. The composition may include:

  • dimethylaminoethanol;
  • lipolytics – liporcil, silicine, lopocat, phosphodithylcholine;
  • vitamins – A, C, E, B;
  • acids – glycolic, pyruvic, hyaluronic;
  • plant extracts – aloe vera, green tea, guarana, artichoke;
  • minerals – silicon, magnesium salts, zinc, selenium;
  • antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • extracts of animal origin - elastin, peptides, collagen, etc.

The specialist selects the composition of the cocktail individually, taking into account skin type, main problems, age and other factors.

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