Laser removal of blood vessels on the face - effectiveness, contraindications, reviews and price

The times when beauty required serious sacrifices are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Cosmetic surgeons are using scalpels less and less and are increasingly using laser, ultrasound and other minimally invasive techniques. Currently used methods to combat spider veins are more reminiscent of a cosmetic procedure than surgery. When removing blood vessels on the face with a laser, the patient experiences virtually no discomfort; everything goes smoothly and quickly. The method is effective, safe and has no serious side effects. Effectiveness depends on the severity of the case, the causes of the defect, the equipment used and the experience of the doctor.

Laser treatment of telangiectasia: features and advantages of the method

The persistent dilation of small vessels makes them clearly visible. The vascular pattern on the face and other parts of the body creates an aesthetic defect. The bluish-colored vascular network looks especially unsightly. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. It may be the result of hormone replacement therapy, a hereditary predisposition, or a disease such as rosacea. Among the factors contributing to the appearance of the defect: active exposure to sunlight, pregnancy and childbirth, taking contraceptive medications, active smoking and others. Laser therapy is recognized as the most effective way to combat it.

Treatment of the skin with a beam of laser beams allows you to destroy excessively dilated protruding vessels without damaging skin cells. The effect is achieved due to the difference in color. The beam affects only red structures and has virtually no effect on other tissues.

Laser removal of telangiectasia is not a painful procedure. However, when a doctor works without anesthesia, the patient experiences a tingling sensation that can cause discomfort. Therefore, before the procedure, an anesthetic cream or spray is applied to the skin. Light anesthesia allows the patient to relax and not be afraid.

To remove a recently appeared small network of vessels, one session is enough. The result will not be noticeable immediately. First the skin must recover. Immediately after the procedure, you may experience redness or even blistering. However, everything will return to normal in just a few days. Your skin color will become completely natural in just one to two weeks. Recovery time depends on individual characteristics, primarily the thickness of the skin and the size of the emerging vessels. The processing area also matters. During the recovery period, you must use sunscreen. If large veins require correction, more time will be needed. Typically, several procedures are performed to remove them.

Important: the light effect of the laser on surrounding tissues does not cause them harm. A positive side effect of laser facial treatment is the evening out of skin tone. If the entire face is treated, minor defects will disappear along with the vascular network, and acne marks and age spots will become less noticeable. The skin will become healthier and tighter.

Laser removal of blood vessels for children

In children's clinics, lasers are used to eliminate congenital pathologies. Hemangioma is a benign tumor that looks like a birthmark. This is a vascular formation that disappears on its own by the first year of life, but not always. And then such education interferes with the full development of the child:

  • Grows uncontrollably;
  • Disfigures appearance;
  • May lead to disability.

In difficult cases, surgery cannot be avoided. In the rest, due to the young age of the patient, non-invasive techniques are used. The cost of laser vessel removal in children is higher than in adults, but the price is justified by its high efficiency.

Post-procedure care

General recommendations during the recovery period:

  • Immediately after laser star removal, it is recommended to apply ice packs to the treated areas.
  • Use antibacterial ointment for the first few days.
  • Do not wet the treated areas for 3 days.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for 3 days.
  • Protect skin from exposure to sunlight for 2-3 months.
  • Do not peel off the crusts. Picking promotes the formation of scars.
  • Avoid physical activity.

Is it painful to remove blood vessels with a laser?

The pain of the procedure depends on:

  • Individual sensitivity of the patient;
  • Laser type and power;
  • Areas of vessel location;
  • Use during the cryo installation procedure;
  • Vessel diameter.

Absolutely everyone experiences discomfort when blood vessels are removed. Typically, patients feel moderate discomfort, which manifests itself:

  • Warmth;
  • Tingling;
  • Light burning sensation.

Some compare laser flashes to electric shocks. When eliminating superficial vessels, local anesthesia is usually not used. But it is often practiced when working with childhood hemangiomas. Up to the use of general anesthesia where complete immobility of the child is necessary.

Indications for removing spider veins on the face

Pinpoint spider veins;

Dilated capillaries;

Thin vascular network;


Rosacea (in combination with the main treatment of the disease).

When the blood vessels located on the surface of the skin dilate, a red mesh appears - spider veins, or telangiectasias. The reasons for the appearance of blood vessels on the face can be:

Hereditary factors;

Thin and sensitive skin;

Skin trauma;

Use of alcohol-containing products and care products containing acids;

Use of a number of drugs;

bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol.

Violation of skin aesthetics associated with the appearance of noticeable blood vessels is the basis for visiting a cosmetologist.

Contraindications to laser vessel removal

Laser removal of blood vessels is contraindicated if:

  • Irritation or damage to the treated area;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Diseases of the endocrine or cardiovascular systems;
  • Diabetes;
  • Vasculitis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Infectious diseases, including periods of exacerbation of chronic ones;
  • Oncological problems;
  • Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

Exposure to the laser may interfere with the functioning of the pacemaker. At the preliminary consultation, they will also clarify about taking medications.

Some of the drugs are incompatible with the procedure:

  • Dilating vessels;
  • Blood thinners;
  • Iron-containing;
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Corticosteroids (hormonal);
  • Photosensitizing drugs;
  • Retinoids, etc.

Contraindications include fresh tanning, peelings and any traumatic procedures. In such cases, it is better to postpone therapy until the skin is completely restored.

Before contacting a cosmetologist

You should prepare for the procedure in advance. First of all, you should:

Avoid tanning

Preparation for laser correction of dilated vessels should begin one and a half months before the procedure. During this period, it is important to avoid sunlight.

The positive effect of a beam of laser beams when removing a vascular pattern is based on the difference in the color of the vessels and the color of the skin. After prolonged exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium, this difference decreases significantly, which can lead to excessive injury to the tissues surrounding the vessels. In addition, the specialist will be forced to reduce the force of the laser, which will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure. If the tan is very strong, the doctor may postpone correction until the skin has completely recovered.

If possible, avoid exposure to UV rays or use sunscreen with SPF-50. If over the past month and a half you have been relaxing at sea or visiting a solarium, laser correction of enlarged blood vessels should be postponed.

Avoid skin injury

A few days before the procedure, you should not use aggressive skin care products or methods. Do not squeeze pimples, do chemical peels, or otherwise injure the skin.

Stop taking aspirin

2 weeks before laser correction of dilated vessels, you should not take aspirin, naprosyn, or a number of other pharmacological drugs. If you need a pain reliever, you can take thaleinol. You should consult a cosmetologist about taking any other medications.

In addition to the above, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages in the last days before the procedure.

How much does laser blood vessel removal cost?

The decisive price for laser vascular removal depends on the following factors:

  • Localization and size of the problem area;
  • Depth and severity of capillaries;
  • Laser type;
  • Prestige of the clinic;
  • Doctor's experience.

The number of sessions also affects the total cost. Often a visible result appears after a single procedure, and if necessary, the problem is corrected by a second visit to a specialist.

In cases with rosacea or rosacea, the patient needs a long course - from 3 to 10 procedures with an interval of 2 to 4 weeks.

Average price for the service in clinics in Moscow and Moscow Region:

  • Face - 6,000 rubles;
  • Neckline—5600 RUR;
  • Eyes - 10,000 rubles;
  • Legs - 12,000 rubles;
  • Hands - 7,000 rubles;
  • Face, neck and décolleté — 8,600 rubles;
  • 1 cm 2 - 1000 rub.

On average, the procedure for removing a spider vein with a diameter of 1.5 mm costs about 1,000 rubles. The cost of one flash unit can range from 100 to 1000 rubles.

Laser treatment of rosacea


Many people are acutely aware of the problem of so-called rosacea or telangiectasia. From exposure to cold air and temperature changes, small capillaries of the skin expand, forming a pattern of vascular networks, which is very upsetting for the fair sex, and in general, not only them. The resulting networks of vessels can be either red or blue, differ in size and shape, dilated arterioles can form small red stars.

In addition to the face, similar vascular networks can appear on the arms and legs. There they protrude slightly and form an intricate pattern. Also in medicine there is the term “spider veins”, this refers to the peculiar patterns in pregnant women. As a rule, they are located on intimate areas and their pattern resembles a tree or a cobweb.

Causes of rosacea

The exact causes of spider veins are unknown. However, the list of supposed causes includes the following: weakening of the walls of blood vessels and changes in hormonal levels in women that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth, the use of oral contraceptives, menopause, neoplasms in the ovaries and uterus, prolonged stress on the legs, factors of damage due to chemical peeling, abuse of hiking in the solarium, starting with varicose veins.

The vascular network does not pose a particular threat to health; it only signals the need to be more attentive to the health of blood vessels. However, its completely unesthetic visual effect, especially if it concerns the vascular network on the face, forces you to consult a doctor and look for ways to get rid of it.

Getting rid of spider veins quickly and permanently

Hormone replacement therapy with drugs containing estrogens that can affect the walls of blood vessels can be carried out medicinally. As an alternative, many people choose plastic surgery. But time does not stand still, and modern technologies offer the opportunity to give the face freshness without surgical intervention and restore its former beauty using techniques such as laser treatment.

One of these methods is laser treatment of rosacea, practiced in our medical center. We remove the vascular network with a laser painlessly, quickly and without any unpleasant consequences. Today, laser treatment of telangiectasia is indeed, in our opinion, the most effective if it is performed on the FOTONA device - one might say, a unique device and the only one of its kind at the moment.

Compared to plastic surgery that is more traumatic and requires a long recovery, FT laser technology methods ensure the quality, efficiency and, of course, safety of the procedures performed with their help. The uniqueness lies in the use of erbium and neodymium Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers, which selectively affect dilated vessels and do not injure healthy nearby tissues.

It must be admitted that today no laser has the same parameters as FOTONA, and laser treatment of the vascular network using this device has already shown the greatest effectiveness in comparison with other methods. When laser treatment of telangiectasias is performed using the FOTONA device, small vessels are removed without a trace, large vascular spots, hemangiomas turn pale and significantly decrease in size. This is selective laser coagulation, in which the tissue healing period is minimal. In addition to treating rosacea, the FOTONA device is successfully used to treat acne. Also, modern laser technologies help get rid of stretch marks or scars and restore smoothness and elasticity to your skin.

Preparation for the laser treatment procedure for rosacea

To undergo laser treatment for rosacea, certain preparation will be required. The main condition is that two weeks before the expected session it is not recommended to do peeling procedures and limit your exposure to direct sunlight as much as possible. One day before, avoid alcohol, use of decorative cosmetics, and do not visit the sauna or bathhouse. If you are taking any medications containing aspirin or heparin, it is recommended to postpone the laser treatment procedure.

How does laser treatment of rosacea work?

The essence of the procedure is the targeted effect of the laser on problem areas, as a result of which coagulation of the skin vessels occurs. As a result of this, small vessels completely disappear, and larger ones become significantly smaller and pale. An hour before laser treatment of rosacea, problem areas are treated with an anesthetic. In most cases, exposure to a laser beam does not cause pain; the patient may only feel a slight tingling sensation. Therefore, anesthesia is used only for patients with a low pain threshold or if large formations are expected to be affected. Then the patient is put on special safety glasses and the skin is cooled using a special nozzle. Such manipulations are necessary to prevent burns and reduce skin sensitivity to the laser beam.

There are no complications and rehabilitation period after laser treatment of rosacea. Immediately after the procedure, slight redness may be noticeable in the treated areas, which completely disappears within 30 minutes. It is also possible for small bruises to appear, which do not require separate treatment and disappear within 2 days.

Subsequent skin care is determined by the doctor. Depending on your skin type, he selects the optimal cosmetic products that will promote rapid regeneration of the skin.

Small capillaries and vessels disappear after the first laser treatment session. Several procedures (3-6) are necessary only if the size of the vessels is more than 2 mm.

The modern laser used in the Liana clinic is capable of completely and completely curing rosacea. However, if your body is prone to spider veins, then sooner or later they will appear again. To consolidate and increase the duration of the effect, your doctor may recommend that you combine laser treatment and other cosmetic procedures - mesotherapy, hardware cosmetology, homemade cosmetic masks and creams. Also pay attention to the laser facial resurfacing procedure, which will help get rid of the first signs of aging, remove wrinkles and restore youth and beauty to the skin!

Brief description of the procedure

Laser treatment of rosacea
Free consultationYes
When to startNo age restrictions
Indications for use
  • Presence of rosacea
  • Hemangiomas
  • Impaired oxygen supply to skin cells
Main advantages
  • Getting rid of rosacea and vascular network
  • Smooth and clear skin
Course or number of procedures1-5 procedures
Effect durationAfter 1-4 weeks (determined after individual consultation with a doctor)
Stages of the procedure After consultation with a doctor, the skin is treated with an anesthetic, and the patient puts on glasses to protect the eyes from laser beams. Next, the procedure for treating damaged skin areas is carried out.
  • Oncological and endocrine diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy period
  • Blood diseases
Combination with other proceduresLaser rejuvenation

Prices for laser treatment of rosacea

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Price for services

NameDurationprice, rub.
1Single vessel10 min500
2Wings of the nose20 minutes1500
3Cheeks30 min2000
4Chin20 minutes1500
5Leg vessels 1st degree30 min3000
6Leg vessels 2nd degree40 min4000
7Leg vessels 3rd degree60 min6000
8Treatment of rosacea30 min2000
9Single vessel10 min500
10Wings of the nose20 minutes1500
11Cheeks30 min2000
12Chin20 minutes1500
13Leg vessels 1st degree30 min3000
14Leg vessels 2nd degree40 min4000
15Leg vessels 3rd degree60 min6000
16Treatment of rosacea30 min2000
171 sq. cm 5 minutes500
18up to 5 sq. cm 10 min1000
19up to 10 sq. cm 15 minutes2000
20up to 20 sq. cm 20 minutes3000
21up to 100 sq. cm 30 min4000
22up to 200 sq. cm 60 min6000

Ways to treat spider veins


It is the process of introducing a special drug into the vessels - sclerosant, the active substance of which glues the vessels together. After administering the sclerosant, the affected area must be bandaged and compression garments placed on it. Sclerosant is mainly used for lesions of the veins of the lower extremities. The number of necessary procedures directly depends on the extent of the disease. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that the sclerosant does not remove capillaries on the body. The advantage of administering sclerosant is that the operation is less traumatic and easily tolerated, according to reviews.


Involves the effect of electric current on the capillaries. Experts do not recommend removing spider veins on the face using electrocoagulation, since healthy vessels can be affected along with the affected capillaries, and subsequently scars and scars appear on the face. The advantage of the electric shock procedure is the fact that the entire procedure is necessary to treat the vascular network.

Radio wave surgery

A special device “Surgitron” is used. The drug uses high-frequency radio waves in treatment, which, without contacting directly with the skin, remove the vascular network. The advantage of using this technique is that it is low-traumatic and does not cause swelling or the appearance of scar tissue. The disadvantages include the fact that high-frequency waves cannot remove a large number of affected capillaries, according to reviews.

Laser or photocoagulation

The method is often used for cosmetic purposes to remove mesh on the face and décolleté. The technique involves removing the affected vessels with a laser, whereby the capillaries absorb the laser energy and are sealed. The obvious advantages include the fact that photocoagulation is an excellent method that does not require direct contact with the skin. Disadvantages include the fact that laser therapy covers a small area of ​​action, often no more than 3 mm, and also that the use of laser in treatment is not suitable for people with dark or tanned skin. Due to this, laser photocoagulation is used on small areas of skin that have been affected by the vascular network.

Ozone therapy

It is based on the use of an ozone-oxygen mixture in treatment, which in turn stimulates oxidative processes in blood vessels and their walls are destroyed. The use of an ozone mixture is often done to remove spider veins on the legs.


Contraindications for removing vascular network include the following factors:

  • allergic reaction or complete intolerance to the drug sclerosant;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • not recommended for use by nursing mothers and women during pregnancy;
  • for inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • heart disease;
  • with the development of peripheral arthropathy.

Diode laser

This laser acts on both vascular hemoglobin and skin melanin, so it is not worth treating rosacea on dark-skinned skin. The energy of such a laser is capable of penetrating to a fairly large depth, but this requires proper use of the device. In inexperienced hands, the procedure for removing blood vessels can result in the appearance of burns, scars, white or, conversely, dark spots on the skin. Blisters may also occur, which subsequently disappear without a trace.

After treating rosacea with a diode laser:

  • immediately after treatment, the skin is red, swollen, after a while blisters, bruises, and then crusts may appear on it;
  • after a week, redness and swelling usually disappear, peeling of the skin is noted;
  • the result can most often be assessed only after 2 weeks;
  • after a month, the vessels generally look paler, there is no peeling anymore, but pigmentation may be observed.

Types of lasers

To treat vascular problems, and “stars” and “meshes” refer to these, four types of laser are used:

  • dye-based devices (PDL),
  • diode,
  • neodymium (Nd:YAG),
  • as well as a complex device that affects pathological capillaries with two types of lasers at once - PDL and Nd:YAG. At the moment, the latest device is unique. It is produced only by Cynosure (USA) and is called Cynergy.

Each type of laser has its own characteristics of impact, and, therefore, its own advantages and disadvantages.

Why lumenis M22

Lumenis M22 is the development of three companies at once: (Sharplan (Israel), Coherent Star Medical (USA) and ESC - Energy System Company (Israel)).
These companies occupy leading positions in the production of laser equipment for medicine and cosmetology. Lumenis M22 has several types of light exposure to the vessel walls and is individually adjusted to suit the indications of a particular patient. This allows you to solve the problem more efficiently and quickly. Various attachments allow you to work with vessels even in hard-to-reach areas and, most importantly, even with very small manifestations of vascular networks.

Thanks to interchangeable attachments, M22 vessel removal is a 5-in-1 technology. You do not need to sign up for different procedures in order to get rid of pigmentation, acne and post-acne, as well as rosacea and signs of aging. With Lumenis M22 it is possible to solve all these problems during one procedure.

Another feature of the device is the proven safety of the method. Lumenis M22 is FDA approved

Cynergy laser

It sends a series of impulses to the dilated vessels. First, energy comes from the PDL laser, and this leads to the formation of microblood clots, which are 3-5 times better at absorbing the energy of the neodymium laser. As a result, vessels located at any depth are processed.

After treatment of rosacea with Cynergy laser:

  • the effect is noticeable 1-2 days after the procedure;
  • redness and swelling disappear within a day, maximum two;
  • after a week, the vessels are clearly paler, some small capillaries may completely disappear;
  • after a month you can do the second procedure, which is often the final one. In rare cases, there is a need for additional sessions.

Neodymium laser

Nd:YAG energy is also absorbed by hemoglobin, but makes it 50 times worse. Neodymium laser removes blood vessels:

  • up to 4 mm in diameter;
  • lying at a depth of up to 6 mm.

To put it simply, the device is capable of removing only blue “nets”, but it cannot be used in every location. For example, it is impossible to treat the wings of the nose with this laser due to severe pain. In addition, the Nd:YAG laser requires a very competent approach. A specialist who works with such a device must be able to accurately set the parameters, otherwise there is a risk of scars and burns.

Effect of treatment of rosacea with Nd:YAG laser:

  • Immediately after the procedure, the skin turns red, swells, and small bruises often remain in place of the blue vessels. After 4-5 days they disappear. From 2-3 days a crust forms over them;
  • after a week, the crust should fall off, slight peeling of the skin may be observed, the vessels may become more intensely colored, but this will go away with the next session;
  • after a month, the skin tightens, its microrelief is leveled (rejuvenation effect), the vessels do not become paler - until the next procedure.
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