Bags under the eyes: can they be removed without surgery?

“What do you think is the leading facial rejuvenation surgery according to statistics among American plastic surgeons? No, not the fight against wrinkles or even a facelift.

The American Society of Plastic Surgery names bags and swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes as the most common reason for visiting a rejuvenation specialist.

I confirm that this is indeed the case. Many of us are ready to put up with the first wrinkles and small bags under the eyes. But the cheek bags are too noticeable, and creams are powerless against them. Therefore, it is this problem that sooner or later leads to a specialist.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Bags under the eyes and bags under your eyes - what's the difference?

Of course, the problem of puffiness is familiar to each of us: in the morning after a party, you see clearly visible swelling in the area under the eyes in the mirror. First of all, with age, removing such swelling becomes more and more difficult: cells need more and more time to remove excess fluid and restore the previous skin structure. In this case, the swelling becomes permanent and transforms into bags under the eyes.

However, this cosmetic defect has nothing to do with paint bags. If you can remove the first ones with just a properly performed massage and good skincare cosmetics, then with paint bags the situation is much more complicated. This defect, of course, requires much more effort, costs and techniques.

Swelling on the cheekbones: causes and consequences

Year after year goes by. The first signs of age appear as bags and puffiness under the eyes. After a few more years, a second fold begins to appear in the area of ​​the cheek bones. These are “painting bags” (their second name is “sufa”).

Like bags under the eyes, they have similar unpleasant properties.

Firstly, fatty hernias on the cheekbones greatly spoil the appearance and make the face sad.

Secondly, these formations consist entirely of adipose tissue, so they tend to retain water, increase in size and form malar edema.

We often hear that the cause of swelling on the cheekbones is insufficient self-care. They say, take time for yourself, and miraculous creams, massages and vitamin complexes will remove all the bags under the eyes on the cheekbones in a month, and you will again shine with youth and beauty.

To be fair, it is worth saying that cheekbones are not a disease. This is an anatomical feature of the body: paint bags filled with adipose tissue. However, in youth, the good tone of young skin hides the problem.

With age, the skin becomes drier and thinner, the facial muscles lose their elasticity, the fatty tissue begins to sink down, sag, and... Everything secret becomes clear.

What are painting bags?

The word "malar" is Latin for cheekbone or cheekbone. Painting bags or sufas are sagging skin of the subcutaneous fatty tissue that forms the nasolabial folds. First of all, weakening of the muscle ligaments that support the paint bags and gravitational ptosis lead to deformation of the cheekbones and the formation of overhanging fat folds.

Consequently, this defect manifests itself in stages: at first you may notice how the skin begins to sag at the outer corner of the eye. Then the lines become deeper, furrows form: the face takes on a tired and “tortured” look. Already at this stage, it is impossible to cope with painting bags with just a massage in the morning. If nothing is done, the defect progresses: the cheeks fall in, and the fat bags gradually migrate down, forming a pronounced voluminous bag.

It is noteworthy that, according to statistics, paint bags most often occur in women and men at a more mature age of 40+, but their early manifestation is possible after 30. This is, of course, due to the structural features of the skull, genetic predisposition and lifestyle of a person.

Causes of bags under the eyes

Loss of skin elasticity

With age, the production of natural elastin and collagen slows down significantly. These protein elements serve as the main “supporting” material for our muscle fibers. Accordingly, if the skin lacks elastin and collagen, its muscles sag and “float” under the influence of gravity. This is gravitational ptosis. Spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscle or, conversely, its flabbiness and low tone. This defect is also age-related and is considered a sign of aging.

Genetic factor

Unfortunately, you may inherit paint bags from your grandmother or mother.

Hormonal transformations

Pregnancy, menopause, sudden weight loss and other serious changes in the body can also provoke the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Lymph stagnation

If you constantly suffer from puffy eyes, it's time to prevent eye bags. Stagnation of lymphatic fluid on a constant basis stretches and weakens muscle fibers, causing them to sag.


Bad habits, unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity - all this provokes the appearance of paint bags.

How to get rid of bags under the cheekbones: debunking myths

The first thing that comes to mind: massages, medicinal cosmetics, vitamins... This is a good option. It will be great if you add fresh air, proper nutrition and exercise! You will look much better and feel incredibly healthier.

There is only one BUT: these wonderful measures will in no way help you remove the swelling on your cheekbones under your eyes.

Let us remind you: we are dealing with zygomatic hernias, with some mini-containers of adipose tissue that fall down under the influence of the universal law of attraction. Judge for yourself, how can you solve this problem with the most wonderful massage and the longest walks? That's it, no way.

How to remove bags under the eyes?

Previously, bags under the eyes could only be removed through plastic surgery. However, now modern cosmetology offers a wider selection of means and technologies aimed at eliminating this defect. Let's look at the main ones.

Radical methods

Radical methods for removing bags under the eyes include surgical operations such as:

Blepharoplasty. During the operation, excess paint fat is removed, muscle tissue is tightened, fixed and sutured. If the plastic surgeon is competent, then the patient will not have a long rehabilitation period, scars.

Liposuction. Excess fat is sucked out of the paint bag. In its place, connective tissue is formed, which maintains muscle tone. On the other hand, the operation is complex and traumatic. It has a long rehabilitation period, a number of contraindications and prescriptions for the postoperative period.

Lipolifting. Filling the deep crease between the nose and cheekbone with your own fat taken from other areas of the body. As a result, the face acquires a “young” contour, furrows and creases are leveled out, and with them the paint bags.

Non-surgical methods

Non-surgical methods, of course, include contouring and hardware facial lifting procedures.

Injection correction

Correction of paint bags using fillers involves filling the “sagging” areas with hyauloronic acid. Has a fickle character. Therefore, it needs constant correction.

Thread lifting

Face lift by introducing reinforcing threads under the skin. The procedure is aimed at shaping facial contours and supporting “sagging” tissues. As a rule, it has an increasing effect, which intensifies over the course of half a year.

SMAS lifting

Non-surgical face lift using local high-frequency ultrasound. Powerful ultrasound waves penetrate the muscular aponeurotic layer of the skin and destroy weak elastin and collagen fibers. As a rule, due to protein coagulation and the formation of new protein structures, the muscle layer of the skin thickens and strengthens. Furrows, wrinkles and creases on the surface of the skin are smoothed out. In this case, the procedure has a long-lasting effect – up to 1.5-2 years. Currently the safest and most painless alternative to plastic surgery. If you have a portable SMAS-lifting device, the procedure can be done at home.


You can remove paint bags at the initial and middle stages using microcurrent massage. During the procedure, low-frequency electrical impulses are applied to the skin, which contract muscle fibers and stimulate the production of ATP. First of all, this acid is responsible for the regeneration of skin cells, the synthesis of protein structures necessary to increase the tone of cell membranes. Regular home treatments with microcurrent devices will help reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Electromyostimulation or EMS therapy

Impact on facial muscles using intense electrical impulses. Suitable for correcting paint bags at home. The procedure can be compared to training in the gym: the muscles contract, strengthen, become elastic, and acquire tone. EMS therapy can be performed at home with one of our comprehensive care devices.

RF lifting

Deep heating of the dermis using radiofrequency pulses. During the procedure, the skin is warmed up to 38°C to 45°C, fibroblasts are stimulated, which produce elastin and collagen. Due to the synthesis of new protein elements, facial muscles are strengthened, smoothed, and tone is restored. RF lifting works great with stage 1 and stage 2 paint bags. Can be carried out at home using special portable RF devices.

Painting bags on the cheekbones or sufas on the face.

Paint bags on the cheekbones or sufas on the face - noticeable swelling in the cheekbone area.

Few people have managed to escape age and genetics. Despite regular, high-quality facial care, age-related changes make themselves felt, as do the anatomical features inherent from birth.

Paint bags or sufas can appear even at a young age, but are usually clearly visible on the face from the age of 30-40.

First of all, the appearance of a zygomatic sac is a pathology. Malar edema typically appears as double circles under the eyes, which give the face a tired appearance.

reasons for this , here are the most common ones:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • disordered lifestyle;
  • kidney and cardiovascular diseases;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • eating a lot of salt;
  • drinking plenty of fluids before bed;
  • consumption of fatty, smoked, over-salted foods;
  • age-related hormonal changes;
  • lack of sleep;
  • decreased immunity and infectious diseases;
  • hypochondria and depression;
  • allergic diseases;
  • inflammation in the maxillary sinuses, throat, nasopharynx;
  • in children under 2 years of age, sufas may appear during teething or viral infections;

In women, swelling may occur before critical days; also, as a result of age-related changes, the zygomatic tissue droops from the adipose tissue - lip bags . Sometimes the appearance of bags under the eyes is temporary, only during illness or lifestyle changes. Swelling of the eyelids and skin around the eyes often occurs in people who sit in front of a computer monitor for a long time.

How to get rid of suf on your face?

A guaranteed method of getting rid of paint bags is plastic surgery .

Current methods of surgical intervention performed in the patient’s eye area and cheekbones:

blepharoplasty on the lower eyelid. Occurs under local anesthesia, the surgeon removes excess skin and fatty tissue.

Within 3–4 weeks after surgery, the face is completely restored;

check-lifting with endotins . This is one of the most effective facelift technologies. Modeling of the cheekbones is carried out by moving tissues and fixing them in the desired position using special microplates made of biodegradable materials.

Cosmetology procedures:

  • Contour plastic surgery is the application of fillers of a certain density, made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, into the nasolacrimal groove. This is a fold of skin that runs from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner, then down.
  • Lipofilling - the patient’s fat, cleared of impurities, is injected into problem areas and removed from his abdomen or thighs. As a result, cheekbones are raised and bags under the eyes become less noticeable.
  • Softlifting is a new 3D injection procedure. Injection of dense hyaluronic acid filler to a precisely defined depth, depending on the structure of the patient’s face.
  • Liposuction – fat deposits in the cheekbone area are reduced, swelling under the eyes is reduced, and fluid accumulation is reduced.
  • Liporeduction is a low-traumatic procedure aimed at removing excess fat tissue in small volumes in the area of ​​the cheeks, jowls and chin. Injection lipolytic mesotherapy restores microcirculation in tissues, promotes the removal of toxins and effectively combats local deposition of subcutaneous fat. Liporeduction of the jowls and chin can be accompanied by the installation of lifting threads.
  • Lymphatic drainage – using microcurrent therapy, it stimulates the removal of fluid from the paint bags that causes swelling.
  • Radio wave lifting is a high-frequency effect on the suf area. The effect is divided into ablative and non-ablative forms. The procedure is suitable for removing pronounced sores and small swellings.
  • "Diprospan" - this drug must be injected exactly into the fatty sac to avoid tissue atrophy. The procedure is performed only by an experienced cosmetologist or surgeon.
  • Mesothreads - Introducing polydiaxanone threads under the skin can slightly correct the situation. But this procedure will not give a pronounced effect. It is usually used for preventive purposes to prevent the process from getting worse.
  • Lipolitics is a method of non-surgical liposuction.

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