Bags under the eyes, how to get rid of them? Expert advice

It is very pleasant to realize that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you receive aesthetic pleasure. Oh, what eyes you’ll rock: huge, bottomless, shiny, inviting, and surrounded by fluffy, thick eyelashes. What an amazing “mirror of the soul” I have! I watched it this morning and I love it! Great. And a positive mood for the whole day is guaranteed. This is me - a confident, beautiful, successful woman. In his prime. Bliss!

And suddenly there comes a moment when, out of habit, looking at your reflection, you begin to wonder: Who is this? What it is? Where are my eyes? What is this hanging over them? Where do these bags under the eyes come from? Why is there swelling around the eyes? What are these circles around the eyes? Why, instead of bottomlessness in my eyes, is there all the sadness of the world, melancholy and a tired, sleep-deprived look in the morning? But I'm only 35? Or 37?

Causes of swelling under the eyes

In general, there can be a lot of reasons. Let's look at the main ones. Bags under your eyes may appear because you don't get enough sleep. Due to hormonal changes, your body may retain fluid. These changes include pregnancy and menstruation. Perhaps you consume too much salt, cry a lot and for a long time, you are allergic to external irritants, cosmetics. Bags can appear from alcohol and smoking, fatigue, and heart disease. Swelling appears due to strong physical exertion, due to a hernia of the lower eyelid, due to the fact that you do not drink enough. Bags under the eyes can appear due to age.

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How to make this mask?

The main feature of honey-based masks is that they can be used on any skin type.

Allergy test

Before adding honey to the mask, the skin must be checked for allergies.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the crook of your elbow and wait about an hour. If during this time there is no irritation, redness, itching or any other reaction, then honey can be included in the masks.

Application rules

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  • Under no circumstances should you use expired products for masks. You must choose only natural honey.
  • It is necessary to prepare the mixture for one use only. It cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than one day.
  • To prepare a mask, you can use not only liquid honey, but also candied honey. Only in this case it needs to be melted.
  • They should be applied only to cleansed facial skin using massage movements. It is best to apply the mass after a hot bath or shower. Only in this case the prepared skin is ready to absorb a large amount of nutrients.
  • The only condition for storing honey is a temperature from -6 to +10 degrees. The jar of product must be tightly closed.
  • You don’t need to walk with the consistency, but rather lie down.

Regularity of use

The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes, and after that the mixture must be washed off. To achieve good results, the mask must be done every day for three weeks. After this you need to take a break of two weeks.

After the first course of using masks, you can already notice the result.

What to do if you have severe bags under your eyes?

If you are not sure that your bags under the eyes are caused by various diseases, then you can try standard, traditional methods. First, normalize your sleep schedule. Sleep more, improve your quality of sleep. Give yourself more time to rest, drink more fluids. Try to eat less salty foods, and do not eat such foods before bed. In addition, you should limit yourself in consuming smoked and spicy foods. It's best not to drink coffee before bed. If you have swelling in the morning, you can put cotton pads soaked in green tea or tea bags themselves under your eyes. In addition, slices of cucumbers and masks made from grated potatoes can help you. If these methods do not save you at all, you can start using cosmetics. Place patches under your eyes and apply creams that are designed to remove swelling. If all these methods do not help, contact a cosmetologist. Maybe you have it hereditary, and you can only get rid of it with the help of cosmetology, or maybe you have a disease. If the option of diseases is completely excluded, then the cosmetologist will advise you on procedures that can correct the problem. Usually this is a biorevitalization procedure. In addition, manual and hardware techniques can be used. Microcurrent therapy can be performed. Lymphatic drainage will be enhanced.

How are lipolytics different?


Examples of drugs: Aqualix, Revital Celluform, Derma

Specificity of action: the introduction of drugs into local fat deposits, including the paint bags, leads to the destruction of the structure of fat cells. Decomposition products are eliminated from the body naturally over time.


Examples: Mesoai, Mesoscalpt

Specificity of action: indirect lipolytic agents do not disrupt the cell membrane. They transform fat cells, turning them from white, prone to storing fat, to brown, deprived of this function. Thanks to the effect of lipolytic, adipose tissue is reorganized, decreases in volume, and becomes denser.

Doctors at the Marina Ryabus clinic use only indirect lipolytics and strictly according to indications. We care about preserving the resourcefulness of tissues and advocate the most natural healing and rejuvenation.

Getting rid of bags under the eyes with fillers

This is the best way to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. It has many advantages that make you choose it. This is a very quick procedure, it will take no more than 20 minutes. After the procedure, you will not have a long period of rehabilitation and there will be no traces of intervention. You will not have to use bandages or undergo long recovery after the procedure. Usually, there is no allergy to the drug; it is maximally biocompatible. In addition, the effect of the procedure can last up to a year, it has maximum effectiveness. Fillers are almost always based on hyaluronic acid; vitamin complexes and beneficial substances are added to it. This acid is present in the human body and is easily absorbed. It is excreted naturally after some time. The effect will be visible immediately after you undergo the procedure. The skin will become much denser and more elastic, thanks to this dark circles under the eyes will disappear and bags will go away. Overall, you will look much more youthful.

Protocol for the procedure for reinforcing the tissues of the periorbital zone of the face with Bio S Line mesothreads.


Reinforcing fabrics with mesothreads - why does this technique not always work? Today, thread technologies in the Russian Federation are in their infancy. Threadlifting standards are still being developed.

Therefore, many specialists, when starting to work with threads, use them according to a template, without carrying out a differentiated approach to the selection of patients and threads. That’s why they are often disappointed in the methodology.

Reinforcement with linear mesothreads is an ideal method of strengthening tissues and creating collagen septa; this is a preparation for lifting threads. But the linear threads themselves are in no way lifting and do not have such an effect.

Often linear mesothreads begin to be placed according to a pattern, building simple, primitive grids. And in areas of “fat traps,” such a mesh increases the problem, weighing down the tissue and causing swelling. It seems to specialists that the threads do not work here. Today, in the practice of a cosmetologist, they have become a marker of knowledge and skills in working with a tool called “linear mesothreads.”

What is thread therapy?

Thread therapy is “smart” thread reinforcement with linear mesothreads through biologically active points.

Biologically active point (BAP)

The basis of the acupuncture point is formed by loose connective tissue interspersed with a large number of nerve receptors and free nerve endings (the signal from which goes to the central nervous system - the brain), a developed vascular system, and cellular elements containing biologically active substances. By activating BAP in the periorbital zone, we obtain such effects as removing pastosity and swelling in this area, reducing the size of existing periorbital hernias and preventing their formation, reducing the size of paint bags, improving microcirculation, reducing the “dark circles” syndrome, strengthening the thread frame, enhancing the lifting effect.

Clinical case

To demonstrate the procedure and the effectiveness of the treatment method, patient E., 58 years old, was selected during SAM Beauty-2019 [Fig. 1]. Primary and never resorted to the services of cosmetologists.

Complaints of swelling and “bags” in the periorbital area, worsening after sleep, heavy drinking and salty foods, dryness, sagging skin and wrinkles around the eyes, drooping of the upper eyelid, “dark circles” under the eyes.

According to the patient, ptosis of the lower and upper eyelids has been present for the last two years, periorbital hernias have also appeared in the lower eyelid area, and the nasolacrimal grooves have deepened. Over the past year, he has noticed an increase in paint bags.

At the initial examination, the general condition of the patient was satisfactory. Emotionally stable. Has no somatic complaints. Denies infectious diseases or cancer. Allergological status unchanged. There are no bad habits. She does not use cosmetics at home.

The morphotype of aging is deformation-edematous. The face shape is round. Skin: turgor and elasticity are reduced. Subcutaneous fat tissue is well expressed. Age-related changes predominantly in the middle and lower thirds of the face are represented by local age-related atrophic changes in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, labiomental zone with the formation of buccal, nasolabial furrows, and marionette lines.

Status localis (periorbital zone): atrophic changes in the skin of the eyelids with overhang of the superorbital fold, mimic-static wrinkles “crow’s feet”, severe swelling of the upper and lower eyelids with the formation of periorbital hernias, “dark circles” under the eyes, changes in the infraorbital relief in the form of pronounced nasolacrimal and palpebromalar grooves.

Zygomaticomalar zone: enlarged sacs.

Procedure protocol

During the initial consultation, to obtain a complete aesthetic effect in this area, the patient was oriented towards surgical treatment (blepharoplasty), but refused the operation.

Correction of the nasolacrimal trough with hyaluronic acid filler did not seem advisable, as it could aggravate the swelling in this area.

The patient was prescribed a procedure for reinforcing the periorbital zone with mesothreads according to the patented author’s method “Effective methods of detoxification and drainage using various types of mesothreads” (patent No. 017–006506 dated July 10, 2017). The procedure was performed on January 18, 2022.


Bio S Line mesothreads were used in the procedure:

  • made in South Korea,
  • registration certificate on the territory of the Russian Federation RZN ​​2022 / 5261 dated January 26, 2022,
  • made of polydioxanone, porosity class I,
  • sterile, linear, absorbable,
  • on atraumatic carrier needles with laser sharpening Diamond Sharp 30G / 25 mm, 20 pieces.

Stage 1. Antiseptic treatment of the thread implantation area.

Stage 2. Application anesthesia.

Stage 3. Marking and placement of threads in the periorbital zone is presented in Figure 4.

Topography of BAT

Point TR23 (“Si-zhu-kun”)

Location: in the depression at the outer end of the eyebrow.

Topographic anatomy: orbicularis oculi muscle, superficial temporal artery, optic nerve (I branch of the trigeminal nerve).

One of the meanings of the triple heater meridian TR in Eastern medicine is that it responds to and regulates the movement of water media in the body, and point TR23 is responsible for water balance in the periorbital zone and surrounding areas.

Point VB1 (“Tong-tzu-liao”)

Location: 0.5 cm outward from the outer corner of the eye.

Topographic anatomy: outer edge of the orbit, subcutaneous orbicularis oculi muscle, in depth - temporal muscle, zygomatic orbital artery, anterior deep temporal artery, zygomatic branch of the facial nerve, I and II branches of the trigeminal nerve.

Point E1 (“Cheng Qi”)

Location: at the intersection of the midpupillary line and the lower edge of the orbit.

Topographic anatomy: orbicularis oculi muscle, infraorbital artery, infraorbital nerve.

Point E2 (“Sy-bai”)

Location: vertically below the pupil by 1 cun and below the point E1 “Cheng Qi” by 1 cm.

Topographic anatomy: orbicularis oculi muscle, infraorbital artery, facial nerve, infraorbital nerve, infraorbital foramen.

Stage 4. Implantation of threads - “smart” tissue reinforcement.

  • 10 mesothreads were placed under the crow's feet wrinkles, 5 pieces on each side,
  • the next threads were implanted perpendicular to the previous ones with the mesh also aligned, 5 pieces on each side. In this case, three threads passed through the BAT, taking into account the direction of movement of Qi. They were introduced from top to bottom: from point TR23 to VB1, then from point VB1 to E1 and from point VB1 to E2. The threads passed subdermally, without entering the area of ​​the mobile eyelid.

Stage 5. Clinical observation of the patient over time and evaluation of results.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient did not actively complain. I did not experience any discomfort in the area where the threads were inserted; I only noted slight pain on the right side associated with a small hematoma. The hematoma went away within ten days.

Day 7 The patient independently noted the first positive changes: a decrease in swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, more so in the upper.

Day 14 During the examination, the doctor noted a decrease in swelling in the periorbital area, a decrease in the size of lower eyelid hernias compared to the initial examination.

21 day. On examination, a decrease in “dark circles” under the eyes and an improvement in skin quality are noted: a decrease in the depth of wrinkles.

Day 30 On examination, there was a positive trend in reducing swelling in the periorbital area. Reducing the size of paint bags, reducing the depth and number of wrinkles. There is also a decrease in swelling of the middle third of the face, which led to a visual improvement in the relief of the entire middle third of the face.

Excess fat accumulates in certain places and forms so-called “traps”. These zones are stable in shape and volume and do not change even with obvious weight loss.


As a result of the procedure “Smart reinforcement in the periorbital zone” using Bio S Line mesothreads, the following positive results were obtained using the chosen method:

  • reduction of swelling in the periorbital area,
  • reduction of periorbital hernias, “dark circles”, paint bags,
  • improvement of skin quality, reduction of wrinkles and their depth, reduction of swelling in the middle third of the face with improvement of facial contours.

Author: Rimma Panteleeva, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, reflexologist, Moscow.

Magazine: Appearance. Esthetic guide №2(30)




Mesotherapy is a rejuvenating procedure that can remove bags and bruises under the eyes. A complex of vitamins, which includes medications, is injected into the eye area. The injection is carried out into the middle layers of the skin. Ascorbic acid and phytic acid are often used. During the session, oxygen and other elements will be supplied to the skin. It will become smoother and more elastic, and will look better. Carefully study the contraindications to the procedures, as they may be unacceptable in your case. If you follow all the advice and study the contraindications, the procedure will go better and the effect will last for a longer period. After you have undergone cosmetic procedures, it is best to maintain a healthy lifestyle and get good sleep. This way the effect will last for a long time, you will feel much better. This procedure is tolerated by most people, rehabilitation does not take a long period, it is approved for use in absolutely any season.

What happens during age-related changes?

With age or during the aging process, unpacking occurs, which means that the transitions between fat packets on the face become more pronounced, they seem to move. Ligaments and muscle fibers also become disintegrated; they move lower under the force of gravity. But all migrations will stop at ligaments. This is why the nasolabial folds deepen, and later it seems that a roll of fat seems to float menacingly, further exacerbating the nasolabial triangle. Over time, the nasolabial fat pad, the mandibular fat pad (the “jowl” sags) are clearly visible on the face, and very often the “painting sac” becomes as if outlined (the correct name is the lateral suffix, but even anatomists are already accustomed to simply calling it the painting sac ), but the lateral auriculotemporal fat pad ages in the same way for everyone - it undergoes degeneration and flattening, and it is this that you should pay attention to when a person’s face “skeletalizes.”

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