How to hide bruises, dark circles and bags under the eyes - the secrets of makeup artists

Bags, blueness and circles under the eyes - why they happen

Makeup using skin-lightening products is an everyday solution. It helps hide the problem, but does not solve it in any way. The cause needs to be eliminated. Applying multiple layers of makeup every day for many years, instead of taking your own health seriously once, is, you see, strange. Women who have encountered the problem of puffiness under the eyes, dark circles and bruises say one thing: first of all, you should find out the reason for the deterioration in appearance.

This may require you to undergo tests, undergo a course of medication and listen to the recommendations of the doctor, who will once again remind you that it would be a good idea to change your daily routine.

I advise you to first check the kidneys, heart and thyroid gland. Then add cosmetics: creams, masks, ice cubes, raw potatoes, parsley, tea bags, etc. If swelling is constantly present under the eyes, despite all efforts, then, alas, only plastic surgery. But this is the case when you see nothing else except “these terrible bags” and they really interfere with your life.


Skin problems can be the result of chronic lack of sleep, overwork, poor diet, lack of moisture in the body, eye strain from prolonged use of a computer or smartphone. If you notice that bags and dark circles under your eyes appear regularly, it is possible that you are at risk and the examination will reveal diseases, including chronic ones:

  • endocrine system;
  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • heart and cardiovascular system.


  • swelling under the eyes is a common side effect of sinusitis, conjunctivitis, hypothyroidism;
  • allergies to some foods or substances cause a runny nose and swelling under the eyes;
  • eyes become swollen if salt has accumulated in the body, and moisture is retained in adipose tissue - this is a common problem for pregnant women;
  • bruises in the area around the eyes - age-related changes due to thinning and dehydration of the skin;
  • problems can be caused by hereditary factors, a predisposition to hyperpigmentation of the skin in the eye area.

If circles appear under the eyes, you can contact a therapist or dermatologist for consultation and diagnosis. As a rule, during the collection of anamnesis, a general and biochemical blood test, a general urinalysis, an ultrasound of internal organs, and an ECG are performed. Based on the results of the examination, further treatment is prescribed, which, if it does not completely eliminate your problem, will definitely make swelling and circles under the eyes, a consequence of the disease, less pronounced. Obviously, any makeup, even professional makeup, looks much better on healthy skin.

Bruises and dark spots under the eyes can be hidden with multi-layers of makeup, but if they appear regularly, it is better to consult a doctor

Possible Causes of Dark Circles

The thin skin of the eyelids contains very few sebaceous and sweat glands and has no subcutaneous tissue, so it is susceptible to drying out and fading quickly. Various factors contribute to the deterioration of the eyelids:

  1. Congenital anatomical features, when the venous network is located superficially, creates strong shadows.
  2. General fatigue. Bruises occur from fatigue and usually appear in the morning. On weekdays, you may experience bruises from sitting for a long time in front of the computer at work. If blueness is detected after sleep, this may be due to incorrect head position or insufficient blood supply to the face. After giving birth, a young mother may not sleep at all.
  3. Diseases. Dark circles can signal problems with the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart and vascular system. May be a symptom of anemia.
  4. Mechanical impact on the periorbital area. This can be either a blow inflicted by a hard blunt object or a blow to the head, for example, on the floor at the time of loss of consciousness. After an injury, the eye area may have different shades, because larger vessels are damaged by the impact and hematomas develop, which gradually fade.
  5. Poor nutrition. The female sex loves to go on diets. By depriving themselves of valuable food components, they get dark circles under their eyes.
  6. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking impair blood circulation, dilate the subcutaneous veins of the lower eyelids and cause black shadows to appear. After excessive drinking, every second woman experiences bruises.
  7. Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. Causes aging of the skin, especially its thinned areas. The skin of the eyelids becomes dry, wrinkled and dark circles appear faster. You shouldn't give up wearing sunglasses to protect yourself from sun rays.

A child may develop bruises for the same reasons. From childhood, you should find out the causes of dark circles and take timely measures to correct them.

How to quickly remove bruises at home

If the problem arose from lack of sleep and is accompanied by bags under the eyes, then you can help with folk remedies.

Tea bags for eyes

Pre-brew the tea, cool and lightly squeeze the bags. After this, put it on your eyes and lie with them for 15 minutes. Tea bags are great for eliminating puffiness of the eyelids.

Masks with grated potatoes

Potatoes contain starch, which has a bleaching property. It is also rich in antioxidants, which helps refresh the delicate skin of the eyelids. You will need 1 raw tuber, which must be grated on a coarse grater and the resulting pulp should be placed on the eye area. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Refreshing mask with cucumber

It is necessary to cut the cucumber into slices. It’s better to pre-cool them in the freezer; you can add a drop of Visine to each slice. Place cucumber discs on your eyelids and wait 15-20 minutes.

Recipe with toothpaste

Apply evenly to the periorbital area. Aged for 10 minutes, brings a cooling effect. These methods constrict the blood vessels and the blue color becomes smaller. Teenagers are often prohibited from using cosmetics and are forced to use homemade recipes.

How to solve skin problems without makeup

Vitamins, medicines, professional creams and ointments, as well as traditional medicine are practiced in cosmetology to reduce problems with the skin around the eyes. No remedy will help completely eliminate blueness and swelling, especially in the absence of proper treatment. Strongly expressed defects in appearance are treated in a comprehensive manner - by prescribing oral medications, facial massage, and regular use of high-quality cosmetics to care for the skin around the eyes. In order for your face to look healthy and your eyes to shine, in most cases you still need to use decorative cosmetics - at least minimally.

Contrast washing helps to refresh your skin in the morning. In the morning, spray your face alternately with cold and hot water - do 3-4 changes and finish with cold water. Try to keep your eyes open.

Applying makeup can be preceded by using folk remedies - compresses with herbal infusions, masks made from natural products and lotions of natural origin tone the skin, help reduce swelling - the face looks rested after them.

Cucumbers are used fresh as a mask for tired skin.

Folk remedies for skin care around the eyes - table

MeansMode of applicationResult
MilkSoak cotton pads in milk and place them on the skin under the eyes for 15 minutes.Relieves swelling.
LemonYou can put two slices of lemon on swollen eyelids for 20 minutes, then rinse the skin well with water.Relieves swelling.
Fresh cucumberPlace two slices of fresh cucumber on your eyes for 15–20 minutes. Or soak cotton pads in cucumber juice and make tampons. There is a recipe for a mask made from grated cucumber: add chopped parsley (in equal proportions) and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. The mixture is applied to the problem area for 15 minutes, then washed off. Relieves swelling and refreshes the face.
Egg whiteTake 1 egg, separate the white from the yolk and beat. Apply to the skin around the eyes, wait for the mixture to dry, then rinse with warm water. Narrows pores, reduces swelling.
Cottage cheeseWrap 1 teaspoon of fresh cottage cheese in gauze and apply to the eyes at the site of swelling. Leave for 15 minutes. Reduces swelling.
PotatoCut 2 slices of raw potatoes and apply them to your eyes for 20 minutes. Or make a puree mask from boiled potatoes: crush, add a little milk and olive oil, cool until the mixture becomes warm. Apply the finished puree to the dark circles under the eyes and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse the skin with warm water. Eliminates blueness under the eyes.
Herbal decoctionChamomile, cornflower or sage are suitable for preparing a decoction. Make ice cubes from the prepared infusion and wipe the skin around the eyes with them every morning. Refreshes the skin.
Tea (black, green)Used tea bags or old tea leaves will do - both (the tea leaves are pre-wrapped in gauze for convenience) - applied to swollen eyes.Makes under-eye circles less noticeable.

Pharmacy products for the skin around the eyes

Correctly apply the care product to the skin around the eyes using pointed movements along massage lines, from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Massage promotes better absorption of the healing composition.


Help reduce severe swelling, dark circles and bruises under the eyes:

  • Lyoton gel. The drug contains heparin, the drug helps with the formation of hematomas under the skin, edema and tumors. The gel is expensive; if necessary, you can replace it with cheaper domestic analogues: Lyogel, Heparin, Trombless.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. The active component of the drug is hydrocortisone acetate, which has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Retinoic ointment. The main active ingredient in the composition is 13-cis-retinoic acid, the active form of vitamin A. In the area around the eyes, the ointment is applied in doses, as it can cause inflammation.
  • Solcoseryl gel. The drug stimulates the process of collagen synthesis, accelerates cellular metabolism, and improves the condition of facial skin. The main active ingredient of the drug is deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves. The gel is available with a doctor's prescription.
  • Blefarogel, a drug containing hyaluronic acid, aloe juice and glycerin. The product relieves swelling and smoothes out fine wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Indovazin, a drug that contains indomethacin, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects, and troxerutin, which reduces capillary permeability.
  • Heparin ointment. The drug contains heparin, which relieves swelling of the eyelids and a feeling of heaviness.
  • Troxevasin. The main active component of the drug is troxerutin, an active component of vitamin P, which reduces the severity of edema and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Lyoton gel is a broad-spectrum product and is suitable, among other things, for relieving puffiness under the eyes


Creams are used to nourish and moisturize the skin around the eyes; some formulations also have a cooling effect. As a rule, creams for the skin around the eyes contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, E, retinoic acid, plant extracts and other active ingredients.


They are used for very dry skin as a composition enriched with a vitamin complex and more effective than a cream.

Cream and serum can be purchased from the manufacturer you are used to; many have brightening serums for the eyelids. Recommended lines of professional cosmetics include VICHY (France), AVENE (France), GALENIC (France), BIODERMA (France), La Roche-Posay (France), Pharmateiss cosmetics (Germany).

The French brand AVENE produces truly high-quality products for skin care around the eyes.


Patches are patches made of woven and non-woven materials that are applied to the skin under the eyes like a mask. The patches are soaked in a vitamin solution containing, among other things, vitamins K and P, which reduce capillary permeability, skin-lightening arbutin, hyaluronic acid, essential oils and other beneficial substances. Before applying the patches, the skin under the eyes is cleaned, the applications themselves are cooled in the refrigerator, then applied under the eyes for 15–20 minutes. They can be made from cotton fabric, silicone based; There are also hydrogel and collagen. The most budget-friendly ones are fabric patches; the best results are obtained by using patches with hyaluronic acid (hydrogel), which moisturize and visibly tighten the skin, relieving swelling. Recommended manufacturers: Secret Key Gold Racoony Hydro Gel and Spot Patch (Korea), JAPAN-GALS Collagen Eye Gel (Japan), Hyalual WOW eyes (Switzerland), Estee Lauder Stress Relief Eye Mask (USA).

Gel patches provide the greatest effect, but they are also the most expensive.

Actions in case of injury

Only a few people know how to disguise a black eye from a blow, since not every person knows even the basics of makeup. In this regard, you will need to do everything necessary to reduce the likelihood of a bruise as much as possible. Of course, the stronger the blow, the brighter the mark will remain, but by reacting instantly, it is possible to make it less pronounced.

In the first few seconds after the blow, it is necessary to apply something cold, due to which the hemorrhage will stop a little and the hematoma will become less noticeable. The cold should be kept for 15-25 minutes, depending on the severity of the bruise.

Once the bruise is completely formed, you can apply a warm compress to ensure rapid resorption of the dried blood.

What you should and should not do to prevent dark circles from appearing under your eyes

The problem area around the eyes is very sensitive; any adverse external influence, as well as any disruptions in the body’s functioning, are immediately reflected on the face. General recommendations that provide a more or less healthy lifestyle are easy to follow. The body will definitely thank you with a healthy complexion and radiant eyes.

What to do:

  1. Try to organize breaks at work to avoid excessive eye strain and fatigue. This is especially relevant advice if work is impossible without a computer.
  2. Allocate enough time for sleep, ideally 7–8 hours. Take care of the relaxation conditions - absence of noise, comfortable mattress, comfortable room temperature.
  3. Organize a balanced diet, cook at home and take containers of super healthy food with you to work. Give up useless snacks like sweets, snacks and fast food. Vegetable salad and boiled meatballs do not seem to be so difficult to prepare in advance. At the same time, you will become a role model for your colleagues.
  4. Minimize your consumption of alcohol and cigarettes or, if you wish, for the sake of beauty and health, give up bad habits altogether.
  5. Do facial exercises that strengthen the eye muscles - simple exercises will improve blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin. Perform the following exercises alternately daily:
      make several rotations with your eyes in one direction, then in the other;
  6. close your eyes, closing your eyelids tightly, then open them sharply, repeat 5-6 times;
  7. press on the corners of your eyes with your fingertips, first on the outer ones, then on the inner ones;
  8. do acupressure with cream or balm, massage the area around the eyes along the massage lines.

Do a facial massage along the massage lines, the skin will become more toned

Selection rules

A cosmetic product requires careful selection. It should be comfortable solving problems. Among the basic selection rules are:

  1. If the product is not applied in a dense layer, the structure should be more transparent and light.
  2. If the bruises are pronounced, choose a thick concealer.
  3. It is important to take a closer look at the composition. Moisturizing components must be present - aloe, for example.

Many people need to remove not only darkening, but also swelling. It's worth buying something with caffeine.

Manufacturers produce concealers of different textures and shapes. Each option should be considered separately.

Master class on applying concealer

Color shade

There are many similar imperfection concealers in cosmetic stores. They differ in color. Green, purple, pink, yellow, and red options are available. To quickly and reliably disguise dark circles, the last 3 are optimal.

If the blue is not pronounced, you can take a concealer that is a tone or 2 lighter in shade than the foundation you use daily.


Concealers are bottled according to release form. Each is worth considering in more detail:

  1. Liquid. It has a light, barely noticeable composition. This format is ideal for the “no makeup makeup” technique.
  2. Structure – fluid. Able to create perfect coverage on the face. With it you can avoid “heaviness” on your eyelids, but there is a drawback. This texture is not suitable for oily skin. By evening the product “creeps”.
  3. Cream. It is considered an effective remedy if the blue color is striking and pronounced. It is important to apply the product as carefully as possible. Otherwise, it will gather in clumps and give a woman’s face an unattractive appearance.

You need to choose a concealer based on the characteristics of your skin and the severity of the bruises. Once you have made your purchase, you can proceed directly to applying the product. The process should be carried out in accordance with the rules. It is important to follow the sequence of actions.

How to apply concealer?

It all depends on the consistency: thick concealers are better blended with your fingers, and light concealers are better blended with a brush.

  • Sometimes it works better in tandem: apply with a brush and blend with your finger or beauty blender.

Makeup artists' lifehacks for using concealer:

  • Concealer is a great eraser! Yes, the one that corrects shortcomings: dirty shading, uneven eyeliner, crooked lip contour. Use it for correction, changing the brush for each task. You will like the result. I promise!
  • Using a beauty blender, tint your lips with concealer. This will not only prolong the durability of your lip makeup, but will also cover up their natural pigment, which will affect the brightness of the lipstick.
  • Well, the most common life hack is to apply concealer under the eyebrow growth line. The main thing is to blend it carefully so that the border is not obvious and readable.

Phew, looks like I haven't forgotten anything. But if you suddenly missed something, then make allowance for the fact that the article was written at 1:59 in response to my husband’s questions: how long will you be there?

Traditional methods

Here are some effective folk remedies for knee bruises.

  1. Place cabbage leaves on the leg, slightly cutting them so that the juice comes out. Keep the compress for several hours.
  2. Using the same method, we apply a bandage with cottage cheese, fixing it on the joint with oilcloth and a bandage. Leave it for a day.
  3. Instead of cabbage, you can use onions. Rub the onion head and place it on the knee. Leave the compress for an hour, repeating the procedure if possible.
  4. You can make the following recipe for a joint injury: heat half a liter of apple cider vinegar in a water bath, mix two tablespoons of sea salt, about ten drops of iodine, and moisten the gauze. Place it on the joint and bandage it.
  5. Treatment with arnica tincture is very effective. Lubricate the damaged joint or make a compress.
  6. Bodyaga copes well with inflammation and swelling. Mix bodyagi powder with warm water and spread on the damaged area. The bandage is removed when the body is dry.
  7. Another common way to treat an injury at home is to apply crushed plantain leaves with pork fat three or four times a day.

In the most difficult cases, when there is a knee bruise and blood accumulates inside the joint, you need to do a puncture.

How to cover up a bruise from an injection after a cosmetic procedure

Bruises that occur after cosmetic procedures, for example, after botulinum therapy or injection of hyaluronic acid fillers, are not as extensive as damage caused by a blow. Small blue dots from the needle are easy to cover up. The technique for applying cosmetics is standard


  1. Cleansing the skin and using a skin care product.
  2. Application of primer.
  3. Spot use of the corrector with careful shading of the product a few millimeters beyond the boundaries of the damaged area.
  4. Using foundation and, if necessary, concealer.
  5. Powdering the face.

Small bruises from injections do not cause much inconvenience to women and disappear within 2-4 days; after 2-3 days the need to cover up the injury site may disappear, since the hematoma is not visible under a layer of regular foundation.

What colors of concealers and correctors should I use for bruises?

Usually, bruising goes away quickly even without the use of medications, but if there is no time to wait (and this can take up to 8-10 days), it can simply be disguised.

For your information! One of the best ways to do this is to use a concealer, but to do this you need to choose the right shade of this product:

  1. A fresh dark bruise resulting from a blow, as well as any hematomas of red-pink shades, are best masked with yellow or green concealers .
  2. Dark bruises well hidden yellow or orange concealers .
  3. The yellow color of the hematoma , which is already going away, can be tinted with dark concealers ( purple or lilac ).

These are not universal recommendations: since each person's skin tone may vary slightly, it may be necessary to mix several different products, choosing the optimal color to best camouflage bruises.

Additional recommendations

To speed up recovery, it is recommended:

  1. Spend more time outdoors (at least 30 minutes every day).
  2. Enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables, you can start taking vitamins A and C.
  3. Exercise regularly. Physical activity helps saturate cells with oxygen and strengthen vascular walls. Thanks to this, the hematomas will disappear faster.

In some cases, you may need to consult a doctor; it is recommended to contact him if the bruise:

  • does not disappear within two weeks;
  • becomes hard;
  • increases in size;
  • causes vision impairment (if localized near the eye);
  • begins to show signs of infection: some discharge appears from the skin in the damaged area, the temperature rises.

Properly concealing signs of fatigue: understanding the color scheme

At the beginning of the review, it was no coincidence that we mentioned the distinctive features of the concealer - a corrective product whose shade is as close as possible to the natural skin tone. The fact is that this product is designed not only to hide imperfections, but also to even out the complexion. Accordingly, when choosing a concealer shade, you should proceed from the natural skin tone so that it matches it as closely as possible.

This rule is mandatory for the face, but it does not apply to the area around the eyes. There are slightly different recommendations here:

The concealer should primarily brighten the eyelids, giving the eyes a rested look. By choosing an option that matches your skin tone, you will not hide imperfections, but will only emphasize them.

What color of concealer should you choose for dark circles under the eyes? Stick to shades. Which will be half a tone lighter than your natural skin color. It is this technique that will help lighten the problem area, and, among other things, will serve as a kind of visual listing, lifting sagging eyelid skin.

In addition to tone, concealers differ in undertone. There are options with a cold glow - pinkish, pearly, and there are warm ones - olive, golden. Here you should adhere to the following rule - a cold tray is suitable for young ladies of the Nordic type with porcelain skin, untouched by tan. It is better for sultry beauties to give preference to warm solutions.

On a note. Are you unsure about choosing a concealer undertone? Apply the product to the back of your wrist, if it blocks your veins then this is your product.

Stages of camouflage

You can disguise bruises of any origin at home using special cosmetics:

  • primer;
  • concealer palettes;
  • foundation concealer;
  • white highlighter;
  • translucent powder.

Before starting makeup, prepare your skin:

  • clean with milk.
  • moisturize with tonic.
  • Apply cream: for dry skin - nourishing/softening, for oily skin - moisturizing.

Let's start with step-by-step masking:

  1. Primer. Apply cream base (primer) to the eyelids. Reflective particles fill fine wrinkles, evening out the skin.
  2. Disguise. Choose a shade of concealer based on the color of the stain. Apply it with a brush pointwise along the massage lines of the problem area. Gently, without injuring the skin, blend with a damp sponge.
  3. Tone equalization. Choose a foundation concealer that is one shade lighter than your face. It will correct the problem and even out the color of the skin around the eyes.
  4. Lightening. A white highlighter will visually make your skin radiant and your eyes open. Highlight the inner corners of the eyes and the area under the eyebrows. Blend the border so that the transition becomes natural.

Do not overload your eye makeup with thick dark shadows, a thick layer of mascara, or eyeliner.

Use pearlescent shadows. They will draw attention to the shape of the eyebrows, and not to the disguised bruises. Lightening loose powder in a translucent tone will refresh your face.

How to cover up a bruise on your face in Photoshop

If it was not possible to properly disguise the area of ​​damage, and you have to attend an important event, then in the photographs taken during the celebration you will not look your best. However, you can correct the photos that remain with you using Photoshop or another similar program.

There are several ways to cover up a bruise on the face in Photoshop; we will look at the simplest, most effective, and, most importantly, universal. It is suitable for correcting close-up images as well as full-length portraits. And it does not require you to know Photoshop or have skills in working in this program.

The tool we will be using is called the Healing Brush. You need to act in this way:

  1. Make a copy of the photo you are going to edit. This is necessary in case you accidentally ruin the photo while adjusting it in Photoshop.
  2. Open a copy of the photo in the program, enlarge the image so that it is convenient to work with it.
  3. Select the Healing Brush from the toolbar.
  4. Hold down the Alt key while pointing the mouse cursor at the place on the photo from which the program will take data. In this case, this is the area under the lower eyelids, on the cheeks or in another area where there are no defects in the skin. The main condition is that the place in the image from which the sample for replacement will be taken must be as close as possible to the place that requires correction. This will allow you not to worry about the fact that there will be significant differences in skin tones.
  5. Release the Alt key and start covering the bruise by moving the mouse cursor. You will see how the image changes and will be able to cover up exactly the area that needs correction without affecting neighboring areas.

After this treatment, which will only take a couple of minutes, the bruise on your face will disappear from your photo, and you will only have beautiful pictures for pleasant memories of the festive evening.

How to use a color concealer palette

Several color options are available for sale. Each is suitable for any color type of appearance and masking certain defects.

How to apply concealer on your face so that your makeup looks harmonious:

  1. Colored concealers are applied only under foundation.
  2. Concealer should be applied strictly from top to bottom so as not to lift up the vellus hair on the face and highlight the texture of the skin.
  3. The concealer must be applied in a thin layer.
  4. The product is ideally distributed with a brush or sponge. If you don’t have special tools at hand, you can use your fingertips. In this case, the movements should be driving in.
  5. To get the perfect concealer shade, you can mix two different products or simply dilute it with foundation.

In addition to correcting color imperfections on the skin, you can use concealer to perform contouring based on your face shape.

The main principle of contouring is to bring the face closer to an oval shape, which is considered ideal. You can do this in the following ways.

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