Why do hernias appear under the eyes and is it possible to get rid of them without surgery?

Skin folds on the lower and upper eyelids appear due to age-related changes in the epidermis. After 25 years, skin cells and muscle fibers lose their natural elasticity, skin turgor decreases, and soft tissue sagging appears in the periorbital area. Innovative cosmetology methods will help remove skin folds around the eyes, crow's feet and expression wrinkles.

Wrinkle removal using injection method

Procedures for removing folds on the eyelids take place in a cosmetology office under the supervision of a specialist. Active substances or your own fat cells are injected into the periorbital area using a small diameter needle.

After the injection, the epidermis is smoothed due to the replenishment of the intercellular space or blocking of muscle fibers. With other injection techniques, metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis are accelerated, and the production of natural collagen and elastin in the skin increases. Injection methods:

How to tighten sagging skin under the eyes without surgery

Before contacting cosmetologists, you can try to restore the elasticity of the skin under the eyes yourself. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid consuming large amounts of salt. Sodium chloride causes fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling under the eyes.
  2. Sleep in the correct position. It is recommended to put an extra pillow under your head, lie on your back during the night, and do not drink a lot of drinks at night.
  3. Before going to bed, you should apply special skin care products around the eyes.
  4. Eye strain should be avoided.
  5. Avoid tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, chemical pollution. If a person has a tendency to develop allergic reactions, they should move away from potential allergens.
  6. You should not take medications that cause fluid retention in the body. It is prohibited to use allergenic cosmetics.
  7. To get rid of swelling, you need to apply ice cubes to your eyes.
  8. Treat diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, and pathologies of the thyroid gland in a timely manner.

To tighten sagging skin under the eyes without surgery, you should use salon procedures. The most effective are various peelings, during which the skin is cleansed of dead cells and dirt. The techniques involve the use of ultrasound, liquid nitrogen and vacuum. The procedures help restore normal blood circulation to the skin, activate collagen synthesis, and saturate the tissues with vitamins and minerals. Often women resort to mesotherapy and hardware lifting.

Mesotherapy for sagging skin under the eyes

Mesotherapy is an injection technique that eliminates dryness and premature aging of the skin. Over time, the dermis becomes more sensitive to external factors: it becomes thinner, dries out, and premature wrinkles appear on it. As a result, the lower eyelids sag more. The injections contain the following ingredients:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. It restores the skin's water balance, preventing dehydration.
  2. Vitamins A, C, E, B, PP.
  3. Oligocomponents: silicon, zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium. Improve microcirculation and skin tone, activate tissue regeneration.
  4. Antioxidants. Slow down the aging process in the dermis.

Before performing mesotherapy in the eye area, you must prepare in accordance with medical recommendations: stop using blood thinning drugs and alcoholic beverages. During the procedure, the skin is cleansed with an antiseptic and the anesthesia is removed. Then a specially selected drug is administered to problem areas. The duration of mesotherapy is about 20-30 minutes.

Hardware lifting

Hardware lifting is used for severe sagging skin around the eyes. The technique is a series of procedures that have a low-traumatic, non-invasive effect on the dermis. Due to the fact that the integrity of the epithelium is not violated, there are practically no negative effects or complications.

There are the following types of procedures for sagging skin:

  1. RF lifting. The surface and inner layers of the skin are exposed to radio wave radiation. It destroys adipose tissue and activates metabolic processes in soft tissues. To achieve a positive effect, repeated procedures are necessary. To lift the lower eyelids, up to 5-8 sessions will be required.
  2. Laser lifting. This procedure is safe and painless. It does not require repeated implementation. The patient's skin is treated with a special gel. When exposed to thermal radiation, microcracks form deep in the skin, which activate tissue regeneration processes. Thanks to this effect, metabolism improves, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin fibers begin to be synthesized.
  3. Ultrasound procedure. After 3-5 sessions of exposure to high-frequency ultrasonic waves in the tissues of the lower eyelid, blood circulation and lymph outflow are accelerated, metabolic processes are activated and collagen synthesis begins.


Mesotherapy is used for the first signs of aging of the eyelid skin: deep and superficial wrinkles. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, water-lipid metabolism is restored, and the skin color acquires a healthy shade.

Procedure technique: intradermal injections of hyaluronic acid are made into the periorbital area. Along with it, the solution contains amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins. The result of the manipulation: deep wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin on the eyelids is tightened, the face looks younger. The effect of mesotherapy becomes noticeable after 15 – 20 days.


The technique of implementation of biorevitalization is similar to mesotherapy: hyaluronic acid is injected into the epidermis. The difference is that with mesotherapy the effect does not last long, because in addition to the acid, the solution contains substances that are not independently synthesized at the cellular level. During biorevitalization, a week after the injection, active production of its own hyaluronic acid occurs, due to which the skin of the eyelids is rejuvenated and tightened naturally. The procedure can be performed on girls and women from 25 years of age.

Dark circles and bags under the eyes: what is the reason?

If you were very worried for several days, slept 3-5 hours a day because of an important project or deadline, and then also cried because of it, then most likely the cause of your “bags” and dark “circles” under your eyes is precisely in that. The same applies if you are sick, have had too much alcohol the day before, or suffer from allergies or intolerance to certain foods. In this case, getting rid of “bags” under the eyes is simple:

  • Get enough sleep;
  • Quit bad habits;
  • Get treatment and take care of your health;
  • Consume foods fortified with vitamin C;
  • Avoid dairy and salty foods before bed and avoid consuming them during the day.

A completely different story - age-related changes in the eyelids

and periorbital region. With age, the skin (especially delicate in this area) loses tone due to a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin throughout the body. Pronounced circles under the eyes, wrinkles may appear, and the skin becomes flabby. In this case, you need more thorough eyelid skin care - using cucumber masks and potato compresses at home, unfortunately, it is unlikely to be possible to get rid of “bags” under the eyes and wrinkles.

Overweight people

are also more prone to the formation of “bags” under the eyes. The fact is that in most cases (if we are not talking about “painting bags”) they are fatty hernias. In addition, a genetic predisposition factor plays an important role when fat cells are deposited in the eyelid area.

Thus, “bags” under the eyes that are difficult to remove are hernias - displaced and unsightly protruding fat bags that should be located outside the orbital bone and “support” the eye. The problem does not depend on age and makes itself felt at 18, 30, 60... years. Such “bags” do not disappear on their own, but over time they enlarge and stretch the skin of the eyelids.

In the operating room of plastic surgeon Egor Andreevich Parygin

Painting “bags” under the eyes

formed by protruding fat packets in the temporomygomatic region. They can easily be confused with edema, but they do not go away. They are difficult to correct with fillers (the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove is filled), and in some cases it is not even blepharoplasty that is required, but temporal endoscopic lifting.

Laser therapy

The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia: an analgesic cream is applied to the eyelid area. Resurfacing the skin around the eyes with a laser beam removes the upper layer of the dermis to a depth of 130 microns. As a result, after several procedures, the epidermis is completely cleared of the outer layer of cells, and the production of new cellular structures at the level of the basal layer is activated. Laser wrinkle removal technology is carried out at the site of formation of facial folds and age-related changes in the skin of the eyelids.

For lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it does: lifts the outer corners of the upper eyelids.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).​

Close your eyes slowly and tightly. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Feel the movement of the muscles under your palms.

Next, do the following exercise.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).

Open and close your mouth slowly and widely 20 times.

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The technique for removing visual defects on the skin around the eyes is based on the use of a light beam of a certain frequency. A light-conducting gel is applied to the periorbital area, after which the eyelid skin is treated with short light flashes. The photorejuvenation procedure is not suitable for women with dark skin. The method of removing wrinkles using a light beam has a long-lasting effect - the skin of the eyelids remains elastic and taut for three years.

Among the classic cosmetic products, one cannot fail to mention chemical peeling.

The need for skin care around the eyes

You need to be very careful when caring for the skin around your eyes. This is due, first of all, to the physiological characteristics of this area:

  1. The skin of the periorbital area is approximately 6 times thinner than on other areas of the face.
  2. The dermis is devoid of sebaceous glands, so whatever its type, the skin around the eyes will be dry.

Experts recommend starting to use moisturizers for the area around the eyes, based on actual appearance, and not on age. If a girl aged 15-17 has poor eyesight and she squints all the time, then you can start using moisturizing products even at this age, say professional cosmetologists. This will make it possible to delay the appearance of:

  • facial wrinkles;
  • deep folds.

The main factors that require special attention to be paid to the area around the eyes are the finest hydro-lipid protection in this area and active facial activity.

Chemical peeling

The essence of the chemical peeling procedure: organic acid is applied to the skin around the eyes, dissolving keratinized particles of the epidermis. Due to the active components of the acid, active growth of cells in the basal layer of the skin begins, metabolic processes at the cellular level are stimulated, and fibroblasts are produced. As a result, the dermis layer thickens, the skin is saturated with moisture, and protective functions are enhanced, preventing the removal of fluid from the intercellular space. Gentle organic acids are used to carry out the procedure. The effect of the procedure lasts about two months. Then it is recommended to repeat the chemical peeling.

Blepharoplasty against bags under the eyes

You can remove “bags” under the eyes (fatty hernias) in one go using lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Removed fat packets do not form again in these places. During this surgery, the plastic surgeon can also remove excess stretched skin.

The result of blepharoplasty. The work of plastic surgeon Khatri Amit Rajendrovich!

With the help of eyelid blepharoplasty, you can not only remove “bags” under the eyes, but also solve a wide range of problems:

  • remove excess skin of the upper eyelids;
  • eliminate drooping corners of the eyes;
  • correct asymmetry of the upper eyelids
  • correct too narrow eye shape;
  • remove wrinkles and folds around the eyes (“crow’s feet”).

In classic blepharoplasty, the plastic surgeon makes tiny incisions under the eyelashes. Therefore, postoperative sutures are hidden and unnoticeable to others.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

without incisions
, however, the operation has a more limited range of aesthetic indications. If you have excess skin, this method may not be suitable.

Find out more about blepharoplasty in our clinic (St. Petersburg)

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