Dark circles and bags under the eyes - causes and treatment

People often confuse dark circles with bags under the eyes, mixing these fundamentally different problems into one.

Bags under the eyes are formed due to the redistribution of so-called fat bags (hernias). Sometimes bags are formed due to ptosis of the skin in the lower eyelid area (read more about the formation of bags under the eyes).

Dark circles (bruises) under the eyes, on the contrary, appear when there is a deficiency of fat in the eyelid area. The cause may be associated with genetic, pathological and age-related factors. In the latter case, the problem is combined - the person develops both bruises and bags under the eyes.

It is important to understand that there is not only one reason for the appearance of circles under the eyes - it is almost always a complex of reasons.

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Not always, swelling and bruising under the eyes are a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Often, the reason is the presence of certain diseases:

  • Allergies. Accompanied by lacrimation, sneezing, redness of the eyes, difficulty breathing and coughing;
  • Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis and sinusitis). They occur with painful sensations localized in the forehead and under the eyes, as well as copious discharge from the nose;
  • Kidney diseases. When they occur, fluid retention occurs in the body, which causes not only swelling of the eyes, but also lower back pain and headaches;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. Due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance occurs - general weakness increases, body weight increases, the menstrual cycle changes, edema occurs;
  • Heart failure. It is accompanied by shortness of breath and fatigue. Swelling and bruising under the eyes, almost invisible in the morning, appear in the late afternoon;
  • Skin diseases - eczema and dermatitis.

Age-related changes and dark circles under the eyes

The most common cause of dark circles is age-related changes.

Age-related changes in the eyelids occur according to an approximate “schedule”:

  • 20-25 years – appearance of “crow’s feet”;
  • 25-30 years – formation of a mild nasolacrimal groove;
  • 35-40 years – appearance of dark circles under the eyes;
  • 40-45 years – formation of fatty bags (hernias) of the lower eyelid;
  • 45-50 years – growth of hernias (bags under the eyes);
  • 45-55 years and beyond - ptosis of the upper and lower eyelids.

It is impossible to fit every person into this scheme - for some, age-related changes in the eyelids begin earlier, for others later. But there is an obvious fact: if you ignore professional care from the age of 30, the regression will be more rapid, and radical interventions will become relevant closer to the age of 40.

So, the main reason for the age-related manifestation of dark circles is the thinning of the fat packet of the lower eyelid and the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus.

The orbicularis oculi muscle and ligaments stretch and sag with age. Moreover, with age, the size of the orbit increases, and the zygomatic bone flattens.

The situation is aggravated by age-related slowdown of metabolic processes and lymphatic drainage in this area.

Combating impaired lymphatic drainage and redistribution of subcutaneous fat with the help of creams and ointments is frankly naive.

Even the most expensive cosmetics are not able to “resolve” fatty bags and redistribute the tissue evenly to compensate for its deficiency in areas with dark circles under the eyes - this is obvious. A good cream only serves as an addition to full-fledged procedures in aesthetic medicine, but will never replace them.

Age-related dark circles under the eyes are also often caused by impaired blood supply, so they are soon naturally supplemented by bags and puffiness. The stagnant processes themselves do not add beauty to the skin - it acquires looseness and an earthy tint - pigmentation.

Remedies for bruises

It is worth noting! If a bruise occurs as a result of a blow (during a fight or while playing sports), you can get rid of it using special means.

They have a resolving, analgesic and regenerative effect. Among the most common pharmaceutical drugs of this type, the most commonly used are:

  1. Lyoton . This ointment restores damaged tissue and improves blood circulation. Moderate and severe bruises almost completely disappear when using this drug for a week with two or three applications during the day.
  2. Troxevasin. The main purpose of such a remedy is to normalize the condition of the tissues of the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins. But since the ointment helps eliminate swelling and has a resolving effect, it is often used as an additional remedy to eliminate bruises. In this capacity, the drug is used in the morning and evening as needed (until the bruise completely disappears).
  3. Bruise-off . A common remedy among athletes involved in traumatic sports. The basis of this drug is leech extract, which eliminates inflammatory processes, improves lymph and blood circulation and activates tissue regeneration mechanisms. You should start using the ointment as early as possible - in this case, you can guarantee the disappearance of bruises already on the fourth day if you use the drug up to five times a day.
  4. Badyaga. Another product based on natural ingredients, which is applied three times a day for bruises. The drug stimulates blood circulation and has a moderate antibacterial effect.
  5. Heparin ointment. The most effective remedy for bruises of any severity. On the first day after injury, the product is applied to the damaged areas every hour. As soon as the bruise begins to go away, the ointment can be used every two to three hours.

What to do immediately after an injury

To begin with, it is recommended to apply something cold to the bruise, such as ice or snow, frozen food from the freezer, or a metal object. The injured area under the eye should be cooled for the first 20 minutes after the injury.

Starting from the second day, you need to make warming compresses, which will facilitate the rapid resorption of the hematoma and the decay products of damaged blood vessels.

It is better to visit the emergency room if the conjunctiva begins to redden and headaches appear. If the bruise does not go away for a long time, we recommend reading this article: https://fb.ru/article/406281/ne-prohodit-sinyak-pod-glazom-prichinyi-i-sposobyi-lecheniya.

How the procedure works in our clinic

Cosmetic procedures are prescribed after computer diagnostics of the patient’s skin. This approach allows you to most accurately determine the severity of dark circles and identify other existing problems. All procedures are selected individually for each patient.

Before the injection procedure, anesthesia of the periorbital area is mandatory. To do this, an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin, which reduces sensitivity during manipulation.

The administration of drugs is carried out using sterile disposable syringes with the finest needles, which makes the procedure even more comfortable and painless.


→ Home → University → University in the media → A bruise is not a trifle

What are the dangers of spontaneous bruises that form seemingly for no reason?

Did you unsuccessfully go around the corner of a table or fireplace? Have you been honing your waist too much on a hula hoop? And here it is, a bruise - a hematoma. It’s unpleasant, of course, but we know for sure that it will pass. But this is where spontaneous bruises come from, which form seemingly for no reason. They are not the handiwork of an opponent in the boxing ring or the result of a fall from rollerblades or a snowboard. Then what's the matter? It turns out that everything may be much more serious than expected...

Icy blue

“Let’s be clear right away - there are no causeless bruises. However, the reason for their appearance is not always obvious. Meanwhile, any hematoma is a hemorrhage into the skin and subcutaneous tissue, when the thinnest and most vulnerable vessels - capillaries - are damaged. It happens that the integrity of the veins is compromised. And here it is obvious: the larger the vessel, the greater the hemorrhage,” explains the head of the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine of BSMU, Professor Nikolai Soroka. — One of the most common causes of bruising is Henoch-Schönlein disease (the old name is hemorrhagic vasculitis). The disease leads to fragility of blood vessels, which causes bruising on the legs, abdomen, and back. For example, in children the cause of this is a viral infection and taking medications. If you catch a sore throat or ARVI, take antipyretics and antibiotics, and after 1 - 2 days the body is covered with pinpoint bruises. It is difficult to say what was the root cause of their appearance, an infection or the effect of drugs.”

A violation of the blood coagulation system is another serious reason for spontaneous bruises. A classic example: hemophilia is an incurable hereditary disease. A slight blow or compression - hematoma bruises instantly appear on the skin. Even more alarming is the threat of hemorrhages in internal organs.

This is what the doctor ordered

Large, diffuse bruises can occur in people who are prescribed anticoagulants, blood thinners. Including the well-known warfarin and even aspirin. “It has long been recommended to prevent the development of thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes. However, today doctors refuse to widely prescribe this drug as a method of primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, clarifies Nikolai Fedorovich. — Studies were conducted in Europe involving 10 thousand patients. The result confirmed: if a person has not suffered a vascular accident, but takes aspirin for prevention, this does not affect the risk of stroke or heart attack. However, it increases the likelihood of bleeding. After all, the drug changes the function of platelets, which provokes hemorrhages.”

That’s why today doctors are much stricter about such prescriptions. Using aspirin more often as secondary prevention. This means it is effective for people who have had a myocardial infarction or who already have angina or heart rhythm disturbances. In a word, taking aspirin just in case is risky and unjustified. By the way, not only this drug can cause sudden hemorrhages, but also other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are taken to get rid of headaches and noticeable discomfort in the joints and spine.

Blood Interest

The function of blood cells - platelets - is extremely important. During a wound - domestic or combat - these assistants help the formation of a microthrombus, which prevents the body from losing a lot of blood. When there are not enough platelets (their norm is 150 - 350 thousand per microliter of blood; a figure of less than 100 is considered a problem; when it is even lower - less than 70, this is regarded as a clear threat to health), there is a danger of damage to blood vessels and hemorrhages. This condition is called thrombocytopenia.

It happens that, given the quantitative norm, platelets “unfairly” fulfill their obligations. This happens, as already noted, with unjustified use of aspirin. Hence the microcirculatory bruises. They look like multiple small hemorrhages up to 1 - 3 mm. They usually appear on the front of the shin, on the flexor surfaces of the knee and elbow joints, and sometimes on the buttocks.

Nikolai Soroka


The appearance of small pinpoint bruises on the skin is associated with disruption of the liver, where blood coagulation factors are formed. In cirrhosis and hepatitis, this function is impaired. This is the root of evil - the true reason for the appearance of bruises even with pressure and touching the skin. Moreover, such hematomas do not disappear for a long time. A blood test for liver enzymes helps clarify the situation.

When pinpoint bruises suddenly appear on the skin of the legs in older people, doctors prescribe an examination for cancer. After all, this is often one of the first symptoms of lung cancer.

There is a reason

The diagnosis of varicose veins already means a considerable probability of hemorrhages. After all, blood pressure in the veins increases! Hence the hematomas without injuries or bruises. Varicose veins should not be taken lightly. During a consultation with a phlebologist, you can decide on a treatment plan, from professionally selected compression stockings to surgical intervention.

Finally, a banal lack of vitamins C and P in the body again gives rise to bruising. Since a deficiency of ascorbic acid inhibits the synthesis of connective tissue collagen, which prevents the vessels from remaining elastic and not being injured. When the vitamin deficiency is replenished, the blood vessels become stronger and their permeability decreases. This means that the risk of hemorrhage is minimal. Therefore, doctors often prescribe ascorutin, which is known to many. This drug is a combination of ascorbic acid and rutin, which specifically acts on the compaction of the vascular wall.

In a word, the causes of sudden bruises can be very different - from vascular inflammation to a malignant tumor. A diagnosis prescribed by a doctor will help you dot all the i’s in this complex issue.

It's time to bloom

Over time, the bruise noticeably changes in appearance, as if it is blooming. This happens under the influence of enzymes that destroy hemoglobin. At first it has a reddish tint, then blue and purple. Later it turns noticeably green, becomes brownish and finally turns yellow. Typically, it takes 10 to 14 days from hemorrhage to resorption of the hematoma.

Action plan

A small hematoma from physical trauma can be easily treated at home using ice, heparin ointment or troxevasin gel. If it is extensive, it must be removed surgically. Otherwise, a large amount of blood - sometimes up to 200 ml - stagnates, which can cause suppuration and an abscess. This happens with hemophilia or an overdose of anticoagulants. For example, warfarin, a drug that is often prescribed after aortic or mitral heart valve replacement.

Author: Alla MARTINKEVICH Soviet Belarus No. 128, July 9, 2015


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