Brush facial massage - the secret of the beauties of Ancient Egypt

The history of brush massage, which is also called Egyptian, goes back to the distant times of Ancient Egypt. It is associated with the legendary beauty of Queen Cleopatra. It is believed that this massage was secretly used by the queen to maintain the beauty of her face. And knowing about the beauty of Cleopatra, we can conclude that it is very effective.

Besides Egypt, this massage is extremely popular among Asian women. They believe that with its help, the protective energy called “Zii” is activated.

History of brush massage

The secret history of the invention of brush massage is rooted in the distant past. It is known that noble Egyptian women used this method to preserve youth and attractiveness. Perhaps it was part of magical rituals, used to achieve a relaxed state that clears the mind of extraneous thoughts. The mysterious Cleopatra, whose fame for her intelligence and beauty has survived thousands of years, willingly resorted to this method of facial care. That is why this massage is also called Egyptian.

Now this method is widely used in Asian countries, whose residents are confident in the healing properties of such effects. They believe that energy is concentrated under a person’s skin, protecting a person from evil and disease. When stimulated with gentle brushes, this energy is activated, the person receives a vital impulse, and the skin acquires a healthy, natural color.


Brush facial massage + Palsing (holistic pulsation massage)90 min6 500
Brush facial massage60 min5 000
Beauty Immersion: Brush facial massage (60 min) + Floating (60 min) Hit!120 min9 720 10 800

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Body-oriented and energy healing methods

Brush facial massage + Palsing90 min6 500
Osteopathy (Taisia ​​Rusanova)45 min7 000
Osteopathy (Ivan Korolkov)30 / 45 min7 000 / 10 000
Osteopathy for children (Taisia ​​Rusanova) (from 0 to 12 months)30 min4 500
Osteopathy for children (Taisia ​​Rusanova) (1-14 years old)45 min6 000
Osteopractic and biodynamics60 minfrom 5 000
Osteopathic massage60 min6 000
Osteopathic body modeling60 min6 000
Faceplasty (aesthetic facial correction)90 min8 500
Author's restoration method (Alexey Zhubrev)60 min7 000
Author's restoration method (Vladimir Kotenev)60 min7 000
Author's restoration method (Vladlen Strazhnikov)60 min7 000
Bioenergy therapy (Vladimir Kotenev)60 min7 000
Rebalancing90 min7 000

The essence of the method, results

To work, instead of hands, brushes of different sizes and hardness are used. This allows you to simultaneously stimulate nerve endings and activate the muscular system. Blood circulation and general skin condition improves. Massage will be useful for both women and men.

Several visits to the salon will help remove tightness, make facial expressions more natural, and make your facial expression pleasant and inviting.

After a course of sessions you can expect the following improvements:

  • The muscles will become toned and tightened, making the face look younger;
  • Blood circulation is activated, which will help restore the water balance of the face, swelling will disappear, bags under the eyes will disappear;
  • Deep wrinkles will noticeably decrease, the mesh around the eyes will smooth out;
  • Your mood will improve, your strength will appear, your lost appetite will return;
  • Accumulated fatigue will go away and will be replaced by a state of peace and serenity;
  • Self-esteem will increase, movements and facial expressions will become more natural and lively;
  • Sleep will improve, which will be deeper, calmer;
  • Complete relaxation will allow you to release hidden reserves, relieve emotional stress, and feel like a real mistress of your body.

Facial massage with brushes is absolutely safe, there are no complications after it. Of course, you need to take into account the recommendations of the masters.

By the way,

Preparing for the session

Brush massage is a gentle but powerful way to work with the face. This technique is taught by qualified specialists.

Before the session, it is necessary to establish a direct relationship between the master and the patient. To do this, they communicate with each other on distant topics for half an hour, creating a mood and a comfortable psychological atmosphere of confidential contact, conducive to complete emancipation.

The essential point is the immediate preparation of the face. To do this, the skin is cleaned and allowed to dry. When going for a massage, you should not apply decorative cosmetics to avoid clogging your pores.

Only after the client has completely relaxed does the master begin work. The procedure takes place while lying on a couch or sitting in a chair. The cosmetologist conducts a session while sitting behind his head. Do not start the massage until all the muscles relax.

What problems does brush facial massage solve?

Stimulating the skin and muscles with brushes is especially effective in combating a number of problems, such as:

  1. Skin aging, decreased muscle tone;
  2. Oily skin with increased sebum secretion;
  3. The appearance of a double chin;
  4. Swelling, bags under the eyes;
  5. Peeling of the skin, severe dryness;
  6. Depressed and depressed state;
  7. The appearance of scars;
  8. Bad dream.

Indications and restrictions

Massage with soft brushes is a unique method of relaxation, correction of appearance and restoration of mental balance. Light brush touches are recommended by experts to improve psychological well-being, emotional relaxation and energy restoration.

It is advisable to do massage if there are problems such as:

  • swelling of the face;
  • scarring;
  • double chin;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • sagging, wrinkles appearing;
  • excessive sebum secretion;
  • contaminated pores.

There are no special contraindications for the procedure, but there are a number of restrictions. Among them:

  • acute infections and viruses;
  • Botox and the presence of implants;
  • postoperative recovery time;
  • alcohol and drug use;
  • deep depression;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin.

Massage is used if you want to achieve the effect of an aesthetically pleasing face. And also to tighten muscles, restore smoothness and elasticity of the epidermis, smooth out facial wrinkles.


Despite the incredible effectiveness of this ancient relaxing technique, there are a number of cases in which you should not massage with brushes:

  1. Infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  2. During the postoperative period;
  3. In severe depression;
  4. In a state of alcoholic and drug intoxication;
  5. People suffering from mental disorders;
  6. After Botox injections;
  7. Patients who have implants under the skin;
  8. Persons who are contraindicated in trance.

Precautionary measures

When performing a brush massage, you should carefully consider the choice of the master. Your own attitude is also important - during the session you need to relax as much as possible. When carried out at home, after each procedure it is necessary to wash the brushes in warm water with shampoo. Then place it on a towel and leave it to dry on its own.


  • postoperative period;
  • viral, infectious diseases;
  • taking alcohol, drugs, medications that affect consciousness;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness.

You can give yourself comprehensive care thanks to the brush massage procedure. The gentle effect will allow you to achieve rejuvenation and restoration of color and skin texture. Complete relaxation, immersion in a meditative state, will improve your general condition and fill you with vital energy.

Preliminary preparation

As a rule, before the procedure, a half-hour conversation is held with the master on light and pleasant topics. This helps the client to relax, tune in to the procedure, and feel natural and at ease. A pleasant atmosphere, soft music, and soothing aromas help you prepare properly.

The face is thoroughly cleaned and dried well to increase sensitivity. It is advisable not to wear makeup or use heavy creams on the day of the procedure. The pores should not be clogged, it is better to remove jewelry from the neck, loose, comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement or impede blood circulation are preferable.

Egyptian facial massage with brushes is performed on a special couch, the client lies on his back, the master is at the head of the massage. You can also do it while sitting, using a large, comfortable chair. The body should be relaxed, the neck and head should lie completely on the headrest. Before starting, the muscles need to be relaxed, then the master can begin to work.

Interesting: Beauty requires sacrifice: 10 most unusual beauty procedures


If you are only focused on a cosmetic result and for this reason you decide to try massage with brushes, then it is better to go to a cosmetologist for regular procedures. Because brush massage is COMPLETELY different. A nice smoothed face, melted wrinkles, tightened skin, etc. visible results - all these are just inevitable “side effects” of massage with brushes. The main work and the main result are deeply internal processes. You suddenly notice that your neck has completely relaxed and there is no trace left of the headache. Or how, with a gentle movement of the brush, you release something inside and smooth it out. Or somehow the spine feels very stable, balanced and correct, and suddenly good support and confidence arises in oneself and in life. Well, for those who are ready to go into the deep layers of their personality, brush massage can open this door. I don’t find an explanation for all this, but I write these words quite consciously and responsibly - as a client who has completed a course of brush massage, and as a professional psychologist. Thank you very much Nastya! It is unforgettable and remains inexplicable. Yes, the face is good, by the way.


As a practicing massage therapist and energy therapist, I am extremely picky about the techniques and performer, and about the ecology of the process. Brush massage performed by Anastasia is what suits my high demands. Magic movements gently and imperceptibly dismantle into atoms, turning off control and allowing the body to take a break from the mind, and the soul to fly freely. Nastya protects the process like a baby. Thank you, dear man! I recommend it to everyone not only as a cosmetic treatment, but primarily as a relaxation and restorative procedure. You can not only relax, but also learn a lot of interesting things about your body by immersing yourself in the process. Or maybe even go beyond it. Enjoy!


Lenochka is a rare person who has magical energy and feels very subtly and accurately. And she also has magical hands! You come to her one person, and leave another - light, joyful, filled. If you visit her at least once, you will become a regular client :) And every appointment with her is the birth of something new in a combination of techniques and the human condition. Lena is a unique specialist!

Maria L.

Execution technique

About ten brushes of different hardness and shape are used. However, there are masters who prefer to work with a large number of tools in order to convey a complex range of sensations to the client. Brushes made from natural fur are most often used, but synthetic tools are used for allergy sufferers. The gentle work of the brushes is complemented by cool jade roller massagers, which smoothly roll along the massage lines, removing fine wrinkles and smoothing out folds.

Meditative music, sounds of the forest, and birdsong will help you relax. Preferably soft lighting, you can use lamps with aromatic oils. The client closes his eyes and tries to clear his mind of unnecessary thoughts. Light circular movements are made, smoothly and gently. They start with light, barely noticeable touches, which gradually become more intense and noticeable. The brush moves over the skin without resistance, it should be dry and fluffy. The preparation ritual and the entire session take approximately one and a half hours.

The massage is performed with brushes strictly along the massage lines - the lines of least stretch of the skin, which can be studied in detail in this article.

Benefits of Chinese Guasha massage

A similar procedure is performed to achieve the following results:

  • reducing the depth of wrinkles;
  • toning and improving skin color;
  • improvement of facial contours by getting rid of swelling;
  • removal of toxins;
  • acceleration of lymph and blood movement;
  • improving oxygen supply to the skin;
  • lightening pigmentation;
  • increasing immunity by accelerating metabolism;
  • cleansing from impurities;
  • accelerating the production of neurotransmitters serotonin, endorphin and dopamine, which are responsible for a good mood.

Guasha massage makes the skin tone even and significantly improves facial contours: cheekbones become expressive and sculpted by ridding soft tissues of excess fluid.

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

What happens at the energy level

Impact on muscles with brushes refers to the practice of relaxation and meditation, in which the master guides his client. He performs the functions of a protector, protecting his client from worries and troubles, removing traces of sadness and adversity from his soul and body. With gentle contact with fluffy fur, the client is reunited with his own essence. A deep dive into the subconscious restores harmony and helps the soul find peace and tranquility.

The procedure is completed with a half-hour rest: do not use a mobile phone or other gadgets. A smooth exit from a relaxed state will consolidate the positive effect.

A noticeable result occurs after about the fifth session.

Advantages of the technique

Guasha massage for the face can be performed independently, which will save on procedures. You just need to purchase a special scraper or roller.

If you understand how to do the manipulation correctly and follow the instructions exactly, the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.

Microcurrents, laser, peelings, mesotherapy - all this can and should be combined with Guasha massage to consolidate the effect and look well-groomed at any age.

For minimal effect from the procedure, you can spend only 5 minutes a day. And if you want to achieve a pronounced lifting effect, you will need no more than 30–40 minutes of professional massage.

The technique is suitable for people of any age. With its help, you can eliminate puffiness, dull skin color and expression lines in both women and men.

  1. Affordable price.
    Guasha massage for the face can be performed independently, which will save on procedures. You just need to purchase a special scraper or roller.
  2. No pain.
    If you understand how to do the manipulation correctly and follow the instructions exactly, the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.
  3. Combination with salon procedures.
    Microcurrents, laser, peelings, mesotherapy - all this can and should be combined with Guasha massage to consolidate the effect and look well-groomed at any age.
  4. Just 5 minutes a day.
    For minimal effect from the procedure, you can spend only 5 minutes a day. And if you want to achieve a pronounced lifting effect, you will need no more than 30–40 minutes of professional massage.
  5. Versatility.
    The technique is suitable for people of any age. With its help, you can eliminate puffiness, dull skin color and expression lines in both women and men.

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

Brush facial massage on your own - is it possible?

Many ladies are interested in whether they can massage their face and décolleté with brushes on their own. Undoubtedly, this is possible, but the relaxing effect will be noticeably less. Unfortunately, touches that you do yourself do not give the same effect as the actions of another person, so it will be difficult to achieve a state of detachment and purity of thoughts. Reviews from those who have practiced the technique themselves also say that when changing instruments there will be no effect of surprise or contrast.

But the session at home will still have a positive effect on the skin. The massage should be done in a calm, pleasant environment, after a relaxing shower or bath. Beautiful music and a lamp with aromatic oils will help you focus on pleasant sensations and detach yourself from problems.

You need to lie on your back or sit in a deep, comfortable chair, close your eyes, and slowly begin to draw circles on your face and décolleté. The techniques do not require strong physical effort or the use of dangerous tools; movements must remain smooth and gentle, so it is impossible to harm yourself during self-massage.

Pulsing - pulsating holistic body massage

Pulsing affects both the body and the human psyche, and is a holistic type of massage, that is, holistic (from the English word holistic), an integral system of impact on human health.

How does a palsing session go:

The very definition of “pulsing” (from English pulsing - pulsation) speaks about the technique of massage. This method is not characterized by intense kneading and rubbing. Thanks to the pulsating massage movements, the body receives a smooth pace. Rhi, as experts say, becomes identical to the pulse of a child in the womb (120-160 heart beats per minute). This is what helps the body activate information about the healthy, correct functioning of the body, which is registered at the cellular level.

Who should use Palsing:

Palsing is considered a truly universal procedure. It is also indicated for pregnant women as preparation for childbirth, children, and the elderly.

Indications for Palsing massage:

Indications for palsing lie in the field of physical diseases, as well as emotional and psychosomatic disorders. Pulsing successfully works with the following conditions and diseases:

  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Hyperactivity and neuroses in children;
  • Stroke, heart attack (rehabilitation process);
  • Joint diseases (and loss of tissue elasticity);
  • Spinal diseases;
  • Depression;
  • Fears and phobias;
  • Post-traumatic conditions (as a consequence of sexual, physical, psychological violence);
  • Headaches (including migraines);
  • High blood pressure;
  • Coordination problems;
  • Swelling;
  • Constipation;
  • Slagging of the body;
  • Sexual problems;
  • Problems in interpersonal relationships (there is also family (home) palsing to harmonize relationships);
  • General decrease in tone;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Anxiety and tension;
  • Suppressed emotions and feelings;
  • Loss of muscle and skin tone;
  • Poor flexibility;
  • Transitional age (facilitates its negative manifestations);
  • Menopause (reduction of negative factors).

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Contraindications for Palsing massage:

  • Acute stages of any disease,
  • Infectious diseases,
  • Oncology
  • Mental illness
  • Concussion with neurological status,
  • Convulsive syndrome, epilepsy,
  • The first three days of the cycle in women,
  • Intervertebral and other hernias,
  • Severe forms of scoliosis.

Combination of “brush facial massage + body palsing”:

The combination of these two techniques gives an amazing effect of deep relaxation and absorbs all the beneficial effects of both brush massage and palsing.

A session of brush massage + palsing lasts 1.5 hours. Of these, 40 minutes we relax the whole body through clothes using soft palsing, 40 minutes - facial massage, 10 minutes exit from the process.

For maximum and lasting effect, these massages, like any others, are best completed in a course of 5-7 sessions, with a break of 2-3 days.

Feel the magic of healing touches and long-awaited connection with yourself!

Beauty Immersion: Brush facial massage + floating

Facial massage and floating, when combined, greatly enhance all the beneficial effects of each other. Powerful cosmetological and detox effect + deep relaxation of the whole body.


The procedure has a number of contraindications

For example, you should not massage your hands if the pain in the joints is acute and severe, or if you have fungal or other skin lesions. It is also not recommended to resort to massage if you have psoriasis, dermatitis, oncology, or diabetes. In case of viral and bacterial diseases, or increased body temperature, it is better to postpone the procedure until complete recovery.

If you have experienced a hand injury, then before starting a massage, you need to consult a doctor . You can massage your arms and hands only after tissue restoration.

Important Tips

If you perform the procedure yourself, pay attention to the following:

The skin does not stretch if you use oil. 3-5 drops are enough for the entire treated area. It is advisable to use non-comedogenic formulations (for example, argan oil). Water-based skincare products are not suitable as they are quickly absorbed.

  1. At the end of the procedure, the remaining oil is wiped off with a dry cloth. Do not leave the product on the skin, especially around the eyes - this will lead to swelling.
  2. Apply only light pressure to the scraper. If you overdo it, hematomas and burst capillaries will appear on your face. Both are unaesthetic and contradict the very idea of ​​Guasha massage: to remove swelling and make the skin tone even.
  3. You should always follow the pattern of movements during massage. Do not move the scraper against the massage lines - this will create new wrinkles and swelling.
  4. After each session, the plate must be washed with soap. If this is not done, the oil and bacteria from the stone will enter the pores of the skin and cause acne.
  5. Movements during the session should be intense to accelerate the flow of blood and lymph.

The first 2-3 times Guasha massage may be painful. The pain is due to the fact that the muscles are not accustomed to such an impact. After a few sessions, the discomfort will go away and the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.

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Massage of arms and hands as prevention and recovery

Proper massage will not only relieve tension in the hands, improve the condition of the joints, but also affect certain organs:

  • Thumb – liver, bronchi, lungs. Massaging this area allows you to improve blood circulation in these organs, as well as relieve a sharp attack of coughing.
  • Index finger – gastrointestinal tract. Stimulating your fingertip can help reduce toothache. The closer to the base, the further along the digestive tract we move. That is, if you need to improve the functioning of the stomach, you need to massage somewhere in the middle of the finger.
  • The middle finger is the circulatory system. Those who have vascular diseases can use massage to improve their condition. Massaging the middle finger is a kind of signal to the brain.
  • The ring finger is the nervous system. This finger is the least mobile. If you influence it correctly, you can lift your mood, increase resistance to stress, and normalize your emotional state.
  • Little finger – small intestine and heart. The massage of this finger is carried out very carefully. He is the smallest and most fragile. If you gently stimulate the point near the nail, you can improve intestinal motility and get rid of constipation.

This massage is an excellent prevention of various diseases of internal organs, promotes rapid recovery of the body after illness, accelerates regeneration and normalizes functioning.

Many active points are located on the palm itself. Massaging your palms fills you with energy and normalizes your heartbeat.

Indications for hand massage

Massage will help avoid joint problems for people who constantly type, as well as assemblers, writers and students during lectures. We often don't notice how much stress is placed on our hands and fingers until pain appears or our hands become cramped from fatigue.

Regular hand massage is recommended in the following cases:

  • Chronic joint pain;
  • Fatigue , constant fatigue;
  • Decreased mobility of the hands or fingers;
  • Long-term work involving hands (typing, weaving, handling objects, etc.);
  • High load on the limbs.

It is also recommended to massage the hands and fingers of children under 3 years of age more often, as the points on the palms and fingers stimulate brain function. This massage helps the child develop normally and better assimilate information.

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