A fashionable component is peptides. The mechanism of their work

Every woman who carefully takes care of herself knows about the miraculous effect of peptide-containing cosmetics. It is generally accepted that it restores youth at the cellular level, and skin products containing peptides have a truly amazing effect. At the same time, almost no one knows what the actual principle of action of these substances is.

Peptides: facial injections

About the technique

The “father” of the method of using peptides as an innovative anti-aging agent is the Swiss doctor Paul Niehans. At the beginning of the twentieth century, he became interested in the principle of action of stem cells. The fruit of his research was skin biorevitalization - influencing epidermal cells with the aim of rejuvenating them.

Initially, biorevitalization was actually called the process of peptide effects on the body as a whole. Today, so-called “beauty injections” with a high content of hyaluronic acid have this name. The reason for this confusion is that peptides are included in all injection formulations to maintain youth - meso-cocktails, fillers, biorevitalization compositions, which affect the skin condition many times more effectively than conventional products for external use. At the same time, peptides are often added to various creams and serums for everyday skin care.

Peptides are contained in all “beauty injections”

Peptide mesotherapy: a variety of means and techniques

A beautiful face, young eyes and healthy skin are the dreams of every woman. Preparations containing peptides cope with the task efficiently and quickly. Injections ensure the launch of rejuvenation processes at the cellular level.

At the same time, the drugs increase the protective barriers of the facial skin from the negative effects of external factors, such as:

  • ultraviolet;
  • temperature changes;
  • stress;
  • wind.

Peptide preparations actively remove toxins, which promotes cell renewal and a rapid positive effect from their use. Additionally, they promote the removal of metabolic products from the body as a whole, which has a positive effect on health, and therefore on the condition of the skin.

If the skin is deficient in peptides, it becomes sluggish, then loses its elasticity, which does not go unnoticed - in this case, it is customary to talk about sagging and fatigue, which are the main reason for the external unsightly appearance of the skin. That is why mesotherapy using these substances is gaining popularity.

Preparations with hyaluronic acid in combination with peptides work efficiently and correct most cosmetic problems in a short period of time. It is the presence of hyaluron that determines the presence of natural moisture in the skin cells, which in turn allows it to remain fresh and elastic.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid by injection allows you to restore the concentration of elastin. Products used in mesotherapy can be in the form of gels of various consistencies.

There are several methods for administering mesotherapy drugs:

  • Superficial attack;
  • Middle attack;
  • Deep attack;
  • Papular technique;
  • Linear technology and others.

The injection technique is determined only by a cosmetologist.

Sometimes cosmetologists use a special device in their work - a roller with spikes on a handle, called a mesoscooter. It works effectively not only with facial skin, but also with areas of the neck, arms, body, and even to restore beauty and health to hair. This roller is also recommended for use in home rejuvenation procedures.

It is important to remember that mesoscooters are divided into:

  • domestic;
  • professional.

Cosmetologists use devices that use spikes made of surgical steel or titanium, which in most cases are coated with precious metals - gold and silver. These elements help protect the skin from possible infection.

It must be remembered that mesoscooters come with two types of needles:

  • for the face, needles 0.5-1 mm in length;
  • for the body - 1-2 mm long.

A prerequisite is to pre-treat the skin with antiseptic drugs to completely prevent infection or bacteria. After the procedure, it is also necessary to treat the affected area with an antiseptic and apply a soothing cream or mask.

After a procedure in which a roller was used, the skin will be red and sometimes swelling will appear - this is a common occurrence. Redness lasts up to 48 hours, but after that a visible rejuvenation effect occurs. In addition to anti-aging cosmetology, mesotherapy is effectively used to combat imperfections such as cellulite or stretch marks. Peptide preparations will help emphasize the hip line. In order to guarantee that the results obtained are guaranteed, it is advisable to combine this therapy with various wraps, for example, using seaweed or chocolate and therapeutic massage.

Thus, mesotherapy in general and procedures with peptides, anti-aging agents and special cosmetological devices give amazing results. The rejuvenation effect not only occurs after the first visit to a specialist, but also lasts for a long time, which allows you to reduce the number of visits to the cosmetologist and save personal time.

About peptides

Over time, the epidermis tends to become thinner, retain moisture worse, stretch and fold into wrinkles. Proteins are considered to be the main allies in the fight against age-related changes.

Absolutely every woman has used creams or other skincare products containing proteins such as collagen, elastin, and keratin throughout her life. However, largely due to aggressive advertising, few people know that the effect occurs only on the surface of the skin, therefore, the effect concerns only the upper layer of the dermis. It quickly disappears after using the miracle remedy.

Note! Peptides are also proteins, but, unlike their “brothers,” they have a unique feature: their molecules are so small that they are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Peptides can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin

Peptides are of natural and artificial origin; they are amino acids, between which there is a unique connection. In fact, they are protein chains with the ability to have a healing effect.

The basis of every process in the human body is the effect of peptides. They trigger cellular renewal processes. When these proteins “give a command,” the body responds and begins to actively produce natural peptides, thereby rejuvenating itself.

How do peptides work?

Types of peptides in cosmetics


. Stimulate dermal cells - fibroblasts. When the cell's life cycle ends, the peptides read this and instruct the cell to divide and begin a new cycle. Signal peptides instruct damaged cells to recover. Signal peptides trigger the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin fibers, tighten the skin, restore turgor, and smooth out wrinkles. The most popular signal peptide is matrixyl. Examples of signal peptides: Matrixyl (Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3), Matrixyl 3000 (Palmitoyl Oligopeptide / Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 / Palmitoyl Hexapeptide), Matrixyl synthe'6 (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-38), SYN-COLL (Palmitoyl Tripeptide- 5), Syn Tacks (Palmitoyl Dipeptide-6).


. They deliver microelements (copper, magnesium) to the cells and stabilize them. Stimulate collagen synthesis, reduce wrinkles. Heal, restore. The most popular are copper peptides. Examples of transport peptides: Copper tripeptide (GHK tripeptide, Copper PCA), Manganese tripeptide-1.


. Those same peptides “with the Botox effect”, muscle relaxants. Slow down muscle contractions, relax muscles, smooth the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, creases and folds on the skin. The most popular is argireline. Examples of neurotransmitter peptides: Argireline (Acetyl Hexapeptide-3, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8), SYN-AKE (Dipeptide Diaminobutyroyl Benzylamide Diacetate), Inyline (Acetyl Hexapeptide-30), SNAP-8 (Acetyl Glutamyl Octapeptide-3), Leuphasyl (Pentapeptide -18).

Enzyme inhibitors

. Suppress the work of enzymes that destroy collagen, maintain the structure of collagen fibers. The most popular are rice, soy, and silk peptides. Examples of inhibitor peptides: Progeline (Trifluoroacetyl tripeptide-2), Trylagen (Tripeptide-10, Tripeptide-1), Dipeptide-2, Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5, Oligopeptide-20, Soybean peptide.

What effect do peptides have on the epidermis?

The main tasks of peptides are:

  • control over melanin production;
  • increasing the density of the dermis;
  • impact on the production of natural proteins in the body;
  • launching the cell renewal process;
  • elimination of scars and post-acne;
  • stimulation of blood circulation and protection of the skin from external aggressive factors;
  • regulation of the process of production of intercellular substance.

Peptides perform a lot of important functions

The cause of wrinkles is a decrease in the natural firmness and elasticity of the skin due to a slowdown in the production of collagen in the body. Peptides act as assistants: they trigger the production of elastin and collagen, resulting in skin rejuvenation. It becomes more toned, fresh, and the depth of wrinkles decreases.

Peptides trigger active production of elastin and collagen in the body

Peptides have anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. It is this feature that makes the effects of hormonal drugs and antibiotics so effective. These products can eliminate scarring on the surface of the skin if applied within fourteen days after the problem occurs.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of peptides are actively used in facial skin rejuvenation procedures. Peptides help eliminate wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, and tighten facial contours. These proteins also do an excellent job of preventing age-related changes. That is why experts recommend starting to use peptide-containing products as early as possible.

Peptides can help eliminate wrinkles

This is interesting! If you start using skincare products containing peptides at a young age, they will subsequently act more effectively.

Peptides – the key to youth or just another invention?

Peptides look like compounds of several proteins. They are small in size, thanks to which they are able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin.

Despite the fact that these proteins were discovered in the recent past, they have taken a strong position in anti-aging cosmetology. Women who have undergone procedures using peptides note an increase in skin tone, a decrease in wrinkles, and a more refreshed appearance in general.

The result is noticeable after one or two procedures using peptides

There are seven groups of peptides known to perform completely different tasks.

Type of peptidesDescription
StimulantsThis species provokes stimulation of cell division processes in all organs of the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates healing processes. Often this type of peptide is included in the active ingredients of facial skin care products.
ImmunomodulatorsThey help strengthen the natural immunity of the epidermis to combat the aggressive external environment.
BlockersThey have a beneficial effect on facial muscles, relieve tension, and prevent the transmission of signals from nerve cells. The effect is comparable to the use of botulinum toxin injections. However, there is a difference - natural facial expressions are completely preserved when using blocking peptides.
StabilizersThey stimulate the processes of removing harmful substances from the body, retain moisture in skin cells, and slow down tissue aging.
NeurotransmittersThey have a gentle effect on the epidermis and stimulate the process of cell division. Suitable for sensitive skin.
RegulatorsThey have a beneficial effect on complexion and participate in the process of melanin production.
Stimulating blood circulationThey help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby restoring normal blood flow. They regulate the functioning of the lymphatic system, stimulate the removal of excess fluid from the body and lead to a reduction in swelling.

There are seven groups of peptides that perform different functions

Note! Cosmetologists use several types of peptides at once, enhancing the effect of the procedures. The percentage of active substance content in the formulations ranges from 15 to 25 percent - it all depends on the end goal. This application allows you to get the best possible rejuvenation result.

The principle of operation of products containing peptides

Before studying the effects of peptides in cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to consider in more detail the process they are aimed at combating.

Aging is a natural process during which wrinkles and age spots appear, the elasticity of the skin decreases, and its thinning occurs. It can be accelerated by environmental influences, poor lifestyle, bad habits, and stress. Aging occurs in all layers of the skin, so to combat it, it is not enough to act only on the surface of the skin.

Targeting just the top layer of skin is not enough to combat aging.

Important! The main sign of aging is a decrease in protein production. Therefore, peptides are able to return the skin to its original appearance.

At the moment, cosmetologists recognize that the most effective measure to combat age-related changes is precisely cosmetics containing peptides. These products can visually eliminate signs of aging in a short period of time. Such cosmetics have high prices due to the complexity of the process of artificially obtaining peptides and their effective effect on the body.

Cosmetologists note that the most effective method of combating aging is the use of products with peptides

This is interesting! To obtain visible results, you should use peptide-containing cosmetics twice a day for two months.

Review of manufacturers

When choosing a drug for mesotherapy or biorevitalization, it is useful to first read patient reviews and consult with cosmetologists. Find out which products are popular and why. However, remember that the same mesopeptides can have different effects on the skin of several people, since each organism is individual. Currently, the following drugs fall into the category of popular peptide injections:

Aquashine, Aquashine BR and Aquashine BTX. All products have a similar composition - hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, but differ in the content of the number of peptides: from 4 to 7. The Aquashine line has a wide range of applications. Injections smooth out wrinkles and prevent their appearance, lighten the skin, eliminating age spots, reduce scars and much more. The cost of drugs is from 2500 rubles.

Meso-Wharton P199. In addition to peptides and hyaluronic acid, it contains amino acids, coenzymes, vitamins, etc. Moisturizes the dermis, restores it after laser resurfacing, peeling, and fights age-related changes in the skin. Price - about 5000 rubles.

Dermaheal meso cocktails. The line includes products with peptides for the entire face (including hyaluronic acid), as well as separately for the eye area. The drugs promote skin regeneration at the cellular level, strengthen blood vessels, increase skin elasticity, and prevent the appearance of age spots. Cost - from 2000 rubles.

Mesoeye C71. Suitable only for rejuvenating the eye area. Moisturizes the skin, strengthens blood vessels, improves metabolism. Eliminates bruises and wrinkles around the eyes. The drug with peptides can be used from the age of 25, but the most pronounced results are noted by women over the age of 40. Price - about 5000 rubles.

REVI Mesopeptides 2%. Hyaluronic gel with a peptide complex improves the color and texture of the skin, activates cell regeneration and blood microcirculation, increases metabolism and fights signs of dermal aging. Revy also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, restores water balance, and reduces acne. Price - from 1500 rubles.

Preparations for injections

Regarding injection preparations containing peptides, it is recommended to study the reviews of professional cosmetologists. Each of them insists on the importance of containing preservatives in such products. This is necessary to prevent the proliferation of infections and viruses in the solution.

Which peptides will be administered depends on the condition of the skin

Important! Any of the peptides listed above can be used for introduction into the deep layers of facial skin. It all depends on the purpose of the injections and the condition of the skin.

The product must be kept in a vacuum. The most popular drugs are the following:

  • "Mezoeye" ("Mezoeye") - intended only for use in the area around the eyes. Manufactured using advanced technologies, thanks to which it has earned the love of specialists;

Means "Mezoeye"

  • "Dermaheal" (Dermahil) - this drug has a long-lasting effect due to the strengthening of the composition with proteins. It also does not require increased dosage, regular use and is not addictive. The only drawback is the high cost;

Dermaheal product

  • "DMAE" - this product is approved for use without age restrictions, it acts quickly - the effect is noticeable after the first session. Smoothes wrinkles, tightens the facial contour, tones muscles, maintaining active facial expressions. There are many counterfeits on the market, so you need to be vigilant.

DMAE product

Important! The injection drug must be selected by a cosmetologist; this determines the success of the procedure.

How is the procedure done?

The technique of administering injections with peptides, in general, is no different from that used for rejuvenation with other “beauty injections”.

Of course, you will have to prepare in advance - choose a clinic and a doctor, study reviews. It is not recommended to contact the first cosmetologist you come across - this is fraught with serious consequences, deterioration of the health and appearance of the skin.

You should carefully choose a clinic and cosmetologist

Note! 3-4 days before the procedure you need to avoid alcohol, smoking, and taking any medications. It would be a good idea to avoid fatty and fried foods.

At the first visit to the doctor, he will examine the skin of the face and determine whether the patient has any contraindications, for example, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, or pathologies associated with the autoimmune system. By the way, pregnant and lactating women should not undergo the procedure either. Perhaps the cosmetologist will send the patient for tests if this seems necessary to him.

The doctor will examine your facial skin

Stages of the procedure

  1. The cosmetologist cleans the patient's face from dirt, dust, and cosmetics. To do this, use antibacterial agents.
  2. If the patient expresses a desire, the doctor can numb the facial skin so that discomfort from the injections is not felt.
    But this is not at all necessary, because the cosmetologist uses a very thin needle, which he inserts only 1-2 mm into the skin, which is why pain is practically not felt. However, everything, of course, depends on the patient’s pain threshold. Facial skin anesthesia
  3. It is important that the doctor opens the package with the drug in front of the patient, because the drug must be in a vacuum before it is used. After this, the drug is drawn into a syringe, and the doctor begins to administer injections. This happens according to a certain pattern. As a rule, the procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes - it all depends on the drug and the desired effect.
  4. At the end of the drug administration, the facial skin is disinfected again.

Introduction of peptides

The doctor will explain how to care for your skin after peptide injection and will also set the time for the next procedure. To obtain a long-term effect, from 4 to 7 procedures are performed, depending on the condition of the skin and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

How to remove bruises and circles under the eyes

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes?

Let's start with the main thing - without a cosmetologist you won't be able to quickly remove circles around the eyes. The only thing that will visually help hide this aesthetic defect is tinting creams and similar makeup techniques.

Compresses and massages can hide the problem for a maximum of 15 minutes. After that it will appear again.

The formation of dark areas or bruises is almost always associated with a deepening of the nasolacrimal groove, so 90% of efforts are aimed at correcting this area.

Three directions of correction

The most effective is injection

Correction with hyaluronic acid fillers *(contouring). Efficiency - 100%, procedure time - 15-20 minutes, result - immediately after the procedure, result retention - up to 10-15 months. The cost is above average.

The principle of correction is the elimination of uneven skin texture in the area under the eyes, increasing the “layer” between the skin and blood vessels with tissues, as well as the whitening effect of the drugs.


Correction with biorevitalization procedures, mesotherapy, hardware procedures. Efficiency - 50-90% depending on the causes of the deficiency, duration of the procedure - a course of 15-40 minutes, Result - after a course of procedures, retention of the result - up to 1-2 years. The cost of one procedure in the course is average.

The principle of correction is to increase the density and elasticity of the dermis under the eyes, improve microcirculation in the periorbital area. Treatment of identified concomitant diseases is often necessary.


Correction with home and folk remedies. Efficiency - 0-50% depending on the chosen means, duration of the procedure - courses of 10-30 minutes, Result - after a course of procedures, retention of the result - up to 10-15 months, subject to repeating the course.

The principle of correction is the placebo effect, saturation of the skin with useful substances. Lifestyle correction and treatment of concomitant diseases are necessary.

Injection correction of circles under the eyes

The most effective method of getting rid of defects today is contour plastic surgery. To level out the severity of the nasolacrimal groove and dark circles under the eyes, a special filler based on hyaluronic acid is injected into the periorbital area. Usually, for these purposes, cosmetologists use the drug “Juvederm”, which is characterized by high plasticity and optimal absorption.

To smooth out the nasolacrimal groove and lighten dark circles, we use MesoEye C71, Juvederm Volbella, and Juvederm Volift.

The drugs are introduced into the periorbital area through a puncture in the zygomatic part. The procedure is carried out with an atraumatic cannula and after 10-15 minutes you forget about the problem!

The procedure provides the following results:

  • Intensive hydration and nutrition of the area around the eyes;
  • Lightening dark circles under the eyes;
  • Smoothing of the nasolacrimal groove and other irregularities (for example, crow's feet);
  • Increased contractility, elasticity, natural skin turgor;
  • Neutralization of edema.

Eyelid contouring is absolutely painless, since the fillers already contain a local anesthetic. In addition, additional topical anesthesia with lidocaine-based cream is available.

The primary effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure. Its duration is on average 9-12 months, depending on the drug chosen.

Actions after peptide administration

Immediately after the procedure, traces of injections, redness, and swelling may be visible on the face - this is normal. There is no need to do anything about this; such side effects will go away after a day or two.

In the first days after the procedure, redness and marks of injections may be observed on the skin of the face.

In the first 2-3 days after injections with peptides, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics. It is also prohibited to visit the solarium or sauna for two weeks.

Note! It is better if you do not touch the skin at all in the first 3-4 days after the procedure. This will avoid irritation.

You should not use cosmetics in the first days after the procedure.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, the patient may see red dots, injection marks, as well as slight swelling and bruising on the face. All these are considered natural consequences of injections. The face returns to normal within a few days, a maximum of a week. During the same time, traces disappear, as well as pain and itching. After this, the patient will be able to assess the condition of his skin and see the first changes after injections of drugs with peptides.

While healing is underway, it is important to follow medical instructions so that rehabilitation ends faster and without complications:

  • for the first few days, try not to touch the areas that the doctor treated: do not massage them, do not paint your face;
  • Make an exception if the doctor has prescribed you a cream or ointment to eliminate swelling and bruises (Troxevasin, Panthenol, etc.). Apply the products with light movements, but not immediately after the procedure;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol for 14 days;
  • Do not play sports for the same amount of time, reduce physical activity;
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, solarium, or beach for 2 weeks;
  • choose cosmetics with sun filters.

Precautionary measures

Insufficient qualifications of the doctor, incorrect injection technique or poorly chosen drug with peptides, patient disregard for rehabilitation rules - any of these factors can cause the development of complications.

These include various allergic reactions, nodules and seals at injection sites, new age spots, bags under the eyes and swelling that do not go away for a long time.

In addition, the patient should be alerted to an increase in body temperature to 38 °C. If you discover these symptoms, you should immediately contact a cosmetologist who performed biorevitalization or mesotherapy with peptides.

Factors that can cause side effects also include the patient's poor health. It is for this purpose that the doctor must insist on a mandatory medical examination. The specialist will refuse to do anti-aging injections in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions, individual intolerance by the patient to certain substances;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems;
  • damage or inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • autoimmune diseases, etc.

How to neutralize the effect

Peptides usually do not cause allergic reactions or rejection by the body, especially if they are biomimetics. If trouble does occur, most likely the person is intolerant to other components in the cocktail for mesotherapy or biorevitalization. Allergy tests will help find out the cause. After this, the doctor will decide whether to remove the drug from the patient’s body. For example, if allergies or complications are caused by hyaluronic acid, drugs based on hyaluronidase will help.


Let's look at some reviews about injections with peptides.

Larisa, Moscow

“I chose among different rejuvenation procedures, but chose the use of peptides. The expectations from the procedures were fully met. The contour of the face became clearer, fine wrinkles smoothed out, and the complexion became more uniform. Of course, it is important to choose an experienced cosmetologist who knows all the techniques.”

Most patients respond positively to injections with peptides

Ekaterina, Chelyabinsk

“My mother used peptides. The result was amazing! The skin is refreshed, wrinkles are smoothed out, dryness and tightness are gone. But this is not the main thing - my mother lost her facial muscles, her sleep even returned to normal and her mood appeared! The injections were performed by an experienced cosmetologist, so there were no problems or complications.”

Photos before and after

Photos before and after injections of peptides No. 1

Photos before and after injections of peptides No. 2

Photos before and after injections of peptides No. 3

Peptides are a universal remedy for rejuvenating the entire body, in particular the facial skin. And if you can choose creams and serums for external use yourself, then in matters of injections you need to contact a professional who will determine the type of peptides for your specific problem, dosage and course.


Injections of peptides under the skin of the face are an intervention in the functioning of the body, which leads to the restructuring of regenerative processes. Naturally, the procedure has contraindications:

  • there is a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • autoimmune diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, scleroderma;
  • dermatological pathologies with visible manifestations at the sites of intended administration of the drug.

Peptide injections should not be given to women during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. But previously diagnosed neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature may not be a contraindication to peptide beauty injections, but the final decision is made by a cosmetologist.

The result of facial mesotherapy with peptides

It is important to consider the presence or absence of an allergic reaction in the patient's history. Even if the body reacts inadequately to food, an allergy test should be performed

Otherwise, even one course of peptide injections can result in serious complications.

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